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mod support;
use glam::f32::{quat, Mat3, Mat4, Quat, Vec3, Vec4};
use support::{deg, rad};
fn test_quat_align() {
use std::mem;
assert_eq!(16, mem::size_of::<Quat>());
if cfg!(feature = "scalar-math") {
assert_eq!(4, mem::align_of::<Quat>());
} else {
assert_eq!(16, mem::align_of::<Quat>());
fn test_quat_rotation() {
let zero = deg(0.0);
let yaw = deg(30.0);
let pitch = deg(60.0);
let roll = deg(90.0);
let y0 = Quat::from_rotation_y(yaw);
let (axis, angle) = y0.to_axis_angle();
assert_approx_eq!(axis, Vec3::unit_y(), 1.0e-6);
assert_approx_eq!(angle, yaw);
let y1 = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(yaw, zero, zero);
assert_approx_eq!(y0, y1);
let y2 = Quat::from_axis_angle(Vec3::unit_y(), yaw);
assert_approx_eq!(y0, y2);
let y3 = Quat::from_rotation_mat3(&Mat3::from_rotation_y(yaw));
assert_approx_eq!(y0, y3);
let y4 = Quat::from_rotation_mat3(&Mat3::from_quat(y0));
assert_approx_eq!(y0, y4);
let x0 = Quat::from_rotation_x(pitch);
let (axis, angle) = x0.to_axis_angle();
assert_approx_eq!(axis, Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(angle, pitch);
let x1 = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(zero, pitch, zero);
assert_approx_eq!(x0, x1);
let x2 = Quat::from_axis_angle(Vec3::unit_x(), pitch);
assert_approx_eq!(x0, x2);
let x3 = Quat::from_rotation_mat4(&Mat4::from_rotation_x(deg(180.0)));
assert_approx_eq!(Quat::from_rotation_x(deg(180.0)), x3);
let z0 = Quat::from_rotation_z(roll);
let (axis, angle) = z0.to_axis_angle();
assert_approx_eq!(axis, Vec3::unit_z());
assert_approx_eq!(angle, roll);
let z1 = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(zero, zero, roll);
assert_approx_eq!(z0, z1);
let z2 = Quat::from_axis_angle(Vec3::unit_z(), roll);
assert_approx_eq!(z0, z2);
let z3 = Quat::from_rotation_mat4(&Mat4::from_rotation_z(roll));
assert_approx_eq!(z0, z3);
let yx0 = y0 * x0;
let yx1 = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(yaw, pitch, zero);
assert_approx_eq!(yx0, yx1);
let yxz0 = y0 * x0 * z0;
let yxz1 = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(yaw, pitch, roll);
assert_approx_eq!(yxz0, yxz1);
// use the conjugate of z0 to remove the rotation from yxz0
let yx2 = yxz0 * z0.conjugate();
assert_approx_eq!(yx0, yx2);
let yxz2 = Quat::from_rotation_mat4(&Mat4::from_quat(yxz0));
assert_approx_eq!(yxz0, yxz2);
// if near identity, just returns x axis and 0 rotation
let (axis, angle) = Quat::identity().to_axis_angle();
assert_eq!(axis, Vec3::unit_x());
assert_eq!(angle, rad(0.0));
fn test_quat_new() {
let ytheta = deg(45.0);
let q0 = Quat::from_rotation_y(ytheta);
let t1 = (0.0, (ytheta * 0.5).sin(), 0.0, (ytheta * 0.5).cos());
assert_eq!(q0, t1.into());
let q1 = Quat::from(t1);
assert_eq!(t1, q1.into());
assert_eq!(q0, quat(t1.0, t1.1, t1.2, t1.3));
let a1 = [0.0, (ytheta * 0.5).sin(), 0.0, (ytheta * 0.5).cos()];
assert_eq!(q0, a1.into());
let q1 = Quat::from(a1);
let a2: [f32; 4] = q1.into();
assert_eq!(a1, a2);
fn test_quat_mul_vec() {
let qrz = Quat::from_rotation_z(deg(90.0));
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_y(), qrz * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_y(), -qrz * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(-Vec3::unit_x(), qrz * Vec3::unit_y());
assert_approx_eq!(-Vec3::unit_x(), -qrz * Vec3::unit_y());
// check vec3 * mat3 is the same
let mrz = Mat3::from_quat(qrz);
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_y(), mrz * Vec3::unit_x());
// assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_y(), -mrz * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(-Vec3::unit_x(), mrz * Vec3::unit_y());
let qrx = Quat::from_rotation_x(deg(90.0));
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_x(), qrx * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_x(), -qrx * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_z(), qrx * Vec3::unit_y());
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_z(), -qrx * Vec3::unit_y());
// check vec3 * mat3 is the same
let mrx = Mat3::from_quat(qrx);
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_x(), mrx * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_z(), mrx * Vec3::unit_y());
let qrxz = qrz * qrx;
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_y(), qrxz * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_z(), qrxz * Vec3::unit_y());
let mrxz = mrz * mrx;
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_y(), mrxz * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_z(), mrxz * Vec3::unit_y());
let qrzx = qrx * qrz;
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_z(), qrzx * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(-Vec3::unit_x(), qrzx * Vec3::unit_y());
let mrzx = qrx * qrz;
assert_approx_eq!(Vec3::unit_z(), mrzx * Vec3::unit_x());
assert_approx_eq!(-Vec3::unit_x(), mrzx * Vec3::unit_y());
fn test_quat_funcs() {
let q0 = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(deg(45.0), deg(180.0), deg(90.0));
assert_approx_eq!(q0.length_squared(), 1.0);
assert_approx_eq!(q0.length(), 1.0);
assert_approx_eq!(q0.length_reciprocal(), 1.0);
assert_approx_eq!(q0, q0.normalize());
assert_approx_eq!(q0.dot(q0), 1.0);
assert_approx_eq!(q0.dot(q0), 1.0);
let q1 = Quat::from(Vec4::from(q0) * 2.0);
assert_approx_eq!(q1.length_squared(), 4.0, 1.0e-6);
assert_approx_eq!(q1.length(), 2.0);
assert_approx_eq!(q1.length_reciprocal(), 0.5);
assert_approx_eq!(q0, q1.normalize());
assert_approx_eq!(q0.dot(q1), 2.0, 1.0e-6);
fn test_quat_lerp() {
let q0 = Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(0.0));
let q1 = Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(90.0));
assert_approx_eq!(q0, q0.lerp(q1, 0.0));
assert_approx_eq!(q1, q0.lerp(q1, 1.0));
assert_approx_eq!(Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(45.0)), q0.lerp(q1, 0.5));
fn test_quat_slerp() {
let q0 = Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(0.0));
let q1 = Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(90.0));
assert_approx_eq!(q0, q0.slerp(q1, 0.0), 1.0e-3);
assert_approx_eq!(q1, q0.slerp(q1, 1.0), 1.0e-3);
assert_approx_eq!(Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(45.0)), q0.slerp(q1, 0.5), 1.0e-3);
fn test_quat_slerp_constant_speed() {
let step = 0.01;
let mut s = 0.0;
while s <= 1.0 {
let q0 = Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(0.0));
let q1 = Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(90.0));
Quat::from_rotation_y(deg(s * 90.0)),
q0.slerp(q1, s),
s += step;
fn test_quat_fmt() {
let a = Quat::identity();
#[cfg(all(target_feature = "sse2", not(feature = "scalar-math")))]
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", a), "Quat(__m128(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))");
#[cfg(any(not(target_feature = "sse2"), feature = "scalar-math"))]
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", a), "Quat(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)");
// assert_eq!(
// format!("{:#?}", a),
// "Quat(\n 1.0,\n 2.0,\n 3.0,\n 4.0\n)"
// );
assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "[0, 0, 0, 1]");
fn test_quat_identity() {
let identity = Quat::identity();
assert_eq!(identity, Quat::from_xyzw(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
assert_eq!(identity, identity * identity);
let q = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(deg(10.0), deg(-10.0), deg(45.0));
assert_eq!(q, q * identity);
assert_eq!(q, identity * q);
assert_eq!(identity, Quat::default());
fn test_quat_slice() {
let a: [f32; 4] = Quat::from_rotation_ypr(deg(30.0), deg(60.0), deg(90.0)).into();
let b = Quat::from_slice_unaligned(&a);
let c: [f32; 4] = b.into();
assert_eq!(a, c);
let mut d = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
b.write_to_slice_unaligned(&mut d[..]);
assert_eq!(a, d);
fn test_quat_elements() {
let x = 1.0;
let y = 2.0;
let z = 3.0;
let w = 4.0;
let a = Quat::from_xyzw(x, y, z, w);
assert!(a.x() == x);
assert!(a.y() == y);
assert!(a.z() == z);
assert!(a.w() == w);
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
fn test_quat_serde() {
let a = Quat::from_xyzw(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&a).unwrap();
assert_eq!(serialized, "[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]");
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
assert_eq!(a, deserialized);
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str::<Quat>("[]");
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str::<Quat>("[1.0]");
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str::<Quat>("[1.0,2.0]");
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str::<Quat>("[1.0,2.0,3.0]");
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str::<Quat>("[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]");
#[cfg(feature = "rand")]
fn test_quat_rand() {
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use rand_xoshiro::Xoshiro256Plus;
let mut rng1 = Xoshiro256Plus::seed_from_u64(0);
let a: Quat = rng1.gen();
let mut rng2 = Xoshiro256Plus::seed_from_u64(0);
let b: Quat = rng2.gen();
assert_eq!(a, b);