Commit graph

3606 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Chris Juchem
e2d1d9dff8 Update dead links in DefaultPlugins docs (#6695)
# Objective

- Fix dead links on this docs page:

## Solution

- Point links to the imported versions instead of the versions in external crates.
2022-11-21 20:12:31 +00:00
James Liu
eaeba0866d Parallelized transform propagation (#4775)
# Objective
Fixes #4697. Hierarchical propagation of properties, currently only Transform -> GlobalTransform, can be a very expensive operation. Transform propagation is a strict dependency for anything positioned in world-space. In large worlds, this can take quite a bit of time, so limiting it to a single thread can result in poor CPU utilization as it bottlenecks the rest of the frame's systems.

## Solution

 - Move transforms without a parent or a child (free-floating (Global)Transform) entities into a separate parallel system.
 - Chunk the hierarchy based on the root entities and process it in parallel with `Query::par_for_each_mut`. 
 - Utilize the hierarchy's specific properties introduced in #4717 to allow for safe use of `Query::get_unchecked` on multiple threads. Assuming each child is unique in the hierarchy, it is impossible to have an aliased `&mut GlobalTransform` so long as we verify that the parent for a child is the same one propagated from.


## Changelog
Removed: `transform_propagate_system` is no longer `pub`.
2022-11-21 18:18:38 +00:00
Chia-Hsiang Cheng
585dac0582 Remove auto-margin properties from the examples (#6535)
# Objective

Fixes #6498.

## Solution

Adding a parent node with properties AlignItems::Center and JustifyContent::Center to centered child nodes and removing their auto-margin properties.
2022-11-21 14:38:35 +00:00
Ida Iyes
96e09f004b Fix PipeSystem panicking with exclusive systems (#6698)
Without this fix, piped systems containing exclusive systems fail to run, giving a runtime panic.
With this PR, running piped systems that contain exclusive systems now works.

## Explanation of the bug

This is because, unless overridden, the default implementation of `run` from the `System` trait simply calls `run_unsafe`. That is not valid for exclusive systems. They must always be called via `run`, as `run_unsafe` takes `&World` instead of `&mut World`.

Trivial reproduction example:
fn main() {

fn exclusive(_world: &mut World) {}
fn another() {}
If you run this, you will get a panic 'Cannot run exclusive systems with a shared World reference' and the backtrace shows how bevy (correctly) tries to call the `run` method (because the system is exclusive), but it is the implementation from the `System` trait (because `PipeSystem` does not have its own), which calls `run_unsafe` (incorrect):
 - 3: <bevy_ecs::system::system_piping::PipeSystem<SystemA,SystemB> as bevy_ecs::system::system::System>::run_unsafe
 - 4: bevy_ecs::system::system::System::run
2022-11-21 14:23:21 +00:00
Torstein Grindvik
174819be83 ExtractComponent output optional associated type (#6699)
# Objective

Allow more use cases where the user may benefit from both `ExtractComponentPlugin` _and_ `UniformComponentPlugin`.

## Solution

Add an associated type to `ExtractComponent` in order to allow specifying the output component (or bundle).

Make `extract_component` return an `Option<_>` such that components can be extracted only when needed.

What problem does this solve?

`ExtractComponentPlugin` allows extracting components, but currently the output type is the same as the input.
This means that use cases such as having a settings struct which turns into a uniform is awkward.

For example we might have:

struct MyStruct {
    enabled: bool,
    val: f32

struct MyStructUniform {
    val: f32

With the new approach, we can extract `MyStruct` only when it is enabled, and turn it into its related uniform.

This chains well with `UniformComponentPlugin`.

The user may then:


This then saves the user a fair amount of boilerplate.

## Changelog

### Changed

- `ExtractComponent` can specify output type, and outputting is optional.

Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2022-11-21 13:19:44 +00:00
30070a926f Add Transform::look_to (#6692)
Add a method to rotate a transform to point towards a direction.

Also updated the docs to link to `forward` and `up` instead of mentioning local negative `Z` and local `Y`.

Unfortunately, links to methods don't work in rust-analyzer :(

Co-authored-by: Devil Ira <>
2022-11-21 13:19:43 +00:00
ed2ea0d417 The update_frame_count system should be placed in CorePlugin (#6676)
# Objective

Latest Release, "bevy 0.9" move the FrameCount updater into RenderPlugin, it leads to user who only run app with Core/Minimal Plugin cannot get the right number of FrameCount, it always return 0.

As for use cases like a server app, we don't want to add render dependencies to the app.

More detail in #6656 

## Solution

- Move the `update_frame_count` into CorePlugin
2022-11-21 13:19:41 +00:00
Robin KAY
bdd5cee92a Add Box::from_corners method (#6672)
# Objective

This add a ctor to `Box` to aid the creation of non-centred boxes. The PR adopts @rezural's work on PR #3322, taking into account the feedback on that PR from @james7132.

## Solution

`Box::from_corners()` creates a `Box` from two opposing corners and automatically determines the min and max extents to ensure that the `Box` is well-formed.

Co-authored-by: rezural <>
2022-11-21 13:19:40 +00:00
b3e45b75d6 Expose set_cursor_hittest() from winit (#6664)
# Objective

- Bevy should be usable to create 'overlay' type apps, where the input is not captured by Bevy, but passed down/into a target app, or to allow passive displays/widgets etc.
## Solution

- the `winit:🪟:Window` already has a `set_cursor_hittest()` which basically does this for mouse input events, so I've exposed it (trying to copy the style laid out in the existing wrappings, and added a simple demo.


## Changelog

- Added `hittest` to `WindowAttributes`
- Added the `hittest`'s setters/getters
- Modified the `WindowBuilder`
- Modifed the `WindowDescriptor`'s `Default` impl.
- Added an example `cargo run --example fallthrough`
2022-11-21 12:59:10 +00:00
James Liu
55ca7fc88e Split Component Ticks (#6547)
# Objective
Fixes #4884. `ComponentTicks` stores both added and changed ticks contiguously in the same 8 bytes. This is convenient when passing around both together, but causes half the bytes fetched from memory for the purposes of change detection to effectively go unused. This is inefficient when most queries (no filter, mutating *something*) only write out to the changed ticks.

## Solution
Split the storage for change detection ticks into two separate `Vec`s inside `Column`. Fetch only what is needed during iteration.

This also potentially also removes one blocker from autovectorization of dense queries.

EDIT: This is confirmed to enable autovectorization of dense queries in `for_each` and `par_for_each`  where possible.  Unfortunately `iter` has other blockers that prevent it.

### TODO

 - [x] Microbenchmark
 - [x] Check if this allows query iteration to autovectorize simple loops.
 - [x] Clean up all of the spurious tuples now littered throughout the API

### Open Questions

 - ~~Is `Mut::is_added` absolutely necessary? Can we not just use `Added` or `ChangeTrackers`?~~ It's optimized out if unused.
 - ~~Does the fetch of the added ticks get optimized out if not used?~~ Yes it is.


## Changelog
Added: `Tick`, a wrapper around a single change detection tick.
Added: `Column::get_added_ticks`
Added: `Column::get_column_ticks`
Added: `SparseSet::get_added_ticks`
Added: `SparseSet::get_column_ticks`
Changed: `Column` now stores added and changed ticks separately internally.
Changed: Most APIs returning `&UnsafeCell<ComponentTicks>` now returns `TickCells` instead, which contains two separate `&UnsafeCell<Tick>` for either component ticks.
Changed: `Query::for_each(_mut)`, `Query::par_for_each(_mut)` will now leverage autovectorization to speed up query iteration where possible.

## Migration Guide
2022-11-21 12:59:09 +00:00
James Liu
210979f631 Fix panicking on another scope (#6524)
# Objective
Fix #6453. 

## Solution
Use the solution mentioned in the issue by catching the unwind and dropping the error. Wrap the `executor.try_tick` calls with `std::catch::unwind`.

Ideally this would be moved outside of the hot loop, but the mut ref to the `spawned` future is not `UnwindSafe`.

This PR only addresses the bug, we can address the perf issues (should there be any) later.
2022-11-21 12:59:08 +00:00
Nicola Papale
15ea93a348 Fix size_hint for partially consumed QueryIter and QueryCombinationIter (#5214)
# Objective

Fix #5149

## Solution

Instead of returning the **total count** of elements in the `QueryIter` in
`size_hint`, we return the **count of remaining elements**. This
Fixes #5149 even when #5148 gets merged.



## Changelog

- Fix partially consumed `QueryIter` and `QueryCombinationIter` having invalid `size_hint`

Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <>
2022-11-21 12:37:31 +00:00
e0c3c6d166 Make Core Pipeline Graph Nodes Public (#6605)
# Objective

Make core pipeline graphic nodes, including `BloomNode`, `FxaaNode`, `TonemappingNode` and `UpscalingNode` public.
This will allow users to construct their own render graphs with these build-in nodes.

## Solution

Make them public.
Also put node names into bevy's core namespace (`core_2d::graph::node`, `core_3d::graph::node`) which makes them consistent.
2022-11-18 22:16:55 +00:00
Patrick Towles
cb8fe5b7fd Removed Mobile Touch event y-axis flip (#6597)
# Objective

Fix android touch events being flipped.  Only removed test for android, don't have ios device to test with.  Tested with emulator and physical device.

## Solution

Remove check, no longer needed with coordinate change in 0.9
2022-11-18 22:16:54 +00:00
2cd0bd7575 improve compile time by type-erasing wgpu structs (#5950)
# Objective

structs containing wgpu types take a long time to compile. this is particularly bad for generics containing the wgpu structs (like the depth pipeline builder with `#[derive(SystemParam)]` i've been working on).

we can avoid that by boxing and type-erasing in the bevy `render_resource` wrappers.

type system magic is not a strength of mine so i guess there will be a cleaner way to achieve this, happy to take feedback or for it to be taken as a proof of concept if someone else wants to do a better job.

## Solution

- add macros to box and type-erase in debug mode
- leave current impl for release mode


<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"


<meta name=ProgId content=Excel.Sheet>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Excel 15">
<link id=Main-File rel=Main-File
<link rel=File-List
	{margin:.75in .7in .75in .7in;
	font-family:Calibri, sans-serif;
	mso-protection:locked visible;

<body link="#0563C1" vlink="#954F72">

current |   |   |  
-- | -- | -- | --
  | Total time: | 64.9s |  
  | bevy_pbr v0.9.0-dev | 19.2s |  
  | bevy_render v0.9.0-dev | 17.0s |  
  | bevy_sprite v0.9.0-dev | 15.1s |  
  | DepthPipelineBuilder | 18.7s |  
  |   |   |  
with type-erasing |   |   | diff
  | Total time: | 49.0s | -24%
  | bevy_render v0.9.0-dev | 12.0s | -38%
  | bevy_pbr v0.9.0-dev | 8.7s | -49%
  | bevy_sprite v0.9.0-dev | 6.1s | -60%
  | DepthPipelineBuilder | 1.2s | -94%



the depth pipeline builder is a binary with body: 
use std::{marker::PhantomData, hash::Hash};
use bevy::{prelude::*, ecs::system::SystemParam, pbr::{RenderMaterials, MaterialPipeline, ShadowPipeline}, render::{renderer::RenderDevice, render_resource::{SpecializedMeshPipelines, PipelineCache}, render_asset::RenderAssets}};

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world p!\n");

pub struct DepthPipelineBuilder<'w, 's, M: Material> 
where M::Data: Eq + Hash + Clone,
    render_device: Res<'w, RenderDevice>,
    material_pipeline: Res<'w, MaterialPipeline<M>>,
    material_pipelines: ResMut<'w, SpecializedMeshPipelines<MaterialPipeline<M>>>,
    shadow_pipeline: Res<'w, ShadowPipeline>,
    pipeline_cache: ResMut<'w, PipelineCache>,
    render_meshes: Res<'w, RenderAssets<Mesh>>,
    render_materials: Res<'w, RenderMaterials<M>>,
    msaa: Res<'w, Msaa>,
    _p: PhantomData<&'s M>,
2022-11-18 22:04:23 +00:00
5972879dec Remove ImageMode (#6674)
# Objective

Delete `ImageMode`. It doesn't do anything except mislead people into thinking it controls the aspect ratio of images somehow.

Fixes #3933 and #6637

## Solution

Delete `ImageMode`

## Changelog

Removes the `ImageMode` enum.
Removes the `image_mode` field from `ImageBundle`
Removes the `With<ImageMode>` query filter from `image_node_system`
Renames `image_node_system` to` update_image_calculated_size_system`
2022-11-18 21:16:32 +00:00
4209fcaeda Make spawn_dynamic return InstanceId (#6663)
# Objective

Fixes #6661 

## Solution

Make `SceneSpawner::spawn_dynamic` return `InstanceId` like other functions there.


## Changelog

Make `SceneSpawner::spawn_dynamic` return `InstanceId` instead of `()`.
2022-11-18 21:16:31 +00:00
0a853f1ca6 wasm: pad globals uniform also in 2d (#6643)
# Objective

- Fix a panic in wasm when using globals in a shader

## Solution

- Similar to #6460
2022-11-18 21:02:56 +00:00
Edgar Soares da Silva
63c0cca0d7 Update old docs from Timer (#6646)
When I was upgrading to 0.9 noticed there were some changes to the timer, mainly the `TimerMode`.  When switching from the old `is_repeating()`  and `set_repeating()` to the new `mode()` and `set_mode()` noticed the docs still had the old description.
2022-11-18 20:42:33 +00:00
a02e44c0db Don't kill contributors on window squish (#6675)
# Objective

- The `contributors` example panics when attempting to generate an empty range if the window height is smaller than the sprites
- Don't do that

## Solution

- Clamp the bounce height to be 0 minimum, and generate an inclusive range when passing it to `rng.gen_range`
2022-11-18 11:24:07 +00:00
James Liu
9f51651eac Replace BlobVec's swap_scratch with a swap_nonoverlapping (#4853)
# Objective
BlobVec currently relies on a scratch piece of memory allocated at initialization to make a temporary copy of a component when using `swap_remove_and_{forget/drop}`. This is potentially suboptimal as it writes to a, well-known, but random part of memory instead of using the stack.

## Solution
As the `FIXME` in the file states, replace `swap_scratch` with a call to `swap_nonoverlapping::<u8>`. The swapped last entry is returned as a `OwnedPtr`.

In theory, this should be faster as the temporary swap is allocated on the stack, `swap_nonoverlapping` allows for easier vectorization for bigger types, and the same memory is used between the swap and the returned `OwnedPtr`.
2022-11-16 20:57:43 +00:00
Nicola Papale
00684d95f7 Fix FilteredAccessSet get_conflicts inconsistency (#5105)
# Objective

* Enable `Res` and `Query` parameter mutual exclusion
* Required for

The `FilteredAccessSet::get_conflicts` methods didn't work properly with
`Res` and `ResMut` parameters. Because those added their access by using
the `combined_access_mut` method and directly modifying the global
access state of the FilteredAccessSet. This caused an inconsistency,
because get_conflicts assumes that ALL added access have a corresponding
`FilteredAccess` added to the `filtered_accesses` field.

In practice, that means that SystemParam that adds their access through
the `Access` returned by `combined_access_mut` and the ones that add
their access using the `add` method lived in two different universes. As
a result, they could never be mutually exclusive.

## Solution

This commit fixes it by removing the `combined_access_mut` method. This
ensures that the `combined_access` field of FilteredAccessSet is always
updated consistently with the addition of a filter. When checking for
filtered access, it is now possible to account for `Res` and `ResMut`
invalid access. This is currently not needed, but might be in the

We add the `add_unfiltered_{read,write}` methods to replace previous
usages of `combined_access_mut`.

We also add improved Debug implementations on FixedBitSet so that their
meaning is much clearer in debug output.


## Changelog

* Fix `Res` and `Query` parameter never being mutually exclusive.

## Migration Guide

Note: this mostly changes ECS internals, but since the API is public, it is technically breaking:
* Removed `FilteredAccessSet::combined_access_mut`
  * Replace _immutable_ usage of those by `combined_access`
  * For _mutable_ usages, use the new `add_unfiltered_{read,write}` methods instead of `combined_access_mut` followed by `add_{read,write}`
2022-11-16 11:05:48 +00:00
James Liu
6763b31479 Immutable sparse sets for metadata storage (#4928)
# Objective
Make core types in ECS smaller. The column sparse set in Tables is never updated after creation.

## Solution
Create `ImmutableSparseSet` which removes the capacity fields in the backing vec's and the APIs for inserting or removing elements. Drops the size of the sparse set by 3 usizes (24 bytes on 64-bit systems)

## Followup
~~After #4809, Archetype's component SparseSet should be replaced with it.~~ This has been done.


## Changelog
Removed: `Table::component_capacity`

## Migration Guide
`Table::component_capacity()` has been removed as Tables do not support adding/removing columns after construction.

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-11-15 22:21:19 +00:00
James Liu
11c544c29a Remove redundant table and sparse set component IDs from Archetype (#4927)
# Objective
Archetype is a deceptively large type in memory. It stores metadata about which components are in which storage in multiple locations, which is only used when creating new Archetypes while moving entities.

## Solution
Remove the redundant `Box<[ComponentId]>`s and iterate over the sparse set of component metadata instead. Reduces Archetype's size by 4 usizes (32 bytes on 64-bit systems), as well as the additional allocations for holding these slices.

It'd seem like there's a downside that the origin archetype has it's component metadata iterated over twice when creating a new archetype, but this change also removes the extra `Vec<ArchetypeComponentId>` allocations when creating a new archetype which may amortize out to a net gain here. This change likely negatively impacts creating new archetypes with a large number of components, but that's a cost mitigated by the fact that these archetypal relationships are cached in Edges and is incurred only once for each edge created.

## Additional Context
There are several other in-flight PRs that shrink Archetype:

 - #4800 merges the entities and rows Vecs together (shaves off 24 bytes per archetype) 
 - #4809 removes unique_components and moves it to it's own dedicated storage (shaves off 72 bytes per archetype)


## Changelog
Changed: `Archetype::table_components` and `Archetype::sparse_set_components` return iterators instead of slices. `Archetype::new` requires iterators instead of parallel slices/vecs.

## Migration Guide
Do I still need to do this? I really hope people were not relying on the public facing APIs changed here.
2022-11-15 21:39:21 +00:00
James Liu
51aab032ed Bump gilrs version to 0.10 (#6558)
# Objective
Fix #6555.

## Solution
Bump `gilrs` version to 0.10.
2022-11-15 20:31:17 +00:00
James Liu
688f13cd83 Fix get_unchecked_manual using archetype index instead of table row. (#6625)
# Objective
Fix #6623.

## Solution
Use the right table row instead of the `EntityLocation` archetype index.
2022-11-15 00:19:11 +00:00
James Liu
342f69e304 Shrink ComputedVisibility (#6305)
# Objective
`ComputedVisibility` could afford to be smaller/faster. Optimizing the size and performance of operations on the component will positively benefit almost all extraction systems.

This was listed as one of the potential pieces of future work for #5310.

## Solution
Merge both internal booleans into a single `u8` bitflag field. Rely on bitmasks to evaluate local, hierarchical, and general visibility.


 - `ComputedVisibility::is_visible` should be a single bitmask test instead of two.
 - `ComputedVisibility` is now only 1 byte. Should be able to fit 100% more per cache line when using dense iteration.


 - Harder to read.
 - Setting individual values inside `ComputedVisiblity` require bitmask mutations. 

This should be a non-breaking change. No public API was changed. The only publicly visible effect is that `ComputedVisibility` is now 1 byte instead of 2.
2022-11-14 23:34:52 +00:00
8ebd4d909c add span to winit event handler (#6612)
# Objective

- Add a span for the winit event handler. I've found this useful in my PR for pipelined rendering and I've seen it come up in a few other contexts now.

2022-11-14 23:08:31 +00:00
Hsiang-Cheng Yang
eaa35cf99f use Mul<f32> to double the value of Vec3 (#6607)
improve the example code
2022-11-14 23:08:30 +00:00
Daniél Kerkmann
6993f3cfe3 Make function Size::new const for bevy_ui widgets (#6602)
# Objective

Fixes #6594 

## Solution

- `New` function for `Size` is now a `const` function :)

## Changelog

- `New` function for `Size` is now a `const` function

## Migration Guide

- Nothing has been changed
2022-11-14 23:08:29 +00:00
Alessandro Salvatore Nicosia
13abb1fc16 derived Debug on EventReader (#6600)
# Objective
Fixes #6588 

## Solution

Added Debug to the derived traits of EventReader.
2022-11-14 23:08:28 +00:00
Jakob Hellermann
b2090e3a8d add Resources::iter to iterate over all resource IDs (#6592)
# Objective

In bevy 0.8 you could list all resources using `world.archetypes().resource().components()`. As far as I can tell the resource archetype has been replaced with the `Resources` storage, and it would be nice if it could be used to iterate over all resource component IDs as well.

## Solution

- add `fn Resources::iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ComponentId, &ResourceData)>`
2022-11-14 23:08:27 +00:00
Johan Klokkhammer Helsing
69011b7e26 Derive clone and debug for AssetPlugin (#6583)
# Objective

- Derive Clone and Debug for `AssetPlugin`
- Make it possible to log asset server settings
- And get an owned instance if wrapping `AssetPlugin` in another plugin. See: 129224ef72/src/ (L45)
2022-11-14 23:08:26 +00:00
8f9556050a Make WindowId::primary() const (#6582)
# Objective

- fixes

## Solution

- simply add `const` to `primary()`.
2022-11-14 23:08:24 +00:00
Gino Valente
1f8cc9dd67 bevy_scene: Add missing registration for SmallVec<[Entity; 8]> (#6578)
# Objective

> Part of #6573

`Children` was not being properly deserialized in scenes. This was due to a missing registration on `SmallVec<[Entity; 8]>`, which is used by `Children`.

## Solution

Register `SmallVec<[Entity; 8]>`.


## Changelog

- Registered `SmallVec<[Entity; 8]>`
2022-11-14 23:08:23 +00:00
af2a199254 [Fixes #6030] Bevy scene optional serde (#6076)
# Objective

Fixes #6030, making ``serde`` optional.

## Solution

This was solved by making a ``serialize`` feature that can activate ``serde``, which is now optional. 

When ``serialize`` is deactivated, the ``Plugin`` implementation for ``ScenePlugin`` does nothing.

Co-authored-by: Linus Käll <>
2022-11-14 23:08:22 +00:00
f2f8f9097f Add safe constructors for untyped pointers Ptr and PtrMut (#6539)
# Objective

Currently, `Ptr` and `PtrMut` can only be constructed via unsafe code. This means that downgrading a reference to an untyped pointer is very cumbersome, despite being a very simple operation.

## Solution

Define conversions for easily and safely constructing untyped pointers. This is the non-owned counterpart to `OwningPtr::make`.


let ptr = unsafe { PtrMut::new(NonNull::from(&mut value).cast()) };


let ptr = PtrMut::from(&mut value);

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-11-14 22:53:50 +00:00
635320f172 Expose winit always_on_top (#6527)
# Objective

I needed a window which is always on top, to create a overlay app.

## Solution

expose the `always_on_top` property of winit in bevy's `WindowDescriptor` as a boolean flag


## Changelog

### Added
- add `WindowDescriptor.always_on_top` which configures a window to stay on top.
2022-11-14 22:34:29 +00:00
b765682c6e Add AutoMax next to ScalingMode::AutoMin (#6496)
# Objective

`ScalingMode::Auto` for cameras only targets min_height and min_width, or as the docs say it `Use minimal possible viewport size while keeping the aspect ratio.`

But there is no ScalingMode that targets max_height and Max_width or `Use maximal possible viewport size while keeping the aspect ratio.`

## Solution

Added `ScalingMode::AutoMax` that does the exact opposite of `ScalingMode::Auto`


## Changelog

Renamed `ScalingMode::Auto` to `ScalingMode::AutoMin`.

## Migration Guide

just rename `ScalingMode::Auto` to `ScalingMode::AutoMin` if you are using it.

Co-authored-by: Lixou <>
2022-11-14 22:34:28 +00:00
db0d7698e2 Change From<Icosphere> to TryFrom<Icosphere> (#6484)
# Objective

- Fixes  #6476

## Solution

- Return error instead of panic through `TryFrom`
- ~~Add `.except()` in examples~~ 
- Add `.unwrap()` in examples
2022-11-14 22:34:27 +00:00
Jakub Arnold
4de4e54755 Update post_processing example to not render UI with first pass camera (#6469)
# Objective

Make sure the post processing example won't render UI twice.

## Solution

Disable UI on the first pass camera with `UiCameraConfig`
2022-11-14 22:34:26 +00:00
dc09ee36e2 Add pixelated Bevy to assets and an example (#6408)
# Objective
Fixes #2279 

## Solution
Added pixelated Bevy to assets folder and used in a `pixel_perfect` example.
2022-11-14 22:15:46 +00:00
308e092153 Add Windows::get_focused(_mut) (#6571)
Add a method to get the focused window.

Use this instead of `WindowFocused` events in `close_on_esc`.
Seems that the OS/window manager might not always send focused events on application startup.

Sadly, not a fix for #5646.

Co-authored-by: devil-ira <>
2022-11-14 21:59:18 +00:00
5f1261110f Flip UI image (#6292)
# Objective
Fixes  #3225, Allow for flippable UI Images

## Solution
Add flip_x and flip_y fields to UiImage, and swap the UV coordinates accordingly in ui_prepare_nodes.

## Changelog
* Changes UiImage to a struct with texture, flip_x, and flip_y fields.
* Adds flip_x and flip_y fields to ExtractedUiNode.
* Changes extract_uinodes to extract the flip_x and flip_y values from UiImage.
* Changes prepare_uinodes to swap the UV coordinates as required.
* Changes UiImage derefs to texture field accesses.
2022-11-14 21:59:17 +00:00
3ac06b57e9 Respect alignment for zero-sized types stored in the world (#6618)
# Objective

Fixes #6615.

`BlobVec` does not respect alignment for zero-sized types, which results in UB whenever a ZST with alignment other than 1 is used in the world.

## Solution

Add the fn `bevy_ptr::dangling_with_align`.


## Changelog

+ Added the function `dangling_with_align` to `bevy_ptr`, which creates a well-aligned dangling pointer to a type whose alignment is not known at compile time.
2022-11-14 21:16:53 +00:00
9498bfffcb Add remove method to Map reflection trait. (#6564)
# Objective

- Implements removal of entries from a `dyn Map`
- Fixes #6563

## Solution

- Adds a `remove` method to the `Map` trait which takes in a `&dyn Reflect` key and returns the value removed if it was present.


## Changelog

- Added `Map::remove`

## Migration Guide

- Implementors of `Map` will need to implement the `remove` method.

Co-authored-by: radiish <>
2022-11-14 21:03:39 +00:00
Nicola Papale
1967c3ddef Fix Entity hygiene in WorldQuery (#6614)
# Objective

Fix #6593

## Solution

Fully qualify `Entity` in the `WorldQuery` macro
2022-11-14 14:01:16 +00:00
7231e00507 Note about flex in Style docs (#6616)
# Objective 

- Fixes #6606 

## Solution

- Deleted the note Bevy's UI being upside down since it's no longer true as of version 0.9.0
2022-11-14 13:44:29 +00:00
e48c05c734 Fix Link in (#6584)
# Objective

Link doesn't get to right segment

## Solution

Fix link
2022-11-13 15:35:48 +00:00
Sol Toder
f7c8eb7d86 Correct docs for ButtonSettingsError to read 0.0..=1.0 (#6570)
# Objective

The [documentation for `ButtonSettingsError`]( incorrectly describes the valid range of values as `0.0..=2.0`, probably because it was copied from `AxisSettingsError`. The actual range, as seen in the functions that return it and in its own `thiserror` description, is `0.0..=1.0`.

## Solution

Update the doc comments to reflect the correct range.

Co-authored-by: Sol Toder <>
2022-11-12 22:59:49 +00:00