Carter Anderson dd619a1087
New Exposure and Lighting Defaults (and calibrate examples) (#11868)
# Objective

After adding configurable exposure, we set the default ev100 value to
`7` (indoor). This brought us out of sync with Blender's configuration
and defaults. This PR changes the default to `9.7` (bright indoor or
very overcast outdoors), as I calibrated in #11577. This feels like a
very reasonable default.

The other changes generally center around tweaking Bevy's lighting
defaults and examples to play nicely with this number, alongside a few
other tweaks and improvements.

Note that for artistic reasons I have reverted some examples, which
changed to directional lights in #11581, back to point lights.
Fixes #11577 


## Changelog

- Changed `Exposure::ev100` from `7` to `9.7` to better match Blender
- Renamed `ExposureSettings` to `Exposure`
- `Camera3dBundle` now includes `Exposure` for discoverability
- Bumped `FULL_DAYLIGHT ` and `DIRECT_SUNLIGHT` to represent the
middle-to-top of those ranges instead of near the bottom
- Added new `AMBIENT_DAYLIGHT` constant and set that as the new
`DirectionalLight` default illuminance.
- `PointLight` and `SpotLight` now have a default `intensity` of
1,000,000 lumens. This makes them actually useful in the context of the
new "semi-outdoor" exposure and puts them in the "cinema lighting"
category instead of the "common household light" category. They are also
reasonably close to the Blender default.
- `AmbientLight` default has been bumped from `20` to `80`.

## Migration Guide

- The increased `Exposure::ev100` means that all existing 3D lighting
will need to be adjusted to match (DirectionalLights, PointLights,
SpotLights, EnvironmentMapLights, etc). Or alternatively, you can adjust
the `Exposure::ev100` on your cameras to work nicely with your current
lighting values. If you are currently relying on default intensity
values, you might need to change the intensity to achieve the same
effect. Note that in Bevy 0.12, point/spot lights had a different hard
coded ev100 value than directional lights. In Bevy 0.13, they use the
same ev100, so if you have both in your scene, the _scale_ between these
light types has changed and you will likely need to adjust one or both
of them.
2024-02-15 20:42:48 +00:00

338 lines
12 KiB

//! Demonstrates how shadow biases affect shadows in a 3d scene.
#[path = "../helpers/"]
mod camera_controller;
use bevy::{pbr::ShadowFilteringMethod, prelude::*};
use camera_controller::{CameraController, CameraControllerPlugin};
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
struct Lights;
/// set up a 3D scene to test shadow biases and perspective projections
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
let spawn_plane_depth = 300.0f32;
let spawn_height = 2.0;
let sphere_radius = 0.25;
let white_handle = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::WHITE,
perceptual_roughness: 1.0,
let sphere_handle = meshes.add(Sphere::new(sphere_radius));
let light_transform = Transform::from_xyz(5.0, 5.0, 0.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y);
SpatialBundle {
transform: light_transform,
.with_children(|builder| {
builder.spawn(PointLightBundle {
point_light: PointLight {
intensity: 0.0,
range: spawn_plane_depth,
color: Color::WHITE,
shadow_depth_bias: 0.0,
shadow_normal_bias: 0.0,
shadows_enabled: true,
builder.spawn(DirectionalLightBundle {
directional_light: DirectionalLight {
shadow_depth_bias: 0.0,
shadow_normal_bias: 0.0,
shadows_enabled: true,
// camera
Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
.looking_at(Vec3::new(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0), Vec3::Y),
for z_i32 in (-spawn_plane_depth as i32..=0).step_by(2) {
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: sphere_handle.clone(),
material: white_handle.clone(),
transform: Transform::from_xyz(
if z_i32 % 4 == 0 {
} else {
z_i32 as f32,
// ground plane
let plane_size = 2.0 * spawn_plane_depth;
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(plane_size, plane_size)),
material: white_handle,
let style = TextStyle {
font_size: 20.,
.spawn(NodeBundle {
style: Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
padding: UiRect::all(Val::Px(5.0)),
z_index: ZIndex::Global(i32::MAX),
background_color: Color::BLACK.with_a(0.75).into(),
.with_children(|c| {
TextSection::new("Controls:\n", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("R / Z - reset biases to default / zero\n", style.clone()),
"L - switch between directional and point lights [",
TextSection::new("DirectionalLight", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()),
"F - switch directional light filter methods [",
TextSection::new("Hardware2x2", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("1/2 - change point light depth bias [", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("0.00", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("3/4 - change point light normal bias [", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("0.0", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("5/6 - change direction light depth bias [", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("0.00", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()),
"7/8 - change direction light normal bias [",
TextSection::new("0.0", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()),
"left/right/up/down/pgup/pgdown - adjust light position (looking at 0,0,0) [",
format!("{:.1},", light_transform.translation.x),
format!(" {:.1},", light_transform.translation.y),
format!(" {:.1}", light_transform.translation.z),
TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()),
fn toggle_light(
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut point_lights: Query<&mut PointLight>,
mut directional_lights: Query<&mut DirectionalLight>,
mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyL) {
for mut light in &mut point_lights {
light.intensity = if light.intensity == 0.0 {
example_text.single_mut().sections[3].value = "PointLight".to_string();
} else {
for mut light in &mut directional_lights {
light.illuminance = if light.illuminance == 0.0 {
example_text.single_mut().sections[3].value = "DirectionalLight".to_string();
} else {
fn adjust_light_position(
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut lights: Query<&mut Transform, With<Lights>>,
mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
let mut offset = Vec3::ZERO;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowLeft) {
offset.x -= 1.0;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowRight) {
offset.x += 1.0;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowUp) {
offset.z -= 1.0;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowDown) {
offset.z += 1.0;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::PageDown) {
offset.y -= 1.0;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::PageUp) {
offset.y += 1.0;
if offset != Vec3::ZERO {
let mut example_text = example_text.single_mut();
for mut light in &mut lights {
light.translation += offset;
light.look_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y);
example_text.sections[21].value = format!("{:.1},", light.translation.x);
example_text.sections[22].value = format!(" {:.1},", light.translation.y);
example_text.sections[23].value = format!(" {:.1}", light.translation.z);
fn cycle_filter_methods(
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut filter_methods: Query<&mut ShadowFilteringMethod>,
mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyF) {
for mut filter_method in &mut filter_methods {
let filter_method_string;
*filter_method = match *filter_method {
ShadowFilteringMethod::Hardware2x2 => {
filter_method_string = "Castano13".to_string();
ShadowFilteringMethod::Castano13 => {
filter_method_string = "Jimenez14".to_string();
ShadowFilteringMethod::Jimenez14 => {
filter_method_string = "Hardware2x2".to_string();
example_text.single_mut().sections[6].value = filter_method_string;
fn adjust_point_light_biases(
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut query: Query<&mut PointLight>,
mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
let depth_bias_step_size = 0.01;
let normal_bias_step_size = 0.1;
for mut light in &mut query {
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit1) {
light.shadow_depth_bias -= depth_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit2) {
light.shadow_depth_bias += depth_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit3) {
light.shadow_normal_bias -= normal_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit4) {
light.shadow_normal_bias += normal_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyR) {
light.shadow_depth_bias = PointLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_DEPTH_BIAS;
light.shadow_normal_bias = PointLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyZ) {
light.shadow_depth_bias = 0.0;
light.shadow_normal_bias = 0.0;
example_text.single_mut().sections[9].value = format!("{:.2}", light.shadow_depth_bias);
example_text.single_mut().sections[12].value = format!("{:.1}", light.shadow_normal_bias);
fn adjust_directional_light_biases(
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut query: Query<&mut DirectionalLight>,
mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
let depth_bias_step_size = 0.01;
let normal_bias_step_size = 0.1;
for mut light in &mut query {
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit5) {
light.shadow_depth_bias -= depth_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit6) {
light.shadow_depth_bias += depth_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit7) {
light.shadow_normal_bias -= normal_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit8) {
light.shadow_normal_bias += normal_bias_step_size;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyR) {
light.shadow_depth_bias = DirectionalLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_DEPTH_BIAS;
light.shadow_normal_bias = DirectionalLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyZ) {
light.shadow_depth_bias = 0.0;
light.shadow_normal_bias = 0.0;
example_text.single_mut().sections[15].value = format!("{:.2}", light.shadow_depth_bias);
example_text.single_mut().sections[18].value = format!("{:.1}", light.shadow_normal_bias);