Marco Buono 44928e0df4
StandardMaterial Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective

<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"

This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:

  - Glass; (Including frosted glass)
  - Transparent and translucent plastics;
  - Various liquids and gels;
  - Gemstones;
  - Marble;
  - Wax;
  - Paper;
  - Leaves;
  - Porcelain.

Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.

## Solution

- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.

## To Do

- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
  - [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
  - [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
  - [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?

## A Note on Texture Packing

_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing

Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:

- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`

The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.


## Changelog

- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency

## Migration Guide

- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 20:59:02 +00:00

5.1 KiB

Cargo Features

Bevy exposes many features to customise the engine. Enabling them add functionalities but often come at the cost of longer compilation times and extra dependencies.

Default Features

The default feature set enables most of the expected features of a game engine, like rendering in both 2D and 3D, asset loading, audio and UI. To help reduce compilation time, consider disabling default features and enabling only those you need.

feature name description
android_shared_stdcxx Enable using a shared stdlib for cxx on Android
animation Enable animation support, and glTF animation loading
bevy_animation Provides animation functionality
bevy_asset Provides asset functionality
bevy_audio Provides audio functionality
bevy_core_pipeline Provides cameras and other basic render pipeline features
bevy_gilrs Adds gamepad support
bevy_gizmos Adds support for rendering gizmos
bevy_gltf glTF support
bevy_pbr Adds PBR rendering
bevy_render Provides rendering functionality
bevy_scene Provides scene functionality
bevy_sprite Provides sprite functionality
bevy_text Provides text functionality
bevy_ui A custom ECS-driven UI framework
bevy_winit winit window and input backend
default_font Include a default font, containing only ASCII characters, at the cost of a 20kB binary size increase
hdr HDR image format support
ktx2 KTX2 compressed texture support
multi-threaded Enables multithreaded parallelism in the engine. Disabling it forces all engine tasks to run on a single thread.
png PNG image format support
tonemapping_luts Include tonemapping Look Up Tables KTX2 files. If everything is pink, you need to enable this feature or change the Tonemapping method on your Camera2dBundle or Camera3dBundle.
vorbis OGG/VORBIS audio format support
webgl2 Enable some limitations to be able to use WebGL2. If not enabled, it will default to WebGPU in Wasm. Please refer to the WebGL2 and WebGPU section of the examples README for more information on how to run Wasm builds with WebGPU.
x11 X11 display server support
zstd For KTX2 supercompression

Optional Features

feature name description
accesskit_unix Enable AccessKit on Unix backends (currently only works with experimental screen readers and forks.)
asset_processor Enables the built-in asset processor for processed assets.
async-io Use async-io's implementation of block_on instead of futures-lite's implementation. This is preferred if your application uses async-io.
basis-universal Basis Universal compressed texture support
bevy_ci_testing Enable systems that allow for automated testing on CI
bevy_dynamic_plugin Plugin for dynamic loading (using libloading)
bmp BMP image format support
dds DDS compressed texture support
debug_glam_assert Enable assertions in debug builds to check the validity of parameters passed to glam
detailed_trace Enable detailed trace event logging. These trace events are expensive even when off, thus they require compile time opt-in
dynamic_linking Force dynamic linking, which improves iterative compile times
embedded_watcher Enables watching in memory asset providers for Bevy Asset hot-reloading
exr EXR image format support
file_watcher Enables watching the filesystem for Bevy Asset hot-reloading
flac FLAC audio format support
glam_assert Enable assertions to check the validity of parameters passed to glam
jpeg JPEG image format support
minimp3 MP3 audio format support (through minimp3)
mp3 MP3 audio format support
pbr_transmission_textures Enable support for transmission-related textures in the StandardMaterial, at the risk of blowing past the global, per-shader texture limit on older/lower-end GPUs
pnm PNM image format support, includes pam, pbm, pgm and ppm
serialize Enable serialization support through serde
shader_format_glsl Enable support for shaders in GLSL
shader_format_spirv Enable support for shaders in SPIR-V
subpixel_glyph_atlas Enable rendering of font glyphs using subpixel accuracy
symphonia-aac AAC audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-all AAC, FLAC, MP3, MP4, OGG/VORBIS, and WAV audio formats support (through symphonia)
symphonia-flac FLAC audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-isomp4 MP4 audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-vorbis OGG/VORBIS audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-wav WAV audio format support (through symphonia)
tga TGA image format support
trace Tracing support
trace_chrome Tracing support, saving a file in Chrome Tracing format
trace_tracy Tracing support, exposing a port for Tracy
trace_tracy_memory Tracing support, with memory profiling, exposing a port for Tracy
wav WAV audio format support
wayland Wayland display server support
webp WebP image format support
wgpu_trace Save a trace of all wgpu calls
zlib For KTX2 supercompression