`write_nspaces` has three differences with `write_spaces`
1. Accepts arguments with attribute access (such as self.writer)
2. The order of the arguments is swapped to make the writer the first
argument as in other write related macros.
3. Does not use the `write!` macro under the hood but rather calls
directly `write`
I have chosen to put the function under a new name to avoid backwards
compatibility problem but it might be better to migrate everything to
`write_nspaces` (and maybe rename it `write_spaces`)
Writing the help requires read only access to Parser's flags, opts
and positionals. This commit provides 3 functions returning iterators
over those collections (`iter_*`) allowing to have function outside
the parser to generate the help.
This commit introduces a new trait (`DispOrder`) with a single function
(`fn disp_order(&self) -> usize`). It is use to expose the display order
of an argument in a read-only manner.
Use ::std::result::Result to make macro hygienic.
I ran into an error using
struct Error {}
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>;
Attached is a fix.
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Passing empty values, such as `--feature ""` now stores the empty string
correctly as a value (assuming empty values are allowed as per the arg
Now if the terminal size is too small to properly wrap the help text
lines, it will default to just wrapping normalling as it should.
This is determined on a per help text basis, so because the terminal
size is too small for a single argument's help to wrap properly, all
other arguments will still wrap and align correctly. Only the one
affected argument will not align properly.
The `help` subcommand can now accept other subcommands as arguments to
display their help message. This is similar to how many other CLIs
already perform. For example:
$ myprog help mysubcmd
Would print the help message for `mysubcmd`. But even more, the `help`
subcommand accepts nested subcommands as well, i.e. a grandchild
subcommand such as
$ myprog help child grandchild
Would print the help message of `grandchild` where `grandchild` is a
subcommand of `child` and `child` is a subcommand of `myprog`.