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//! This example shows how to manually render 2d items using "mid level render apis" with a custom
//! pipeline for 2d meshes.
//! It doesn't use the [`Material2d`] abstraction, but changes the vertex buffer to include vertex color.
//! Check out the "mesh2d" example for simpler / higher level 2d meshes.
use bevy::{
mesh::{Indices, MeshVertexAttribute},
render_phase::{AddRenderCommand, DrawFunctions, RenderPhase, SetItemPipeline},
BlendState, ColorTargetState, ColorWrites, Face, FragmentState, FrontFace,
MultisampleState, PipelineCache, PolygonMode, PrimitiveState, PrimitiveTopology,
RenderPipelineDescriptor, SpecializedRenderPipeline, SpecializedRenderPipelines,
TextureFormat, VertexBufferLayout, VertexFormat, VertexState, VertexStepMode,
Extract, RenderApp, RenderStage,
DrawMesh2d, Mesh2dHandle, Mesh2dPipeline, Mesh2dPipelineKey, Mesh2dUniform,
SetMesh2dBindGroup, SetMesh2dViewBindGroup,
fn main() {
fn star(
mut commands: Commands,
// We will add a new Mesh for the star being created
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
) {
// Let's define the mesh for the object we want to draw: a nice star.
// We will specify here what kind of topology is used to define the mesh,
// that is, how triangles are built from the vertices. We will use a
// triangle list, meaning that each vertex of the triangle has to be
// specified.
let mut star = Mesh::new(PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList);
// Vertices need to have a position attribute. We will use the following
// vertices (I hope you can spot the star in the schema).
// 1
// 10 2
// 9 0 3
// 8 4
// 6
// 7 5
// These vertices are specified in 3D space.
let mut v_pos = vec![[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]];
for i in 0..10 {
// Angle of each vertex is 1/10 of TAU, plus PI/2 for positioning vertex 0
let a = std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2 - i as f32 * std::f32::consts::TAU / 10.0;
// Radius of internal vertices (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) is 100, it's 200 for external
let r = (1 - i % 2) as f32 * 100.0 + 100.0;
// Add the vertex coordinates
v_pos.push([r * a.cos(), r * a.sin(), 0.0]);
// Set the position attribute
star.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, v_pos);
// And a RGB color attribute as well
let mut v_color: Vec<u32> = vec![Color::BLACK.as_linear_rgba_u32()];
v_color.extend_from_slice(&[Color::YELLOW.as_linear_rgba_u32(); 10]);
MeshVertexAttribute::new("Vertex_Color", 1, VertexFormat::Uint32),
// Now, we specify the indices of the vertex that are going to compose the
// triangles in our star. Vertices in triangles have to be specified in CCW
// winding (that will be the front face, colored). Since we are using
// triangle list, we will specify each triangle as 3 vertices
// First triangle: 0, 2, 1
// Second triangle: 0, 3, 2
// Third triangle: 0, 4, 3
// etc
// Last triangle: 0, 1, 10
let mut indices = vec![0, 1, 10];
for i in 2..=10 {
indices.extend_from_slice(&[0, i, i - 1]);
// We can now spawn the entities for the star and the camera
// We use a marker component to identify the custom colored meshes
// The `Handle<Mesh>` needs to be wrapped in a `Mesh2dHandle` to use 2d rendering instead of 3d
// These other components are needed for 2d meshes to be rendered
// And use an orthographic projection
/// A marker component for colored 2d meshes
#[derive(Component, Default)]
pub struct ColoredMesh2d;
/// Custom pipeline for 2d meshes with vertex colors
pub struct ColoredMesh2dPipeline {
/// this pipeline wraps the standard [`Mesh2dPipeline`]
mesh2d_pipeline: Mesh2dPipeline,
impl FromWorld for ColoredMesh2dPipeline {
fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
Self {
mesh2d_pipeline: Mesh2dPipeline::from_world(world),
// We implement `SpecializedPipeline` to customize the default rendering from `Mesh2dPipeline`
impl SpecializedRenderPipeline for ColoredMesh2dPipeline {
type Key = Mesh2dPipelineKey;
fn specialize(&self, key: Self::Key) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
// Customize how to store the meshes' vertex attributes in the vertex buffer
// Our meshes only have position and color
let formats = vec![
// Position
// Color
let vertex_layout =
VertexBufferLayout::from_vertex_formats(VertexStepMode::Vertex, formats);
RenderPipelineDescriptor {
vertex: VertexState {
// Use our custom shader
shader: COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER_HANDLE.typed::<Shader>(),
entry_point: "vertex".into(),
shader_defs: Vec::new(),
// Use our custom vertex buffer
buffers: vec![vertex_layout],
fragment: Some(FragmentState {
// Use our custom shader
shader: COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER_HANDLE.typed::<Shader>(),
shader_defs: Vec::new(),
entry_point: "fragment".into(),
targets: vec![Some(ColorTargetState {
format: TextureFormat::bevy_default(),
blend: Some(BlendState::ALPHA_BLENDING),
write_mask: ColorWrites::ALL,
// Use the two standard uniforms for 2d meshes
layout: Some(vec![
// Bind group 0 is the view uniform
// Bind group 1 is the mesh uniform
primitive: PrimitiveState {
front_face: FrontFace::Ccw,
cull_mode: Some(Face::Back),
unclipped_depth: false,
polygon_mode: PolygonMode::Fill,
conservative: false,
topology: key.primitive_topology(),
strip_index_format: None,
depth_stencil: None,
multisample: MultisampleState {
count: key.msaa_samples(),
mask: !0,
alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false,
label: Some("colored_mesh2d_pipeline".into()),
// This specifies how to render a colored 2d mesh
type DrawColoredMesh2d = (
// Set the pipeline
// Set the view uniform as bind group 0
// Set the mesh uniform as bind group 1
// Draw the mesh
// The custom shader can be inline like here, included from another file at build time
// using `include_str!()`, or loaded like any other asset with `asset_server.load()`.
const COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER: &str = r"
// Import the standard 2d mesh uniforms and set their bind groups
#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types
#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bindings
@group(1) @binding(0)
var<uniform> mesh: Mesh2d;
// NOTE: Bindings must come before functions that use them!
#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions
// The structure of the vertex buffer is as specified in `specialize()`
struct Vertex {
@location(0) position: vec3<f32>,
@location(1) color: u32,
struct VertexOutput {
// The vertex shader must set the on-screen position of the vertex
@builtin(position) clip_position: vec4<f32>,
// We pass the vertex color to the fragment shader in location 0
@location(0) color: vec4<f32>,
/// Entry point for the vertex shader
fn vertex(vertex: Vertex) -> VertexOutput {
var out: VertexOutput;
// Project the world position of the mesh into screen position
out.clip_position = mesh2d_position_local_to_clip(mesh.model, vec4<f32>(vertex.position, 1.0));
// Unpack the `u32` from the vertex buffer into the `vec4<f32>` used by the fragment shader
out.color = vec4<f32>((vec4<u32>(vertex.color) >> vec4<u32>(0u, 8u, 16u, 24u)) & vec4<u32>(255u)) / 255.0;
return out;
// The input of the fragment shader must correspond to the output of the vertex shader for all `location`s
struct FragmentInput {
// The color is interpolated between vertices by default
@location(0) color: vec4<f32>,
/// Entry point for the fragment shader
fn fragment(in: FragmentInput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
return in.color;
/// Plugin that renders [`ColoredMesh2d`]s
pub struct ColoredMesh2dPlugin;
/// Handle to the custom shader with a unique random ID
pub const COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER_HANDLE: HandleUntyped =
HandleUntyped::weak_from_u64(Shader::TYPE_UUID, 13828845428412094821);
impl Plugin for ColoredMesh2dPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
// Load our custom shader
let mut shaders = app.world.resource_mut::<Assets<Shader>>();
// Register our custom draw function and pipeline, and add our render systems
let render_app = app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp).unwrap();
.add_render_command::<Transparent2d, DrawColoredMesh2d>()
.add_system_to_stage(RenderStage::Extract, extract_colored_mesh2d)
.add_system_to_stage(RenderStage::Queue, queue_colored_mesh2d);
/// Extract the [`ColoredMesh2d`] marker component into the render app
pub fn extract_colored_mesh2d(
mut commands: Commands,
mut previous_len: Local<usize>,
// When extracting, you must use `Extract` to mark the `SystemParam`s
// which should be taken from the main world.
query: Extract<Query<(Entity, &ComputedVisibility), With<ColoredMesh2d>>>,
) {
let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(*previous_len);
for (entity, computed_visibility) in query.iter() {
if !computed_visibility.is_visible() {
values.push((entity, (ColoredMesh2d,)));
*previous_len = values.len();
/// Queue the 2d meshes marked with [`ColoredMesh2d`] using our custom pipeline and draw function
pub fn queue_colored_mesh2d(
transparent_draw_functions: Res<DrawFunctions<Transparent2d>>,
colored_mesh2d_pipeline: Res<ColoredMesh2dPipeline>,
mut pipelines: ResMut<SpecializedRenderPipelines<ColoredMesh2dPipeline>>,
mut pipeline_cache: ResMut<PipelineCache>,
msaa: Res<Msaa>,
render_meshes: Res<RenderAssets<Mesh>>,
colored_mesh2d: Query<(&Mesh2dHandle, &Mesh2dUniform), With<ColoredMesh2d>>,
mut views: Query<(&VisibleEntities, &mut RenderPhase<Transparent2d>)>,
) {
if colored_mesh2d.is_empty() {
// Iterate each view (a camera is a view)
for (visible_entities, mut transparent_phase) in &mut views {
let draw_colored_mesh2d = transparent_draw_functions
let mesh_key = Mesh2dPipelineKey::from_msaa_samples(msaa.samples);
// Queue all entities visible to that view
for visible_entity in &visible_entities.entities {
if let Ok((mesh2d_handle, mesh2d_uniform)) = colored_mesh2d.get(*visible_entity) {
// Get our specialized pipeline
let mut mesh2d_key = mesh_key;
if let Some(mesh) = render_meshes.get(&mesh2d_handle.0) {
mesh2d_key |=
let pipeline_id =
pipelines.specialize(&mut pipeline_cache, &colored_mesh2d_pipeline, mesh2d_key);
let mesh_z = mesh2d_uniform.transform.w_axis.z;
transparent_phase.add(Transparent2d {
entity: *visible_entity,
draw_function: draw_colored_mesh2d,
pipeline: pipeline_id,
// The 2d render items are sorted according to their z value before rendering,
// in order to get correct transparency
sort_key: FloatOrd(mesh_z),
// This material is not batched
batch_range: None,