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Checklist - Local Windows Privilege Escalation

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If you want to know about my latest modifications/additions or you have any suggestion for HackTricks or PEASS, join the 💬telegram group, or follow me on Twitter 🐦@carlospolopm.
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Best tool to look for Windows local privilege escalation vectors: WinPEAS****

System Info

Logging/AV enumeration

****User Privileges


Running Processes



DLL Hijacking

  • Can you write in any folder inside PATH?
  • Is there any known service binary that tries to load any non-existant DLL?
  • Can you write in any binaries folder?


  • Enumerate the network(shares, interfaces, routes, neighbours...)
  • Take a special look to network services listing on local

Windows Credentials

Files and Registry (Credentials)

Leaked Handlers

  • Have you access to any handler of a process run by administrator?

Pipe Client Impersonation

  • Check if you can abuse it

And more...

If you want to know about my latest modifications/additions or you have any suggestion for HackTricks or PEASS, ****join the 💬 ****PEASS & HackTricks telegram group here, or follow me on Twitter 🐦@carlospolopm.
If you want to share some tricks with the community you can also submit pull requests to ****https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks ****that will be reflected in this book.
Don't forget to give on the github to motivate me to continue developing this book.

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