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2020-07-24 01:45:22 +00:00
# grype
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A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems. Easily [install the binary](#installation) to try it out. Works with [Syft](, the powerful SBOM (software bill of materials) tool for container images and filesystems.
## We'll be at KubeCon 2021!
Attending KubeCon 2021 in person? Join us for a meetup on **Tuesday, October 12th**.
Well have free swag, giveaways, snacks, and sips. Space will be limited, so make sure to [save your seat](!
### Features
- Scan the contents of a container image or filesystem to find known vulnerabilities.
- Find vulnerabilities for major operating system packages:
- Alpine
- Amazon Linux
- BusyBox
- CentOS
- Debian
- Distroless
- Oracle Linux
- Red Hat (RHEL)
- Ubuntu
- Find vulnerabilities for language-specific packages:
- Ruby (Gems)
- Java (JAR, WAR, EAR, JPI, HPI)
- JavaScript (NPM, Yarn)
- Python (Egg, Wheel, Poetry, requirements.txt/ files)
- Supports Docker and OCI image formats
If you encounter an issue, please [let us know using the issue tracker](
## Installation
### Recommended
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
...or, you can specify a release version and destination directory for the installation:
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b <DESTINATION_DIR> <RELEASE_VERSION>
### Homebrew
brew tap anchore/grype
brew install grype
**Note**: Currently, Grype is built only for macOS and Linux.
## Getting started
[Install the binary](#installation), and make sure that `grype` is available in your path. To scan for vulnerabilities in an image:
grype <image>
The above command scans for vulnerabilities that are visible in the container (i.e., the squashed representation of the image).
To include software from all image layers in the vulnerability scan, regardless of its presence in the final image, provide `--scope all-layers`:
grype <image> --scope all-layers
### Supported sources
Grype can scan a variety of sources beyond those found in Docker.
# scan a container image archive (from the result of `docker image save ...`, `podman save ...`, or `skopeo copy` commands)
grype path/to/image.tar
# scan a directory
grype dir:path/to/dir
Use [Syft]( SBOMs for even faster vulnerability scanning in Grype:
# Just need to generate the SBOM once
syft <image> -o json > ./image-sbom.json
# Then scan for new vulnerabilities as frequently as needed
grype sbom:./image-sbom.json
# (You can also pipe the SBOM into Grype)
cat ./image-sbom.json | grype
Sources can be explicitly provided with a scheme:
docker:yourrepo/yourimage:tag use images from the Docker daemon
docker-archive:path/to/yourimage.tar use a tarball from disk for archives created from "docker save"
oci-archive:path/to/yourimage.tar use a tarball from disk for OCI archives (from Skopeo or otherwise)
oci-dir:path/to/yourimage read directly from a path on disk for OCI layout directories (from Skopeo or otherwise)
dir:path/to/yourproject read directly from a path on disk (any directory)
registry:yourrepo/yourimage:tag pull image directly from a registry (no container runtime required)
### Output formats
The output format for Grype is configurable as well:
grype <image> -o <format>
Where the `format`s available are:
- `table`: A columnar summary (default).
- `cyclonedx`: An XML report conforming to the [CycloneDX 1.2]( specification.
- `json`: Use this to get as much information out of Grype as possible!
- `template`: Lets the user specify the output format. See ["Using templates"](#using-templates) below.
### Using templates
Grype lets you define custom output formats, using [Go templates]( Here's how it works:
- Define your format as a Go template, and save this template as a file.
- Set the output format to "template" (`-o template`).
- Specify the path to the template file (`-t ./path/to/custom.template`).
- Grype's template processing uses the same data models as the `json` output format — so if you're wondering what data is available as you author a template, you can use the output from `grype <image> -o json` as a reference.
**Example:** You could make Grype output data in CSV format by writing a Go template that renders CSV data and then running `grype <image> -o ~/path/to/csv.tmpl`.
Here's what the `csv.tmpl` file might look like:
"Package","Version Installed","Vulnerability ID","Severity"
{{- range .Matches}}
{{- end}}
Which would produce output like:
"Package","Version Installed","Vulnerability ID","Severity"
### Gating on severity of vulnerabilities
You can have Grype exit with an error if any vulnerabilities are reported at or above the specified severity level. This comes in handy when using Grype within a script or CI pipeline. To do this, use the `--fail-on <severity>` CLI flag.
For example, here's how you could trigger a CI pipeline failure if any vulnerabilities are found in the `ubuntu:latest` image with a severity of "medium" or higher:
grype ubuntu:latest --fail-on medium
### Specifying matches to ignore
If you're seeing Grype report **false positives** or any other vulnerability matches that you just don't want to see, you can tell Grype to **ignore** matches by specifying one or more _"ignore rules"_ in your Grype configuration file (e.g. `~/.grype.yaml`). This causes Grype not to report any vulnerability matches that meet the criteria specified by any of your ignore rules.
Each rule can specify any combination of the following criteria:
- vulnerability ID (e.g. `"CVE-2008-4318"`)
- package name (e.g. `"libcurl"`)
- package version (e.g. `"1.5.1"`)
- package type (e.g. `"npm"`; these values are defined [here](
- package location (e.g. `"/usr/local/lib/node_modules/**"`; supports glob patterns)
Here's an example `~/.grype.yaml` that demonstrates the expected format for ignore rules:
# This is the full set of supported rule fields:
- vulnerability: CVE-2008-4318
name: libcurl
version: 1.5.1
type: npm
location: "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/**"
# We can make rules to match just by vulnerability ID:
- vulnerability: CVE-2017-41432
# ...or just by a single package field:
- package:
type: gem
Vulnerability matches will be ignored if **any** rules apply to the match. A rule is considered to apply to a given vulnerability match only if **all** fields specified in the rule apply to the vulnerability match.
When you run Grype while specifying ignore rules, the following happens to the vulnerability matches that are "ignored":
- Ignored matches are **completely hidden** from Grype's output, except for when using the `json` or `template` output formats; however, in these two formats, the ignored matches are **removed** from the existing `matches` array field, and they are placed in a new `ignoredMatches` array field. Each listed ignored match also has an additional field, `appliedIgnoreRules`, which is an array of any rules that caused Grype to ignore this vulnerability match.
- Ignored matches **do not** factor into Grype's exit status decision when using `--fail-on <severity>`. For instance, if a user specifies `--fail-on critical`, and all of the vulnerability matches found with a "critical" severity have been _ignored_, Grype will exit zero.
**Note:** Please continue to **[report](** any false positives you see! Even if you can reliably filter out false positives using ignore rules, it's very helpful to the Grype community if we have as much knowledge about Grype's false positives as possible. This helps us continuously improve Grype!
### Grype's database
Grype pulls a database of vulnerabilities derived from the publicly available [Anchore Feed Service]( This database is updated at the beginning of each scan, but an update can also be triggered manually.
grype db update
## Shell completion
Grype supplies shell completion through its CLI implementation ([cobra]( Generate the completion code for your shell by running one of the following commands:
* `grype completion <bash|zsh|fish>`
* `go run main.go completion <bash|zsh|fish>`
This will output a shell script to STDOUT, which can then be used as a completion script for Grype. Running one of the above commands with the
`-h` or `--help` flags will provide instructions on how to do that for your chosen shell.
## Configuration
Configuration search paths:
- `.grype.yaml`
- `.grype/config.yaml`
- `~/.grype.yaml`
- `<XDG_CONFIG_HOME>/grype/config.yaml`
Configuration options (example values are the default):
# enable/disable checking for application updates on startup
check-for-app-update: true
# same as --fail-on ; upon scanning, if a severity is found at or above the given severity then the return code will be 1
# default is unset which will skip this validation (options: negligible, low, medium, high, critical)
fail-on-severity: ''
# same as -o ; the output format of the vulnerability report (options: table, json, cyclonedx)
output: "table"
# same as -s ; the search space to look for packages (options: all-layers, squashed)
scope: "squashed"
# same as -q ; suppress all output (except for the vulnerability list)
quiet: false
# check for database updates on execution
auto-update: true
# location to write the vulnerability database cache
cache-dir: "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/grype/db"
# URL of the vulnerability database
update-url: ""
# options when pulling directly from a registry via the "registry:" scheme
# skip TLS verification when communicating with the registry
insecure-skip-tls-verify: false
# use http instead of https when connecting to the registry
insecure-use-http: false
# credentials for specific registries
- # the URL to the registry (e.g. "", "localhost:5000", etc.)
authority: ""
username: ""
password: ""
# note: token and username/password are mutually exclusive
token: ""
- ... # note, more credentials can be provided via config file only
# location to write the log file (default is not to have a log file)
file: ""
# the log level; note: detailed logging suppress the ETUI
level: "error"
# use structured logging
structured: false
## Future plans
The following areas of potential development are currently being investigated:
- Support for allowlist, package mapping
- Accept alternative SBOM formats (CycloneDX, SPDX) as input