This commit implements support for physically-based anisotropy in Bevy's
`StandardMaterial`, following the specification for the
[`KHR_materials_anisotropy`] glTF extension.
[*Anisotropy*] (not to be confused with [anisotropic filtering]) is a
PBR feature that allows roughness to vary along the tangent and
bitangent directions of a mesh. In effect, this causes the specular
light to stretch out into lines instead of a round lobe. This is useful
for modeling brushed metal, hair, and similar surfaces. Support for
anisotropy is a common feature in major game and graphics engines;
Unity, Unreal, Godot, three.js, and Blender all support it to varying
Two new parameters have been added to `StandardMaterial`:
`anisotropy_strength` and `anisotropy_rotation`. Anisotropy strength,
which ranges from 0 to 1, represents how much the roughness differs
between the tangent and the bitangent of the mesh. In effect, it
controls how stretched the specular highlight is. Anisotropy rotation
allows the roughness direction to differ from the tangent of the model.
In addition to these two fixed parameters, an *anisotropy texture* can
be supplied. Such a texture should be a 3-channel RGB texture, where the
red and green values specify a direction vector using the same
conventions as a normal map ([0, 1] color values map to [-1, 1] vector
values), and the the blue value represents the strength. This matches
the format that the [`KHR_materials_anisotropy`] specification requires.
Such textures should be loaded as linear and not sRGB. Note that this
texture does consume one additional texture binding in the standard
material shader.
The glTF loader has been updated to properly parse the
`KHR_materials_anisotropy` extension.
A new example, `anisotropy`, has been added. This example loads and
displays the barn lamp example from the [`glTF-Sample-Assets`]
repository. Note that the textures were rather large, so I shrunk them
down and converted them to a mixture of JPEG and KTX2 format, in the
interests of saving space in the Bevy repository.
[anisotropic filtering]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Physically-based anisotropy is now available for materials, which
enhances the look of surfaces such as brushed metal or hair. glTF scenes
can use the new feature with the `KHR_materials_anisotropy` extension.
## Screenshots
With anisotropy:

Without anisotropy:

# Objective
- Fixes#10909
- Fixes#8492
## Solution
- Name all matrices `x_from_y`, for example `world_from_view`.
## Testing
- I've tested most of the 3D examples. The `lighting` example
particularly should hit a lot of the changes and appears to run fine.
## Changelog
- Renamed matrices across the engine to follow a `y_from_x` naming,
making the space conversion more obvious.
## Migration Guide
- `Frustum`'s `from_view_projection`, `from_view_projection_custom_far`
and `from_view_projection_no_far` were renamed to
`from_clip_from_world`, `from_clip_from_world_custom_far` and
- `ComputedCameraValues::projection_matrix` was renamed to
- `CameraProjection::get_projection_matrix` was renamed to
`get_clip_from_view` (this affects implementations on `Projection`,
`PerspectiveProjection` and `OrthographicProjection`).
- `ViewRangefinder3d::from_view_matrix` was renamed to
- `PreviousViewData`'s members were renamed to `view_from_world` and
- `ExtractedView`'s `projection`, `transform` and `view_projection` were
renamed to `clip_from_view`, `world_from_view` and `clip_from_world`.
- `ViewUniform`'s `view_proj`, `unjittered_view_proj`,
`inverse_view_proj`, `view`, `inverse_view`, `projection` and
`inverse_projection` were renamed to `clip_from_world`,
`unjittered_clip_from_world`, `world_from_clip`, `world_from_view`,
`view_from_world`, `clip_from_view` and `view_from_clip`.
- `GpuDirectionalCascade::view_projection` was renamed to
- `MeshTransforms`' `transform` and `previous_transform` were renamed to
`world_from_local` and `previous_world_from_local`.
- `MeshUniform`'s `transform`, `previous_transform`,
`inverse_transpose_model_a` and `inverse_transpose_model_b` were renamed
to `world_from_local`, `previous_world_from_local`,
`local_from_world_transpose_a` and `local_from_world_transpose_b` (the
`Mesh` type in WGSL mirrors this, however `transform` and
`previous_transform` were named `model` and `previous_model`).
- `Mesh2dTransforms::transform` was renamed to `world_from_local`.
- `Mesh2dUniform`'s `transform`, `inverse_transpose_model_a` and
`inverse_transpose_model_b` were renamed to `world_from_local`,
`local_from_world_transpose_a` and `local_from_world_transpose_b` (the
`Mesh2d` type in WGSL mirrors this).
- In WGSL, in `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions`, `get_model_matrix` and
`get_previous_model_matrix` were renamed to `get_world_from_local` and
- In WGSL, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions::get_model_matrix` was renamed
to `get_world_from_local`.
Clearcoat is a separate material layer that represents a thin
translucent layer of a material. Examples include (from the [Filament
spec]) car paint, soda cans, and lacquered wood. This commit implements
support for clearcoat following the Filament and Khronos specifications,
marking the beginnings of support for multiple PBR layers in Bevy.
The [`KHR_materials_clearcoat`] specification describes the clearcoat
support in glTF. In Blender, applying a clearcoat to the Principled BSDF
node causes the clearcoat settings to be exported via this extension. As
of this commit, Bevy parses and reads the extension data when present in
glTF. Note that the `gltf` crate has no support for
`KHR_materials_clearcoat`; this patch therefore implements the JSON
semantics manually.
Clearcoat is integrated with `StandardMaterial`, but the code is behind
a series of `#ifdef`s that only activate when clearcoat is present.
Additionally, the `pbr_feature_layer_material_textures` Cargo feature
must be active in order to enable support for clearcoat factor maps,
clearcoat roughness maps, and clearcoat normal maps. This approach
mirrors the same pattern used by the existing transmission feature and
exists to avoid running out of texture bindings on platforms like WebGL
and WebGPU. Note that constant clearcoat factors and roughness values
*are* supported in the browser; only the relatively-less-common maps are
disabled on those platforms.
This patch refactors the lighting code in `StandardMaterial`
significantly in order to better support multiple layers in a natural
way. That code was due for a refactor in any case, so this is a nice
A new demo, `clearcoat`, has been added. It's based on [the
corresponding three.js demo], but all the assets (aside from the skybox
and environment map) are my original work.
[Filament spec]:
[the corresponding three.js demo]:

## Changelog
### Added
* `StandardMaterial` now supports a clearcoat layer, which represents a
thin translucent layer over an underlying material.
* The glTF loader now supports the `KHR_materials_clearcoat` extension,
representing materials with clearcoat layers.
## Migration Guide
* The lighting functions in the `pbr_lighting` WGSL module now have
clearcoat parameters, if `STANDARD_MATERIAL_CLEARCOAT` is defined.
* The `R` reflection vector parameter has been removed from some
lighting functions, as it was unused.
# Objective
- Address #10338
## Solution
- When implementing specular and diffuse transmission, I inadvertently
introduced a performance regression. On high-end hardware it is barely
noticeable, but **for lower-end hardware it can be pretty brutal**. If I
understand it correctly, this is likely due to use of masking by the GPU
to implement control flow, which means that you still pay the price for
the branches you don't take;
- To avoid that, this PR introduces new shader defs (controlled via
`StandardMaterialKey`) that conditionally include the transmission
logic, that way the shader code for both types of transmission isn't
even sent to the GPU if you're not using them;
- This PR also renames ~~`STANDARDMATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP`~~ to
`STANDARD_MATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP` for consistency with the naming
convention used elsewhere in the codebase. (Drive-by fix)
## Changelog
- Added new shader defs, set when using transmission in the
- Fixed performance regression caused by the introduction of
transmission, by gating transmission shader logic behind the newly
introduced shader defs;
## Migration Guide
- If you were using `#ifdef STANDARDMATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP` on your shader
code, make sure to update the name to `STANDARD_MATERIAL_NORMAL_MAP`;
(with an underscore between `STANDARD` and `MATERIAL`)
# Objective
- Materials should be a more frequent rebind then meshes (due to being
able to use a single vertex buffer, such as in #10164) and therefore
should be in a higher bind group.
## Changelog
- For 2d and 3d mesh/material setups (but not UI materials, or other
rendering setups such as gizmos, sprites, or text), mesh data is now in
bind group 1, and material data is now in bind group 2, which is swapped
from how they were before.
## Migration Guide
- Custom 2d and 3d mesh/material shaders should now use bind group 2
`@group(2) @binding(x)` for their bound resources, instead of bind group
- Many internal pieces of rendering code have changed so that mesh data
is now in bind group 1, and material data is now in bind group 2.
Semi-custom rendering setups (that don't use the Material or Material2d
APIs) should adapt to these changes.
# Objective
- bump naga_oil to 0.10
- update shader imports to use rusty syntax
## Migration Guide
naga_oil 0.10 reworks the import mechanism to support more syntax to
make it more rusty, and test for item use before importing to determine
which imports are modules and which are items, which allows:
- use rust-style imports
#import bevy_pbr::{
pbr_functions::{alpha_discard as discard, apply_pbr_lighting},
- import partial paths:
#import part::of::path
which will call to `part::of::path::remainder::function`
- use fully qualified paths without importing:
// #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions
- use imported items without qualifying
#import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions::pbr
// for backwards compatibility the old style is still supported:
// #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions pbr
- allows most imported items to end with `_` and numbers (naga_oil#30).
still doesn't allow struct members to end with `_` or numbers but it's
- the vast majority of existing shader code will work without changes,
but will emit "deprecated" warnings for old-style imports. these can be
suppressed with the `allow-deprecated` feature.
- partly breaks overrides (as far as i'm aware nobody uses these yet) -
now overrides will only be applied if the overriding module is added as
an additional import in the arguments to `Composer::make_naga_module` or
`Composer::add_composable_module`. this is necessary to support
determining whether imports are modules or items.
# Objective
cleanup some pbr shader code. improve shader stage io consistency and
make pbr.wgsl (probably many people's first foray into bevy shader code)
a little more human-readable. also fix a couple of small issues with
deferred rendering.
## Solution
- rename to forward_io (to align with prepass_io)
- rename `MeshVertexOutput` to `VertexOutput` (to align with prepass_io)
- move `Vertex` from mesh.wgsl into here (to align with prepass_io)
- remove `FragmentInput`, use `VertexOutput` directly (to align with
- rename `VertexOutput::clip_position` to `position` (to align with
- restructure so we don't need `#ifdefs` on the actual entrypoint, use
VertexOutput and FragmentOutput in all cases and use #ifdefs to import
the right struct definitions.
- rearrange to make the flow clearer
- move alpha_discard up from `pbr_functions::pbr` to avoid needing to
call it on some branches and not others
- add a bunch of comments
- move ssao into the `!unlit` block to reflect forward behaviour
- fix compile error with deferred + premultiply_alpha
## Migration Guide
in custom material shaders:
- `pbr_functions::pbr` no longer calls to
`pbr_functions::alpha_discard`. if you were using the `pbr` function in
a custom shader with alpha mask mode you now also need to call
alpha_discard manually
- rename imports of `bevy_pbr::mesh_vertex_output` to
- rename instances of `MeshVertexOutput` to `VertexOutput`
in custom material prepass shaders:
- rename instances of `VertexOutput::clip_position` to
# Objective
- Add a [Deferred
Renderer]( to Bevy.
- This allows subsequent passes to access per pixel material information
before/during shading.
- Accessing this per pixel material information is needed for some
features, like GI. It also makes other features (ex. Decals) simpler to
implement and/or improves their capability. There are multiple
approaches to accomplishing this. The deferred shading approach works
well given the limitations of WebGPU and WebGL2.
Motivation: [I'm working on a GI solution for
# Solution
- The deferred renderer is implemented with a prepass and a deferred
lighting pass.
- The prepass renders opaque objects into the Gbuffer attachment
(`Rgba32Uint`). The PBR shader generates a `PbrInput` in mostly the same
way as the forward implementation and then [packs it into the
Gbuffer](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr.wgsl (L168)).
- The deferred lighting pass unpacks the `PbrInput` and [feeds it into
the pbr()
function](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/deferred/deferred_lighting.wgsl (L65)),
then outputs the shaded color data.
- There is now a resource
[DefaultOpaqueRendererMethod](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/ (L599))
that can be used to set the default render method for opaque materials.
If materials return `None` from
[opaque_render_method()](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/ (L131))
the `DefaultOpaqueRendererMethod` will be used. Otherwise, custom
materials can also explicitly choose to only support Deferred or Forward
by returning the respective
[OpaqueRendererMethod](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/ (L603))
- Deferred materials can be used seamlessly along with both opaque and
transparent forward rendered materials in the same scene. The [deferred
does this.
- The deferred renderer does not support MSAA. If any deferred materials
are used, MSAA must be disabled. Both TAA and FXAA are supported.
- Deferred rendering supports WebGL2/WebGPU.
## Custom deferred materials
- Custom materials can support both deferred and forward at the same
time. The
[StandardMaterial](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr.wgsl (L166))
does this. So does [this
- Custom deferred materials that require PBR lighting can create a
`PbrInput`, write it to the deferred GBuffer and let it be rendered by
the `PBRDeferredLightingPlugin`.
- Custom deferred materials that require custom lighting have two
1. Use the base_color channel of the `PbrInput` combined with the
(If the unlit bit is set, the base_color is stored as RGB9E5 for extra
2. A Custom Deferred Lighting pass can be created, either overriding the
default, or running in addition. The a depth buffer is used to limit
rendering to only the required fragments for each deferred lighting
pass. Materials can set their respective depth id via the
[deferred_lighting_pass_id](b79182d2a3/crates/bevy_pbr/src/prepass/prepass_io.wgsl (L95))
attachment. The custom deferred lighting pass plugin can then set [its
depth](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/deferred/deferred_lighting.wgsl (L37)).
Then with the lighting pass using
[CompareFunction::Equal](ec1465559f/crates/bevy_pbr/src/deferred/ (L335)),
only the fragments with a depth that equal the corresponding depth
written in the material will be rendered.
Custom deferred lighting plugins can also be created to render the
StandardMaterial. The default deferred lighting plugin can be bypassed
with `DefaultPlugins.set(PBRDeferredLightingPlugin { bypass: true })`
Co-authored-by: nickrart <>
# Objective
- When adding/removing bindings in large binding lists, git would
generate very difficult-to-read diffs
## Solution
- Move the `@group(X) @binding(Y)` into the same line as the binding
type declaration
# Objective
#5703 caused the normal prepass to fail as the prepass uses
`pbr_functions::apply_normal_mapping`, which uses
`mesh_view_bindings::view` to determine mip bias, which conflicts with
## Solution
pass the mip bias to the `apply_normal_mapping` function explicitly.
# Objective
operate on naga IR directly to improve handling of shader modules.
- give codespan reporting into imported modules
- allow glsl to be used from wgsl and vice-versa
the ultimate objective is to make it possible to
- provide user hooks for core shader functions (to modify light
behaviour within the standard pbr pipeline, for example)
- make automatic binding slot allocation possible
but ... since this is already big, adds some value and (i think) is at
feature parity with the existing code, i wanted to push this now.
## Solution
i made a crate called naga_oil ( -
unpublished for now, could be part of bevy) which manages modules by
- building each module independantly to naga IR
- creating "header" files for each supported language, which are used to
build dependent modules/shaders
- make final shaders by combining the shader IR with the IR for imported
then integrated this into bevy, replacing some of the existing shader
processing stuff. also reworked examples to reflect this.
## Migration Guide
shaders that don't use `#import` directives should work without changes.
the most notable user-facing difference is that imported
functions/variables/etc need to be qualified at point of use, and
there's no "leakage" of visible stuff into your shader scope from the
imports of your imports, so if you used things imported by your imports,
you now need to import them directly and qualify them.
the current strategy of including/'spreading' `mesh_vertex_output`
directly into a struct doesn't work any more, so these need to be
modified as per the examples (e.g. color_material.wgsl, or many others).
mesh data is assumed to be in bindgroup 2 by default, if mesh data is
bound into bindgroup 1 instead then the shader def `MESH_BINDGROUP_1`
needs to be added to the pipeline shader_defs.
# Objective
- Shader error cause by a missing import.
- `pbr_functions.wgsl` was missing an import for the `ambient_light()` function, as `array_texture` doesn't import it.
- Closes#7542.
## Solution
- Add`#import bevy_pbr::pbr_ambient` into `array_texture`
# Objective
- Fixes#4019
- Fix lighting of double-sided materials when using a negative scale
- The FlightHelmet.gltf model's hose uses a double-sided material. Loading the model with a uniform scale of -1.0, and comparing against Blender, it was identified that negating the world-space tangent, bitangent, and interpolated normal produces incorrect lighting. Discussion with Morten Mikkelsen clarified that this is both incorrect and unnecessary.
## Solution
- Remove the code that negates the T, B, and N vectors (the interpolated world-space tangent, calculated world-space bitangent, and interpolated world-space normal) when seeing the back face of a double-sided material with negative scale.
- Negate the world normal for a double-sided back face only when not using normal mapping
### Before, on `main`, flipping T, B, and N
<img width="932" alt="Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 15 11 53" src="">
### After, on this PR
<img width="932" alt="Screenshot 2022-08-22 at 15 12 11" src="">
### Double-sided material without normal maps
## Changelog
- Fixed: Lighting of normal-mapped, double-sided materials applied to models with negative scale
- Fixed: Lighting and shadowing of back faces with no normal-mapping and a double-sided material
## Migration Guide
`prepare_normal` from the `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions` shader import has been reworked.
pbr_input.world_normal = in.world_normal;
pbr_input.N = prepare_normal(
pbr_input.world_normal = prepare_world_normal(
pbr_input.N = apply_normal_mapping(
# Objective
- Make the reusable PBR shading functionality a little more reusable
- Add constructor functions for `StandardMaterial` and `PbrInput` structs to populate them with default values
- Document unclear `PbrInput` members
- Demonstrate how to reuse the bevy PBR shading functionality
- The final important piece from #3969 as the initial shot at making the PBR shader code reusable in custom materials
## Solution
- Add back and rework the 'old' `array_texture` example from pre-0.6.
- Create a custom shader material
- Use a single array texture binding and sampler for the material bind group
- Use a shader that calls `pbr()` from the `bevy_pbr::pbr_functions` import
- Spawn a row of cubes using the custom material
- In the shader, select the array texture layer to sample by using the world position x coordinate modulo the number of array texture layers
<img width="1392" alt="Screenshot 2022-06-23 at 12 28 05" src="">
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>