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synced 2025-03-03 14:57:24 +00:00
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108 lines
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use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main() {
fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
let mut count = use_state(cx, || 0);
// rsx expands to LazyNodes::new
move |__cx: &::dioxus::core::ScopeState| -> ::dioxus::core::VNode {
// The template is every static part of the rsx
static TEMPLATE: ::dioxus::core::Template = ::dioxus::core::Template {
// This is the source location of the rsx that generated this template. This is used to make hot rsx reloading work. Hot rsx reloading just replaces the template with a new one generated from the rsx by the CLI.
name: "examples\\readme.rs:14:15:250",
// The root nodes are the top level nodes of the rsx
roots: &[
// The h1 node
::dioxus::core::TemplateNode::Element {
// Find the built in h1 tag in the dioxus_elements crate exported by the dioxus html crate
tag: dioxus_elements::h1::TAG_NAME,
namespace: dioxus_elements::h1::NAME_SPACE,
attrs: &[],
// The children of the h1 node
children: &[
// The dynamic count text node
// Any nodes that are dynamic have a dynamic placeholder with a unique index
::dioxus::core::TemplateNode::DynamicText {
// This index is used to find what element in `dynamic_nodes` to use instead of the placeholder
id: 0usize,
// The up high button node
::dioxus::core::TemplateNode::Element {
tag: dioxus_elements::button::TAG_NAME,
namespace: dioxus_elements::button::NAME_SPACE,
attrs: &[
// The dynamic onclick listener attribute
// Any attributes that are dynamic have a dynamic placeholder with a unique index.
::dioxus::core::TemplateAttribute::Dynamic {
// Similar to dynamic nodes, dynamic attributes have a unique index used to find the attribute in `dynamic_attrs` to use instead of the placeholder
id: 0usize,
children: &[::dioxus::core::TemplateNode::Text { text: "Up high!" }],
// The down low button node
::dioxus::core::TemplateNode::Element {
tag: dioxus_elements::button::TAG_NAME,
namespace: dioxus_elements::button::NAME_SPACE,
attrs: &[
// The dynamic onclick listener attribute
::dioxus::core::TemplateAttribute::Dynamic { id: 1usize },
children: &[::dioxus::core::TemplateNode::Text { text: "Down low!" }],
// Node paths is a list of paths to every dynamic node in the rsx
node_paths: &[
// The first node path is the path to the dynamic node with an id of 0 (the count text node)
// Go to the index 0 root node
// Go to the first child of the root node
// Attr paths is a list of paths to every dynamic attribute in the rsx
attr_paths: &[
// The first attr path is the path to the dynamic attribute with an id of 0 (the up high button onclick listener)
// Go to the index 1 root node
// The second attr path is the path to the dynamic attribute with an id of 1 (the down low button onclick listener)
// Go to the index 2 root node
// The VNode is a reference to the template with the dynamic parts of the rsx
::dioxus::core::VNode {
parent: None,
key: None,
// The static template this node will use. The template is stored in a Cell so it can be replaced with a new template when hot rsx reloading is enabled
template: std::cell::Cell::new(TEMPLATE),
root_ids: dioxus::core::exports::bumpalo::collections::Vec::new_in(__cx.bump())
dynamic_nodes: __cx.bump().alloc([
// The dynamic count text node (dynamic node id 0)
__cx.text_node(format_args!("High-Five counter: {0}", count)),
dynamic_attrs: __cx.bump().alloc([
// The dynamic up high button onclick listener (dynamic attribute id 0)
dioxus_elements::events::onclick(__cx, move |_| count += 1),
// The dynamic down low button onclick listener (dynamic attribute id 1)
dioxus_elements::events::onclick(__cx, move |_| count -= 1),