David M. Lary 5c52d0aeee
System Stepping implemented as Resource (#8453)
# Objective

Add interactive system debugging capabilities to bevy, providing
step/break/continue style capabilities to running system schedules.

* Original implementation: #8063
    - `ignore_stepping()` everywhere was too much complexity
* Schedule-config & Resource discussion: #8168
    - Decided on selective adding of Schedules & Resource-based control

## Solution
Created `Stepping` Resource. This resource can be used to enable
stepping on a per-schedule basis. Systems within schedules can be
individually configured to:
* AlwaysRun: Ignore any stepping state and run every frame
* NeverRun: Never run while stepping is enabled
    - this allows for disabling of systems while debugging
* Break: If we're running the full frame, stop before this system is run

Stepping provides two modes of execution that reflect traditional
* Step-based: Only execute one system at a time
* Continue/Break: Run all systems, but stop before running a system
marked as Break

### Demo

Breakout has been modified to use Stepping. The game runs normally for a
couple of seconds, then stepping is enabled and the game appears to
pause. A list of Schedules & Systems appears with a cursor at the first
System in the list. The demo then steps forward full frames using the
spacebar until the ball is about to hit a brick. Then we step system by
system as the ball impacts a brick, showing the cursor moving through
the individual systems. Finally the demo switches back to frame stepping
as the ball changes course.

### Limitations
Due to architectural constraints in bevy, there are some cases systems
stepping will not function as a user would expect.

#### Event-driven systems
Stepping does not support systems that are driven by `Event`s as events
are flushed after 1-2 frames. Although game systems are not running
while stepping, ignored systems are still running every frame, so events
will be flushed.

This presents to the user as stepping the event-driven system never
executes the system. It does execute, but the events have already been

This can be resolved by changing event handling to use a buffer for
events, and only dropping an event once all readers have read it.

The work-around to allow these systems to properly execute during
stepping is to have them ignore stepping:
`app.add_systems(event_driven_system.ignore_stepping())`. This was done
in the breakout example to ensure sound played even while stepping.

#### Conditional Systems
When a system is stepped, it is given an opportunity to run. If the
conditions of the system say it should not run, it will not.

Similar to Event-driven systems, if a system is conditional, and that
condition is only true for a very small time window, then stepping the
system may not execute the system. This includes depending on any sort
of external clock.

This exhibits to the user as the system not always running when it is

A solution to this limitation is to ensure any conditions are consistent
while stepping is enabled. For example, all systems that modify any
state the condition uses should also enable stepping.

#### State-transition Systems
Stepping is configured on the per-`Schedule` level, requiring the user
to have a `ScheduleLabel`.

To support state-transition systems, bevy generates needed schedules
dynamically. Currently it’s very difficult (if not impossible, I haven’t
verified) for the user to get the labels for these schedules.

Without ready access to the dynamically generated schedules, and a
resolution for the `Event` lifetime, **stepping of the state-transition
systems is not supported**


## Changelog
- `Schedule::run()` updated to consult `Stepping` Resource to determine
which Systems to run each frame
- Added `Schedule.label` as a `BoxedSystemLabel`, along with supporting
`Schedule::set_label()` and `Schedule::label()` methods
- `Stepping` needed to know which `Schedule` was running, and prior to
this PR, `Schedule` didn't track its own label
- Would have preferred to add `Schedule::with_label()` and remove
`Schedule::new()`, but this PR touches enough already
- Added calls to `Schedule.set_label()` to `App` and `World` as needed
- Added `Stepping` resource
- Added `Stepping::begin_frame()` system to `MainSchedulePlugin`
    - Run before `Main::run_main()`
    - Notifies any `Stepping` Resource a new render frame is starting
## Migration Guide
- Add a call to `Schedule::set_label()` for any custom `Schedule`
    - This is only required if the `Schedule` will be stepped


Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-02-03 05:18:38 +00:00

5.4 KiB

Cargo Features

Bevy exposes many features to customise the engine. Enabling them add functionalities but often come at the cost of longer compilation times and extra dependencies.

Default Features

The default feature set enables most of the expected features of a game engine, like rendering in both 2D and 3D, asset loading, audio and UI. To help reduce compilation time, consider disabling default features and enabling only those you need.

feature name description
android_shared_stdcxx Enable using a shared stdlib for cxx on Android
animation Enable animation support, and glTF animation loading
bevy_animation Provides animation functionality
bevy_asset Provides asset functionality
bevy_audio Provides audio functionality
bevy_core_pipeline Provides cameras and other basic render pipeline features
bevy_debug_stepping Enable stepping-based debugging of Bevy systems
bevy_gilrs Adds gamepad support
bevy_gizmos Adds support for rendering gizmos
bevy_gltf glTF support
bevy_pbr Adds PBR rendering
bevy_render Provides rendering functionality
bevy_scene Provides scene functionality
bevy_sprite Provides sprite functionality
bevy_text Provides text functionality
bevy_ui A custom ECS-driven UI framework
bevy_winit winit window and input backend
default_font Include a default font, containing only ASCII characters, at the cost of a 20kB binary size increase
hdr HDR image format support
ktx2 KTX2 compressed texture support
multi-threaded Enables multithreaded parallelism in the engine. Disabling it forces all engine tasks to run on a single thread.
png PNG image format support
tonemapping_luts Include tonemapping Look Up Tables KTX2 files. If everything is pink, you need to enable this feature or change the Tonemapping method on your Camera2dBundle or Camera3dBundle.
vorbis OGG/VORBIS audio format support
webgl2 Enable some limitations to be able to use WebGL2. Please refer to the WebGL2 and WebGPU section of the examples README for more information on how to run Wasm builds with WebGPU.
x11 X11 display server support
zstd For KTX2 supercompression

Optional Features

feature name description
accesskit_unix Enable AccessKit on Unix backends (currently only works with experimental screen readers and forks.)
asset_processor Enables the built-in asset processor for processed assets.
async-io Use async-io's implementation of block_on instead of futures-lite's implementation. This is preferred if your application uses async-io.
basis-universal Basis Universal compressed texture support
bevy_ci_testing Enable systems that allow for automated testing on CI
bevy_dynamic_plugin Plugin for dynamic loading (using libloading)
bmp BMP image format support
dds DDS compressed texture support
debug_glam_assert Enable assertions in debug builds to check the validity of parameters passed to glam
detailed_trace Enable detailed trace event logging. These trace events are expensive even when off, thus they require compile time opt-in
dynamic_linking Force dynamic linking, which improves iterative compile times
embedded_watcher Enables watching in memory asset providers for Bevy Asset hot-reloading
exr EXR image format support
file_watcher Enables watching the filesystem for Bevy Asset hot-reloading
flac FLAC audio format support
glam_assert Enable assertions to check the validity of parameters passed to glam
jpeg JPEG image format support
minimp3 MP3 audio format support (through minimp3)
mp3 MP3 audio format support
pbr_transmission_textures Enable support for transmission-related textures in the StandardMaterial, at the risk of blowing past the global, per-shader texture limit on older/lower-end GPUs
pnm PNM image format support, includes pam, pbm, pgm and ppm
serialize Enable serialization support through serde
shader_format_glsl Enable support for shaders in GLSL
shader_format_spirv Enable support for shaders in SPIR-V
subpixel_glyph_atlas Enable rendering of font glyphs using subpixel accuracy
symphonia-aac AAC audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-all AAC, FLAC, MP3, MP4, OGG/VORBIS, and WAV audio formats support (through symphonia)
symphonia-flac FLAC audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-isomp4 MP4 audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-vorbis OGG/VORBIS audio format support (through symphonia)
symphonia-wav WAV audio format support (through symphonia)
tga TGA image format support
trace Tracing support
trace_chrome Tracing support, saving a file in Chrome Tracing format
trace_tracy Tracing support, exposing a port for Tracy
trace_tracy_memory Tracing support, with memory profiling, exposing a port for Tracy
wav WAV audio format support
wayland Wayland display server support
webgpu Enable support for WebGPU in Wasm. When enabled, this feature will override the webgl2 feature and you won't be able to run Wasm builds with WebGL2, only with WebGPU. Requires the RUSTFLAGS environment variable to be set to --cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis when building.
webp WebP image format support
wgpu_trace Save a trace of all wgpu calls
zlib For KTX2 supercompression