I recently noticed there were several invocations of `wcwidth()` that should have been `fish_wcwidth()`. This adds custom cppcheck rules to detect that mistake.
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Guidelines For Developers
This document provides guidelines for making changes to the fish-shell project. This includes rules for how to format the code, naming conventions, etc. It also includes recommended best practices such as creating a Travis-CI account so you can verify your changes pass all the tests before making a pull-request.
See the bottom of this document for help on installing the linting and style reformatting tools discussed in the following sections.
Fish source should limit the C++ features it uses to those available in C++03. That allows fish to use a few components from C++TR1 such as shared_ptr
. It also allows fish to be built and run on OS X Snow Leopard (released in 2009); the oldest OS X release we still support.
Include What You Use
You should not depend on symbols being visible to a *.cpp
module from #include
statements inside another header file. In other words if your module does #include "common.h"
and that header does #include "signal.h"
your module should pretend that sub-include is not present. It should instead directly #include "signal.h"
if it needs any symbol from that header. That makes the actual dependencies much clearer. It also makes it easy to modify the headers included by a specific header file without having to worry that will break any module (or header) that includes a particular header.
To help enforce this rule the make lint
(and make lint-all
) command will run the include-what-you-use tool. The IWYU you project is on github.
To install the tool on OS X you'll need to add a formula then install it:
brew tap jasonmp85/iwyu
brew install iwyu
On Ubuntu you can install it via sudo apt-get install iwyu
Lint Free Code
Automated analysis tools like cppcheck and oclint can point out potential bugs. They also help ensure the code has a consistent style and that it avoids patterns that tend to confuse people.
Ultimately we want lint free code. However, at the moment a lot of cleanup is required to reach that goal. For now simply try to avoid introducing new lint.
To make linting the code easy there are two make targets: lint
and lint-all
. The latter does just what the name implies. The former will lint any modified but not committed *.cpp
files. If there is no uncommitted work it will lint the files in the most recent commit.
Fish has custom cppcheck rules in the file .cppcheck.rule
. These help catch mistakes such as using wcwidth()
rather than fish_wcwidth()
. Please add a new rule if you find similar mistakes being made.
Dealing With Lint Warnings
You are strongly encouraged to address a lint warning by refactoring the code, changing variable names, or whatever action is implied by the warning.
Suppressing Lint Warnings
Once in a while the lint tools emit a false positive warning. For example, cppcheck might suggest a memory leak is present when that is not the case. To suppress that cppcheck warning you should insert a line like the following immediately prior to the line cppcheck warned about:
// cppcheck-suppress memleak // addr not really leaked
The explanatory portion of the suppression comment is optional. For other types of warnings replace "memleak" with the value inside the parenthesis (e.g., "nullPointerRedundantCheck") from a warning like the following:
[src/complete.cpp:1727]: warning (nullPointerRedundantCheck): Either the condition 'cmd_node' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: cmd_node.
Suppressing oclint warnings is more complicated to describe so I'll refer you to the OCLint HowTo on the topic.
Ensuring Your Changes Conform to the Style Guides
The following sections discuss the specific rules for the style that should be used when writing fish code. To ensure your changes conform to the style rules you simply need to run
make style
before commiting your change. That will run git-clang-format
to rewrite just the lines you're modifying.
If you've already committed your changes that's okay since it will then check the files in the most recent commit. This can be useful after you've merged someone elses change and want to check that it's style is acceptable. However, in that case it will run clang-format
to ensure the entire file, not just the lines modified by the commit, conform to the style.
If you want to check the style of the entire code base run
make style-all
That command will refuse to restyle any files if you have uncommitted changes.
Configuring Your Editor for Fish C++ Code
As of ViM 7.4 it does not recognize triple-slash comments as used by Doxygen and the OS X Xcode IDE to flag comments that explain the following C symbol. This means the gq
key binding to reformat such comments doesn't behave as expected. You can fix that by adding the following to your vimrc:
autocmd Filetype c,cpp setlocal comments^=:///
If you use ViM I recommend the vim-clang-format plugin by @rhysd.
You can also get ViM to provide reasonably correct behavior by installing
If you use Emacs: TBD
Configuring Your Editor for Fish Scripts
If you use ViM: TBD
If you use Emacs: Install fish-mode (also available in melpa and melpa-stable) and (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
for it (via a hook or in use-package
s ":init" block). It can also be made to run fish_indent via e.g.
(add-hook 'fish-mode-hook (lambda ()
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'fish_indent-before-save)))
Suppressing Reformatting of C++ Code
If you have a good reason for doing so you can tell clang-format
to not reformat a block of code by enclosing it in comments like this:
// clang-format off
code to ignore
// clang-format on
Fish Script Style Guide
Fish scripts such as those in the share/functions and tests directories should be formatted using the
command. -
Function names should be all lowercase with undescores separating words. Private functions should begin with an underscore. The first word should be
if the function is unique to fish. -
The first word of global variable names should generally be
for public vars or_fish
for private vars to minimize the possibility of name clashes with user defined vars.
C++ Style Guide
The Google C++ Style Guide forms the basis of the fish C++ style guide. There are two major deviations for the fish project. First, a four, rather than two, space indent. Second, line lengths up to 100, rather than 80, characters.
command is authoritative with respect to indentation, whitespace around operators, etc. Note: this rule should be ignored at this time. After the code is cleaned up this rule will become mandatory. -
All names in code should be
. No Hungarian notation is used. Classes and structs names should be followed by_t
. -
Always attach braces to the surrounding context.
Indent with spaces, not tabs and use four spaces per indent.
Comments should always use the C++ style; i.e., each line of the comment should begin with a
and should be limited to 100 characters. Comments that do not begin a line should be separated from the previous text by two spaces. -
Comments that document the purpose of a function or class should begin with three slashes,
, so that OS X Xcode (and possibly other ideas) will extract the comment and show it in the "Quick Help" window when the cursor is on the symbol.
The source code for fish includes a large collection of tests. If you are making any changes to fish, running these tests is highly recommended to make sure the behaviour remains consistent.
You are also strongly encouraged to add tests when changing the functionality of fish. Especially if you are fixing a bug to help ensure there are no regressions in the future (i.e., we don't reintroduce the bug).
Local testing
The tests can be run on your local computer on all operating systems.
Running the tests is only supported from the autotools build and not xcodebuild. On OS X, you will need to install autoconf — we suggest using Homebrew to install these tools.
make test [gmake on BSD]
Travis CI Build and Test
The Travis Continuous Integration services can be used to test your changes using multiple configurations. This is the same service that the fish shell project uses to ensure new changes haven't broken anything. Thus it is a really good idea that you leverage Travis CI before making a pull-request to avoid embarrasment at breaking the build.
You will need to fork the fish-shell repository on GitHub. Then setup Travis to test your changes before you make a pull-request:
- Sign in to Travis CI with your GitHub account, accepting the GitHub access permissions confirmation.
- Once you're signed in, and your repositories are synchronised, go to your profile page and enable the fish-shell repository.
- Push your changes to GitHub.
You'll receive an email when the tests are complete telling you whether or not any tests failed.
You'll find the configuration used to control Travis in the .travis.yml
Git hooks
Since developers sometimes forget to run the tests, it can be helpful to use git hooks (see githooks(5)) to automate it.
One possibility is a pre-push hook script like this one:
#### A pre-push hook for the fish-shell project
# This will run the tests when a push to master is detected, and will stop that if the tests fail
# Save this as .git/hooks/pre-push and make it executable
# Git gives us lines like "refs/heads/frombranch SOMESHA1 refs/heads/tobranch SOMESHA1"
# We're only interested in the branches
while read from _ to _; do
if [ "x$to" = "xrefs/heads/$protected_branch" ]; then
if [ "x$isprotected" = x1 ]; then
echo "Running tests before push to master"
make test
if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Tests failed for a push to master, we can't let you do that" >&2
exit 1
exit 0
This will check if the push is to the master branch and, if it is, will run make test
and only allow the push if that succeeds. In some circumstances it might be advisable to circumvent it with git push --no-verify
, but usually that should not be necessary.
To install the hook, put it in .git/hooks/pre-push and make it executable.
Coverity Scan
We use Coverity's static analysis tool which offers free access to open source projects. While access to the tool itself is
restricted, fish-shell organization members should know that they can login
here with their GitHub account.
Currently, tests are triggered upon merging the master
branch into coverity_scan_master
Even if you are not a fish developer, you can keep an eye on our statistics there.
Installing the Required Tools
Installing the Linting Tools
To install the lint checkers on Mac OS X using HomeBrew:
brew tap oclint/formulae
brew install oclint
brew install cppcheck
To install the lint checkers on Linux distros that use Apt:
sudo apt-get install clang
sudo apt-get install oclint
sudo apt-get install cppcheck
Installing the Reformatting Tools
To install the reformatting tool on Mac OS X using HomeBrew:
brew install clang-format
To install the reformatting tool on Linux distros that use Apt:
apt-cache search clang-format
That will list the versions available. Pick the newest one available (3.6 for Ubuntu 14.04 as I write this) and install it:
sudo apt-get install clang-format-3.6
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-format-3.6 /usr/bin/clang-format