When used with `Arg::possible_values` it allows the argument value to pass validation even if
the case differs from that of the specified `possible_value`.
let m = App::new("pv")
"pv", "--option", "TeSt123",
This setting also works when multiple values can be defined:
let m = App::new("pv")
"pv", "--option", "TeSt123", "teST123", "tESt321"
let matched_vals = m.values_of("option").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(&*matched_vals, &["TeSt123", "teST123", "tESt321"]);
Currently to use these traits clap must be built with the `unstable` feature. This does not
require a nightly compiler. These traits and APIs may change without warning (hence the `unstable`
feature flag). Once they have been stablelized and the `clap-derive` crate is released the
`unstable` feature flag will no longer be required.
* bash-completions have code to use only `foo`, `foo.bash` and `_foo`
files for completion
* /usr is proper place for system-wide stuff rather than /etc
Signed-off-by: Igor Gnatenko <i.gnatenko.brain@gmail.com>
Since options have `empty_values(true)` by default, so long as another valid flag
or option came after the option in question, clap would parse it as an empty value
incorrectly. This commit forces the user to explicitly add an empty value.
`--option "" --flag` is allowed
`--option --flag` is no longer allowed unless the user has *also* set `min_values(0)`
This commit also fixes an issue where `-o=` would be parsed as a value of `Some("=")`
instead of `Some("")`.
If one is using a nightly Rust compiler they should compile clap
with the `nightly` feature.
clap = { version = "2.27", features = ["nightly"] }
This isn't required for compilation to succeed, only to take
advantage of any nightly features used by clap.
If one is compiling with `#[deny(warnings)]` this commit will cause
compilation to fail if one *does not* compile with the `nightly`
since `std::ascii::AsciiExt` is no longer required in in multiple
files as of the latest Rust nightly (Nov 6th, 2017).
Prior to this commit, using `AppSettings::AllowHyphenValues` would allow
ANY argument to pass, even if there was no way it could be valid.
Imagine a CLI with only a single flag (i.e. *no value*) `--flag`, but this setting
is set. The following was valid:
$ prog hello
This commit fixes that by creating an UnknownArgument error unless the
unknown argument/value in question could legally be parsed as a value
to a valid argument.
**This commit contains a breaking change in order to fix a bug.**
The only users affected are those relying on the "bug." The bug is only in code that uses
subcommands, and parent commands with arguments accepting multiple values (positionals or options)
unrestrained *and* where a value may coincide with a subcommand's name.
Imagine a CLI with a positional argument `files` that accepts multiple values but no other conditions
or parameters (just `Arg::multiple(true)`), and a subcommand `log`
Prior to this commit, the following was valid:
$ prog file1 file2 file3 log
which would be parsed as:
* files = file1, file2, file3
* subcommand = log
However, if there was a file named `log` the subcommand isn't callable.
The CLI should be designed in a way that either limits number of values so that clap knows
when `files` is done and can then look for subcommands, or other AppSettings which change
the behavior.
Possible fixes are `Arg::number_of_values`, `Arg::max_values`,
`AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands`, `Arg::require_equals`,
`AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateArgs`, and more.
This *does not* affect CLIs which contain other arguments between the unrestrained multiple
value args, and the any subcommands. Such as if our example above also had a flag `-f`
The following would be parsed the same before and after this commit.
$ prog file1 file2 file3 -f log
This is because upon reaching the flag `-f`, clap stops parsing `files`.
No other breaking changes were made.
When using args with `multiple(true)` on options or positionals (i.e. those args that
accept values) and subcommands, one needs to consider the posibility of an argument value
being the same as a valid subcommand. By default `clap` will parse the argument in question
as a value *only if* a value is possible at that moment. Otherwise it will be parsed as a
subcommand. In effect, this means using `multiple(true)` with no additional parameters and
a possible value that coincides with a subcommand name, the subcommand cannot be called
unless another argument is passed first.
As an example, consider a CLI with an option `--ui-paths=<paths>...` and subcommand `signer`
The following would be parsed as values to `--ui-paths`.
$ program --ui-paths path1 path2 signer
This is because `--ui-paths` accepts multiple values. `clap` will continue parsing values
until another argument is reached and it knows `--ui-paths` is done.
By adding additional parameters to `--ui-paths` we can solve this issue. Consider adding
`Arg::number_of_values(1)` as discussed above. The following are all valid, and `signer`
is parsed as both a subcommand and a value in the second case.
$ program --ui-paths path1 signer
$ program --ui-paths path1 --ui-paths signer signer