2024-02-26 10:19:40 -06:00
extend-exclude = [
2024-08-01 00:24:33 +02:00
"*.pbxproj", # metadata file
"*.patch", # Automatically generated files that should not be manually modified.
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <52322338+torsteingrindvik@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-09-18 11:07:17 -07:00
"*.bin", # Binary files
2024-10-20 20:13:14 +03:00
".git/", # Version control files
2024-02-26 10:19:40 -06:00
2024-10-20 20:13:14 +03:00
ignore-hidden = false
2024-02-26 10:19:40 -06:00
# Match Inside a Word - Case Insensitive
LOD = "LOD" # Level of detail
TOI = "TOI" # Time of impact
2024-10-20 11:55:17 -07:00
locale = "en-us"
2024-12-08 18:25:10 +01:00
# Ignored typos regexes
2024-02-26 10:19:40 -06:00
extend-ignore-identifiers-re = [
Derivative access patterns for curves (#16503)
# Objective
- For curves that also include derivatives, make accessing derivative
information via the `Curve` API ergonomic: that is, provide access to a
curve that also samples derivative information.
- Implement this functionality for cubic spline curves provided by
Ultimately, this is to serve the purpose of doing more geometric
operations on curves, like reparametrization by arclength and the
construction of moving frames.
## Solution
This has several parts, some of which may seem redundant. However, care
has been put into this to satisfy the following constraints:
- Accessing a `Curve` that samples derivative information should be not
just possible but easy and non-error-prone. For example, given a
differentiable `Curve<Vec2>`, one should be able to access something
like a `Curve<(Vec2, Vec2)>` ergonomically, and not just sample the
derivatives piecemeal from point to point.
- Derivative access should not step on the toes of ordinary curve usage.
In particular, in the above scenario, we want to avoid simply making the
same curve both a `Curve<Vec2>` and a `Curve<(Vec2, Vec2)>` because this
requires manual disambiguation when the API is used.
- Derivative access must work gracefully in both owned and borrowed
### `HasTangent`
We introduce a trait `HasTangent` that provides an associated `Tangent`
type for types that have tangent spaces:
pub trait HasTangent {
/// The tangent type.
type Tangent: VectorSpace;
(Mathematically speaking, it would be more precise to say that these are
types that represent spaces which are canonically
[parallelized](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallelizable_manifold). )
The idea here is that a point moving through a `HasTangent` type may
have a derivative valued in the associated `Tangent` type at each time
in its journey. We reify this with a `WithDerivative<T>` type that uses
`HasTangent` to include derivative information:
pub struct WithDerivative<T>
T: HasTangent,
/// The underlying value.
pub value: T,
/// The derivative at `value`.
pub derivative: T::Tangent,
And we can play the same game with second derivatives as well, since
every `VectorSpace` type is `HasTangent` where `Tangent` is itself (we
may want to be more restrictive with this in practice, but this holds
pub struct WithTwoDerivatives<T>
T: HasTangent,
/// The underlying value.
pub value: T,
/// The derivative at `value`.
pub derivative: T::Tangent,
/// The second derivative at `value`.
pub second_derivative: <T::Tangent as HasTangent>::Tangent,
In this PR, `HasTangent` is only implemented for `VectorSpace` types,
but it would be valuable to have this implementation for types like
`Rot2` and `Quat` as well. We could also do it for the isometry types
and, potentially, transforms as well. (This is in decreasing order of
value in my opinion.)
### `CurveWithDerivative`
This is a trait for a `Curve<T>` which allows the construction of a
`Curve<WithDerivative<T>>` when derivative information is known
intrinsically. It looks like this:
/// Trait for curves that have a well-defined notion of derivative, allowing for
/// derivatives to be extracted along with values.
pub trait CurveWithDerivative<T>
T: HasTangent,
/// This curve, but with its first derivative included in sampling.
fn with_derivative(self) -> impl Curve<WithDerivative<T>>;
The idea here is to provide patterns like this:
let value_and_derivative = my_curve.with_derivative().sample_clamped(t);
One of the main points here is that `Curve<WithDerivative<T>>` is useful
as an output because it can be used durably. For example, in a dynamic
context, something that needs curves with derivatives can store
something like a `Box<dyn Curve<WithDerivative<T>>>`. Note that
`CurveWithDerivative` is not dyn-compatible.
### `SampleDerivative`
Many curves "know" how to sample their derivatives instrinsically, but
implementing `CurveWithDerivative` as given would be onerous or require
an annoying amount of boilerplate. There are also hurdles to overcome
that involve references to curves: for the `Curve` API, the expectation
is that curve transformations like `with_derivative` take things by
value, with the contract that they can still be used by reference
through deref-magic by including `by_ref` in a method chain.
These problems are solved simultaneously by a trait `SampleDerivative`
which, when implemented, automatically derives `CurveWithDerivative` for
a type and all types that dereference to it. It just looks like this:
pub trait SampleDerivative<T>: Curve<T>
T: HasTangent,
fn sample_with_derivative_unchecked(&self, t: f32) -> WithDerivative<T>;
// ... other sampling variants as default methods
The point is that the output of `with_derivative` is a
`Curve<WithDerivative<T>>` that uses the `SampleDerivative`
implementation. On a `SampleDerivative` type, you can also just call
`my_curve.sample_with_derivative(t)` instead of something like
`my_curve.by_ref().with_derivative().sample(t)`, which is more verbose
and less accessible.
In practice, `CurveWithDerivative<T>` is actually a "sealed" extension
trait of `SampleDerivative<T>`.
## Adaptors
`SampleDerivative` has automatic implementations on all curve adaptors
except for `FunctionCurve`, `MapCurve`, and `ReparamCurve` (because we
do not have a notion of differentiable Rust functions).
For example, `CurveReparamCurve` (the reparametrization of a curve by
another curve) can compute derivatives using the chain rule in the case
both its constituents have them.
## Testing
Tests for derivatives on the curve adaptors are included.
## Showcase
This development allows derivative information to be included with and
extracted from curves using the `Curve` API.
let points = [
vec2(-1.0, -20.0),
vec2(3.0, 2.0),
vec2(5.0, 3.0),
vec2(9.0, 8.0),
// A cubic spline curve that goes through `points`.
let curve = CubicCardinalSpline::new(0.3, points).to_curve().unwrap();
// Calling `with_derivative` causes derivative output to be included in the output of the curve API.
let curve_with_derivative = curve.with_derivative();
// A `Curve<f32>` that outputs the speed of the original.
let speed_curve = curve_with_derivative.map(|x| x.derivative.norm());
## Questions
- ~~Maybe we should seal `WithDerivative` or make it require
`SampleDerivative` (i.e. make it unimplementable except through
`SampleDerivative`).~~ I decided this is a good idea.
- ~~Unclear whether `VectorSpace: HasTangent` blanket implementation is
really appropriate. For colors, for example, I'm not sure that the
derivative values can really be interpreted as a color. In any case, it
should still remain the case that `VectorSpace` types are `HasTangent`
and that `HasTangent::Tangent: HasTangent`.~~ I think this is fine.
- Infinity bikeshed on names of traits and things.
## Future
- Faster implementations of `SampleDerivative` for cubic spline curves.
- Improve ergonomics for accessing only derivatives (and other kinds of
transformations on derivative curves).
- Implement `HasTangent` for:
- `Rot2`/`Quat`
- `Isometry` types
- `Transform`, maybe
- Implement derivatives for easing curves.
- Marker traits for continuous/differentiable curves. (It's actually
unclear to me how much value this has in practice, but we have discussed
it in the past.)
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com>
2024-12-10 15:27:37 -05:00
"Ba", # Bitangent for Anisotropy
"ba", # Part of an accessor in WGSL - color.ba
"ser", # ron::ser - Serializer
"SME", # Subject Matter Expert
"Sur", # macOS Big Sur - South
"NDK", # NDK - Native Development Kit
"PNG", # PNG - Portable Network Graphics file format
"Masia", # The surname of one of the authors of SMAA
"metalness", # Rendering term (metallicity)
"inventario", # Inventory in Portuguese
"[Rr]eparametrize", # Mathematical term in curve context (reparameterize)
2024-02-26 10:19:40 -06:00
# Used in bevy_mikktspace