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Memcache 命令

从零开始学习 AWS 黑客技术,成为专家 htARTEHackTricks AWS 红队专家)

支持 HackTricks 的其他方式:


来源 https://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/memcached

支持的命令(官方和一些非官方)在 doc/protocol.txt 文档中有记录。

遗憾的是,语法描述并不是很清晰,一个简单的帮助命令列出现有命令会更好。以下是您可以在 源代码 中找到的命令概述(截至 2016 年 8 月 19 日):

命令 描述 示例
get 读取值 get mykey
set 无条件设置密钥

set mykey <flags> <ttl> <size>

<p>在使用 Unix CLI 工具时,请确保使用 \r\n 作为换行符。例如</p> printf "set mykey 0 60 4\r\ndata\r\n"

add 添加新密钥 add newkey 0 60 5
replace 覆盖现有密钥 replace key 0 60 5
append 将数据附加到现有密钥 append key 0 60 15
prepend 将数据前置到现有密钥 prepend key 0 60 15
incr 将给定数字加到数值密钥上 incr mykey 2
decr 将给定数字减去数值密钥 decr mykey 5
delete 删除现有密钥 delete mykey
flush_all 立即使所有项目无效 flush_all
flush_all n 秒后使所有项目无效 flush_all 900
stats 打印一般统计信息 stats
打印内存统计信息 stats slabs
打印更高级别的分配统计信息 stats malloc
打印项目信息 stats items
stats detail
stats sizes
重置统计计数器 stats reset
lru_crawler metadump 转储缓存中(所有)项目的元数据 lru_crawler metadump all
version 打印服务器版本。 version
verbosity 增加日志级别 verbosity
quit 终止会话 quit






STAT pid 14868
STAT uptime 175931
STAT time 1220540125
STAT version 1.2.2
STAT pointer_size 32
STAT rusage_user 620.299700
STAT rusage_system 1545.703017
STAT curr_items 228
STAT total_items 779
STAT bytes 15525
STAT curr_connections 92
STAT total_connections 1740
STAT connection_structures 165
STAT cmd_get 7411
STAT cmd_set 28445156
STAT get_hits 5183
STAT get_misses 2228
STAT evictions 0
STAT bytes_read 2112768087
STAT bytes_written 1000038245
STAT limit_maxbytes 52428800
STAT threads 1



stats slabs

Memcache Commands

Retrieval Commands

  • get: Retrieve the value for a given key.
  • gets: Retrieve the value for a given key with CAS value.

Storage Commands

  • set: Set a new key with a specific value.
  • add: Add a new key with a specific value (fails if key already exists).
  • replace: Replace the value of an existing key.
  • append: Append data to the existing key's value.
  • prepend: Prepend data to the existing key's value.
  • cas: Set a new value for a key based on its CAS value.

Deletion Commands

  • delete: Delete the key and its value.
  • flush_all: Clear all keys in the server.

Increment/Decrement Commands

  • incr: Increment the numeric value of a key.
  • decr: Decrement the numeric value of a key.

Touch Command

  • touch: Update the expiration time of a key.

Stats Command

  • stats: Get statistics from the server.

Other Commands

  • version: Get the version of the server.
  • quit: Close the connection.

Multi-Processing Commands

  • multi_get: Retrieve multiple values for the given keys.
  • multi_set: Set multiple keys with their respective values.
  • multi_add: Add multiple keys with their respective values.
  • multi_replace: Replace multiple keys with their respective values.
  • multi_delete: Delete multiple keys.

Flush Command

  • flush_all: Clear all keys in the server.
STAT 1:chunk_size 80
STAT 1:chunks_per_page 13107
STAT 1:total_pages 1
STAT 1:total_chunks 13107
STAT 1:used_chunks 13106
STAT 1:free_chunks 1
STAT 1:free_chunks_end 12886
STAT 2:chunk_size 100
STAT 2:chunks_per_page 10485
STAT 2:total_pages 1
STAT 2:total_chunks 10485
STAT 2:used_chunks 10484
STAT 2:free_chunks 1
STAT 2:free_chunks_end 10477
STAT active_slabs 3
STAT total_malloced 3145436



stats items

Command to determine how many keys do exist

Use the following command to determine the number of keys that exist in the Memcache server:

stats items
stats items
STAT items:1:number 220
STAT items:1:age 83095
STAT items:2:number 7
STAT items:2:age 1405
