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//! A custom post processing effect, using two cameras, with one reusing the render texture of the first one.
//! Here a chromatic aberration is applied to a 3d scene containing a rotating cube.
//! This example is useful to implement your own post-processing effect such as
//! edge detection, blur, pixelization, vignette... and countless others.
use bevy::{
camera::{Camera, RenderTarget},
Support AsBindGroup for 2d materials as well (#5312) Port changes made to Material in #5053 to Material2d as well. This is more or less an exact copy of the implementation in bevy_pbr; I simply pretended the API existed, then copied stuff over until it started building and the shapes example was working again. # Objective The changes in #5053 makes it possible to add custom materials with a lot less boiler plate. However, the implementation isn't shared with Material 2d as it's a kind of fork of the bevy_pbr version. It should be possible to use AsBindGroup on the 2d version as well. ## Solution This makes the same kind of changes in Material2d in bevy_sprite. This makes the following work: ```rust //! Draws a circular purple bevy in the middle of the screen using a custom shader use bevy::{ prelude::*, reflect::TypeUuid, render::render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle}, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(Material2dPlugin::<CustomMaterial>::default()) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); } /// set up a simple 2D scene fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Circle::new(50.).into()).into(), material: materials.add(CustomMaterial { color: Color::PURPLE, color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("branding/icon.png")), }), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-100., 0., 0.)), ..default() }); commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); } /// The Material2d trait is very configurable, but comes with sensible defaults for all methods. /// You only need to implement functions for features that need non-default behavior. See the Material api docs for details! impl Material2d for CustomMaterial { fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef { "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into() } } // This is the struct that will be passed to your shader #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)] #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"] pub struct CustomMaterial { #[uniform(0)] color: Color, #[texture(1)] #[sampler(2)] color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>, } ```
2022-07-16 00:20:04 +00:00
AsBindGroup, Extent3d, ShaderRef, TextureDescriptor, TextureDimension, TextureFormat,
Support AsBindGroup for 2d materials as well (#5312) Port changes made to Material in #5053 to Material2d as well. This is more or less an exact copy of the implementation in bevy_pbr; I simply pretended the API existed, then copied stuff over until it started building and the shapes example was working again. # Objective The changes in #5053 makes it possible to add custom materials with a lot less boiler plate. However, the implementation isn't shared with Material 2d as it's a kind of fork of the bevy_pbr version. It should be possible to use AsBindGroup on the 2d version as well. ## Solution This makes the same kind of changes in Material2d in bevy_sprite. This makes the following work: ```rust //! Draws a circular purple bevy in the middle of the screen using a custom shader use bevy::{ prelude::*, reflect::TypeUuid, render::render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle}, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(Material2dPlugin::<CustomMaterial>::default()) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); } /// set up a simple 2D scene fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Circle::new(50.).into()).into(), material: materials.add(CustomMaterial { color: Color::PURPLE, color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("branding/icon.png")), }), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-100., 0., 0.)), ..default() }); commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); } /// The Material2d trait is very configurable, but comes with sensible defaults for all methods. /// You only need to implement functions for features that need non-default behavior. See the Material api docs for details! impl Material2d for CustomMaterial { fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef { "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into() } } // This is the struct that will be passed to your shader #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)] #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"] pub struct CustomMaterial { #[uniform(0)] color: Color, #[texture(1)] #[sampler(2)] color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>, } ```
2022-07-16 00:20:04 +00:00
sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle},
fn main() {
let mut app = App::new();
/// Marks the first camera cube (rendered to a texture.)
struct MainCube;
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut windows: ResMut<Windows>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut post_processing_materials: ResMut<Assets<PostProcessingMaterial>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
mut images: ResMut<Assets<Image>>,
Support AsBindGroup for 2d materials as well (#5312) Port changes made to Material in #5053 to Material2d as well. This is more or less an exact copy of the implementation in bevy_pbr; I simply pretended the API existed, then copied stuff over until it started building and the shapes example was working again. # Objective The changes in #5053 makes it possible to add custom materials with a lot less boiler plate. However, the implementation isn't shared with Material 2d as it's a kind of fork of the bevy_pbr version. It should be possible to use AsBindGroup on the 2d version as well. ## Solution This makes the same kind of changes in Material2d in bevy_sprite. This makes the following work: ```rust //! Draws a circular purple bevy in the middle of the screen using a custom shader use bevy::{ prelude::*, reflect::TypeUuid, render::render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle}, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(Material2dPlugin::<CustomMaterial>::default()) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); } /// set up a simple 2D scene fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Circle::new(50.).into()).into(), material: materials.add(CustomMaterial { color: Color::PURPLE, color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("branding/icon.png")), }), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-100., 0., 0.)), ..default() }); commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); } /// The Material2d trait is very configurable, but comes with sensible defaults for all methods. /// You only need to implement functions for features that need non-default behavior. See the Material api docs for details! impl Material2d for CustomMaterial { fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef { "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into() } } // This is the struct that will be passed to your shader #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)] #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"] pub struct CustomMaterial { #[uniform(0)] color: Color, #[texture(1)] #[sampler(2)] color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>, } ```
2022-07-16 00:20:04 +00:00
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
Support AsBindGroup for 2d materials as well (#5312) Port changes made to Material in #5053 to Material2d as well. This is more or less an exact copy of the implementation in bevy_pbr; I simply pretended the API existed, then copied stuff over until it started building and the shapes example was working again. # Objective The changes in #5053 makes it possible to add custom materials with a lot less boiler plate. However, the implementation isn't shared with Material 2d as it's a kind of fork of the bevy_pbr version. It should be possible to use AsBindGroup on the 2d version as well. ## Solution This makes the same kind of changes in Material2d in bevy_sprite. This makes the following work: ```rust //! Draws a circular purple bevy in the middle of the screen using a custom shader use bevy::{ prelude::*, reflect::TypeUuid, render::render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle}, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(Material2dPlugin::<CustomMaterial>::default()) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); } /// set up a simple 2D scene fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Circle::new(50.).into()).into(), material: materials.add(CustomMaterial { color: Color::PURPLE, color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("branding/icon.png")), }), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-100., 0., 0.)), ..default() }); commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); } /// The Material2d trait is very configurable, but comes with sensible defaults for all methods. /// You only need to implement functions for features that need non-default behavior. See the Material api docs for details! impl Material2d for CustomMaterial { fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef { "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into() } } // This is the struct that will be passed to your shader #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)] #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"] pub struct CustomMaterial { #[uniform(0)] color: Color, #[texture(1)] #[sampler(2)] color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>, } ```
2022-07-16 00:20:04 +00:00
let window = windows.get_primary_mut().unwrap();
let size = Extent3d {
width: window.physical_width(),
height: window.physical_height(),
// This is the texture that will be rendered to.
let mut image = Image {
texture_descriptor: TextureDescriptor {
label: None,
dimension: TextureDimension::D2,
format: TextureFormat::bevy_default(),
mip_level_count: 1,
sample_count: 1,
usage: TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING
| TextureUsages::COPY_DST
// fill with zeroes
let image_handle = images.add(image);
let cube_handle = meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 4.0 }));
let cube_material_handle = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::rgb(0.8, 0.7, 0.6),
reflectance: 0.02,
unlit: false,
// The cube that will be rendered to the texture.
.spawn_bundle(PbrBundle {
mesh: cube_handle,
material: cube_material_handle,
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
// Light
// NOTE: Currently lights are ignoring render layers - see
commands.spawn_bundle(PointLightBundle {
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)),
// Main camera, first to render
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::Custom(Color::WHITE),
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Image(image_handle.clone()),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 15.0))
.looking_at(Vec3::default(), Vec3::Y),
// This specifies the layer used for the post processing camera, which will be attached to the post processing camera and 2d quad.
let post_processing_pass_layer = RenderLayers::layer((RenderLayers::TOTAL_LAYERS - 1) as u8);
let quad_handle = meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Quad::new(Vec2::new(
size.width as f32,
size.height as f32,
// This material has the texture that has been rendered.
let material_handle = post_processing_materials.add(PostProcessingMaterial {
source_image: image_handle,
// Post processing 2d quad, with material using the render texture done by the main camera, with a custom shader.
.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: quad_handle.into(),
material: material_handle,
transform: Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.5),
// The post-processing pass camera.
.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
// renders after the first main camera which has default value: 0.
priority: 1,
/// Rotates the cube rendered by the main camera
fn main_camera_cube_rotator_system(
time: Res<Time>,
mut query: Query<&mut Transform, With<MainCube>>,
) {
for mut transform in &mut query {
transform.rotate_x(0.55 * time.delta_seconds());
transform.rotate_z(0.15 * time.delta_seconds());
// Region below declares of the custom material handling post processing effect
/// Our custom post processing material
Support AsBindGroup for 2d materials as well (#5312) Port changes made to Material in #5053 to Material2d as well. This is more or less an exact copy of the implementation in bevy_pbr; I simply pretended the API existed, then copied stuff over until it started building and the shapes example was working again. # Objective The changes in #5053 makes it possible to add custom materials with a lot less boiler plate. However, the implementation isn't shared with Material 2d as it's a kind of fork of the bevy_pbr version. It should be possible to use AsBindGroup on the 2d version as well. ## Solution This makes the same kind of changes in Material2d in bevy_sprite. This makes the following work: ```rust //! Draws a circular purple bevy in the middle of the screen using a custom shader use bevy::{ prelude::*, reflect::TypeUuid, render::render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle}, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(Material2dPlugin::<CustomMaterial>::default()) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); } /// set up a simple 2D scene fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Circle::new(50.).into()).into(), material: materials.add(CustomMaterial { color: Color::PURPLE, color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("branding/icon.png")), }), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-100., 0., 0.)), ..default() }); commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); } /// The Material2d trait is very configurable, but comes with sensible defaults for all methods. /// You only need to implement functions for features that need non-default behavior. See the Material api docs for details! impl Material2d for CustomMaterial { fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef { "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into() } } // This is the struct that will be passed to your shader #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)] #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"] pub struct CustomMaterial { #[uniform(0)] color: Color, #[texture(1)] #[sampler(2)] color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>, } ```
2022-07-16 00:20:04 +00:00
#[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Clone)]
#[uuid = "bc2f08eb-a0fb-43f1-a908-54871ea597d5"]
struct PostProcessingMaterial {
/// In this example, this image will be the result of the main camera.
Support AsBindGroup for 2d materials as well (#5312) Port changes made to Material in #5053 to Material2d as well. This is more or less an exact copy of the implementation in bevy_pbr; I simply pretended the API existed, then copied stuff over until it started building and the shapes example was working again. # Objective The changes in #5053 makes it possible to add custom materials with a lot less boiler plate. However, the implementation isn't shared with Material 2d as it's a kind of fork of the bevy_pbr version. It should be possible to use AsBindGroup on the 2d version as well. ## Solution This makes the same kind of changes in Material2d in bevy_sprite. This makes the following work: ```rust //! Draws a circular purple bevy in the middle of the screen using a custom shader use bevy::{ prelude::*, reflect::TypeUuid, render::render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle}, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(Material2dPlugin::<CustomMaterial>::default()) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); } /// set up a simple 2D scene fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Circle::new(50.).into()).into(), material: materials.add(CustomMaterial { color: Color::PURPLE, color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("branding/icon.png")), }), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-100., 0., 0.)), ..default() }); commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); } /// The Material2d trait is very configurable, but comes with sensible defaults for all methods. /// You only need to implement functions for features that need non-default behavior. See the Material api docs for details! impl Material2d for CustomMaterial { fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef { "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into() } } // This is the struct that will be passed to your shader #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)] #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"] pub struct CustomMaterial { #[uniform(0)] color: Color, #[texture(1)] #[sampler(2)] color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>, } ```
2022-07-16 00:20:04 +00:00
source_image: Handle<Image>,
impl Material2d for PostProcessingMaterial {
Support AsBindGroup for 2d materials as well (#5312) Port changes made to Material in #5053 to Material2d as well. This is more or less an exact copy of the implementation in bevy_pbr; I simply pretended the API existed, then copied stuff over until it started building and the shapes example was working again. # Objective The changes in #5053 makes it possible to add custom materials with a lot less boiler plate. However, the implementation isn't shared with Material 2d as it's a kind of fork of the bevy_pbr version. It should be possible to use AsBindGroup on the 2d version as well. ## Solution This makes the same kind of changes in Material2d in bevy_sprite. This makes the following work: ```rust //! Draws a circular purple bevy in the middle of the screen using a custom shader use bevy::{ prelude::*, reflect::TypeUuid, render::render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle}, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugin(Material2dPlugin::<CustomMaterial>::default()) .add_startup_system(setup) .run(); } /// set up a simple 2D scene fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, ) { commands.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Circle::new(50.).into()).into(), material: materials.add(CustomMaterial { color: Color::PURPLE, color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("branding/icon.png")), }), transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-100., 0., 0.)), ..default() }); commands.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()); } /// The Material2d trait is very configurable, but comes with sensible defaults for all methods. /// You only need to implement functions for features that need non-default behavior. See the Material api docs for details! impl Material2d for CustomMaterial { fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef { "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into() } } // This is the struct that will be passed to your shader #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, Debug, Clone)] #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"] pub struct CustomMaterial { #[uniform(0)] color: Color, #[texture(1)] #[sampler(2)] color_texture: Option<Handle<Image>>, } ```
2022-07-16 00:20:04 +00:00
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {