Catppuccin Theme
Catppuccin is a community-driven pastel theme that aims to be the middle ground between low and high contrast themes. It consists of a soothing warm palette with 22 eye-candy colors perfect for coding, designing, and much more! In addition, this repository tracks the development of the actual color palette, organization-wide assets, resources and code samples for maintainers/developers.
🧠 Design Philosophy
- Colorful is better than colorless: the colorfulness of something contributes to the distinction amongst the parts of that something, making it marginally easier to understand how things are structured.
- There should be balance: not too dull, not too bright. Suitability under various light conditions is a most.
- Harmony is superior to dissonance: vivacious colors must complement each other.
🎨 Palette
Catppuccin constist of two main color palettes. All the details can be found below.
To make the best use them please refer to the Styleguide.
🐑 Latte
| | Labels | Hex | RGB | HSL |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | --------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
| Rosewater | `#dc8a78` | `rgb(220, 138, 120)` | `hsl(11, 59%, 67%)` |
| Flamingo | `#dd7878` | `rgb(221, 120, 120)` | `hsl(0, 60%, 67%)` |
| Pink | `#ea76cb` | `rgb(234, 118, 203)` | `hsl(316, 73%, 69%)` |
| Mauve | `#8839ef` | `rgb(136, 57, 239)` | `hsl(266, 85%, 58%)` |
| Red | `#d20f39` | `rgb(210, 15, 57)` | `hsl(347, 87%, 44%)` |
| Maroon | `#e64553` | `rgb(230, 69, 83)` | `hsl(355, 76%, 59%)` |
| Peach | `#fe640b` | `rgb(254, 100, 11)` | ` hsl(22, 99%, 52%)` |
| Yellow | `#df8e1d` | `rgb(223, 142, 29)` | `hsl(35, 77%, 49%)` |
| Green | `#40a02b` | `rgb(64, 160, 43)` | `hsl(109, 58%, 40%)` |
| Teal | `#179299` | `rgb(23, 146, 153)` | `hsl(183, 74%, 35%)` |
| Sky | `#04a5e5` | `rgb(4, 165, 229)` | `hsl(197, 97%, 46%)` |
| Sapphire | `#209fb5` | `rgb(32, 159, 181)` | `hsl(189, 70%, 42%)` |
| Blue | `#1e66f5` | `rgb(30, 102, 245)` | `hsl(220, 91%, 54%)` |
| Lavender | `#7287fd` | `rgb(114, 135, 253)` | `hsl(231, 97%, 72%)` |
| Text | `#4c4f69` | `rgb(76, 79, 105)` | `hsl(234, 16%, 35%)` |
| Subtext1 | `#5c5f77` | `rgb(92, 95, 119)` | `hsl(233, 13%, 41%)` |
| Subtext0 | `#6c6f85` | `rgb(108, 111, 133)` | `hsl(233, 10%, 47%)` |
| Overlay2 | `#7c7f93` | `rgb(124, 127, 147)` | `hsl(232, 10%, 53%)` |
| Overlay1 | `#8c8fa1` | `rgb(140, 143, 161)` | `hsl(231, 10%, 59%)` |
| Overlay0 | `#9ca0b0` | `rgb(156, 160, 176)` | `hsl(228, 11%, 65%)` |
| Surface2 | `#acb0be` | `rgb(172, 176, 190)` | `hsl(227, 12%, 71%)` |
| Surface1 | `#bcc0cc` | `rgb(188, 192, 204)` | `hsl(225, 14%, 77%)` |
| Surface0 | `#ccd0da` | `rgb(204, 208, 218)` | `hsl(223, 16%, 83%)` |
| Base | `#eff1f5` | `rgb(239, 241, 245)` | `hsl(220, 23%, 95%)` |
| Mantle | `#e6e9ef` | `rgb(230, 233, 239)` | `hsl(220, 22%, 92%)` |
| Crust | `#dce0e8` | `rgb(220, 224, 232)` | `hsl(220, 21%, 89%)` |
🦦 Frappé
| | Labels | Hex | RGB | HSL |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
| Rosewater | `#f2d5cf` | `rgb(242, 213, 207)` | `hsl(10, 57%, 88%)` |
| Flamingo | `#eebebe` | `rgb(238, 190, 190)` | `hsl(0, 59%, 84%)` |
| Pink | `#f4b8e4` | `rgb(244, 184, 228)` | `hsl(316, 73%, 84%)` |
| Mauve | `#ca9ee6` | `rgb(202, 158, 230)` | `hsl(277, 59%, 76%)` |
| Red | `#e78284` | `rgb(231, 130, 132)` | `hsl(359, 68%, 71%)` |
| Maroon | `#ea999c` | `rgb(234, 153, 156)` | `hsl(358, 66%, 76%)` |
| Peach | `#ef9f76` | `rgb(239, 159, 118)` | `hsl(20, 79%, 70%)` |
| Yellow | `#e5c890` | `rgb(229, 200, 144)` | `hsl(40, 62%, 73%)` |
| Green | `#a6d189` | `rgb(166, 209, 137)` | `hsl(96, 44%, 68%)` |
| Teal | `#81c8be` | `rgb(129, 200, 190)` | `hsl(172, 39%, 65%)` |
| Sky | `#99d1db` | `rgb(153, 209, 219)` | `hsl(189, 48%, 73%)` |
| Sapphire | `#85c1dc` | `rgb(133, 193, 220)` | `hsl(199, 55%, 69%)` |
| Blue | `#8caaee` | `rgb(140, 170, 238)` | `hsl(222, 74%, 74%)` |
| Lavender | `#babbf1` | `rgb(186, 187, 241)` | `hsl(239, 66%, 84%)` |
| Text | `#c6ceef` | `rgb(198, 206, 239)` | `hsl(228, 56%, 86%)` |
| Subtext1 | `#b5bddc` | `rgb(181, 189, 220)` | `hsl(228, 36%, 79%)` |
| Subtext0 | `#a5acc9` | `rgb(165, 172, 201)` | `hsl(228, 25%, 72%)` |
| Overlay2 | `#949bb7` | `rgb(148, 155, 183)` | `hsl(228, 20%, 65%)` |
| Overlay1 | `#838aa4` | `rgb(131, 138, 164)` | `hsl(227, 15%, 58%)` |
| Overlay0 | `#737891` | `rgb(115, 120, 145)` | `hsl(230, 12%, 51%)` |
| Surface2 | `#62677e` | `rgb(98, 103, 126)` | `hsl(229, 13%, 44%)` |
| Surface1 | `#51566c` | `rgb(81, 86, 108)` | `hsl(229, 14%, 37%)` |
| Surface0 | `#414559` | `rgb(65, 69, 89)` | `hsl(230, 16%, 30%)` |
| Base | `#303446` | `rgb(48, 52, 70)` | `hsl(229, 19%, 23%)` |
| Mantle | `#292c3c` | `rgb(41, 44, 60)` | `hsl(231, 19%, 20%)` |
| Crust | `#232634` | `rgb(35, 38, 52)` | `hsl(229, 20%, 17%)` |
🌺 Macchiato
| | Labels | Hex | RGB | HSL |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | --------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
| Rosewater | `#f4dbd6` | `rgb(244, 219, 214)` | `hsl(10, 58%, 90%)` |
| Flamingo | `#f0c6c6` | `rgb(240, 198, 198)` | `hsl(0, 58%, 86%)` |
| Pink | `#f5bde6` | `rgb(245, 189, 230)` | `hsl(316, 74%, 85%)` |
| Mauve | `#c6a0f6` | `rgb(198, 160, 246)` | `hsl(267, 83%, 80%)` |
| Red | `#ed8796` | `rgb(237, 135, 150)` | `hsl(351, 74%, 73%)` |
| Maroon | `#ee99a0` | `rgb(238, 153, 160)` | `hsl(355, 71%, 77%)` |
| Peach | `#f5a97f` | `rgb(245, 169, 127)` | `hsl(21, 86%, 73%)` |
| Yellow | `#eed49f` | `rgb(238, 212, 159)` | `hsl(40, 70%, 78%)` |
| Green | `#a6da95` | `rgb(166, 218, 149)` | `hsl(105, 48%, 72%)` |
| Teal | `#8bd5ca` | `rgb(139, 213, 202)` | `hsl(171, 47%, 69%)` |
| Sky | `#91d7e3` | `rgb(145, 215, 227)` | `hsl(189, 59%, 73%)` |
| Sapphire | `#7dc4e4` | `rgb(125, 196, 228)` | `hsl(199, 66%, 69%)` |
| Blue | `#8aadf4` | `rgb(138, 173, 244)` | `hsl(220, 83%, 75%)` |
| Lavender | `#b7bdf8` | `rgb(183, 189, 248)` | `hsl(234, 82%, 85%)` |
| Text | `#c5cff5` | `rgb(197, 207, 245)` | `hsl(228, 71%, 87%)` |
| Subtext1 | `#b3bce0` | `rgb(179, 188, 224)` | `hsl(228, 42%, 79%)` |
| Subtext0 | `#a1aacb` | `rgb(161, 170, 203)` | `hsl(227, 29%, 71%)` |
| Overlay2 | `#8f97b7` | `rgb(143, 151, 183)` | `hsl(228, 22%, 64%)` |
| Overlay1 | `#7d84a2` | `rgb(125, 132, 162)` | `hsl(229, 17%, 56%)` |
| Overlay0 | `#6c728d` | `rgb(108, 114, 141)` | `hsl(229, 13%, 49%)` |
| Surface2 | `#5a5f78` | `rgb(90, 95, 120)` | `hsl(230, 14%, 41%)` |
| Surface1 | `#484c64` | `rgb(72, 76, 100)` | `hsl(231, 16%, 34%)` |
| Surface0 | `#363a4f` | `rgb(54, 58, 79)` | `hsl(230, 19%, 26%)` |
| Base | `#24273a` | `rgb(36, 39, 58)` | `hsl(232, 23%, 18%)` |
| Mantle | `#1e2030` | `rgb(30, 32, 48)` | `hsl(233, 23%, 15%)` |
| Crust | `#181926` | `rgb(24, 25, 38)` | `hsl(236, 23%, 12%)` |
🌿 Mocha
| | Labels | Hex | RGB | HSL |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------- | --------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
| Rosewater | `#f5e0dc` | `rgb(245, 224, 220)` | `hsl(10, 56%, 91%)` |
| Flamingo | `#f2cdcd` | `rgb(242, 205, 205)` | `hsl(0, 59%, 88%)` |
| Pink | `#f5c2e7` | `rgb(245, 194, 231)` | `hsl(316, 72%, 86%)` |
| Mauve | `#cba6f7` | `rgb(203, 166, 247)` | `hsl(267, 84%, 81%)` |
| Red | `#f38ba8` | `rgb(243, 139, 168)` | `hsl(343, 81%, 75%)` |
| Maroon | `#eba0ac` | `rgb(235, 160, 172)` | `hsl(350, 65%, 77%)` |
| Peach | `#fab387` | `rgb(250, 179, 135)` | `hsl(23, 92%, 75%)` |
| Yellow | `#f9e2af` | `rgb(249, 226, 175)` | `hsl(41, 86%, 83%)` |
| Green | `#a6e3a1` | `rgb(166, 227, 161)` | `hsl(115, 54%, 76%)` |
| Teal | `#94e2d5` | `rgb(148, 226, 213)` | `hsl(170, 57%, 73%)` |
| Sky | `#89dceb` | `rgb(137, 220, 235)` | `hsl(189, 71%, 73%)` |
| Sapphire | `#74c7ec` | `rgb(116, 199, 236)` | `hsl(199, 76%, 69%)` |
| Blue | `#87b0f9` | `rgb(135, 176, 249)` | `hsl(218, 90%, 75%)` |
| Lavender | `#b4befe` | `rgb(180, 190, 254)` | `hsl(232, 97%, 85%)` |
| Text | `#c6d0f5` | `rgb(198, 208, 245)` | `hsl(227, 70%, 87%)` |
| Subtext1 | `#b3bcdf` | `rgb(179, 188, 223)` | `hsl(228, 41%, 79%)` |
| Subtext0 | `#a1a8c9` | `rgb(161, 168, 201)` | `hsl(229, 27%, 71%)` |
| Overlay2 | `#8e95b3` | `rgb(142, 149, 179)` | `hsl(229, 20%, 63%)` |
| Overlay1 | `#7b819d` | `rgb(123, 129, 157)` | `hsl(229, 15%, 55%)` |
| Overlay0 | `#696d86` | `rgb(105, 109, 134)` | `hsl(232, 12%, 47%)` |
| Surface2 | `#565970` | `rgb(86, 89, 112)` | `hsl(233, 13%, 39%)` |
| Surface1 | `#43465a` | `rgb(67, 70, 90)` | `hsl(232, 15%, 31%)` |
| Surface0 | `#313244` | `rgb(49, 50, 68)` | `hsl(237, 16%, 23%)` |
| Base | `#1e1e2e` | `rgb(30, 30, 46)` | `hsl(240, 21%, 15%)` |
| Mantle | `#181825` | `rgb(24, 24, 37)` | `hsl(240, 21%, 12%)` |
| Crust | `#11111b` | `rgb(17, 17, 27)` | `hsl(240, 23%, 9%)` |
🪵 Ports and more!
Catppuccin is available for various apps and in different formats. Here is a list of them:
👐 Contribute
📜 License
Catppuccin is released under the MIT license, which grants the following permissions:
- Commercial use
- Distribution
- Modification
- Private use
For more convoluted language, see the LICENSE.
❤️ Gratitude
Thanks to the following tools developing this project is possible:
Copyright © 2021-present Catppuccin Org