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Frida Tutorial 1
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This is a summary of the post: https://medium.com/infosec-adventures/introduction-to-frida-5a3f51595ca1
APK: https://github.com/t0thkr1s/frida-demo/releases
Source Code: https://github.com/t0thkr1s/frida-demo
Frida allows you to insert JavaScript code inside functions of a running application. But you can use python to call the hooks and even to interact with the hooks.
This is a easy python script that you can use with all the proposed examples in this tutorial:
import frida, sys
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
jscode = f.read()
process = frida.get_usb_device().attach('infosecadventures.fridademo')
script = process.create_script(jscode)
print('[ * ] Running Frida Demo application')
Call the script:
python hooking.py <hookN.js>
It is useful to know how to use python with frida, but for this examples you could also call directly Frida using command line frida tools:
frida -U --no-pause -l hookN.js -f infosecadventures.fridademo
Hook 1 - Boolean Bypass
Here you can see how to hook a boolean method (checkPin) from the class: infosecadventures.fridademo.utils.PinUtil
Java.perform(function() {
console.log("[ * ] Starting implementation override...")
var MainActivity = Java.use("infosecadventures.fridademo.utils.PinUtil");
MainActivity.checkPin.implementation = function(pin){
console.log("[ + ] PIN check successfully bypassed!")
return true;
python hooking.py hook1.js
Mirar: La funcion recibe como parametro un String, no hace falta overload?
Hook 2 - Function Bruteforce
Non-Static Function
If you want to call a non-static function of a class, you first need a instance of that class. Then, you can use that instance to call the function.
To do so, you could find and existing instance and use it:
Java.perform(function() {
console.log("[ * ] Starting PIN Brute-force, please wait...");
Java.choose("infosecadventures.fridademo.utils.PinUtil", {
onMatch: function(instance) {
console.log("[ * ] Instance found in memory: " + instance);
for(var i = 1000; i < 9999; i++){
if(instance.checkPin(i + "") == true){
console.log("[ + ] Found correct PIN: " + i);
onComplete: function() { }
In this case this is not working as there isn't any instance and the function is Static
Static Function
If the function is static, you could just call it:
Java.perform(function () {
console.log("[ * ] Starting PIN Brute-force, please wait...")
var PinUtil = Java.use("infosecadventures.fridademo.utils.PinUtil");
for(var i=1000; i < 9999; i++)
if(PinUtil.checkPin(i+"") == true){
console.log("[ + ] Found correct PIN: " + i);
Hook 3 - Retrieving arguments and return value
You could hook a function and make it print the value of the passed arguments and the value of the return value:
Java.perform(function() {
console.log("[ * ] Starting implementation override...")
var EncryptionUtil = Java.use("infosecadventures.fridademo.utils.EncryptionUtil");
EncryptionUtil.encrypt.implementation = function(key, value){
console.log("Key: " + key);
console.log("Value: " + value);
var encrypted_ret = this.encrypt(key, value); //Call the original function
console.log("Encrypted value: " + encrypted_ret);
return encrypted_ret;
In this tutorial you have hooked methods using the name of the mathod and .implementation. But if there were more than one method with the same name, you will need to specify the method that you want to hook indicating the type of the arguments.
You can see that in the next tutorial.

Bug bounty tip: sign up for Intigriti, a premium bug bounty platform created by hackers, for hackers! Join us at https://go.intigriti.com/hacktricks today, and start earning bounties up to $100,000!
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