
243 lines
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use std::mem::{ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit};
use super::Command;
use crate::world::World;
struct CommandMeta {
offset: usize,
func: unsafe fn(value: *mut MaybeUninit<u8>, world: &mut World),
/// A queue of [`Command`]s
// NOTE: [`CommandQueue`] is implemented via a `Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>` over a `Vec<Box<dyn Command>>`
// as an optimization. Since commands are used frequently in systems as a way to spawn
// entities/components/resources, and it's not currently possible to parallelize these
// due to mutable [`World`] access, maximizing performance for [`CommandQueue`] is
// preferred to simplicity of implementation.
pub struct CommandQueue {
bytes: Vec<MaybeUninit<u8>>,
metas: Vec<CommandMeta>,
// SAFE: All commands [`Command`] implement [`Send`]
unsafe impl Send for CommandQueue {}
// SAFE: `&CommandQueue` never gives access to the inner commands.
unsafe impl Sync for CommandQueue {}
impl CommandQueue {
/// Push a [`Command`] onto the queue.
pub fn push<C>(&mut self, command: C)
C: Command,
/// SAFE: This function is only every called when the `command` bytes is the associated
/// [`Commands`] `T` type. Also this only reads the data via `read_unaligned` so unaligned
/// accesses are safe.
unsafe fn write_command<T: Command>(command: *mut MaybeUninit<u8>, world: &mut World) {
let command = command.cast::<T>().read_unaligned();
let size = std::mem::size_of::<C>();
let old_len = self.bytes.len();
self.metas.push(CommandMeta {
offset: old_len,
func: write_command::<C>,
// Use `ManuallyDrop` to forget `command` right away, avoiding
// any use of it after the `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping`.
let command = ManuallyDrop::new(command);
if size > 0 {
// SAFE: The internal `bytes` vector has enough storage for the
// command (see the call the `reserve` above), the vector has
// its length set appropriately and can contain any kind of bytes.
// In case we're writing a ZST and the `Vec` hasn't allocated yet
// then `as_mut_ptr` will be a dangling (non null) pointer, and
// thus valid for ZST writes.
// Also `command` is forgotten so that when `apply` is called
// later, a double `drop` does not occur.
unsafe {
&*command as *const C as *const MaybeUninit<u8>,
self.bytes.set_len(old_len + size);
/// Execute the queued [`Command`]s in the world.
/// This clears the queue.
pub fn apply(&mut self, world: &mut World) {
// flush the previously queued entities
// SAFE: In the iteration below, `meta.func` will safely consume and drop each pushed command.
// This operation is so that we can reuse the bytes `Vec<u8>`'s internal storage and prevent
// unnecessary allocations.
unsafe { self.bytes.set_len(0) };
for meta in self.metas.drain(..) {
// SAFE: The implementation of `write_command` is safe for the according Command type.
// It's ok to read from `bytes.as_mut_ptr()` because we just wrote to it in `push`.
// The bytes are safely cast to their original type, safely read, and then dropped.
unsafe {
(meta.func)(self.bytes.as_mut_ptr().add(meta.offset), world);
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
struct DropCheck(Arc<AtomicU32>);
impl DropCheck {
fn new() -> (Self, Arc<AtomicU32>) {
let drops = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0));
(Self(drops.clone()), drops)
impl Drop for DropCheck {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
impl Command for DropCheck {
fn write(self, _: &mut World) {}
fn test_command_queue_inner_drop() {
let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
let (dropcheck_a, drops_a) = DropCheck::new();
let (dropcheck_b, drops_b) = DropCheck::new();
assert_eq!(drops_a.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
assert_eq!(drops_b.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 0);
let mut world = World::new();
queue.apply(&mut world);
assert_eq!(drops_a.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
assert_eq!(drops_b.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1);
struct SpawnCommand;
impl Command for SpawnCommand {
fn write(self, world: &mut World) {
fn test_command_queue_inner() {
let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
let mut world = World::new();
queue.apply(&mut world);
assert_eq!(world.entities().len(), 2);
// The previous call to `apply` cleared the queue.
// This call should do nothing.
queue.apply(&mut world);
assert_eq!(world.entities().len(), 2);
// This has an arbitrary value `String` stored to ensure
// when then command gets pushed, the `bytes` vector gets
// some data added to it.
struct PanicCommand(String);
impl Command for PanicCommand {
fn write(self, _: &mut World) {
panic!("command is panicking");
fn test_command_queue_inner_panic_safe() {
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {}));
let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
queue.push(PanicCommand("I panic!".to_owned()));
let mut world = World::new();
let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
queue.apply(&mut world);
// even though the first command panicking.
// the `bytes`/`metas` vectors were cleared.
assert_eq!(queue.bytes.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(queue.metas.len(), 0);
// Even though the first command panicked, it's still ok to push
// more commands.
queue.apply(&mut world);
assert_eq!(world.entities().len(), 2);
// NOTE: `CommandQueue` is `Send` because `Command` is send.
// If the `Command` trait gets reworked to be non-send, `CommandQueue`
// should be reworked.
// This test asserts that Command types are send.
fn assert_is_send_impl(_: impl Send) {}
fn assert_is_send(command: impl Command) {
fn test_command_is_send() {
struct CommandWithPadding(u8, u16);
impl Command for CommandWithPadding {
fn write(self, _: &mut World) {}
fn test_uninit_bytes() {
let mut queue = CommandQueue::default();
queue.push(CommandWithPadding(0, 0));
let _ = format!("{:?}", queue.bytes);