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23 - Kuingia Kwa Nguvu Kwenye Telnet
Jifunze kuingia kwa nguvu kwenye AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)!
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- Ikiwa unataka kuona kampuni yako inatangazwa kwenye HackTricks au kupakua HackTricks kwa muundo wa PDF Angalia MPANGO WA KUJIUNGA!
- Pata swag rasmi wa PEASS & HackTricks
- Gundua Familia ya PEASS, mkusanyiko wetu wa NFTs za kipekee
- Jiunge na 💬 Kikundi cha Discord au kikundi cha telegram au tufuate kwenye Twitter 🐦 @carlospolopm.
- Shiriki mbinu zako za kuingia kwa nguvu kwa kuwasilisha PRs kwenye HackTricks na HackTricks Cloud repos za github.
Usanidi uliopo mara moja kwa tathmini ya udhaifu na kuingia kwa nguvu. Tekeleza ukaguzi kamili wa kuingia kwa nguvu kutoka mahali popote na zana na huduma 20+ ambazo zinaanza kutoka kwa uchunguzi hadi ripoti. Hatuchukui nafasi ya wapenzi wa kuingia kwa nguvu - tunatengeneza zana za desturi, moduli za ugunduzi na uvamizi ili kuwapa muda wa kuchimba kwa kina, kuvunja kabati, na kufurahi.
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Taarifa Msingi
Telnet ni itifaki ya mtandao ambayo inawapa watumiaji njia isiyosimbwa ya kufikia kompyuta kupitia mtandao.
Bandari ya chaguo-msingi: 23
23/tcp open telnet
Kupata Bango
Kupata bango ni mchakato wa kuchunguza huduma ya Telnet kwa kuchukua habari muhimu kutoka kwa bango la kuanzia. Bango la kuanzia ni ujumbe wa karibu ambao hutumwa na huduma ya Telnet wakati mteja anapojiunga na seva ya Telnet.
Kupata bango kunaweza kufanywa kwa kutumia zana kama vile telnet
, nc
, au nmap
. Kwa kawaida, unaweza kuchukua bango kwa kuchunguza bandari ya 23, ambayo ni bandari ya kawaida ya Telnet.
Kwa kufanya hivyo, unaweza kupata habari muhimu kama toleo la programu, mfumo wa uendeshaji, na maelezo mengine yanayoweza kuwa muhimu kwa hatua zingine za udukuzi.
nc -vn <IP> 23
Uchunguzi wote wa kuvutia unaweza kufanywa na nmap:
nmap -n -sV -Pn --script "*telnet* and safe" -p 23 <IP>
The script telnet-ntlm-info.nse
will obtain NTLM info (Windows versions).
From the telnet RFC: Katika Itifaki ya TELNET kuna "chaguo" mbalimbali ambazo zitaruhusiwa na zinaweza kutumika na muundo wa "DO, DON'T, WILL, WON'T" ili kuruhusu mtumiaji na seva kukubaliana kutumia seti ya sheria zaidi (au labda tofauti) kwa uhusiano wao wa TELNET. Chaguo kama hizo zinaweza kujumuisha kubadilisha seti ya wahusika, hali ya kurejea, n.k.
Najua ni kawaida kuchunguza chaguo hizi lakini sijui jinsi ya kufanya hivyo, kwa hivyo nijulishe ikiwa unajua jinsi.
Nguvu ya nguvu
Faili ya Usanidi
Amri za Kiotomatiki za HackTricks
The HackTricks tool provides a set of automatic commands that can be used during a penetration test to gather information and exploit vulnerabilities. These commands are designed to automate the process and make it more efficient.
Banner Grabbing
To retrieve the banner of a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Replace <target_ip>
with the IP address of the target and <port>
with the port number of the Telnet service.
Authentication Bypass
To bypass authentication on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, try using default or weak credentials to gain unauthorized access.
Command Execution
To execute commands on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can enter commands directly into the Telnet session.
Remote Shell
To obtain a remote shell on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can execute commands as if you were on the target system.
File Transfer
To transfer files to or from a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use the put
or get
commands to transfer files.
Port Forwarding
To forward a local port to a remote Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use the forward
command to set up port forwarding.
To create a tunnel to a remote Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use the tunnel
command to create a tunnel.
To use a Telnet service as a proxy, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can configure your applications to use the Telnet service as a proxy.
Brute Force
To perform a brute force attack on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use a tool like Hydra to automate the brute force attack.
Dictionary Attack
To perform a dictionary attack on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use a tool like Medusa to automate the dictionary attack.
Denial of Service
To perform a denial of service attack on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use a tool like Slowloris to launch the denial of service attack.
To exploit a vulnerability in a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use a tool like Metasploit to exploit the vulnerability.
Privilege Escalation
To escalate privileges on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can use various techniques to escalate your privileges.
To perform post-exploitation activities on a Telnet service, use the following command:
telnet <target_ip> <port>
Once connected, you can perform actions like lateral movement, data exfiltration, and persistence.
Protocol_Name: Telnet #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number: 23 #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: Telnet #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out
Name: Notes
Description: Notes for t=Telnet
Note: |
wireshark to hear creds being passed
tcp.port == 23 and ip.addr != myip
Name: Banner Grab
Description: Grab Telnet Banner
Command: nc -vn {IP} 23
Name: Nmap with scripts
Description: Run nmap scripts for telnet
Command: nmap -n -sV -Pn --script "*telnet*" -p 23 {IP}
Name: consoleless mfs enumeration
Description: Telnet enumeration without the need to run msfconsole
Note: sourced from https://github.com/carlospolop/legion
Command: msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_version; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 23; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/brocade_enable_login; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 23; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_encrypt_overflow; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 23; run; exit' && msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_ruggedcom; set RHOSTS {IP}; set RPORT 23; run; exit'
Usanidi uliopo mara moja kwa ajili ya tathmini ya udhaifu na upenyezaji. Tekeleza upenyezaji kamili kutoka popote na zana na huduma zaidi ya 20 ambazo zinaanza kutoka uchunguzi hadi ripoti. Hatuchukui nafasi ya wapenyezaji - tunatengeneza zana za kawaida, moduli za ugunduzi na uvamizi ili kuwapa muda wa kuchimba kwa kina zaidi, kuchukua udhibiti, na kufurahia.
{% embed url="https://pentest-tools.com/" %}
Jifunze kuhusu kudukua AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)!
Njia nyingine za kusaidia HackTricks:
- Ikiwa unataka kuona kampuni yako ikitangazwa kwenye HackTricks au kupakua HackTricks kwa muundo wa PDF Angalia MPANGO WA KUJIUNGA!
- Pata swag rasmi ya PEASS & HackTricks
- Gundua Familia ya PEASS, mkusanyiko wetu wa NFTs za kipekee
- Jiunge na 💬 Kikundi cha Discord au kikundi cha telegram au tufuate kwenye Twitter 🐦 @carlospolopm.
- Shiriki mbinu zako za kudukua kwa kuwasilisha PR kwa HackTricks na HackTricks Cloud repos za github.