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synced 2024-12-21 02:23:08 +00:00
# Objective - Fixes #4019 - Fix lighting of double-sided materials when using a negative scale - The FlightHelmet.gltf model's hose uses a double-sided material. Loading the model with a uniform scale of -1.0, and comparing against Blender, it was identified that negating the world-space tangent, bitangent, and interpolated normal produces incorrect lighting. Discussion with Morten Mikkelsen clarified that this is both incorrect and unnecessary. ## Solution - Remove the code that negates the T, B, and N vectors (the interpolated world-space tangent, calculated world-space bitangent, and interpolated world-space normal) when seeing the back face of a double-sided material with negative scale. - Negate the world normal for a double-sided back face only when not using normal mapping ### Before, on `main`, flipping T, B, and N <img width="932" alt="Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 15 11 53" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/302146/185965366-f776ff2c-cfa1-46d1-9c84-fdcb399c273c.png"> ### After, on this PR <img width="932" alt="Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 15 12 11" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/302146/185965420-8be493e2-3b1a-4188-bd13-fd6b17a76fe7.png"> ### Double-sided material without normal maps https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/302146/185988113-44a384e7-0b55-4946-9b99-20f8c803ab7e.mp4 --- ## Changelog - Fixed: Lighting of normal-mapped, double-sided materials applied to models with negative scale - Fixed: Lighting and shadowing of back faces with no normal-mapping and a double-sided material ## Migration Guide `prepare_normal` from the `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions` shader import has been reworked. Before: ```rust pbr_input.world_normal = in.world_normal; pbr_input.N = prepare_normal( pbr_input.material.flags, in.world_normal, #ifdef VERTEX_TANGENTS #ifdef STANDARDMATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP in.world_tangent, #endif #endif in.uv, in.is_front, ); ``` After: ```rust pbr_input.world_normal = prepare_world_normal( in.world_normal, (material.flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_DOUBLE_SIDED_BIT) != 0u, in.is_front, ); pbr_input.N = apply_normal_mapping( pbr_input.material.flags, pbr_input.world_normal, #ifdef VERTEX_TANGENTS #ifdef STANDARDMATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP in.world_tangent, #endif #endif in.uv, ); ```
264 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
264 lines
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WebGPU Shading Language
#define_import_path bevy_pbr::pbr_functions
#import bevy_core_pipeline::tonemapping
fn alpha_discard(material: StandardMaterial, output_color: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32>{
var color = output_color;
if ((material.flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_ALPHA_MODE_OPAQUE) != 0u) {
// NOTE: If rendering as opaque, alpha should be ignored so set to 1.0
color.a = 1.0;
} else if ((material.flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_ALPHA_MODE_MASK) != 0u) {
if (color.a >= material.alpha_cutoff) {
// NOTE: If rendering as masked alpha and >= the cutoff, render as fully opaque
color.a = 1.0;
} else {
// NOTE: output_color.a < in.material.alpha_cutoff should not is not rendered
// NOTE: This and any other discards mean that early-z testing cannot be done!
return color;
fn prepare_world_normal(
world_normal: vec3<f32>,
double_sided: bool,
is_front: bool,
) -> vec3<f32> {
var output: vec3<f32> = world_normal;
// NOTE: When NOT using normal-mapping, if looking at the back face of a double-sided
// material, the normal needs to be inverted. This is a branchless version of that.
output = (f32(!double_sided || is_front) * 2.0 - 1.0) * output;
return output;
fn apply_normal_mapping(
standard_material_flags: u32,
world_normal: vec3<f32>,
world_tangent: vec4<f32>,
uv: vec2<f32>,
) -> vec3<f32> {
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping explicitly requires that the world normal NOT
// be re-normalized in the fragment shader. This is primarily to match the way mikktspace
// bakes vertex tangents and normal maps so that this is the exact inverse. Blender, Unity,
// Unreal Engine, Godot, and more all use the mikktspace method. Do not change this code
// unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
var N: vec3<f32> = world_normal;
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping explicitly requires that these NOT be
// normalized nor any Gram-Schmidt applied to ensure the vertex normal is orthogonal to the
// vertex tangent! Do not change this code unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
var T: vec3<f32> = world_tangent.xyz;
var B: vec3<f32> = world_tangent.w * cross(N, T);
// Nt is the tangent-space normal.
var Nt = textureSample(normal_map_texture, normal_map_sampler, uv).rgb;
if ((standard_material_flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_TWO_COMPONENT_NORMAL_MAP) != 0u) {
// Only use the xy components and derive z for 2-component normal maps.
Nt = vec3<f32>(Nt.rg * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0);
Nt.z = sqrt(1.0 - Nt.x * Nt.x - Nt.y * Nt.y);
} else {
Nt = Nt * 2.0 - 1.0;
// Normal maps authored for DirectX require flipping the y component
if ((standard_material_flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_FLIP_NORMAL_MAP_Y) != 0u) {
Nt.y = -Nt.y;
// NOTE: The mikktspace method of normal mapping applies maps the tangent-space normal from
// the normal map texture in this way to be an EXACT inverse of how the normal map baker
// calculates the normal maps so there is no error introduced. Do not change this code
// unless you really know what you are doing.
// http://www.mikktspace.com/
N = normalize(Nt.x * T + Nt.y * B + Nt.z * N);
return N;
// NOTE: Correctly calculates the view vector depending on whether
// the projection is orthographic or perspective.
fn calculate_view(
world_position: vec4<f32>,
is_orthographic: bool,
) -> vec3<f32> {
var V: vec3<f32>;
if (is_orthographic) {
// Orthographic view vector
V = normalize(vec3<f32>(view.view_proj[0].z, view.view_proj[1].z, view.view_proj[2].z));
} else {
// Only valid for a perpective projection
V = normalize(view.world_position.xyz - world_position.xyz);
return V;
struct PbrInput {
material: StandardMaterial,
occlusion: f32,
frag_coord: vec4<f32>,
world_position: vec4<f32>,
// Normalized world normal used for shadow mapping as normal-mapping is not used for shadow
// mapping
world_normal: vec3<f32>,
// Normalized normal-mapped world normal used for lighting
N: vec3<f32>,
// Normalized view vector in world space, pointing from the fragment world position toward the
// view world position
V: vec3<f32>,
is_orthographic: bool,
// Creates a PbrInput with default values
fn pbr_input_new() -> PbrInput {
var pbr_input: PbrInput;
pbr_input.material = standard_material_new();
pbr_input.occlusion = 1.0;
pbr_input.frag_coord = vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.world_position = vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.world_normal = vec3<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.is_orthographic = false;
pbr_input.N = vec3<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
pbr_input.V = vec3<f32>(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
return pbr_input;
fn pbr(
in: PbrInput,
) -> vec4<f32> {
var output_color: vec4<f32> = in.material.base_color;
// TODO use .a for exposure compensation in HDR
let emissive = in.material.emissive;
// calculate non-linear roughness from linear perceptualRoughness
let metallic = in.material.metallic;
let perceptual_roughness = in.material.perceptual_roughness;
let roughness = perceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptual_roughness);
let occlusion = in.occlusion;
output_color = alpha_discard(in.material, output_color);
// Neubelt and Pettineo 2013, "Crafting a Next-gen Material Pipeline for The Order: 1886"
let NdotV = max(dot(in.N, in.V), 0.0001);
// Remapping [0,1] reflectance to F0
// See https://google.github.io/filament/Filament.html#materialsystem/parameterization/remapping
let reflectance = in.material.reflectance;
let F0 = 0.16 * reflectance * reflectance * (1.0 - metallic) + output_color.rgb * metallic;
// Diffuse strength inversely related to metallicity
let diffuse_color = output_color.rgb * (1.0 - metallic);
let R = reflect(-in.V, in.N);
// accumulate color
var light_accum: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(0.0);
let view_z = dot(vec4<f32>(
), in.world_position);
let cluster_index = fragment_cluster_index(in.frag_coord.xy, view_z, in.is_orthographic);
let offset_and_counts = unpack_offset_and_counts(cluster_index);
// point lights
for (var i: u32 = offset_and_counts[0]; i < offset_and_counts[0] + offset_and_counts[1]; i = i + 1u) {
let light_id = get_light_id(i);
let light = point_lights.data[light_id];
var shadow: f32 = 1.0;
if ((mesh.flags & MESH_FLAGS_SHADOW_RECEIVER_BIT) != 0u
&& (light.flags & POINT_LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOWS_ENABLED_BIT) != 0u) {
shadow = fetch_point_shadow(light_id, in.world_position, in.world_normal);
let light_contrib = point_light(in.world_position.xyz, light, roughness, NdotV, in.N, in.V, R, F0, diffuse_color);
light_accum = light_accum + light_contrib * shadow;
// spot lights
for (var i: u32 = offset_and_counts[0] + offset_and_counts[1]; i < offset_and_counts[0] + offset_and_counts[1] + offset_and_counts[2]; i = i + 1u) {
let light_id = get_light_id(i);
let light = point_lights.data[light_id];
var shadow: f32 = 1.0;
if ((mesh.flags & MESH_FLAGS_SHADOW_RECEIVER_BIT) != 0u
&& (light.flags & POINT_LIGHT_FLAGS_SHADOWS_ENABLED_BIT) != 0u) {
shadow = fetch_spot_shadow(light_id, in.world_position, in.world_normal);
let light_contrib = spot_light(in.world_position.xyz, light, roughness, NdotV, in.N, in.V, R, F0, diffuse_color);
light_accum = light_accum + light_contrib * shadow;
let n_directional_lights = lights.n_directional_lights;
for (var i: u32 = 0u; i < n_directional_lights; i = i + 1u) {
let light = lights.directional_lights[i];
var shadow: f32 = 1.0;
if ((mesh.flags & MESH_FLAGS_SHADOW_RECEIVER_BIT) != 0u
shadow = fetch_directional_shadow(i, in.world_position, in.world_normal);
let light_contrib = directional_light(light, roughness, NdotV, in.N, in.V, R, F0, diffuse_color);
light_accum = light_accum + light_contrib * shadow;
let diffuse_ambient = EnvBRDFApprox(diffuse_color, 1.0, NdotV);
let specular_ambient = EnvBRDFApprox(F0, perceptual_roughness, NdotV);
output_color = vec4<f32>(
light_accum +
(diffuse_ambient + specular_ambient) * lights.ambient_color.rgb * occlusion +
emissive.rgb * output_color.a,
output_color = cluster_debug_visualization(
return output_color;
fn tone_mapping(in: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32> {
// tone_mapping
return vec4<f32>(reinhard_luminance(in.rgb), in.a);
// Gamma correction.
// Not needed with sRGB buffer
// output_color.rgb = pow(output_color.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));