
1 KiB

Release checklist

This checklist is mostly for me personally - just want to have a easy to refer to record for what I should do before I release.


  • Did travis pass (obviously)?

  • Did you uptick the version?

  • Is every feature tested?

  • Are any new bugs introduced in the core features?

  • Did you test:

    • Searching

      • Do the modifiers work?

      • Do all chars work?

    • Basic widget movement

    • Flags

    • Config files

      • Colouring
  • Did you really test all this?

  • Did you test cargo install (I don't want to ever have to deal with that fiasco again, jeez)?

  • Is documentation up to spec?

  • If everything is good, create a release branch!



  • Did you edit the PKGBUILD with the correct version + hash?

  • Did you add a .SRCINFO?

  • Did you test it?

  • Did you commit it all?


  • Did you edit the new .deb file version in?


  • Did you update the bottom.rb file with the correct version + hash?

  • Did you test it?


  • Did you edit the nupkg?

  • Did you test if it works?