Commit graph

10 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ricky Taylor
Normalise matrix naming (#13489)
# Objective
- Fixes #10909
- Fixes #8492

## Solution
- Name all matrices `x_from_y`, for example `world_from_view`.

## Testing
- I've tested most of the 3D examples. The `lighting` example
particularly should hit a lot of the changes and appears to run fine.


## Changelog
- Renamed matrices across the engine to follow a `y_from_x` naming,
making the space conversion more obvious.

## Migration Guide
- `Frustum`'s `from_view_projection`, `from_view_projection_custom_far`
and `from_view_projection_no_far` were renamed to
`from_clip_from_world`, `from_clip_from_world_custom_far` and
- `ComputedCameraValues::projection_matrix` was renamed to
- `CameraProjection::get_projection_matrix` was renamed to
`get_clip_from_view` (this affects implementations on `Projection`,
`PerspectiveProjection` and `OrthographicProjection`).
- `ViewRangefinder3d::from_view_matrix` was renamed to
- `PreviousViewData`'s members were renamed to `view_from_world` and
- `ExtractedView`'s `projection`, `transform` and `view_projection` were
renamed to `clip_from_view`, `world_from_view` and `clip_from_world`.
- `ViewUniform`'s `view_proj`, `unjittered_view_proj`,
`inverse_view_proj`, `view`, `inverse_view`, `projection` and
`inverse_projection` were renamed to `clip_from_world`,
`unjittered_clip_from_world`, `world_from_clip`, `world_from_view`,
`view_from_world`, `clip_from_view` and `view_from_clip`.
- `GpuDirectionalCascade::view_projection` was renamed to
- `MeshTransforms`' `transform` and `previous_transform` were renamed to
`world_from_local` and `previous_world_from_local`.
- `MeshUniform`'s `transform`, `previous_transform`,
`inverse_transpose_model_a` and `inverse_transpose_model_b` were renamed
to `world_from_local`, `previous_world_from_local`,
`local_from_world_transpose_a` and `local_from_world_transpose_b` (the
`Mesh` type in WGSL mirrors this, however `transform` and
`previous_transform` were named `model` and `previous_model`).
- `Mesh2dTransforms::transform` was renamed to `world_from_local`.
- `Mesh2dUniform`'s `transform`, `inverse_transpose_model_a` and
`inverse_transpose_model_b` were renamed to `world_from_local`,
`local_from_world_transpose_a` and `local_from_world_transpose_b` (the
`Mesh2d` type in WGSL mirrors this).
- In WGSL, in `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions`, `get_model_matrix` and
`get_previous_model_matrix` were renamed to `get_world_from_local` and
- In WGSL, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions::get_model_matrix` was renamed
to `get_world_from_local`.
2024-06-03 16:56:53 +00:00
update shader imports (#10180)
# Objective

- bump naga_oil to 0.10
- update shader imports to use rusty syntax

## Migration Guide

naga_oil 0.10 reworks the import mechanism to support more syntax to
make it more rusty, and test for item use before importing to determine
which imports are modules and which are items, which allows:

- use rust-style imports
#import bevy_pbr::{
    pbr_functions::{alpha_discard as discard, apply_pbr_lighting}, 

- import partial paths:
#import part::of::path
which will call to `part::of::path::remainder::function`

- use fully qualified paths without importing:
// #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions
- use imported items without qualifying
#import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions::pbr
// for backwards compatibility the old style is still supported:
// #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions pbr

- allows most imported items to end with `_` and numbers (naga_oil#30).
still doesn't allow struct members to end with `_` or numbers but it's

- the vast majority of existing shader code will work without changes,
but will emit "deprecated" warnings for old-style imports. these can be
suppressed with the `allow-deprecated` feature.

- partly breaks overrides (as far as i'm aware nobody uses these yet) -
now overrides will only be applied if the overriding module is added as
an additional import in the arguments to `Composer::make_naga_module` or
`Composer::add_composable_module`. this is necessary to support
determining whether imports are modules or items.
2023-10-21 11:51:58 +00:00
James O'Brien
Fix shader_instancing example (#9448)
# Objective

- Fix shader compilation issue in `shader_instancing` example.

## Solution

- Fix typo in `instancing.wgsl`
2023-08-15 07:28:45 +00:00
Robert Swain
Reduce the size of MeshUniform to improve performance (#9416)
# Objective

- Significantly reduce the size of MeshUniform by only including
necessary data.

## Solution

Local to world, model transforms are affine. This means they only need a
4x3 matrix to represent them.

`MeshUniform` stores the current, and previous model transforms, and the
inverse transpose of the current model transform, all as 4x4 matrices.
Instead we can store the current, and previous model transforms as 4x3
matrices, and we only need the upper-left 3x3 part of the inverse
transpose of the current model transform. This change allows us to
reduce the serialized MeshUniform size from 208 bytes to 144 bytes,
which is over a 30% saving in data to serialize, and VRAM bandwidth and

## Benchmarks

On an M1 Max, running `many_cubes -- sphere`, main is in yellow, this PR
is in red:
<img width="1484" alt="Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 02 36 43"
A reduction in frame time of ~14%.


## Changelog

- Changed: Redefined `MeshUniform` to improve performance by using 4x3
affine transforms and reconstructing 4x4 matrices in the shader. Helper
functions were added to `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` to unpack the data.
`affine_to_square` converts the packed 4x3 in 3x4 matrix data to a 4x4
matrix. `mat2x4_f32_to_mat3x3` converts the 3x3 in mat2x4 + f32 matrix
data back into a 3x3.

## Migration Guide

Shader code before:
var model = mesh[instance_index].model;

Shader code after:
#import bevy_pbr::mesh_functions affine_to_square

var model = affine_to_square(mesh[instance_index].model);
2023-08-15 06:00:23 +00:00
Robert Swain
Use GpuArrayBuffer for MeshUniform (#9254)
# Objective

- Reduce the number of rebindings to enable batching of draw commands

## Solution

- Use the new `GpuArrayBuffer` for `MeshUniform` data to store all
`MeshUniform` data in arrays within fewer bindings
- Sort opaque/alpha mask prepass, opaque/alpha mask main, and shadow
phases also by the batch per-object data binding dynamic offset to
improve performance on WebGL2.


## Changelog

- Changed: Per-object `MeshUniform` data is now managed by
`GpuArrayBuffer` as arrays in buffers that need to be indexed into.

## Migration Guide

Accessing the `model` member of an individual mesh object's shader
`Mesh` struct the old way where each `MeshUniform` was stored at its own
dynamic offset:
struct Vertex {
    @location(0) position: vec3<f32>,

fn vertex(vertex: Vertex) -> VertexOutput {
    var out: VertexOutput;
    out.clip_position = mesh_position_local_to_clip(
        vec4<f32>(vertex.position, 1.0)
    return out;

The new way where one needs to index into the array of `Mesh`es for the
struct Vertex {
    @builtin(instance_index) instance_index: u32,
    @location(0) position: vec3<f32>,

fn vertex(vertex: Vertex) -> VertexOutput {
    var out: VertexOutput;
    out.clip_position = mesh_position_local_to_clip(
        vec4<f32>(vertex.position, 1.0)
    return out;
Note that using the instance_index is the default way to pass the
per-object index into the shader, but if you wish to do custom rendering
approaches you can pass it in however you like.


Co-authored-by: robtfm <>
Co-authored-by: Elabajaba <>
2023-07-30 13:17:08 +00:00
improve shader import model (#5703)
# Objective

operate on naga IR directly to improve handling of shader modules.
- give codespan reporting into imported modules
- allow glsl to be used from wgsl and vice-versa

the ultimate objective is to make it possible to 
- provide user hooks for core shader functions (to modify light
behaviour within the standard pbr pipeline, for example)
- make automatic binding slot allocation possible

but ... since this is already big, adds some value and (i think) is at
feature parity with the existing code, i wanted to push this now.

## Solution

i made a crate called naga_oil ( -
unpublished for now, could be part of bevy) which manages modules by
- building each module independantly to naga IR
- creating "header" files for each supported language, which are used to
build dependent modules/shaders
- make final shaders by combining the shader IR with the IR for imported

then integrated this into bevy, replacing some of the existing shader
processing stuff. also reworked examples to reflect this.

## Migration Guide

shaders that don't use `#import` directives should work without changes.

the most notable user-facing difference is that imported
functions/variables/etc need to be qualified at point of use, and
there's no "leakage" of visible stuff into your shader scope from the
imports of your imports, so if you used things imported by your imports,
you now need to import them directly and qualify them.

the current strategy of including/'spreading' `mesh_vertex_output`
directly into a struct doesn't work any more, so these need to be
modified as per the examples (e.g. color_material.wgsl, or many others).
mesh data is assumed to be in bindgroup 2 by default, if mesh data is
bound into bindgroup 1 instead then the shader def `MESH_BINDGROUP_1`
needs to be added to the pipeline shader_defs.
2023-06-27 00:29:22 +00:00
814f8d1635 update wgpu to 0.13 (#5168)
# Objective

- Update wgpu to 0.13
- ~~Wait, is wgpu 0.13 released? No, but I had most of the changes already ready since playing with webgpu~~ well it has been released now
- Also update parking_lot to 0.12 and naga to 0.9

## Solution

- Update syntax for wgsl shaders
- Add a few options, remove some references:
- fragment inputs should now exactly match vertex outputs for locations, so I added exports for those to be able to reuse them
2022-07-14 21:17:16 +00:00
Robert Swain
b333386271 Add reusable shader functions for transforming position/normal/tangent (#4901)
# Objective

- Add reusable shader functions for transforming positions / normals / tangents between local and world / clip space for 2D and 3D so that they are done in a simple and correct way
- The next step in #3969 so check there for more details.

## Solution

- Add `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions` shader imports
  - These contain `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` versions of the following functions:
    - `mesh_position_local_to_world`
    - `mesh_position_world_to_clip`
    - `mesh_position_local_to_clip`
    - `mesh_normal_local_to_world`
    - `mesh_tangent_local_to_world`
- Use them everywhere where it is appropriate
  - Notably not in the sprite and UI shaders where `mesh2d_position_world_to_clip` could have been used, but including all the functions depends on the mesh binding so I chose to not use the function there
- NOTE: The `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` functions are currently identical. However, if I had defined only `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and used that in bevy_sprite, then bevy_sprite would have a runtime dependency on bevy_pbr, which seems undesirable. I also expect that when we have a proper 2D rendering API, these functions will diverge between 2D and 3D.


## Changelog

- Added: `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` and `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions` shader imports containing `mesh_` and `mesh2d_` versions of the following functions:
  - `mesh_position_local_to_world`
  - `mesh_position_world_to_clip`
  - `mesh_position_local_to_clip`
  - `mesh_normal_local_to_world`
  - `mesh_tangent_local_to_world`

## Migration Guide

- The `skin_tangents` function from the `bevy_pbr::skinning` shader import has been replaced with the `mesh_tangent_local_to_world` function from the `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` shader import
2022-06-14 00:32:33 +00:00
Robert Swain
cc4062ec43 Split mesh shader files (#4867)
# Objective

- Split PBR and 2D mesh shaders into types and bindings to prepare the shaders to be more reusable.
- See #3969 for details. I'm doing this in multiple steps to make review easier.


## Changelog

- Changed: 2D and PBR mesh shaders are now split into types and bindings, the following shader imports are available: `bevy_pbr::mesh_view_types`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bindings`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_types`, `bevy_pbr::mesh_bindings`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_types`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bindings`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types`, `bevy_sprite::mesh2d_bindings`

## Migration Guide

- In shaders for 3D meshes:
  - `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bind_group` -> `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bindings`
  - `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_struct` -> `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_types`
    - NOTE: If you are using the mesh bind group at bind group index 2, you can remove those binding statements in your shader and just use `#import bevy_pbr::mesh_bindings` which itself imports the mesh types needed for the bindings.
- In shaders for 2D meshes:
  - `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bind_group` -> `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_view_bindings`
  - `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_struct` -> `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types`
    - NOTE: If you are using the mesh2d bind group at bind group index 2, you can remove those binding statements in your shader and just use `#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_bindings` which itself imports the mesh2d types needed for the bindings.
2022-05-31 23:23:25 +00:00
Jakob Hellermann
b1476015d9 add some more pipelined-rendering shader examples (#3041)
based on #3031 

Adds some examples showing of how to use the new pipelined rendering for custom shaders.

- a minimal shader example which doesn't use render assets
- the same but using glsl
- an example showing how to render instanced data
- a shader which uses the seconds since startup to animate some textures

Instancing shader:
Animated shader:
(the gif makes it look a bit ugly)

Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2022-01-05 19:43:11 +00:00