2021-06-24 11:09:38 -04:00

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Parity with React

Sorted by priority

Feature Dioxus React Notes
----- Phase 1 ----- ----- ----- -----
Conditional Rendering if/then to hide/show component
Map, Iterator map/filter/reduce rsx!
Keyed Components advanced diffing with keys
Web renderer for web browser
Desktop (webview) renderer for desktop
Context share state through the tree
Hook memory cells in components
SSR render directly to string
Runs natively 👀 runs as a portable binary w/o a runtime (Node)
Component Children cx.children() as a list of nodes
Null components allow returning no components
No-div components components that render components
Fragments rsx! can return multiple elements without a root
Manual Props 👀 Manually pass in props
NodeRef 👀 gain direct access to nodes
Controlled Inputs stateful wrappers around inputs
CSS/Inline Styles 🛠 syntax for inline/conditional styles
1st class global state 🛠 redux/recoil/mobx on top of context
----- Phase 2 ----- ----- ----- -----
1st class router 👀 Hook built on top of history
Assets 👀 include css/svg/img url statically
Integrated classnames 🛠 👀 built-in classnames
Suspense 👀 👀 schedule future render from future/promise
Transition 👀 👀 High-level control over suspense
Animation 👀 Spring-style animations
Mobile 👀 Render with cacao
Desktop (native) 👀 Render with native desktop
3D Renderer 👀 react-three-fiber
----- Phase 3 ----- ----- ----- -----
Portal 👀 cast elements through tree
Error/Panic boundary 👀 catch panics and display custom BSOD
Code-splitting 👀 Make bundle smaller/lazy
LiveView 👀 👀 Example for SSR + WASM apps

Required services:

Gloo is covering a lot of these. We want to build hooks around these, and provide examples on how to use them. https://github.com/rustwasm/gloo

If the gloo service doesn't exist, then we need to contribute to the project

Service Hook examples Current Projects
Fetch 👀 Reqwest/surf
Local storage (cache) 👀 Gloo
Persistent storage (IndexDB) 👀 👀
WebSocket 👀 Gloo
3D Renderer / WebGL 👀 Gloo
Web Worker 👀 👀
Router 👀 👀
Notifications 👀 👀
WebRTC Client 👀 👀
Service Workers 👀 👀
Resize Observer 👀 👀
Canvas 👀 👀
Clipboard 👀 👀
Fullscreen 👀 👀
History API 👀 👀