Commit graph

6838 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Liam Gallagher
docs: Fix incorrect docs in the run conditions example (#14377)
## Objective

Make the docs say the right thing.

## Solution

Edit the docs so they say the right thing.

Seems like overtime the example has changed but the comment did not
change with it. It originally was a AND but is now an OR.
2024-07-20 16:51:05 +00:00
Set scissor on upscale to match camera viewport (#14287)
# Objective

When the user renders multiple cameras to the same output texture, it
can sometimes be confusing what `ClearColorConfig` is necessary for each
camera to avoid overwriting the previous camera's output. This is
particular true in cases where the user uses mixed HDR cameras, which
means that their scene is being rendered to different internal textures.

## Solution

When a view has a configured viewport, set the GPU scissor in the
upscaling node so we don't overwrite areas that were written to by other

## Testing

Ran the `split_screen` example.
2024-07-20 16:45:04 +00:00
Rob Parrett
Fix tracing with transform_hierarchy example (#14374)
# Objective

Fixes #7433
Alternative to #14323

## Solution

Add `DefaultPlugins` so we actually have tracing spans when using
`trace_tracy` or `trace_chrome`.

## Testing

cargo run --release --features trace_tracy --example transform_hierarchy large_tree
This now connects to Tracy and sends a bunch of data.
2024-07-20 16:38:24 +00:00
Make Viewport::default() return a 1x1 viewport (#14372)
# Objective

- The current default viewport crashes bevy due to a wgpu validation
error, this PR fixes that
- Fixes

## Solution

- `Viewport::default()` now returns a 1x1 viewport

## Testing

- I modified the `3d_viewport_to_world` example to use
`Viewport::default()`, and it works as expected (only the top-left pixel
is rendered)
2024-07-20 14:18:12 +00:00
Add support for environment map transformation (#14290)
# Objective

- Fixes:

## Solution

- Add a world space transformation for the environment sample direction.

## Testing

- I have tested the newly added `transform` field using the newly added
`rotate_environment_map` example.

## Migration Guide

- Since we have added a new filed to the `EnvironmentMapLight` struct,
users will need to include `..default()` or some rotation value in their
initialization code.
2024-07-19 15:00:50 +00:00
Deprecate is_playing_animation (#14387)
# Objective

Fixes #14386

## Solution

- Added the `#[deprecate]` attribute to the `is_playing_animation`

## Testing

The project successfully builds.


## Migration Guide

The user will just need to replace functions named
`is_playing_animation` with `animation_is_playing`.
2024-07-19 11:27:43 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Make the GltfNode::children links actually point to children. (#14390)
Due to a bug in `load_gltf`, the `GltfNode::children` links of each node
actually point to the node itself, rather than to the node's children.
This commit fixes that bug.

Note that this didn't affect the scene hierarchy of the instantiated
glTF, only the hierarchy as present in the `GltfNode` assets. This is
likely why the bug was never noticed until now.
2024-07-19 11:24:06 +00:00
Recalibrated observe benchmark (#14381)
# Objective

- The event propagation benchmark is largely derived from
bevy_eventlistener. However, it doesn't accurately reflect performance
of bevy side, as our event bubble propagation is based on observer.

## Solution

- added several new benchmarks that focuse on observer itself rather
than event bubble
2024-07-18 18:25:33 +00:00
Lars Frost
Make names of closure systems changable (#14369)
# Objective

When using tracing or
the names of function systems produced by closures are either ambiguous
(like `game::mainapp::{closure}` when tracing) or too long
(`bevy_mod_debugdump` includes full type signature if no name given),
which makes debugging with tracing difficult.

## Solution
Add a function `with_name` to rename a system. The proposed API can be
used in the following way:
    .add_systems(Startup, IntoSystem::into_system(|name: SystemName| {
        println!("System name: {}",;

## Testing
- There is a test in
2024-07-18 18:07:47 +00:00
Thierry Berger
Test for ambiguous system ordering in CI (#13950)
Progress towards

Following discussion

This Pull Request adds an example to detect system order ambiguities,
and also asserts none exist.

A lot of schedules are ignored in ordered to have the test passing, we
should thrive to make them pass, but in other pull requests.

<details><summary>example output <b>summary</b>, without ignored

$ cargo run --example ambiguity_detection 2>&1 | grep -C 1 "pairs of syst"
2024-06-21T13:17:55.776585Z  WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule First has ambiguities.
1 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
 -- bevy_time::time_system (in set TimeSystem) and bevy_ecs::event::event_update_system (in set EventUpdates)
2024-06-21T13:17:55.782265Z  WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule PreUpdate has ambiguities.
11 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
 -- bevy_pbr::prepass::update_mesh_previous_global_transforms and bevy_asset::server::handle_internal_asset_events
2024-06-21T13:17:55.809516Z  WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule PostUpdate has ambiguities.
63 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
 -- bevy_ui::accessibility::image_changed and bevy_ecs::schedule::executor::apply_deferred
2024-06-21T13:17:55.816287Z  WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule Last has ambiguities.
3 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
 -- bevy_gizmos::update_gizmo_meshes<bevy_gizmos::aabb::AabbGizmoConfigGroup> (in set UpdateGizmoMeshes) and bevy_gizmos::update_gizmo_meshes<bevy_gizmos::light::LightGizmoConfigGroup> (in set UpdateGizmoMeshes)
2024-06-21T13:17:55.831074Z  WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule ExtractSchedule has ambiguities.
296 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
 -- bevy_render::extract_component::extract_components<bevy_sprite::SpriteSource> and bevy_render::render_asset::extract_render_asset<bevy_sprite::mesh2d::material::PreparedMaterial2d<bevy_sprite::mesh2d::color_material::ColorMaterial>>


To try locally: 
CI_TESTING_CONFIG="./.github/example-run/ambiguity_detection.ron" cargo run --example ambiguity_detection --features "bevy_ci_testing,trace,trace_chrome"


Co-authored-by: Jan Hohenheim <>
2024-07-17 21:05:48 +00:00
Derive and reflect Debug for CameraRenderGraph (#14364)
# Objective

- `CameraRenderGraph` is not inspectable via reflection, but should be
(the name of the configured render graph should be visible in editors,

## Solution

- Derive and reflect `Debug` for `CameraRenderGraph`
2024-07-17 19:41:31 +00:00
Cyclic splines (#14106)
# Objective

Fill a gap in the functionality of our curve constructions by allowing
users to easily build cyclic curves from control data.

## Solution

Here I opted for something lightweight and discoverable. There is a new
`CyclicCubicGenerator` trait with a method `to_curve_cyclic` which uses
splines' control data to create curves that are cyclic. For now, its
signature is exactly like that of `CubicGenerator` — `to_curve_cyclic`
just yields a `CubicCurve`:
/// Implement this on cubic splines that can generate a cyclic cubic curve from their spline parameters.
/// This makes sense only when the control data can be interpreted cyclically.
pub trait CyclicCubicGenerator<P: VectorSpace> {
    /// Build a cyclic [`CubicCurve`] by computing the interpolation coefficients for each curve segment.
    fn to_curve_cyclic(&self) -> CubicCurve<P>;

This trait has been implemented for `CubicHermite`,
`CubicCardinalSpline`, `CubicBSpline`, and `LinearSpline`:

<img width="753" alt="Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 8 58 27 PM"
<img width="628" alt="Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 9 00 14 PM"
<img width="606" alt="Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 8 59 36 PM"
<img width="603" alt="Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 8 59 01 PM"

(Each type pictured respectively with the control points rendered as
green spheres; tangents not pictured in the case of the Hermite spline.)

These curves are all parametrized so that the output of `to_curve` and
the output of `to_curve_cyclic` are similar. For instance, in
`CubicCardinalSpline`, the first output segment is a curve segment
joining the first and second control points in each, although it is
constructed differently. In the other cases, the segments from
`to_curve` are a subset of those in `to_curve_cyclic`, with the new
segments appearing at the end.

## Testing

I rendered cyclic splines from control data and made sure they looked
reasonable. Existing tests are intact for splines where previous code
was modified. (Note that the coefficient computation for cyclic spline
segments is almost verbatim identical to that of their non-cyclic

The Bezier benchmarks also look fine.


## Changelog

- Added `CyclicCubicGenerator` trait to `bevy_math::cubic_splines` for
creating cyclic curves from control data.
- Implemented `CyclicCubicGenerator` for `CubicHermite`,
`CubicCardinalSpline`, `CubicBSpline`, and `LinearSpline`.
- `bevy_math` now depends on `itertools`.


## Discussion

### Design decisions

The biggest thing here is just the approach taken in the first place:
namely, the cyclic constructions use new methods on the same old
structs. This choice was made to reduce friction and increase
discoverability but also because creating new ones just seemed
unnecessary: the underlying data would have been the same, so creating
something like "`CyclicCubicBSpline`" whose internally-held control data
is regarded as cyclic in nature doesn't really accomplish much — the end
result for the user is basically the same either way.

Similarly, I don't presently see a pressing need for `to_curve_cyclic`
to output something other than a `CubicCurve`, although changing this in
the future may be useful. See below.

A notable omission here is that `CyclicCubicGenerator` is not
implemented for `CubicBezier`. This is not a gap waiting to be filled —
`CubicBezier` just doesn't have enough data to join its start with its
end without just making up the requisite control points wholesale. In
all the cases where `CyclicCubicGenerator` has been implemented here,
the fashion in which the ends are connected is quite natural and follows
the semantics of the associated spline construction.

### Future direction

There are two main things here:
1. We should investigate whether we should do something similar for
NURBS. I just don't know that much about NURBS at the moment, so I
regarded this as out of scope for the PR.
2. We may eventually want to change the output type of
`CyclicCubicGenerator::to_curve_cyclic` to a type which reifies the
cyclic nature of the curve output. This wasn't done in this PR because
I'm unsure how much value a type-level guarantee of cyclicity actually
has, but if some useful features make sense only in the case of cyclic
curves, this might be worth pursuing.
2024-07-17 13:02:31 +00:00
Martín Maita
Update trigger_observers to operate over slices of data (#14354)
# Objective

- Fixes #14333 

## Solution

- Updated `trigger_observers` signature to operate over a slice instead
of an `Iterator`.
- Updated calls to `trigger_observers` to match the new signature.


## Migration Guide

2024-07-17 13:01:52 +00:00
François Mockers
update bunny meshlet url (#14345)
# Objective

- changed the bunny
meshlet url but didn't update example metadata

## Solution

- Also update the url there
2024-07-16 22:07:51 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Pack multiple vertex and index arrays together into growable buffers. (#14257)
This commit uses the [`offset-allocator`] crate to combine vertex and
index arrays from different meshes into single buffers. Since the
primary source of `wgpu` overhead is from validation and synchronization
when switching buffers, this significantly improves Bevy's rendering
performance on many scenes.

This patch is a more flexible version of #13218, which also used slabs.
Unlike #13218, which used slabs of a fixed size, this commit implements
slabs that start small and can grow. In addition to reducing memory
usage, supporting slab growth reduces the number of vertex and index
buffer switches that need to happen during rendering, leading to
improved performance. To prevent pathological fragmentation behavior,
slabs are capped to a maximum size, and mesh arrays that are too large
get their own dedicated slabs.

As an additional improvement over #13218, this commit allows the
application to customize all allocator heuristics. The
`MeshAllocatorSettings` resource contains values that adjust the minimum
and maximum slab sizes, the cutoff point at which meshes get their own
dedicated slabs, and the rate at which slabs grow. Hopefully-sensible
defaults have been chosen for each value.

Unfortunately, WebGL 2 doesn't support the *base vertex* feature, which
is necessary to pack vertex arrays from different meshes into the same
buffer. `wgpu` represents this restriction as the downlevel flag
`BASE_VERTEX`. This patch detects that bit and ensures that all vertex
buffers get dedicated slabs on that platform. Even on WebGL 2, though,
we can combine all *index* arrays into single buffers to reduce buffer
changes, and we do so.

The following measurements are on Bistro:

Overall frame time improves from 8.74 ms to 5.53 ms (1.58x speedup):
![Screenshot 2024-07-09

Render system time improves from 6.57 ms to 3.54 ms (1.86x speedup):
![Screenshot 2024-07-09

Opaque pass time improves from 4.64 ms to 2.33 ms (1.99x speedup):
![Screenshot 2024-07-09

## Migration Guide

### Changed

* Vertex and index buffers for meshes may now be packed alongside other
buffers, for performance.
* `GpuMesh` has been renamed to `RenderMesh`, to reflect the fact that
it no longer directly stores handles to GPU objects.
* Because meshes no longer have their own vertex and index buffers, the
responsibility for the buffers has moved from `GpuMesh` (now called
`RenderMesh`) to the `MeshAllocator` resource. To access the vertex data
for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_vertex_slice`. To access the index
data for a mesh, use `MeshAllocator::mesh_index_slice`.

2024-07-16 20:33:15 +00:00
Fix the dev docs robots.txt containing a literal \n instead of a newline (#14347)
# Objective

The robots.txt file for the [dev docs](
looks like this `User-Agent: *\nDisallow: /`
It should look like this
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

## Solution

quoting to properly handle the `\n`

## Testing

- [x] Run the fixed echo command in local terminal.
- [ ] Wait for the dev doces to deploy and observe if the mistake has
been fixed
2024-07-16 17:49:07 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Improve DynamicFunction ergonomics (#14201)
# Objective

Many functions can be converted to `DynamicFunction` using
`IntoFunction`. Unfortunately, we are limited by Rust itself and the
implementations are far from exhaustive. For example, we can't convert
functions with more than 16 arguments. Additionally, we can't handle
returns with lifetimes not tied to the lifetime of the first argument.

In such cases, users will have to create their `DynamicFunction`

Let's take the following function:

fn get(index: usize, list: &Vec<String>) -> &String {

This function cannot be converted to a `DynamicFunction` via
`IntoFunction` due to the lifetime of the return value being tied to the
second argument. Therefore, we need to construct the `DynamicFunction`

    |mut args, info| {
        let list = args
        let index = args.pop().unwrap().take_owned::<usize>(&info.args()[0])?;
        Ok(Return::Ref(get(index, list)))

While still a small and straightforward snippet, there's a decent amount
going on here. There's a lot of room for improvements when it comes to
ergonomics and readability.

The goal of this PR is to address those issues.

## Solution

Improve the ergonomics and readability of manually created

Some of the major changes:
1. Removed the need for `&ArgInfo` when reifying arguments (i.e. the
`&info.args()[1]` calls)
2. Added additional `pop` methods on `ArgList` to handle both popping
and casting
3. Added `take` methods on `ArgList` for taking the arguments out in
4. Removed the need for `&FunctionInfo` in the internal closure (Change
1 made it no longer necessary)
5. Added methods to automatically handle generating `ArgInfo` and

With all these changes in place, we get something a lot nicer to both
write and look at:

    |mut args| {
        let index = args.take::<usize>()?;
        let list = args.take::<&Vec<String>>()?;
        Ok(Return::Ref(get(index, list)))

Alternatively, to rely on type inference for taking arguments, you could

    |mut args| {
        let index = args.take_owned()?;
        let list = args.take_ref()?;
        Ok(Return::Ref(get(index, list)))

## Testing

You can test locally by running:

cargo test --package bevy_reflect


## Changelog

- Removed `&ArgInfo` argument from `FromArg::from_arg` trait method
- Removed `&ArgInfo` argument from `Arg::take_***` methods
- Added `ArgValue`
- `Arg` is now a struct containing an `ArgValue` and an argument `index`
- `Arg::take_***` methods now require `T` is also `TypePath`
- Added `Arg::new`, `Arg::index`, `Arg::value`, `Arg::take_value`, and
`Arg::take` methods
- Replaced `ArgId` in `ArgError` with just the argument `index`
- Added `ArgError::EmptyArgList`
- Renamed `ArgList::push` to `ArgList::push_arg`
- Added `ArgList::pop_arg`, `ArgList::pop_owned`, `ArgList::pop_ref`,
and `ArgList::pop_mut`
- Added `ArgList::take_arg`, `ArgList::take_owned`, `ArgList::take_ref`,
`ArgList::take_mut`, and `ArgList::take`
- `ArgList::pop` is now generic
- Renamed `FunctionError::InvalidArgCount` to
- The closure given to `DynamicFunction::new` no longer has a
`&FunctionInfo` argument
- Added `FunctionInfo::with_arg`
- Added `FunctionInfo::with_return`

## Internal Migration Guide

> [!important]
> Function reflection was introduced as part of the 0.15 dev cycle. This
migration guide was written for developers relying on `main` during this
cycle, and is not a breaking change coming from 0.14.

* The `FromArg::from_arg` trait method and the `Arg::take_***` methods
no longer take a `&ArgInfo` argument.
* What used to be `Arg` is now `ArgValue`. `Arg` is now a struct which
contains an `ArgValue`.
* `Arg::take_***` methods now require `T` is also `TypePath`
* Instances of `id: ArgId` in `ArgError` have been replaced with `index:
* `ArgList::push` is now `ArgList::push_arg`. It also takes the new
`ArgValue` type.
* `ArgList::pop` has become `ArgList::pop_arg` and now returns
`ArgValue`. `Arg::pop` now takes a generic type and downcasts to that
type. It's recommended to use `ArgList::take` and friends instead since
they allow removing the arguments from the list in the order they were
pushed (rather than reverse order).
* `FunctionError::InvalidArgCount` is now
* The closure given to `DynamicFunction::new` no longer has a
`&FunctionInfo` argument. This argument can be removed.
2024-07-16 13:01:52 +00:00
Steve Frampton
Added new method to Cone 3D primitive (#14325)
Reference to #14299.

# Objective
- Ensuring consistent practice of instantiating 3D primitive shapes in

## Solution

- Add `new` method, containing `radius` and `height` arguments, to Cone
3D primitive shape.

## Testing

- Instantiated cone using same values (radius is `2.` and height is
`5.`), using the current method and the added `new` method.
- Basic setup of Bevy Default Plugins and `3DCameraBundle`.


## Showcase

  <summary>Click to view showcase</summary>

use bevy::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
    let new_cone = meshes.add(Cone::new(2., 5.));
    commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
        mesh: new_cone,

    let old_cone = meshes.add(Cone {
        radius: 2.,
        height: 5.,
    commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
        mesh: old_cone,
        material: materials.add(Color::WHITE),
        transform: Transform::from_xyz(10., 0., 0.),

    commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
        transform: Transform::from_xyz(20., 20., 20.).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Dir3::Y),



- Pink Cone is created using the `new` method.
- Black Cone is created using the existing method.

## Migration Guide
- Addition of `new` method to the 3D primitive Cone struct.
2024-07-16 12:59:26 +00:00
Remove need for EventLoopProxy to be NonSend (#14198)
# Objective

- Continue to pare down the uses on NonSend resources in the engine. In
this case, EventLoopProxy used to be `!Sync`, but is now `Sync` in the
latest version of winit.

## Solution

- New type `EventLoopProxy` as `EventLoopProxyWrapper` to make it into a
normal resource.
- Update the `custom_user_event` example as it no longer needs to
indirectly access the `EventLoopProxy` through a static variable

## Testing

- Ran the example. The resource exists just for users to use, so there
aren't any in engine uses for it currently.


## Changelog

- make EventLoopProxy into a regular resource. 

## Migration Guide

`EventLoopProxy` has been renamed to `EventLoopProxyWrapper` and is now
`Send`, making it an ordinary resource.

event_loop_system(event_loop: NonSend<EventLoopProxy<MyEvent>>) {

event_loop_system(event_loop: Res<EventLoopProxy<MyEvent>>) {
2024-07-16 06:59:01 +00:00
Gino Valente
bevy_reflect: Add DynamicClosure and DynamicClosureMut (#14141)
# Objective

As mentioned in
comment, creating a function registry (see #14098) is a bit difficult
due to the requirements of `DynamicFunction`. Internally, a
`DynamicFunction` contains a `Box<dyn FnMut>` (the function that reifies
reflected arguments and calls the actual function), which requires `&mut
self` in order to be called.

This means that users would require a mutable reference to the function
registry for it to be useful— which isn't great. And they can't clone
the `DynamicFunction` either because cloning an `FnMut` isn't really
feasible (wrapping it in an `Arc` would allow it to be cloned but we
wouldn't be able to call the clone since we need a mutable reference to
the `FnMut`, which we can't get with multiple `Arc`s still alive,
requiring us to also slap in a `Mutex`, which adds additional overhead).

And we don't want to just replace the `dyn FnMut` with `dyn Fn` as that
would prevent reflecting closures that mutate their environment.

Instead, we need to introduce a new type to split the requirements of

## Solution

Introduce new types for representing closures.

Specifically, this PR introduces `DynamicClosure` and
`DynamicClosureMut`. Similar to how `IntoFunction` exists for
`DynamicFunction`, two new traits were introduced: `IntoClosure` and

Now `DynamicFunction` stores a `dyn Fn` with a `'static` lifetime.
`DynamicClosure` also uses a `dyn Fn` but has a lifetime, `'env`, tied
to its environment. `DynamicClosureMut` is most like the old
`DynamicFunction`, keeping the `dyn FnMut` and also typing its lifetime,
`'env`, to the environment

Here are some comparison tables:

|   | `DynamicFunction` | `DynamicClosure` | `DynamicClosureMut` |
| - | ----------------- | ---------------- | ------------------- |
| Callable with `&self` |  |  |  |
| Callable with `&mut self` |  |  |  |
| Allows for non-`'static` lifetimes |  |  |  |

|   | `IntoFunction` | `IntoClosure` | `IntoClosureMut` |
| - | -------------- | ------------- | ---------------- |
| Convert `fn` functions |  |  |  |
| Convert `fn` methods |  |  |  |
| Convert anonymous functions |  |  |  |
| Convert closures that capture immutable references |  |  |  |
| Convert closures that capture mutable references |  |  |  |
| Convert closures that capture owned values | [^1] |  |  |

[^1]: Due to limitations in Rust, `IntoFunction` can't be implemented
for just functions (unless we forced users to manually coerce them to
function pointers first). So closures that meet the trait requirements
_can technically_ be converted into a `DynamicFunction` as well. To both
future-proof and reduce confusion, though, we'll just pretend like this
isn't a thing.

let mut list: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

// `replace` is a closure that captures a mutable reference to `list`
let mut replace = |index: usize, value: i32| -> i32 {
  let old_value = list[index];
  list[index] = value;

// Convert the closure into a dynamic closure using `IntoClosureMut::into_closure_mut`
let mut func: DynamicClosureMut = replace.into_closure_mut();

// Dynamically call the closure:
let args = ArgList::default().push_owned(1_usize).push_owned(-2_i32);
let value = func.call_once(args).unwrap().unwrap_owned();

// Check the result:
assert_eq!(value.take::<i32>().unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(list, vec![1, -2, 3]);

### `ReflectFn`/`ReflectFnMut`

To make extending the function reflection system easier (the blanket
impls for `IntoFunction`, `IntoClosure`, and `IntoClosureMut` are all
incredibly short), this PR generalizes callables with two new traits:
`ReflectFn` and `ReflectFnMut`.

These traits mimic `Fn` and `FnMut` but allow for being called via
reflection. In fact, their blanket implementations are identical save
for `ReflectFn` being implemented over `Fn` types and `ReflectFnMut`
being implemented over `FnMut` types.

And just as `Fn` is a subtrait of `FnMut`, `ReflectFn` is a subtrait of
`ReflectFnMut`. So anywhere that expects a `ReflectFnMut` can also be
given a `ReflectFn`.

To reiterate, these traits aren't 100% necessary. They were added in
purely for extensibility. If we decide to split things up differently or
add new traits/types in the future, then those changes should be much
simpler to implement.

### `TypedFunction`

Because of the split into `ReflectFn` and `ReflectFnMut`, we needed a
new way to access the function type information. This PR moves that
concept over into `TypedFunction`.

Much like `Typed`, this provides a way to access a function's

By splitting this trait out, it helps to ensure the other traits are
focused on a single responsibility.

### Internal Macros

The original function PR (#13152) implemented `IntoFunction` using a
macro which was passed into an `all_tuples!` macro invocation. Because
we needed the same functionality for these new traits, this PR has
copy+pasted that code for `ReflectFn`, `ReflectFnMut`, and
`TypedFunction`— albeit with some differences between them.

Originally, I was going to try and macro-ify the impls and where clauses
such that we wouldn't have to straight up duplicate a lot of this logic.
However, aside from being more complex in general, autocomplete just
does not play nice with such heavily nested macros (tried in both
RustRover and VSCode). And both of those problems told me that it just
wasn't worth it: we need to ensure the crate is easily maintainable,
even at the cost of duplicating code.

So instead, I made sure to simplify the macro code by removing all
fully-qualified syntax and cutting the where clauses down to the bare
essentials, which helps to clean up a lot of the visual noise. I also
tried my best to document the macro logic in certain areas (I may even
add a bit more) to help with maintainability for future devs.

### Documentation

Documentation for this module was a bit difficult for me. So many of
these traits and types are very interconnected. And each trait/type has
subtle differences that make documenting it in a single place, like at
the module level, difficult to do cleanly. Describing the valid
signatures is also challenging to do well.

Hopefully what I have here is okay. I think I did an okay job, but let
me know if there any thoughts on ways to improve it. We can also move
such a task to a followup PR for more focused discussion.

## Testing

You can test locally by running:

cargo test --package bevy_reflect


## Changelog

- Added `DynamicClosure` struct
- Added `DynamicClosureMut` struct
- Added `IntoClosure` trait
- Added `IntoClosureMut` trait
- Added `ReflectFn` trait
- Added `ReflectFnMut` trait
- Added `TypedFunction` trait
- `IntoFunction` now only works for standard Rust functions
- `IntoFunction` no longer takes a lifetime parameter
- `DynamicFunction::call` now only requires `&self`
- Removed `DynamicFunction::call_once`
- Changed the `IntoReturn::into_return` signature to include a where

## Internal Migration Guide

> [!important]
> Function reflection was introduced as part of the 0.15 dev cycle. This
migration guide was written for developers relying on `main` during this
cycle, and is not a breaking change coming from 0.14.

### `IntoClosure`

`IntoFunction` now only works for standard Rust functions. Calling
`IntoFunction::into_function` on a closure that captures references to
its environment (either mutable or immutable), will no longer compile.

Instead, you will need to use either `IntoClosure::into_closure` to
create a `DynamicClosure` or `IntoClosureMut::into_closure_mut` to
create a `DynamicClosureMut`, depending on your needs:

let punct = String::from("!");
let print = |value: String| {

let func: DynamicFunction = print.into_function();

let func: DynamicClosure = print.into_closure();

### `IntoFunction` lifetime

Additionally, `IntoFunction` no longer takes a lifetime parameter as it
always expects a `'static` lifetime. Usages will need to remove any
lifetime parameters:

fn execute<'env, F: IntoFunction<'env, Marker>, Marker>(f: F) {/* ... */}

fn execute<F: IntoFunction<Marker>, Marker>(f: F) {/* ... */}

### `IntoReturn`

`IntoReturn::into_return` now has a where clause. Any manual
implementors will need to add this where clause to their implementation.
2024-07-16 03:22:43 +00:00
Patrick Walton
Allow volumetric fog to be localized to specific, optionally voxelized, regions. (#14099)
Currently, volumetric fog is global and affects the entire scene
uniformly. This is inadequate for many use cases, such as local smoke
effects. To address this problem, this commit introduces *fog volumes*,
which are axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs) that specify fog
parameters inside their boundaries. Such volumes can also specify a
*density texture*, a 3D texture of voxels that specifies the density of
the fog at each point.

To create a fog volume, add a `FogVolume` component to an entity (which
is included in the new `FogVolumeBundle` convenience bundle). Like light
probes, a fog volume is conceptually a 1×1×1 cube centered on the
origin; a transform can be used to position and resize this region. Many
of the fields on the existing `VolumetricFogSettings` have migrated to
the new `FogVolume` component. `VolumetricFogSettings` on a camera is
still needed to enable volumetric fog. However, by itself
`VolumetricFogSettings` is no longer sufficient to enable volumetric
fog; a `FogVolume` must be present. Applications that wish to retain the
old global fog behavior can simply surround the scene with a large fog

By way of implementation, this commit converts the volumetric fog shader
from a full-screen shader to one applied to a mesh. The strategy is
different depending on whether the camera is inside or outside the fog
volume. If the camera is inside the fog volume, the mesh is simply a
plane scaled to the viewport, effectively falling back to a full-screen
pass. If the camera is outside the fog volume, the mesh is a cube
transformed to coincide with the boundaries of the fog volume's AABB.
Importantly, in the latter case, only the front faces of the cuboid are
rendered. Instead of treating the boundaries of the fog as a sphere
centered on the camera position, as we did prior to this patch, we
raytrace the far planes of the AABB to determine the portion of each ray
contained within the fog volume. We then raymarch in shadow map space as
usual. If a density texture is present, we modulate the fixed density
value with the trilinearly-interpolated value from that texture.

Furthermore, this patch introduces optional jitter to fog volumes,
intended for use with TAA. This modifies the position of the ray from
frame to frame using interleaved gradient noise, in order to reduce
aliasing artifacts. Many implementations of volumetric fog in games use
this technique. Note that this patch makes no attempt to write a motion
vector; this is because when a view ray intersects multiple voxels
there's no single direction of motion. Consequently, fog volumes can
have ghosting artifacts, but because fog is "ghostly" by its nature,
these artifacts are less objectionable than they would be for opaque

A new example, `fog_volumes`, has been added. It demonstrates a single
fog volume containing a voxelized representation of the Stanford bunny.
The existing `volumetric_fog` example has been updated to use the new
local volumetrics API.

## Changelog

### Added

* Local `FogVolume`s are now supported, to localize fog to specific
regions. They can optionally have 3D density voxel textures for precise
control over the distribution of the fog.

### Changed

* `VolumetricFogSettings` on a camera no longer enables volumetric fog;
instead, it simply enables the processing of `FogVolume`s within the

## Migration Guide

* A `FogVolume` is now necessary in order to enable volumetric fog, in
addition to `VolumetricFogSettings` on the camera. Existing uses of
volumetric fog can be migrated by placing a large `FogVolume`
surrounding the scene.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: François Mockers <>
2024-07-16 03:14:12 +00:00
Make Tasks functional on WASM (#13889)
# Objective

Right not bevy's task pool abstraction is kind of useless on wasm, since
it returns a `FakeTask` which can't be interacted with. This is only
good for fire-and-forget it tasks, and isn't even that useful since it's
just a thin wrapper around `wasm-bindgen-futures::spawn_local`

## Solution

Add a simple `Task<T>` handler type to wasm targets that allow waiting
for a task's output or periodically checking for its completion. This PR
aims to give the wasm version of these tasks feature parity with the
native, multi-threaded version of the task

## Testing

- Did you test these changes? *Not yet*


Co-authored-by: Periwink <>
Co-authored-by: Jan Hohenheim <>
2024-07-16 01:15:03 +00:00
plugin_group! macro (adopted) (#14339)
# Objective

- Adopted from #11460.
- Closes #7332.
- The documentation for `DefaultPlugins` and `MinimalPlugins` frequently
goes out of date because it is not .

## Solution

- Create a macro, `plugin_group!`, to automatically create
`PluginGroup`s and document them.

## Testing

- Run `cargo-expand` on the generated code for `DefaultPlugins` and
- Try creating a custom plugin group with the macro.


## Showcase

- You can now define custom `PluginGroup`s using the `plugin_group!`

plugin_group! {
    /// My really cool plugic group!
    pub struct MyPluginGroup {

  <summary>Expanded output</summary>

/// My really cool plugic group!
/// - [`PhysicsPlugin`](physics::PhysicsPlugin)
/// - [`RenderingPlugin`](rendering::RenderingPlugin)
/// - [`UiPlugin`](ui::UiPlugin)
pub struct MyPluginGroup;
impl ::bevy_app::PluginGroup for MyPluginGroup {
    fn build(self) -> ::bevy_app::PluginGroupBuilder {
        let mut group = ::bevy_app::PluginGroupBuilder::start::<Self>();
            const _: () = {
                const fn check_default<T: Default>() {}
            group = group.add(<physics::PhysicsPlugin>::default());
            const _: () = {
                const fn check_default<T: Default>() {}
            group = group.add(<rendering::RenderingPlugin>::default());
            const _: () = {
                const fn check_default<T: Default>() {}
            group = group.add(<ui::UiPlugin>::default());



Co-authored-by: Doonv <>
Co-authored-by: Mateusz Wachowiak <>
2024-07-16 01:14:33 +00:00
Fix error/typo in SMAA shader (#14338)
# Objective

- Actually use the value assigned to `d_xz`, like in [the original SMAA
This not already being the case was likely a mistake when converting
from HLSL to WGSL

## Solution

- Use `d_xz.x` and `d_xz.y` instead of `d.x` and `d.z`

## Testing

- Quickly tested on Windows 11, `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu` `1.79.0` with
the latest NVIDIA drivers. App runs with SMAA enabled and everything
seems to work as intended
- I didn't observe any major visual difference between this and the
previous version, though this should be more correct as it matches the
original SMAA implementation
2024-07-15 23:40:39 +00:00
Jonathan Chan Kwan Yin
Add insert_by_id and try_insert_by_id to EntityCommands (#14283)
# Objective

- Allow queuing insertion of dynamic components to an existing entity

## Solution

- Add `insert_by_id<T: Send + 'static>(commands: &mut EntityCommands,
component_id: ComponentId, value: T)` and the `try_insert_by_id`

## Testing


- Did you test these changes? If so, how?
- Are there any parts that need more testing?
- How can other people (reviewers) test your changes? Is there anything
specific they need to know?
- If relevant, what platforms did you test these changes on, and are
there any important ones you can't test?

## Alternatives

This PR is not feature-complete for dynamic components. In particular,
- only supports one component
- only supports adding components with a known, sized type

These were not implemented because doing so would require enhancing
`CommandQueue` to support pushing unsized commands (or equivalently,
pushing commands with a buffer of data). Even so, the cost would not be
transparent compared to the implementation in this PR, which simply
captures the `ComponentId` and `value: T` into the command closure and
can be easily memcpy'ed to the stack during execution. For example, to
efficiently pass `&[ComponentId]` from the caller to the world, we would
need to:

1. Update `CommandQueue.bytes` from `Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>` to
`Vec<MaybeUninit<usize>>` so that it has the same alignment as
`ComponentId` (which probably needs to be made `#[repr(transparent)]`
2. After pushing the Command metadata, push padding bytes until the vec
len is a multiple of `size_of::<usize>()`
3. Store `components.len()` in the data
4. memcpy the user-provided `&[ComponentId]` to `CommandQueue.bytes`
5. During execution, round up the data pointer behind the `Command` to
skip padding, then cast the pointer and consume it as a `&[ComponentId]`

The effort here seems unnecessarily high, unless someone else has such a
requirement. At least for the use case I am working with, I only need a
single known type, and if we need multiple components, we could always
enhance this function to accept a `[ComponentId; N]`.

I recommend enhancing the `Bundle` API in the long term to achieve this
goal more elegantly.


Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Felix Rath <>
2024-07-15 23:29:13 +00:00
Chris Biscardi
remove rounded_borders and merge with borders example (#14317)
# Objective

The borders example is separate from the rounded borders example. If you
find the borders example, you may miss the rounded borders example.

## Solution

Merge the examples in a basic way, since there is enough room to show
all options at the same time.

I also considered renaming the borders and rounded borders examples so
that they would be located next to each other in repo and UI, but it
felt like having a singular example was better.

## Testing

cargo run --example borders


## Showcase

The merged example looks like this:

![screenshot-2024-07-14-at-13 40
2024-07-15 16:54:05 +00:00
Remove unused default feature from bevy_window (#14313)
# Objective

- Extracted from #14298.
- `bevy_window` has an empty `default` feature that does not enable
anything, which is equivalent to not having any default features.

## Solution

- Remove it :)
- This is technically a breaking change, but specifying `features =
["default"]` manually in `Cargo.toml` is highly discouraged, so the
impact is low.


## Migration Guide

`bevy_window` had an empty default feature flag that did not do
anything, so it was removed. You may have to remove any references to it
if you specified it manually.

# 0.14
bevy_window = { version = "0.14", default-features = false, features = ["default"] }

# 0.15
bevy_window = { version = "0.15", default-features = false }
2024-07-15 16:49:00 +00:00
Specify test group names in github summary for compile fail tests (#14330)
# Objective

The github action summary titles every compile test group as


## Solution

Manually specify group names for compile fail tests.

## Testing

- Wait for compile fail tests to run.
- Observe the generated summary.
2024-07-15 16:13:03 +00:00
Allow non-static trigger targets (#14327)
# Objective

`TriggerTargets` can not be borrowed for use in `World::trigger_targets`

## Solution

Drop `'static` bound on `TriggerEvent`, keep it for `Command` impl.

## Testing

2024-07-15 16:10:57 +00:00
Joona Aalto
Implement Bounded2d for Annulus (#14326)
# Objective

`Annulus` is missing `Bounded2d` even though the implementation is

## Solution

Implement `Bounded2d` for `Annulus`.

## Testing

There is a basic test to verify that the produced bounding volumes are
2024-07-15 16:08:35 +00:00
Joona Aalto
Improve isometry docs (#14318)
# Objective

Fixes #14308.

#14269 added the `Isometry2d` and `Isometry3d` types, but they don't
have usage examples or much documentation on what the types actually
represent or what they may be useful for.

In addition, their module is public and the types are not re-exported at
the crate root, unlike all the other core math types like Glam's types,
direction types, and `Rot2`.

## Solution

Improve the documentation of `Isometry2d` and `Isometry3d`, explaining
what they represent and can be useful for, along with doc examples on
common high-level usage. I also made the way the types are exported
consistent with other core math types.

This does add some duplication, but I personally think having good docs
for this is valuable, and people are also less likely to look at the
module-level docs than type-level docs.
2024-07-15 16:05:33 +00:00
Torstein Grindvik
Clearer spatial bundle pub const docs (#14293)
# Objective

The docs on SpatialBundle's pub const constructors mention that one is
"visible" when it's actually inherited, which afaik means it's
conditional on its parent's visibility.

I feel it's more correct like this.

_Also I'm seeing how making a PR from works hopefully nothing
weird happens_
2024-07-15 16:03:09 +00:00
Fix bevy_window failing with serialize feature (#14298)
# Objective

- [`flag-frenzy`]( found an
issue where `bevy_window` would fail to build when its `serialize`
feature is enabled.
- See
for the specific log.

## Solution

- Turns out it was failing because the `bevy_ecs/serialize` feature was
not enabled. This error can be fixed by adding the flag as a dependency.

## Testing

cargo check -p bevy_window -F serialize
# Or if you're very cool...
flag-frenzy --manifest-path path/to/bevy/Cargo.toml --config config -p bevy_window
2024-07-15 16:00:49 +00:00
Clarify GlobalTransform::transform_point (#14292)
The existing doc comment for GlobalTransform::transform_point is
unclear, or, arguably, incorrect. also mentions this.

Additionally, a user reading the doc for transform_point might be
looking for one of the three other transforms that I mentioned in this
doc comment.


Co-authored-by: Mason Kramer <>
Co-authored-by: Pascal Hertleif <>
2024-07-15 15:59:29 +00:00
Ben Frankel
Remove second generic from .add_before, .add_after (#14285)
# Objective

// Currently:
builder.add_after::<FooPlugin, _>(BarPlugin);
// After this PR:

This removes some weirdness and better parallels the rest of the
`PluginGroupBuilder` API.

## Solution

Define a helper method `type_id_of_val` to use in `.add_before` and
`.add_after` instead of `TypeId::of::<T>` (which requires the plugin
type to be nameable, preventing `impl Plugin` from being used).

## Testing

Ran `cargo run -p ci lints` successfully.

## Migration Guide

Removed second generic from `PluginGroupBuilder` methods: `add_before`
and `add_after`.

// Before:
    .add_before::<WindowPlugin, _>(FooPlugin)
    .add_after::<WindowPlugin, _>(BarPlugin)

// After:


Co-authored-by: BD103 <>
2024-07-15 15:58:14 +00:00
Add support for skybox transformation (#14267)
# Objective

- Fixes

## Solution

- Add a view space transformation for the skybox

## Testing

- I have tested the newly added `transform` field using the `skybox`
diff --git a/examples/3d/ b/examples/3d/
index beaf5b268..d16cbe988 100644
--- a/examples/3d/
+++ b/examples/3d/
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
         Skybox {
             image: skybox_handle.clone(),
             brightness: 1000.0,
+            rotation: Quat::from_rotation_x(PI * -0.5),
<img width="1280" alt="image"

## Migration Guide
- Since we have added a new filed to the Skybox struct, users will need
to include `..Default::default()` or some rotation value in their
initialization code.
2024-07-15 15:53:20 +00:00
Alix Bott
Fix overflow in RenderLayers::iter_layers (#14264)
# Objective

- Fixes overflow when calling `RenderLayers::iter_layers` on layers of
the form `k * 64 - 1`
- Causes a panic in debug mode, and an infinite iterator in release mode

## Solution

- Use `u64::checked_shr` instead of `>>=`

## Testing

- Added a test case for this: `render_layer_iter_no_overflow`
2024-07-15 15:50:36 +00:00
Implement FromIterator/IntoIterator for dynamic types (#14250)
# Objective

Implement FromIterator/IntoIterator for dynamic types where missing

- can't impl `IntoIterator` for `&Array` & co because of orphan rules
- `into_iter().collect()` is a no-op for `Vec`s because of


## Migration Guide

- Change `DynamicArray::from_vec` to `DynamicArray::from_iter`
2024-07-15 15:38:11 +00:00
Ben Frankel
Fix inaccurate docs for Commands::spawn_empty (#14234)
# Objective

`Commands::spawn_empty` docs say that it queues a command to spawn an
entity, but it doesn't. It immediately reserves an `Entity` to be
spawned at the next flush point, which is possible because
`Entities::reserve_entity()` takes `&self` and no components are added

## Solution

Fix docs.
2024-07-15 15:32:20 +00:00
Clean up UiSystem system sets (#14228)
# Objective

- All UI systems should be in system sets that are easy to order around
in user code.

## Solution

- Add `UiSystem::Prepare` and `UiSystem::PostLayout` system sets to
capture floater systems.
- Adjust how UI systems are scheduled to align with the new sets.

This is *mostly* a pure refactor without any behavior/scheduling
changes. See migration guide.

## Testing

- Not tested, correctness by inspection.


## Migration Guide

`UiSystem` system set adjustments.
- The `UiSystem::Outline` system set is now strictly ordered after
`UiSystem::Layout`, rather than overlapping it.
2024-07-15 15:27:38 +00:00
Component Lifecycle Hook & Observer Trigger for replaced values (#14212)
# Objective

Fixes #14202

## Solution

Add `on_replaced` component hook and `OnReplaced` observer trigger

## Testing

- Did you test these changes? If so, how?
  - Updated & added unit tests


## Changelog

- Added new `on_replaced` component hook and `OnReplaced` observer
trigger for performing cleanup on component values when they are
overwritten with `.insert()`
2024-07-15 15:24:15 +00:00
Rename bevy_core::name::DebugName to bevy_core::name::NameOrEntity (#14211)
# Objective

- Fixes #14039

## Solution

- Rename.

## Testing

- CI


## Migration Guide

- Rename usages of `bevy_core::name::DebugName` to
2024-07-15 15:21:41 +00:00
Make initial StateTransition run before PreStartup (#14208)
# Objective

- Fixes #14206 

## Solution

- Run initial `StateTransition` as a startup schedule before
`PreStartup`, instead of running it inside `Startup` as an exclusive

Related discord discussion:

## Testing

Reproduction now works correctly:

use bevy::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, States)]
enum AppState {

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
        .add_systems(OnEnter(AppState::Menu), enter_menu_state)

fn setup(mut next_state: ResMut<NextState<AppState>>) {

fn enter_menu_state() {
    println!("Entered menu state");



## Changelog

- Initial `StateTransition` runs before `PreStartup` instead of inside
2024-07-15 15:08:54 +00:00
Faster MeshletMesh deserialization (#14193)
# Objective
- Using bincode to deserialize binary into a MeshletMesh is expensive
(~77ms for a 5mb file).

## Solution
- Write a custom deserializer using bytemuck's Pod types and slice
  - Total asset load time has gone from ~102ms to ~12ms.
- Change some types I never meant to be public to private and other misc

## Testing
- Ran the meshlet example and added timing spans to the asset loader.


## Changelog
- Improved `MeshletMesh` loading speed
- The `MeshletMesh` disk format has changed, and
- `MeshletMesh` fields are now private
- Renamed `MeshletMeshSaverLoad` to `MeshletMeshSaverLoader`
- The `Meshlet`, `MeshletBoundingSpheres`, and `MeshletBoundingSphere`
types are now private
- Removed `MeshletMeshSaveOrLoadError::SerializationOrDeserialization`
- Added `MeshletMeshSaveOrLoadError::WrongFileType`

## Migration Guide
- Regenerate your `MeshletMesh` assets, as the disk format has changed,
and `MESHLET_MESH_ASSET_VERSION` has been bumped
- `MeshletMesh` fields are now private
- `MeshletMeshSaverLoad` is now named `MeshletMeshSaverLoader`
- The `Meshlet`, `MeshletBoundingSpheres`, and `MeshletBoundingSphere`
types are now private
- `MeshletMeshSaveOrLoadError::SerializationOrDeserialization` has been
- Added `MeshletMeshSaveOrLoadError::WrongFileType`, match on this
variant if you match on `MeshletMeshSaveOrLoadError`
2024-07-15 15:06:02 +00:00
Fix inconsistency in KeyboardInput examples to match migration guide (#14185)
# Objective

- The API usage of `KeyboardInput` in the `char_input_events` and
`text_input` examples don't match the [migration

## Solution

- Check using `is_pressed` over `ButtonState::Released`.
2024-07-15 15:03:48 +00:00
bevy_math: faster sphere sampling (#14168)
Uses fewer transcendental functions than the existing approach
2024-07-15 15:01:18 +00:00
Allow observer systems to have outputs (#14159)
# Objective


## Solution

- Update the ObserverSystem traits to accept an `Out` parameter

## Testing

- Added a test where an observer system has a non-empty output which is
piped into another system

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
2024-07-15 14:59:12 +00:00
Expose Winit's KeyEvent::repeat in KeyboardInput (#14161)
# Objective

I would like to know if an event was emitted because of "key repeats" or
Winit already exposes this information, but it isn't sent along by Bevy,
which this PR intends to address.

## Solution


## Testing

Just hold any regular key down and only the first event should have
`KeyboardInput::repeat` set to `false`. Most OSs have "key repeat"
enabled by default.


## Changelog

- Added `KeyboardInput::repeat` signifying if this event was sent in
response to a "key repeat" event or not.
2024-07-15 14:52:33 +00:00
Gino Valente
examples: Add Type Data reflection example (#13903)
# Objective

Type data is a **super** useful tool to know about when working with
reflection. However, most users don't fully understand how it works or
that you can use it for more than just object-safe traits.

This is unfortunate because it can be surprisingly simple to manually
create your own type data.

We should have an example detailing how type works, how users can define
their own, and how thy can be used.

## Solution

Added a `type_data` example.

This example goes through all the major points about type data:
- Why we need them
- How they can be defined
- The two ways they can be registered
- A list of common/important type data provided by Bevy

I also thought it might be good to go over the `#[reflect_trait]` macro
as part of this example since it has all the other context, including
how to define type data in places where `#[reflect_trait]` won't work.
Because of this, I removed the `trait_reflection` example.

## Testing

You can run the example locally with the following command:

cargo run --example type_data


## Changelog

- Added the `type_data` example
- Removed the `trait_reflection` example
2024-07-15 14:19:50 +00:00
Dmytro Banin
Align Scene::write_to_world_with to match DynamicScene::write_to_world_with (#13855)
# Objective

Fixes a regression in [previously merged but then reverted
pr]( that aligns
lower-level `Scene` API with that in `DynamicScene`. Please look at the
original pr for more details.

The problem was `spawn_sync_internal` is used in `spawn_queued_scenes`.
Since instance creation was moved up a level we need to make sure we add
a specific instance to `SceneSpawner::spawned_instances` when using
`spawn_sync_internal` (just like we do for `DynamicScene`).

Please look at the last commit when reviewing.

## Testing

`alien_cake_addict` and `deferred_rendering` examples look as expected.

## Changelog

Changed `Scene::write_to_world_with` to take `entity_map` as an argument
and no longer return an `InstanceInfo`

## Migration Guide

`Scene::write_to_world_with` no longer returns an `InstanceInfo`. 

scene.write_to_world_with(world, &registry)
let mut entity_map = EntityHashMap::default();
scene.write_to_world_with(world, &mut entity_map, &registry)
2024-07-15 14:04:09 +00:00