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- Do you work in a **cybersecurity company**? Do you want to see your **company advertised in HackTricks**? or do you want to have access to the **latest version of the PEASS or download HackTricks in PDF**? Check the [**SUBSCRIPTION PLANS**](!
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* [ ] Check for the use of [obfuscation](, checks for noting if the mobile was rooted, if an emulator is being used and anti-tampering checks. [Read this for more info](android-app-pentesting/#other-checks).
* [ ] Special attention to [firebase ](android-app-pentesting/#firebase)APIs.
* [ ] [Read the manifest:](android-app-pentesting/#basic-understanding-of-the-application-manifest-xml)
* [ ] Check if the application is in debug mode and try to "exploit" it
* [ ] Check if the APK allows backups
* [ ] Exported Activities
* [ ] Content Providers
* [ ] Exposed services
* [ ] Broadcast Receivers
* [ ] URL Schemes
* [ ] Is the application s[aving data insecurely internally or externally](android-app-pentesting/#insecure-data-storage)?
* [ ] Is there any [password hard coded or saved in disk](android-app-pentesting/#poorkeymanagementprocesses)? Is the app [using insecurely crypto algorithms](android-app-pentesting/#useofinsecureandordeprecatedalgorithms)?
* [ ] All the libraries compiled using the PIE flag?
* [ ] Don't forget that there is a bunch of[ static Android Analyzers](android-app-pentesting/#automatic-analysis) that can help you a lot during this phase.
* [ ] Prepare the environment ([online](android-app-pentesting/#online-dynamic-analysis), [local VM or physical](android-app-pentesting/#local-dynamic-analysis))
* [ ] Is there any [unintended data leakage](android-app-pentesting/#unintended-data-leakage) (logging, copy/paste, crash logs)?
* [ ] Is the application [transmitting information in clear text/using weak algorithms](android-app-pentesting/#insufficient-transport-layer-protection)? is a MitM possible?
* [ ] This one is really important, because if you can capture the HTTP traffic you can search for common Web vulnerabilities (Hacktricks has a lot of information about Web vulns).
* [ ] Check for possible [Android Client Side Injections](android-app-pentesting/#android-client-side-injections-and-others) (probably some static code analysis will help here)
* [ ] [Frida](android-app-pentesting/#frida): Just Frida, use it to obtain interesting dynamic data from the application (maybe some passwords...)
- Do you work in a **cybersecurity company**? Do you want to see your **company advertised in HackTricks**? or do you want to have access to the **latest version of the PEASS or download HackTricks in PDF**? Check the [**SUBSCRIPTION PLANS**](!
- **Join the** [**💬**]( [**Discord group**]( or the [**telegram group**]( or **follow** me on **Twitter** [**🐦**](\[https:/[**@carlospolopm**](**.**
Use [**Trickest**](\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\