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synced 2025-03-07 00:37:38 +00:00
# Objective - Mikktspace requires that we normalize world normals/tangents _before_ interpolation across vertices, and then do _not_ normalize after. I had it backwards. - We do not (am not supposed to?) need a second set of barycentrics for motion vectors. If you think about the typical raster pipeline, in the vertex shader we calculate previous_world_position, and then it gets interpolated using the current triangle's barycentrics. ## Solution - Fix normal/tangent processing - Reuse barycentrics for motion vector calculations - Not implementing this for 0.14, but long term I aim to remove explicit vertex tangents and calculate them in the shader on the fly. ## Testing - I tested out some of the normal maps we have in repo. Didn't seem to make a difference, but mikktspace is all about correctness across various baking tools. I probably just didn't have any of the ones that would cause it to break. - Didn't test motion vectors as there's a known bug with the depth buffer and meshlets that I'm waiting on the render graph rewrite to fix.
123 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
123 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
#define_import_path bevy_pbr::mesh_functions
#import bevy_pbr::{
#import bevy_render::maths::{affine3_to_square, mat2x4_f32_to_mat3x3_unpack}
fn get_world_from_local(instance_index: u32) -> mat4x4<f32> {
return affine3_to_square(mesh[instance_index].world_from_local);
fn get_previous_world_from_local(instance_index: u32) -> mat4x4<f32> {
return affine3_to_square(mesh[instance_index].previous_world_from_local);
fn mesh_position_local_to_world(world_from_local: mat4x4<f32>, vertex_position: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
return world_from_local * vertex_position;
// NOTE: The intermediate world_position assignment is important
// for precision purposes when using the 'equals' depth comparison
// function.
fn mesh_position_local_to_clip(world_from_local: mat4x4<f32>, vertex_position: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
let world_position = mesh_position_local_to_world(world_from_local, vertex_position);
return position_world_to_clip(world_position.xyz);
fn mesh_normal_local_to_world(vertex_normal: vec3<f32>, instance_index: u32) -> vec3<f32> {
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping requires that the world normal is
// re-normalized in the vertex shader to match the way mikktspace bakes vertex tangents
// and normal maps so that the exact inverse process is applied when shading. Blender, Unity,
// Unreal Engine, Godot, and more all use the mikktspace method.
// We only skip normalization for invalid normals so that they don't become NaN.
// Do not change this code unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
if any(vertex_normal != vec3<f32>(0.0)) {
return normalize(
) * vertex_normal
} else {
return vertex_normal;
// Calculates the sign of the determinant of the 3x3 model matrix based on a
// mesh flag
fn sign_determinant_model_3x3m(mesh_flags: u32) -> f32 {
// bool(u32) is false if 0u else true
// f32(bool) is 1.0 if true else 0.0
// * 2.0 - 1.0 remaps 0.0 or 1.0 to -1.0 or 1.0 respectively
return f32(bool(mesh_flags & MESH_FLAGS_SIGN_DETERMINANT_MODEL_3X3_BIT)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
fn mesh_tangent_local_to_world(world_from_local: mat4x4<f32>, vertex_tangent: vec4<f32>, instance_index: u32) -> vec4<f32> {
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping requires that the world tangent is
// re-normalized in the vertex shader to match the way mikktspace bakes vertex tangents
// and normal maps so that the exact inverse process is applied when shading. Blender, Unity,
// Unreal Engine, Godot, and more all use the mikktspace method.
// We only skip normalization for invalid tangents so that they don't become NaN.
// Do not change this code unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
if any(vertex_tangent != vec4<f32>(0.0)) {
return vec4<f32>(
) * vertex_tangent.xyz
// NOTE: Multiplying by the sign of the determinant of the 3x3 model matrix accounts for
// situations such as negative scaling.
vertex_tangent.w * sign_determinant_model_3x3m(mesh[instance_index].flags)
} else {
return vertex_tangent;
// Returns an appropriate dither level for the current mesh instance.
// This looks up the LOD range in the `visibility_ranges` table and compares the
// camera distance to determine the dithering level.
fn get_visibility_range_dither_level(instance_index: u32, world_position: vec4<f32>) -> i32 {
// If we're using a storage buffer, then the length is variable.
let visibility_buffer_array_len = arrayLength(&visibility_ranges);
// If we're using a uniform buffer, then the length is constant
let visibility_buffer_array_len = VISIBILITY_RANGE_UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE;
let visibility_buffer_index = mesh[instance_index].flags & 0xffffu;
if (visibility_buffer_index > visibility_buffer_array_len) {
return -16;
let lod_range = visibility_ranges[visibility_buffer_index];
let camera_distance = length(view.world_position.xyz - world_position.xyz);
// This encodes the following mapping:
// `lod_range.` x y z w camera distance
// ←───────┼────────┼────────┼────────┼────────→
// LOD level -16 -16 0 0 16 16 LOD level
let offset = select(-16, 0, camera_distance >= lod_range.z);
let bounds = select(lod_range.xy, lod_range.zw, camera_distance >= lod_range.z);
let level = i32(round((camera_distance - bounds.x) / (bounds.y - bounds.x) * 16.0));
return offset + clamp(level, 0, 16);