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Memory dump analysis
Start searching for malware inside the pcap. Use the tools mentioned in Malware Analysis.
The premiere open-source framework for memory dump analysis is Volatility. Volatility is a Python script for parsing memory dumps that were gathered with an external tool or a VMware memory image gathered by pausing the VM
. So, given the memory dump file and the relevant "profile" the OS from which the dump was gathered
, Volatility can start identifying the structures in the data: running processes, passwords, etc. It is also extensible using plugins for extracting various types of artifact.
From: https://trailofbits.github.io/ctf/forensics/
Mini dump crash report
When the dump is small just some KB, maybe a few MB
the it's probably a mini dump crash report and not a memory dump.
If you hat Visual Studio installed, you can open this file and bind some basic information like process name, architecture, exception info and modules being executed:
You can also load the exception and see the decompiled instructions
Anyway Visual Studio isn't the best tool to perform a analysis in depth of the dump.
You should open it using IDA or Radare to inspection it in depth.