* Update README.md
- `Fuzzy Finder`, `File Explorer`, & `Project` follow each other
- `Motion`, `Keybinding`, `Mouse`, & `Scrolling` follow each other
- `Colorscheme creation` became a sub of `Colorscheme`
- `Quickfix` became a sub of `Debugging`
- `Competitive Programming` became a sub of `Game`
- `Github` became a sub of `Git`
- `Scrollbar` became a sub of `Scrolling`
- `Comment` became a sub of `Editing support`
- `Indent` became a sub of `Formatting`
- `Tmux` became a sub of `Split and Window`
* Update README.md
- `UI` now links to the official wiki page
- `Programming languages support` follows `Lsp` and `Completion`
- `Web development` became a sub of `Programming languages support`
- `Statusline`, ... til `Startup` moved below `Colorscheme`
- `Test` follows `Debugging`
- Removed `Browser integration` as it falls under `UI`
* Update README.md
- `Language` moved below `Markdown / LaTeX`
- `Search` moved above `Fuzzy Finder`
- Removed `Collaborative Editing` and moved [jbyuki/instant.nvim] to `Utility`
- `Code Runner` moved below `Test`
- [onsails/diaglist.nvim], [folke/trouble.nvim], [folke/lsp-colors.nvim], and [git.sr.ht/~whynothugo/lsp_lines.nvim] moved to `Diagnostics`
- Go plugins in `Programming languages support` follow each other
- [crusj/structrue-go.nvim], [someone-stole-my-name/yaml-companion.nvim] and [cuducos/yaml.nvim] moved to `Programming languages support`
- [nyngwang/NeoNoName.lua], [famiu/bufdelete.nvim] and [echasnovski/mini.nvim#mini.bufremove] moved to `Split and Window`
- [max397574/better-escape.nvim] moved to `Keybinding`
- [m00qek/plugin-template.nvim] and [ellisonleao/nvim-plugin-template] moved to `Boilerplate`
- [linty-org/readline.nvim] moved to `Motion`
* Update README.md
- `Terminal Integration` moved below `Utility`
- `Media` and `Note Taking` moved above `Utility`
- `Game` and `Preconfigured Configuration` moved to the bottom