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This image contains mc-monitor and uses its status command to continually check on the container's. That can be observed from the STATUS column of docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS                                 NAMES
b418af073764        mc                  "/start"            43 seconds ago      Up 41 seconds (healthy)>25565/tcp, 25575/tcp   mc

You can also query the container's health in a script friendly way:

> docker container inspect -f "{{.State.Health.Status}}" mc

There's actually a wrapper script called mc-health that takes care of calling mc-monitor status with the correct arguments. If needing to customize the health checks parameters, such as in a compose file, then use something like the following in the service declaration:

  test: mc-health
  start_period: 1m
  interval: 5s
  retries: 20

Some orchestration systems, such as Portainer, don't allow for disabling the default HEALTHCHECK declared by this image. In those cases you can approximate the disabling of healthchecks by setting the environment variable DISABLE_HEALTHCHECK to true.

Healthchecks for older versions

This container disables Healthchecks for Versions before b1.8 as those versions do not support any kind of server pinging. For more information see Server List Ping