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synced 2025-02-16 22:18:33 +00:00
# Objective - Fix / support KTX2 array / cubemap / cubemap array textures - Fixes #4495 . Supersedes #4514 . ## Solution - Add `Option<TextureViewDescriptor>` to `Image` to enable configuration of the `TextureViewDimension` of a texture. - This allows users to set `D2Array`, `D3`, `Cube`, `CubeArray` or whatever they need - Automatically configure this when loading KTX2 - Transcode all layers and faces instead of just one - Use the UASTC block size of 128 bits, and the number of blocks in x/y for a given mip level in order to determine the offset of the layer and face within the KTX2 mip level data - `wgpu` wants data ordered as layer 0 mip 0..n, layer 1 mip 0..n, etc. See https://docs.rs/wgpu/latest/wgpu/util/trait.DeviceExt.html#tymethod.create_texture_with_data - Reorder the data KTX2 mip X layer Y face Z to `wgpu` layer Y face Z mip X order - Add a `skybox` example to demonstrate / test loading cubemaps from PNG and KTX2, including ASTC 4x4, BC7, and ETC2 compression for support everywhere. Note that you need to enable the `ktx2,zstd` features to be able to load the compressed textures. --- ## Changelog - Fixed: KTX2 array / cubemap / cubemap array textures - Fixes: Validation failure for compressed textures stored in KTX2 where the width/height are not a multiple of the block dimensions. - Added: `Image` now has an `Option<TextureViewDescriptor>` field to enable configuration of the texture view. This is useful for configuring the `TextureViewDimension` when it is not just a plain 2D texture and the loader could/did not identify what it should be. Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
424 lines
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424 lines
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//! Load a cubemap texture onto a cube like a skybox and cycle through different compressed texture formats
use bevy::{
pbr::{MaterialPipeline, MaterialPipelineKey},
AsBindGroup, AsBindGroupError, BindGroupDescriptor, BindGroupEntry, BindGroupLayout,
BindGroupLayoutDescriptor, BindGroupLayoutEntry, BindingResource, BindingType,
OwnedBindingResource, PreparedBindGroup, RenderPipelineDescriptor, SamplerBindingType,
ShaderRef, ShaderStages, SpecializedMeshPipelineError, TextureSampleType,
TextureViewDescriptor, TextureViewDimension,
texture::{CompressedImageFormats, FallbackImage},
const CUBEMAPS: &[(&str, CompressedImageFormats)] = &[
fn main() {
struct Cubemap {
is_loaded: bool,
index: usize,
image_handle: Handle<Image>,
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
// directional 'sun' light
commands.spawn_bundle(DirectionalLightBundle {
directional_light: DirectionalLight {
illuminance: 32000.0,
transform: Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(0.0, 2.0, 0.0),
rotation: Quat::from_rotation_x(-std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_4),
let skybox_handle = asset_server.load(CUBEMAPS[0].0);
// camera
.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 8.0).looking_at(Vec3::default(), Vec3::Y),
// ambient light
// NOTE: The ambient light is used to scale how bright the environment map is so with a bright
// environment map, use an appropriate colour and brightness to match
commands.insert_resource(AmbientLight {
color: Color::rgb_u8(210, 220, 240),
brightness: 1.0,
commands.insert_resource(Cubemap {
is_loaded: false,
index: 0,
image_handle: skybox_handle,
const CUBEMAP_SWAP_DELAY: f64 = 3.0;
fn cycle_cubemap_asset(
time: Res<Time>,
mut next_swap: Local<f64>,
mut cubemap: ResMut<Cubemap>,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
render_device: Res<RenderDevice>,
) {
let now = time.seconds_since_startup();
if *next_swap == 0.0 {
*next_swap = now + CUBEMAP_SWAP_DELAY;
} else if now < *next_swap {
*next_swap += CUBEMAP_SWAP_DELAY;
let supported_compressed_formats =
let mut new_index = cubemap.index;
for _ in 0..CUBEMAPS.len() {
new_index = (new_index + 1) % CUBEMAPS.len();
if supported_compressed_formats.contains(CUBEMAPS[new_index].1) {
info!("Skipping unsupported format: {:?}", CUBEMAPS[new_index]);
// Skip swapping to the same texture. Useful for when ktx2, zstd, or compressed texture support
// is missing
if new_index == cubemap.index {
cubemap.index = new_index;
cubemap.image_handle = asset_server.load(CUBEMAPS[cubemap.index].0);
cubemap.is_loaded = false;
fn asset_loaded(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut images: ResMut<Assets<Image>>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut cubemap_materials: ResMut<Assets<CubemapMaterial>>,
mut cubemap: ResMut<Cubemap>,
cubes: Query<&Handle<CubemapMaterial>>,
) {
if !cubemap.is_loaded
&& asset_server.get_load_state(cubemap.image_handle.clone_weak()) == LoadState::Loaded
info!("Swapping to {}...", CUBEMAPS[cubemap.index].0);
let mut image = images.get_mut(&cubemap.image_handle).unwrap();
// NOTE: PNGs do not have any metadata that could indicate they contain a cubemap texture,
// so they appear as one texture. The following code reconfigures the texture as necessary.
if image.texture_descriptor.array_layer_count() == 1 {
image.texture_descriptor.size.height / image.texture_descriptor.size.width,
image.texture_view_descriptor = Some(TextureViewDescriptor {
dimension: Some(TextureViewDimension::Cube),
// spawn cube
let mut updated = false;
for handle in cubes.iter() {
if let Some(material) = cubemap_materials.get_mut(handle) {
updated = true;
material.base_color_texture = Some(cubemap.image_handle.clone_weak());
if !updated {
commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMeshBundle::<CubemapMaterial> {
mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 10000.0 })),
material: cubemap_materials.add(CubemapMaterial {
base_color_texture: Some(cubemap.image_handle.clone_weak()),
cubemap.is_loaded = true;
fn animate_light_direction(
time: Res<Time>,
mut query: Query<&mut Transform, With<DirectionalLight>>,
) {
for mut transform in &mut query {
transform.rotate_y(time.delta_seconds() * 0.5);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, TypeUuid)]
#[uuid = "9509a0f8-3c05-48ee-a13e-a93226c7f488"]
struct CubemapMaterial {
base_color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>,
impl Material for CubemapMaterial {
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
fn specialize(
_pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<Self>,
descriptor: &mut RenderPipelineDescriptor,
_layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
_key: MaterialPipelineKey<Self>,
) -> Result<(), SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
descriptor.primitive.cull_mode = None;
impl AsBindGroup for CubemapMaterial {
type Data = ();
fn as_bind_group(
layout: &BindGroupLayout,
render_device: &RenderDevice,
images: &RenderAssets<Image>,
_fallback_image: &FallbackImage,
) -> Result<PreparedBindGroup<Self>, AsBindGroupError> {
let base_color_texture = self
let image = images
let bind_group = render_device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor {
entries: &[
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: BindingResource::TextureView(&image.texture_view),
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 1,
resource: BindingResource::Sampler(&image.sampler),
label: Some("cubemap_texture_material_bind_group"),
Ok(PreparedBindGroup {
bindings: vec![
data: (),
fn bind_group_layout(render_device: &RenderDevice) -> BindGroupLayout {
render_device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
entries: &[
// Cubemap Base Color Texture
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Texture {
multisampled: false,
sample_type: TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
view_dimension: TextureViewDimension::Cube,
count: None,
// Cubemap Base Color Texture Sampler
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 1,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Sampler(SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
count: None,
label: None,
pub struct CameraController {
pub enabled: bool,
pub initialized: bool,
pub sensitivity: f32,
pub key_forward: KeyCode,
pub key_back: KeyCode,
pub key_left: KeyCode,
pub key_right: KeyCode,
pub key_up: KeyCode,
pub key_down: KeyCode,
pub key_run: KeyCode,
pub mouse_key_enable_mouse: MouseButton,
pub keyboard_key_enable_mouse: KeyCode,
pub walk_speed: f32,
pub run_speed: f32,
pub friction: f32,
pub pitch: f32,
pub yaw: f32,
pub velocity: Vec3,
impl Default for CameraController {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
enabled: true,
initialized: false,
sensitivity: 0.5,
key_forward: KeyCode::W,
key_back: KeyCode::S,
key_left: KeyCode::A,
key_right: KeyCode::D,
key_up: KeyCode::E,
key_down: KeyCode::Q,
key_run: KeyCode::LShift,
mouse_key_enable_mouse: MouseButton::Left,
keyboard_key_enable_mouse: KeyCode::M,
walk_speed: 2.0,
run_speed: 6.0,
friction: 0.5,
pitch: 0.0,
yaw: 0.0,
velocity: Vec3::ZERO,
pub fn camera_controller(
time: Res<Time>,
mut mouse_events: EventReader<MouseMotion>,
mouse_button_input: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
key_input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>,
mut move_toggled: Local<bool>,
mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut CameraController), With<Camera>>,
) {
let dt = time.delta_seconds();
if let Ok((mut transform, mut options)) = query.get_single_mut() {
if !options.initialized {
let (yaw, pitch, _roll) = transform.rotation.to_euler(EulerRot::YXZ);
options.yaw = yaw;
options.pitch = pitch;
options.initialized = true;
if !options.enabled {
// Handle key input
let mut axis_input = Vec3::ZERO;
if key_input.pressed(options.key_forward) {
axis_input.z += 1.0;
if key_input.pressed(options.key_back) {
axis_input.z -= 1.0;
if key_input.pressed(options.key_right) {
axis_input.x += 1.0;
if key_input.pressed(options.key_left) {
axis_input.x -= 1.0;
if key_input.pressed(options.key_up) {
axis_input.y += 1.0;
if key_input.pressed(options.key_down) {
axis_input.y -= 1.0;
if key_input.just_pressed(options.keyboard_key_enable_mouse) {
*move_toggled = !*move_toggled;
// Apply movement update
if axis_input != Vec3::ZERO {
let max_speed = if key_input.pressed(options.key_run) {
} else {
options.velocity = axis_input.normalize() * max_speed;
} else {
let friction = options.friction.clamp(0.0, 1.0);
options.velocity *= 1.0 - friction;
if options.velocity.length_squared() < 1e-6 {
options.velocity = Vec3::ZERO;
let forward = transform.forward();
let right = transform.right();
transform.translation += options.velocity.x * dt * right
+ options.velocity.y * dt * Vec3::Y
+ options.velocity.z * dt * forward;
// Handle mouse input
let mut mouse_delta = Vec2::ZERO;
if mouse_button_input.pressed(options.mouse_key_enable_mouse) || *move_toggled {
for mouse_event in mouse_events.iter() {
mouse_delta += mouse_event.delta;
if mouse_delta != Vec2::ZERO {
// Apply look update
let (pitch, yaw) = (
(options.pitch - mouse_delta.y * 0.5 * options.sensitivity * dt).clamp(
-0.99 * std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2,
0.99 * std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2,
options.yaw - mouse_delta.x * options.sensitivity * dt,
transform.rotation = Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::ZYX, 0.0, yaw, pitch);
options.pitch = pitch;
options.yaw = yaw;