/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TONE.js // // @author Yotam Mann // // The MIT License (MIT) 2014 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function (root) { // Tone.js can run with or without requirejs // // this anonymous function checks to see if the 'define' // method exists, if it does not (and there is not already // something called Tone) it will create a function called // 'define'. 'define' will invoke the 'core' module and attach // its return value to the root. for all other modules // Tone will be passed in as the argument. if (typeof define !== "function" && typeof root.Tone !== "function") { //define 'define' to invoke the callbacks with Tone root.define = function(name, deps, func){ //grab the one at the root if (name === "Tone/core/Tone"){ root.Tone = func(); } else { //for all others pass it in func(root.Tone); } }; } } (this)); define("Tone/core/Tone", [], function(){ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WEB AUDIO CONTEXT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //borrowed from underscore.js function isUndef(val){ return val === void 0; } //ALIAS if (isUndef(window.AudioContext)){ window.AudioContext = window.webkitAudioContext; } var audioContext; if (!isUndef(window.AudioContext)){ audioContext = new AudioContext(); } else { throw new Error("Web Audio is not supported in this browser"); } //SHIMS//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (typeof AudioContext.prototype.createGain !== "function"){ AudioContext.prototype.createGain = AudioContext.prototype.createGainNode; } if (typeof AudioContext.prototype.createDelay !== "function"){ AudioContext.prototype.createDelay = AudioContext.prototype.createDelayNode; } if (typeof AudioBufferSourceNode.prototype.start !== "function"){ AudioBufferSourceNode.prototype.start = AudioBufferSourceNode.prototype.noteGrainOn; } if (typeof AudioBufferSourceNode.prototype.stop !== "function"){ AudioBufferSourceNode.prototype.stop = AudioBufferSourceNode.prototype.noteOff; } if (typeof OscillatorNode.prototype.start !== "function"){ OscillatorNode.prototype.start = OscillatorNode.prototype.noteOn; } if (typeof OscillatorNode.prototype.stop !== "function"){ OscillatorNode.prototype.stop = OscillatorNode.prototype.noteOff; } //extend the connect function to include Tones AudioNode.prototype._nativeConnect = AudioNode.prototype.connect; AudioNode.prototype.connect = function(B){ if (B.input && B.input instanceof GainNode){ this._nativeConnect(B.input); } else { try { this._nativeConnect.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { throw new Error("trying to connect to a node with no inputs"); } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TONE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Tone is the baseclass of all ToneNodes * * From Tone, children inherit timing and math which is used throughout Tone.js * * @constructor * @alias Tone */ var Tone = function(){ /** * default input of the ToneNode * * @type {GainNode} */ this.input = this.context.createGain(); /** * default output of the ToneNode * * @type {GainNode} */ this.output = this.context.createGain(); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLASS VARS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A static pointer to the audio context * @type {AudioContext} */ Tone.context = audioContext; /** * A static pointer to the audio context * @type {AudioContext} * @static */ Tone.prototype.context = Tone.context; /** * the default buffer size * @type {number} * @static * @const */ Tone.prototype.bufferSize = 2048; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONNECTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * connect the output of a ToneNode to an AudioParam, AudioNode, or ToneNode * @param {Tone | AudioParam | AudioNode} unit */ Tone.prototype.connect = function(unit){ this.output.connect(unit); }; /** * disconnect the output */ Tone.prototype.disconnect = function(){ this.output.disconnect(); }; /** * connect together all of the arguments in series * @param {...AudioParam|Tone} */ Tone.prototype.chain = function(){ if (arguments.length > 1){ var currentUnit = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){ var toUnit = arguments[i]; currentUnit.connect(toUnit); currentUnit = toUnit; } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTILITIES / HELPERS / MATHS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * if a the given is undefined, use the fallback * * @param {*} given * @param {*} fallback * @return {*} */ Tone.prototype.defaultArg = function(given, fallback){ return isUndef(given) ? fallback : given; }; /** * equal power gain scale * good for cross-fading * * @param {number} percent (0-1) * @return {number} output gain (0-1) */ Tone.prototype.equalPowerScale = function(percent){ var piFactor = 0.5 * Math.PI; return Math.sin(percent * piFactor); }; /** * @param {number} gain (0-1) * @return {number} gain (decibel scale but betwee 0-1) */ Tone.prototype.logScale = function(gain) { return Math.max(this.normalize(this.gainToDb(gain), -100, 0), 0); }; /** * @param {number} gain (0-1) * @return {number} gain (decibel scale but betwee 0-1) */ Tone.prototype.expScale = function(gain) { return this.dbToGain(this.interpolate(gain, -100, 0)); }; /** * convert db scale to gain scale (0-1) * @param {number} db * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.dbToGain = function(db) { return Math.pow(2, db / 6); }; /** * convert gain scale to decibels * @param {number} gain (0-1) * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.gainToDb = function(gain) { return 20 * (Math.log(gain) / Math.LN10); }; /** * interpolate the input value (0-1) to be between outputMin and outputMax * @param {number} input * @param {number} outputMin * @param {number} outputMax * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.interpolate = function(input, outputMin, outputMax){ return input*(outputMax - outputMin) + outputMin; }; /** * normalize the input to 0-1 from between inputMin to inputMax * @param {number} input * @param {number} inputMin * @param {number} inputMax * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.normalize = function(input, inputMin, inputMax){ //make sure that min < max if (inputMin > inputMax){ var tmp = inputMax; inputMax = inputMin; inputMin = tmp; } else if (inputMin == inputMax){ return 0; } return (input - inputMin) / (inputMax - inputMin); }; /** * a dispose method * * @abstract */ Tone.prototype.dispose = function(){}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @return {number} the currentTime from the AudioContext */ Tone.prototype.now = function(){ return this.context.currentTime; }; /** * convert a sample count to seconds * @param {number} samples * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.samplesToSeconds = function(samples){ return samples / this.context.sampleRate; }; /** * convert a time into samples * * @param {Tone.time} time * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.toSamples = function(time){ var seconds = this.toSeconds(time); return Math.round(seconds * this.context.sampleRate); }; /** * convert Tone.Time to seconds * * this is a simplified version which only handles numbers and * 'now' relative numbers. If the Transport is included this * method is overridden to include many other features including * notationTime, Frequency, and transportTime * * @param {Tone.Time} time * @param {number=} now if passed in, this number will be * used for all 'now' relative timings * @return {number} seconds in the same timescale as the AudioContext */ Tone.prototype.toSeconds = function(time, now){ now = this.defaultArg(now, this.now()); if (typeof time === "number"){ return time; //assuming that it's seconds } else if (typeof time === "string"){ var plusTime = 0; if(time.charAt(0) === "+") { time = time.slice(1); } return parseFloat(time) + now; } else { return now; } }; /** * convert a frequency into seconds * accepts both numbers and strings * i.e. 10hz or 10 both equal .1 * * @param {number|string} freq * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.frequencyToSeconds = function(freq){ return 1 / parseFloat(freq); }; /** * convert a number in seconds to a frequency * @param {number} seconds * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.secondsToFrequency = function(seconds){ return 1/seconds; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STATIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * have a child inherit all of Tone's (or a parent's) prototype * to inherit the parent's properties, make sure to call * Parent.call(this) in the child's constructor * * based on closure library's inherit function * * @param {function} child * @param {function=} parent (optional) parent to inherit from * if no parent is supplied, the child * will inherit from Tone */ Tone.extend = function(child, parent){ if (isUndef(parent)){ parent = Tone; } function tempConstructor(){} tempConstructor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new tempConstructor(); /** @override */ child.prototype.constructor = child; }; return Tone; }); define('Tone/core/Master',["Tone/core/Tone"], function(Tone){ /** * Master Output * * a single master output * adds toMaster to Tone * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ var Master = function(){ //extend audio unit Tone.call(this); /** * put a hard limiter on the output so we don't blow any eardrums * * @type {DynamicsCompressorNode} */ this.limiter = this.context.createDynamicsCompressor(); this.limiter.threshold.value = 0; this.limiter.ratio.value = 20; //connect it up this.chain(this.input, this.limiter, this.output, this.context.destination); }; Tone.extend(Master); /** * mute the output * @param {boolean} muted */ Master.prototype.mute = function(muted){ muted = this.defaultArg(muted, true); if (muted){ this.output.gain.value = 0; } else { this.output.gain.value = 1; } }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time=} fadeTime (optional) time it takes to reach the value */ Master.prototype.setVolume = function(value, fadeTime){ var now = this.now(); if (fadeTime){ var currentVolume = this.output.gain.value; this.output.gain.cancelScheduledValues(now); this.output.gain.setValueAtTime(currentVolume, now); this.output.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, now + this.toSeconds(time)); } else { this.output.gain.setValueAtTime(value, now); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUGMENT TONE's PROTOTYPE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * connect 'this' to the master output */ Tone.prototype.toMaster = function(){ this.connect(Tone.Master); }; /** * Also augment AudioNode's prototype to include toMaster * as a convenience */ AudioNode.prototype.toMaster = function(){ this.connect(Tone.Master); }; /** * a silent connection to the DesinationNode * which will ensure that anything connected to it * will not be garbage collected * * @private */ var _silentNode = Tone.context.createGain(); _silentNode.gain.value = 0; _silentNode.connect(Tone.context.destination); /** * makes a connection to ensure that the node will not be garbage collected * until 'dispose' is explicitly called * * use carefully. circumvents JS and WebAudio's normal Garbage Collection behavior */ Tone.prototype.noGC = function(){ this.output.connect(_silentNode); }; AudioNode.prototype.noGC = function(){ this.connect(_silentNode); }; //a single master output Tone.Master = new Master(); return Tone.Master; }); define('Tone/signal/Signal',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Master"], function(Tone){ /** * all signals share a common constant signal generator * * @static * @private * @type {OscillatorNode} */ var generator = Tone.context.createOscillator(); /** * @static * @private * @type {WaveShaperNode} */ var constant = Tone.context.createWaveShaper(); //generate the waveshaper table which outputs 1 for any input value (function(){ var len = 8; var curve = new Float32Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){ //all inputs produce the output value curve[i] = 1; } constant.curve = curve; })(); generator.connect(constant); generator.start(0); generator.noGC(); /** * constant audio-rate signal * * Tone.Signal is a core component which allows for synchronization of many components. * A single signal can drive multiple parameters by applying Scaling. * * For example: to synchronize two Tone.Oscillators in octaves of each other, * Signal --> OscillatorA.frequency * ^--> Tone.Multiply(2) --> OscillatorB.frequency * * * Tone.Signal can be scheduled with all of the functions available to AudioParams * * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number=} value (optional) initial value */ Tone.Signal = function(value){ Tone.call(this); /** * scales the constant output to the desired output * @type {GainNode} */ this.scalar = this.context.createGain(); /** * the ratio of the this value to the control signal value * * @private * @type {number} */ this._syncRatio = 1; //connect the constant 1 output to the node output this.chain(constant, this.scalar, this.output); //signal passes through this.input.connect(this.output); //set the default value this.setValue(this.defaultArg(value, 0)); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Signal); /** * @return {number} the current value of the signal */ Tone.Signal.prototype.getValue = function(){ return this.scalar.gain.value; }; /** * set the value of the signal right away * will be overwritten if there are previously scheduled automation curves * * @param {number} value */ Tone.Signal.prototype.setValue = function(value){ if (this._syncRatio === 0){ value = 0; } else { value *= this._syncRatio; } this.scalar.gain.value = value; }; /** * Schedules a parameter value change at the given time. * * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Signal.prototype.setValueAtTime = function(value, time){ value *= this._syncRatio; this.scalar.gain.setValueAtTime(value, this.toSeconds(time)); }; /** * creates a schedule point with the current value at the current time * * @param {number=} now (optionally) pass the now value in * @returns {number} the current value */ Tone.Signal.prototype.setCurrentValueNow = function(now){ now = this.defaultArg(now, this.now()); var currentVal = this.getValue(); this.cancelScheduledValues(now); this.scalar.gain.setValueAtTime(currentVal, now); return currentVal; }; /** * Schedules a linear continuous change in parameter value from the * previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time} endTime */ Tone.Signal.prototype.linearRampToValueAtTime = function(value, endTime){ value *= this._syncRatio; this.scalar.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, this.toSeconds(endTime)); }; /** * Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from * the previous scheduled parameter value to the given value. * * NOTE: Chrome will throw an error if you try to exponentially ramp to a * value 0 or less. * * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time} endTime */ Tone.Signal.prototype.exponentialRampToValueAtTime = function(value, endTime){ value *= this._syncRatio; this.scalar.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, this.toSeconds(endTime)); }; /** * Schedules an exponential continuous change in parameter value from * the current time and current value to the given value. * * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time} endTime */ Tone.Signal.prototype.exponentialRampToValueNow = function(value, endTime){ var now = this.now(); this.setCurrentValueNow(now); value *= this._syncRatio; //make sure that the endTime doesn't start with + if (endTime.toString().charAt(0) === "+"){ endTime = endTime.substr(1); } this.scalar.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(value, now + this.toSeconds(endTime)); }; /** * Schedules an linear continuous change in parameter value from * the current time and current value to the given value at the given time. * * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time} endTime */ Tone.Signal.prototype.linearRampToValueNow = function(value, endTime){ var now = this.now(); this.setCurrentValueNow(now); value *= this._syncRatio; //make sure that the endTime doesn't start with + if (endTime.toString().charAt(0) === "+"){ endTime = endTime.substr(1); } this.scalar.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, now + this.toSeconds(endTime)); }; /** * Start exponentially approaching the target value at the given time with * a rate having the given time constant. * * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time} startTime * @param {number} timeConstant */ Tone.Signal.prototype.setTargetAtTime = function(value, startTime, timeConstant){ value *= this._syncRatio; this.output.gain.setTargetAtTime(value, this.toSeconds(startTime), timeConstant); }; /** * Sets an array of arbitrary parameter values starting at the given time * for the given duration. * * @param {Array<number>} values * @param {Tone.Time} startTime * @param {Tone.Time} duration */ Tone.Signal.prototype.setValueCurveAtTime = function(values, startTime, duration){ for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++){ values[i] *= this._syncRatio; } this.scalar.gain.setValueCurveAtTime(values, this.toSeconds(startTime), this.toSeconds(duration)); }; /** * Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or * equal to startTime. * * @param {Tone.Time} startTime */ Tone.Signal.prototype.cancelScheduledValues = function(startTime){ this.scalar.gain.cancelScheduledValues(this.toSeconds(startTime)); }; /** * Sync this to another signal and it will always maintain the * ratio between the two signals until it is unsynced * * Signals can only be synced to one other signal. while syncing, * if a signal's value is changed, the new ratio between the signals * is maintained as the syncing signal is changed. * * @param {Tone.Signal} signal to sync to * @param {number=} ratio optionally pass in the ratio between * the two signals, otherwise it will be computed */ Tone.Signal.prototype.sync = function(signal, ratio){ if (ratio){ this._syncRatio = ratio; } else { //get the sync ratio if (signal.getValue() !== 0){ this._syncRatio = this.getValue() / signal.getValue(); } else { this._syncRatio = 0; } } //make a new scalar which is not connected to the constant signal this.scalar.disconnect(); this.scalar = this.context.createGain(); this.chain(signal, this.scalar, this.output); //set it ot the sync ratio this.scalar.gain.value = this._syncRatio; }; /** * unbind the signal control * * will leave the signal value as it was without the influence of the control signal */ Tone.Signal.prototype.unsync = function(){ //make a new scalar so that it's disconnected from the control signal //get the current gain var currentGain = this.getValue(); this.scalar.disconnect(); this.scalar = this.context.createGain(); this.scalar.gain.value = currentGain / this._syncRatio; this._syncRatio = 1; //reconnect things up this.chain(constant, this.scalar, this.output); }; /** * internal dispose method to tear down the node */ Tone.Signal.prototype.dispose = function(){ //disconnect everything this.output.disconnect(); this.scalar.disconnect(); this.output = null; this.scalar = null; }; /** * Signals can connect to other Signals * * @override * @param {AudioParam|AudioNode|Tone.Signal|Tone} node */ Tone.Signal.prototype.connect = function(node){ //zero it out so that the signal can have full control if (node instanceof Tone.Signal){ node.setValue(0); } else if (node instanceof AudioParam){ node.value = 0; } this.output.connect(node); }; return Tone.Signal; }); define('Tone/signal/Add',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ /** * Adds a value to an incoming signal * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number} value */ Tone.Add = function(value){ Tone.call(this); /** * @private * @type {Tone} */ this._value = new Tone.Signal(value); //connections this.chain(this._value, this.input, this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Add); /** * set the constant * * @param {number} value */ Tone.Add.prototype.setValue = function(value){ this._value.setValue(value); }; /** * dispose method */ Tone.Add.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._value.dispose(); this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); this._value = null; this.input = null; this.output = null; }; return Tone.Add; }); define('Tone/signal/Multiply',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ /** * Multiply the incoming signal by some factor * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number=} value constant value to multiple */ Tone.Multiply = function(value){ /** * the input node is the same as the output node * it is also the GainNode which handles the scaling of incoming signal * * @type {GainNode} */ this.input = this.context.createGain(); /** * @type {GainNode} */ this.output = this.input; //apply the inital scale factor this.input.gain.value = this.defaultArg(value, 1); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Multiply); /** * set the constant multiple * * @param {number} value */ Tone.Multiply.prototype.setValue = function(value){ this.input.gain.value = value; }; /** * clean up */ Tone.Multiply.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.input.disconnect(); this.input = null; }; return Tone.Multiply; }); define('Tone/signal/Scale',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Add", "Tone/signal/Multiply"], function(Tone){ /** * performs a linear scaling on an input signal * * scales from the input range of inputMin to inputMax * to the output range of outputMin to outputMax * * if only two arguments are provided, the inputMin and inputMax are set to -1 and 1 * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number} inputMin * @param {number} inputMax * @param {number=} outputMin * @param {number=} outputMax */ Tone.Scale = function(inputMin, inputMax, outputMin, outputMax){ Tone.call(this); //if there are only two args if (arguments.length == 2){ outputMin = inputMin; outputMax = inputMax; inputMin = -1; inputMax = 1; } /** @private @type {number} */ this._inputMin = inputMin; /** @private @type {number} */ this._inputMax = inputMax; /** @private @type {number} */ this._outputMin = outputMin; /** @private @type {number} */ this._outputMax = outputMax; /** @private @type {Tone.Add} */ this._plusInput = new Tone.Add(0); /** @private @type {Tone.Multiply} */ this._scale = new Tone.Multiply(1); /** @private @type {Tone.Add} */ this._plusOutput = new Tone.Add(0); //connections this.chain(this.input, this._plusInput, this._scale, this._plusOutput, this.output); //set the scaling values this._setScalingParameters(); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Scale); /** * set the scaling parameters * * @private */ Tone.Scale.prototype._setScalingParameters = function(){ //components this._plusInput.setValue(-this._inputMin); this._scale.setValue((this._outputMax - this._outputMin)/(this._inputMax - this._inputMin)); this._plusOutput.setValue(this._outputMin); }; /** * set the input min value * @param {number} val */ Tone.Scale.prototype.setInputMin = function(val){ this._inputMin = val; this._setScalingParameters(); }; /** * set the input max value * @param {number} val */ Tone.Scale.prototype.setInputMax = function(val){ this._inputMax = val; this._setScalingParameters(); }; /** * set the output min value * @param {number} val */ Tone.Scale.prototype.setOutputMin = function(val){ this._outputMin = val; this._setScalingParameters(); }; /** * set the output max value * @param {number} val */ Tone.Scale.prototype.setOutputMax = function(val){ this._outputMax = val; this._setScalingParameters(); }; /** * clean up */ Tone.Scale.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); this._plusInput.dispose(); this._plusOutput.dispose(); this._scale.dispose(); this.input = null; this.output = null; this._plusInput = null; this._plusOutput = null; this._scale = null; }; return Tone.Scale; }); define('Tone/component/DryWet',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/signal/Scale"], function(Tone){ /** * DRY/WET KNOB * * equal power fading control values: * 0 = 100% dry - 0% wet * 1 = 0% dry - 100% wet * * @constructor * @param {number=} initialDry */ Tone.DryWet = function(initialDry){ Tone.call(this); /** * connect this input to the dry signal * the dry signal is also the default input * * @type {GainNode} */ this.dry = this.input; /** * connect this input to the wet signal * * @type {GainNode} */ this.wet = this.context.createGain(); /** * controls the amount of wet signal * which is mixed into the dry signal * * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.wetness = new Tone.Signal(); /** * invert the incoming signal * @private * @type {Tone} */ this._invert = new Tone.Scale(0, 1, 1, 0); //connections this.dry.connect(this.output); this.wet.connect(this.output); //wet control this.chain(this.wetness, this.wet.gain); //dry control is the inverse of the wet this.chain(this.wetness, this._invert, this.dry.gain); this.dry.gain.value = 0; this.wet.gain.value = 0; this.setDry(this.defaultArg(initialDry, 0)); }; Tone.extend(Tone.DryWet); /** * Set the dry value * * @param {number} val * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime */ Tone.DryWet.prototype.setDry = function(val, rampTime){ this.setWet(1-val, rampTime); }; /** * Set the wet value * * @param {number} val * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime */ Tone.DryWet.prototype.setWet = function(val, rampTime){ if (rampTime){ this.wetness.linearRampToValueNow(val, rampTime); } else { this.wetness.setValue(val); } }; /** * clean up */ Tone.DryWet.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.dry.disconnect(); this.wet.disconnect(); this.wetness.dispose(); this._invert.dispose(); this.output.disconnect(); this.dry = null; this.wet = null; this.wetness = null; this._invert = null; this.output = null; }; return Tone.DryWet; }); define('Tone/component/Envelope',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ /** * Envelope * ADR envelope generator attaches to an AudioParam or AudioNode * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {Tone.Time=} attack * @param {Tone.Time=} decay * @param {number=} sustain a percentage (0-1) of the full amplitude * @param {Tone.Time=} release * @param {number=} minOutput the lowest point of the envelope * @param {number=} maxOutput the highest point of the envelope */ Tone.Envelope = function(attack, decay, sustain, release, minOutput, maxOutput){ //extend Unit Tone.call(this); /** @type {number} */ this.attack = this.toSeconds(this.defaultArg(attack, 0.01)); /** @type {number} */ this.decay = this.toSeconds(this.defaultArg(decay, 0.1)); /** @type {number} */ this.release = this.toSeconds(this.defaultArg(release, 1)); /** @type {number} */ this.sustain = this.toSeconds(this.defaultArg(sustain, 0.5)); /** @type {number} */ this.min = this.defaultArg(minOutput, 0); /** @type {number} */ this.max = this.defaultArg(maxOutput, 1); /** @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.control = new Tone.Signal(this.min); //connections this.chain(this.control, this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Envelope); /** * attack->decay->sustain linear ramp * @param {Tone.Time=} time */ Tone.Envelope.prototype.triggerAttack = function(time){ var sustainVal = (this.max - this.min) * this.sustain + this.min; if (!time){ this.control.linearRampToValueNow(this.max, this.attack); this.control.linearRampToValueAtTime(sustainVal, this.now() + this.attack + this.decay); } else { var startVal = this.min; time = this.toSeconds(time); this.control.cancelScheduledValues(time); this.control.setValueAtTime(startVal, time); this.control.linearRampToValueAtTime(this.max, time + this.attack); this.control.linearRampToValueAtTime(sustainVal, time + this.attack + this.decay); } }; /** * attack->decay->sustain exponential attack and linear decay * @param {Tone.Time=} time */ Tone.Envelope.prototype.triggerExponentialAttack = function(time){ var sustainVal = (this.max - this.min) * this.sustain + this.min; if (!time){ this.control.exponentialRampToValueNow(this.max, this.attack); this.control.linearRampToValueAtTime(sustainVal, this.now() + this.attack + this.decay); } else { var startVal = this.min; time = this.toSeconds(time); this.control.cancelScheduledValues(time); this.control.setValueAtTime(startVal, time); this.control.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this.max, time + this.attack); this.control.linearRampToValueAtTime(sustainVal, time + this.attack + this.decay); } }; /** * triggers the release of the envelope with a linear ramp * @param {Tone.Time=} time */ Tone.Envelope.prototype.triggerRelease = function(time){ if (time){ //if there's a time, start at the sustain value startVal = (this.max - this.min) * this.sustain + this.min; time = this.toSeconds(time); this.control.cancelScheduledValues(time); this.control.setValueAtTime(startVal, time); this.control.linearRampToValueAtTime(this.min, time + this.toSeconds(this.release)); } else { this.control.linearRampToValueNow(this.min, this.toSeconds(this.release)); } }; /** * triggers the release of the envelope with an exponential ramp * * @param {Tone.Time=} time */ Tone.Envelope.prototype.triggerExponentialRelease = function(time){ if (time){ //if there's a time, start at the sustain value startVal = (this.max - this.min) * this.sustain + this.min; time = this.toSeconds(time); this.control.cancelScheduledValues(time); this.control.setValueAtTime(startVal, time); this.control.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this.min, time + this.toSeconds(this.release)); } else { this.control.exponentialRampToValueNow(this.min, this.toSeconds(this.release)); } }; /** * pointer to the parent's connect method * @private */ Tone.Envelope.prototype._connect = Tone.prototype.connect; /** * connect the envelope * * if the envelope is connected to a param, the params * value will be set to 0 so that it doesn't interfere with the envelope * * @param {number} param */ Tone.Envelope.prototype.connect = function(param){ if (param instanceof AudioParam){ //set the initial value param.value = 0; } this._connect(param); }; /** * disconnect and dispose */ Tone.Envelope.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.control.dispose(); this.control = null; }; return Tone.Envelope; }); define('Tone/core/Transport',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Master", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ /** * oscillator-based transport allows for simple musical timing * supports tempo curves and time changes * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Transport = function(){ /** * watches the main oscillator for timing ticks * * @private * @type {ScriptProcessorNode} */ this._jsNode = this.context.createScriptProcessor(this.bufferSize, 1, 1); this._jsNode.onaudioprocess = this._processBuffer.bind(this); /** * @type {boolean} */ this.loop = false; /** * @type {TransportState} */ this.state = TransportState.STOPPED; //so it doesn't get garbage collected this._jsNode.noGC(); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Transport); /** * @private * @type {number} */ var timelineTicks = 0; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var transportTicks = 0; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var tatum = 12; /** * @private * @type {Boolean} */ var upTick = false; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var transportTimeSignature = 4; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var loopStart = 0; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var loopEnd = tatum * 4; /** * @private * @type {Array} */ var intervals = []; /** * @private * @type {Array} */ var timeouts = []; /** * @private * @type {Array} */ var transportTimeline = []; /** * @private * @type {number} */ var timelineProgress = 0; /** * The main oscillator for the system * @private * @type {OscillatorNode} */ var oscillator = null; /** * controls the oscillator frequency * starts at 120bpm * * @private * @type {Tone.Signal} */ var controlSignal = new Tone.Signal(24); /** * All of the synced components * @private * @type {Array<Tone>} */ var SyncedComponents = []; /** * @enum */ var TransportState = { STARTED : "started", PAUSED : "paused", STOPPED : "stopped" }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JS NODE PROCESSING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * called when a buffer is ready * * @param {AudioProcessingEvent} event */ Tone.Transport.prototype._processBuffer = function(event){ var now = this.defaultArg(event.playbackTime, this.now()); var bufferSize = this._jsNode.bufferSize; var incomingBuffer = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0); for (var i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++){ var sample = incomingBuffer[i]; if (sample > 0 && !upTick){ upTick = true; this._processTick(now + this.samplesToSeconds(i)); } else if (sample < 0 && upTick){ upTick = false; } } }; //@param {number} tickTime Tone.Transport.prototype._processTick = function(tickTime){ if (oscillator !== null){ processIntervals(tickTime); processTimeouts(tickTime); processTimeline(tickTime); transportTicks += 1; timelineTicks += 1; if (this.loop){ if (timelineTicks === loopEnd){ this._setTicks(loopStart); } } } }; //jump to a specific tick in the timeline Tone.Transport.prototype._setTicks = function(ticks){ timelineTicks = ticks; for (var i = 0; i < transportTimeline.length; i++){ var timeout = transportTimeline[i]; if (timeout.callbackTick() >= ticks){ timelineProgress = i; break; } } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EVENT PROCESSING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * process the intervals * @param {number} time */ var processIntervals = function(time){ for (var i = 0, len = intervals.length; i<len; i++){ var interval = intervals[i]; if (interval.testInterval(transportTicks)){ interval.doCallback(time); } } }; /** * process the timeouts * @param {number} time */ var processTimeouts = function(time){ var removeTimeouts = 0; for (var i = 0, len = timeouts.length; i<len; i++){ var timeout = timeouts[i]; var callbackTick = timeout.callbackTick(); if (callbackTick <= transportTicks){ timeout.doCallback(time); removeTimeouts++; } else if (callbackTick > transportTicks){ break; } } //remove the timeouts off the front of the array after they've been called timeouts.splice(0, removeTimeouts); }; /** * process the transportTimeline events * @param {number} time */ var processTimeline = function(time){ for (var i = timelineProgress, len = transportTimeline.length; i<len; i++){ var evnt = transportTimeline[i]; var callbackTick = evnt.callbackTick(); if (callbackTick === timelineTicks){ evnt.doCallback(time); timelineProgress = i; } else if (callbackTick > timelineTicks){ break; } } }; /** * clear the timeouts and intervals */ function clearTimelineEvents(){ intervals = []; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERVAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * intervals are recurring events * * @param {function} callback * @param {Tone.Time} interval * @param {Object} ctx the context the function is invoked in * @return {number} the id of the interval */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setInterval = function(callback, interval, ctx){ var tickTime = this.toTicks(interval); var timeout = new TimelineEvent(callback, ctx, tickTime, transportTicks); intervals.push(timeout); return timeout.id; }; /** * clear an interval from the processing array * @param {number} rmInterval the interval to remove * @return {boolean} true if the event was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearInterval = function(rmInterval){ for (var i = 0; i < intervals.length; i++){ var interval = intervals[i]; if (interval.id === rmInterval){ intervals.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }; /** * removes all of the intervals that are currently set */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearIntervals = function(){ intervals = []; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMEOUT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * set a timeout to occur after time from now * * @param {function} callback * @param {Tone.Time} time * @param {Object} ctx the context to invoke the callback in * @return {number} the id of the timeout for clearing timeouts */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setTimeout = function(callback, time, ctx){ var ticks = this.toTicks(time); var timeout = new TimelineEvent(callback, ctx, ticks + transportTicks, 0); //put it in the right spot for (var i = 0, len = timeouts.length; i<len; i++){ var testEvnt = timeouts[i]; if (testEvnt.callbackTick() > timeout.callbackTick()){ timeouts.splice(i, 0, timeout); return timeout.id; } } //otherwise push it on the end timeouts.push(timeout); return timeout.id; }; /** * clear the timeout based on it's ID * @param {number} timeoutID * @return {boolean} true if the timeout was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimeout = function(timeoutID){ for (var i = 0; i < timeouts.length; i++){ var testTimeout = timeouts[i]; if (testTimeout.id === timeoutID){ timeouts.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }; /** * removes all of the timeouts that are currently set * * @todo (optionally) remove events after a certain time */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimeouts = function(){ timeouts = []; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMELINE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Timeline events are synced to the transportTimeline of the Transport * Unlike Timeout, Timeline events will restart after the * Transport has been stopped and restarted. * * * @param {function} callback * @param {Tome.Time} timeout * @param {Object} ctx the context in which the funtion is called * @return {number} the id for clearing the transportTimeline event */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setTimeline = function(callback, timeout, ctx){ var ticks = this.toTicks(timeout); var timelineEvnt = new TimelineEvent(callback, ctx, ticks, 0); //put it in the right spot for (var i = timelineProgress, len = transportTimeline.length; i<len; i++){ var testEvnt = transportTimeline[i]; if (testEvnt.callbackTick() > timelineEvnt.callbackTick()){ transportTimeline.splice(i, 0, timelineEvnt); return timelineEvnt.id; } } //otherwise push it on the end transportTimeline.push(timelineEvnt); return timelineEvnt.id; }; /** * clear the transportTimeline event from the * @param {number} timelineID * @return {boolean} true if it was removed */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimeline = function(timelineID){ for (var i = 0; i < transportTimeline.length; i++){ var testTimeline = transportTimeline[i]; if (testTimeline.id === timelineID){ transportTimeline.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }; /** * remove all events from the timeline */ Tone.Transport.prototype.clearTimelines = function(){ timelineProgress = 0; transportTimeline = []; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIME CONVERSIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * turns the time into * @param {Tone.Time} time * @return {number} */ Tone.Transport.prototype.toTicks = function(time){ //get the seconds var seconds = this.toSeconds(time); var quarter = this.notationToSeconds("4n"); var quarters = seconds / quarter; var tickNum = quarters * tatum; //quantize to tick value return Math.round(tickNum); }; /** * get the transport time * @return {string} in transportTime format (measures:beats:sixteenths) */ Tone.Transport.prototype.getTransportTime = function(){ var quarters = timelineTicks / tatum; var measures = Math.floor(quarters / transportTimeSignature); var sixteenths = Math.floor((quarters % 1) * 4); quarters = Math.floor(quarters) % transportTimeSignature; var progress = [measures, quarters, sixteenths]; return progress.join(":"); }; /** * set the transport time, jump to the position right away * * @param {Tone.Time} progress */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setTransportTime = function(progress){ var ticks = this.toTicks(progress); this._setTicks(ticks); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // START/STOP/PAUSE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * start the transport and all sources synced to the transport * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Transport.prototype.start = function(time){ if (this.state === TransportState.STOPPED || this.state === TransportState.PAUSED){ this.state = TransportState.STARTED; //reset the oscillator oscillator = this.context.createOscillator(); oscillator.type = "square"; oscillator.connect(this._jsNode); //connect it up controlSignal.connect(oscillator.frequency); oscillator.frequency.value = 0; upTick = false; oscillator.start(this.toSeconds(time)); //call start on each of the synced sources } }; /** * stop the transport and all sources synced to the transport * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Transport.prototype.stop = function(time){ if (this.state === TransportState.STARTED || this.state === TransportState.PAUSED){ this.state = TransportState.STOPPED; oscillator.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); oscillator = null; this._setTicks(0); this.clearTimeouts(); this.clearIntervals(); //call stop on each of the synced sources } }; /** * pause the transport and all sources synced to the transport * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Transport.prototype.pause = function(time){ if (this.state === TransportState.STARTED){ this.state = TransportState.PAUSED; oscillator.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); oscillator = null; clearTimelineEvents(); //call pause on each of the synced sources } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SETTERS/GETTERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * set the BPM * optionally ramp to the bpm over some time * @param {number} bpm * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setBpm = function(bpm, rampTime){ //convert the bpm to frequency var tatumFreq = this.secondsToFrequency(this.notationToSeconds(tatum.toString() + "n", bpm, transportTimeSignature)); // var tatumFreq = this.toFrequency(tatum.toString() + "n", bpm, transportTimeSignature); var freqVal = 4 * tatumFreq; if (!rampTime){ controlSignal.cancelScheduledValues(0); controlSignal.setValue(freqVal); } else { controlSignal.exponentialRampToValueNow(freqVal, rampTime); } }; /** * return the current BPM * * @return {number} */ Tone.Transport.prototype.getBpm = function(){ //convert the current frequency of the oscillator to bpm var freq = controlSignal.getValue(); return 60 * (freq / tatum); }; /** * set the time signature * * @example * this.setTimeSignature(4); //for 4/4 * * @param {number} numerator * @param {number=} denominator defaults to 4 */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setTimeSignature = function(numerator, denominator){ denominator = this.defaultArg(denominator, 4); transportTimeSignature = numerator / (denominator / 4); }; /** * return the time signature as just the numerator * over 4 is assumed. * for example 4/4 would return 4 and 6/8 would return 3 * * @return {number} */ Tone.Transport.prototype.getTimeSignature = function(){ return transportTimeSignature; }; /** * set the loop start position * * @param {Tone.Time} startPosition */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setLoopStart = function(startPosition){ loopStart = this.toTicks(startPosition); }; /** * set the loop start position * * @param {Tone.Time} endPosition */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setLoopEnd = function(endPosition){ loopEnd = this.toTicks(endPosition); }; /** * shorthand loop setting * @param {Tone.Time} startPosition * @param {Tone.Time} endPosition */ Tone.Transport.prototype.setLoopPoint = function(startPosition, endPosition){ this.setLoopStart(startPosition); this.setLoopEnd(endPosition); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SYNCING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tone.Transport.prototype.sync = function(source, controlSignal){ //create a gain node, attach it to the control signal // var ratio = new Tone.Multiply(); // controlSignal.connect(ratio); // return ratio; }; /** * remove the source from the list of Synced Sources * * @param {Tone.Source} source [description] */ Tone.Transport.prototype.unsync = function(source){ }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIMELINE EVENT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @static * @type {number} */ var TimelineEventIDCounter = 0; /** * A Timeline event * * @constructor * @param {function(number)} callback * @param {Object} context * @param {number} tickTime * @param {number} startTicks */ var TimelineEvent = function(callback, context, tickTime, startTicks){ this.startTicks = startTicks; this.tickTime = tickTime; this.callback = callback; this.context = context; this.id = TimelineEventIDCounter++; }; /** * invoke the callback in the correct context * passes in the playback time * * @param {number} playbackTime */ TimelineEvent.prototype.doCallback = function(playbackTime){ this.callback.call(this.context, playbackTime); }; /** * get the tick which the callback is supposed to occur on * * @return {number} */ TimelineEvent.prototype.callbackTick = function(){ return this.startTicks + this.tickTime; }; /** * test if the tick occurs on the interval * * @param {number} tick * @return {boolean} */ TimelineEvent.prototype.testInterval = function(tick){ return (tick - this.startTicks) % this.tickTime === 0; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUGMENT TONE'S PROTOTYPE TO INCLUDE TRANSPORT TIMING /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * tests if a string is musical notation * i.e.: * 4n = quarter note * 2m = two measures * 8t = eighth-note triplet * * @return {boolean} * @method isNotation * @lends Tone.prototype.isNotation */ Tone.prototype.isNotation = (function(){ var notationFormat = new RegExp(/[0-9]+[mnt]$/i); return function(note){ return notationFormat.test(note); }; })(); /** * tests if a string is transportTime * i.e. : * 1:2:0 = 1 measure + two quarter notes + 0 sixteenth notes * * @return {boolean} * * @lends Tone.prototype.isTransportTime */ Tone.prototype.isTransportTime = (function(){ var transportTimeFormat = new RegExp(/^\d+(\.\d+)?:\d+(\.\d+)?(:\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/); return function(transportTime){ return transportTimeFormat.test(transportTime); }; })(); /** * true if the input is in the format number+hz * i.e.: 10hz * * @param {number} freq * @return {boolean} * * @lends Tone.prototype.isFrequency */ Tone.prototype.isFrequency = (function(){ var freqFormat = new RegExp(/[0-9]+hz$/i); return function(freq){ return freqFormat.test(freq); }; })(); /** * * convert notation format strings to seconds * @param {string} notation * @param {number=} bpm * @param {number=} timeSignature * @return {number} * */ Tone.prototype.notationToSeconds = function(notation, bpm, timeSignature){ bpm = this.defaultArg(bpm, Tone.Transport.getBpm()); timeSignature = this.defaultArg(timeSignature, transportTimeSignature); var beatTime = (60 / bpm); var subdivision = parseInt(notation, 10); var beats = 0; if (subdivision === 0){ beats = 0; } var lastLetter = notation.slice(-1); if (lastLetter === "t"){ beats = (4 / subdivision) * 2/3; } else if (lastLetter === "n"){ beats = 4 / subdivision; } else if (lastLetter === "m"){ beats = subdivision * timeSignature; } else { beats = 0; } return beatTime * beats; }; /** * convert transportTime into seconds * * ie: 4:2:3 == 4 measures + 2 quarters + 3 sixteenths * * @param {string} transportTime * @param {number=} bpm * @param {number=} timeSignature * @return {number} seconds * * @lends Tone.prototype.transportTimeToSeconds */ Tone.prototype.transportTimeToSeconds = function(transportTime, bpm, timeSignature){ bpm = this.defaultArg(bpm, Tone.Transport.getBpm()); timeSignature = this.defaultArg(timeSignature, transportTimeSignature); var measures = 0; var quarters = 0; var sixteenths = 0; var split = transportTime.split(":"); if (split.length === 2){ measures = parseFloat(split[0]); quarters = parseFloat(split[1]); } else if (split.length === 1){ quarters = parseFloat(split[0]); } else if (split.length === 3){ measures = parseFloat(split[0]); quarters = parseFloat(split[1]); sixteenths = parseFloat(split[2]); } var beats = (measures * timeSignature + quarters + sixteenths / 4); return beats * this.notationToSeconds("4n"); }; /** * Convert seconds to the closest transportTime in the form * measures:quarters:sixteenths * * @method toTransportTime * * @param {Tone.Time} seconds * @param {number=} bpm * @param {number=} timeSignature * @return {string} * * @lends Tone.prototype.toTransportTime */ Tone.prototype.toTransportTime = function(time, bpm, timeSignature){ var seconds = this.toSeconds(time, bpm, timeSignature); bpm = this.defaultArg(bpm, Tone.Transport.getBpm()); timeSignature = this.defaultArg(timeSignature, transportTimeSignature); var quarterTime = this.notationToSeconds("4n"); var quarters = seconds / quarterTime; var measures = Math.floor(quarters / timeSignature); var sixteenths = Math.floor((quarters % 1) * 4); quarters = Math.floor(quarters) % timeSignature; var progress = [measures, quarters, sixteenths]; return progress.join(":"); }; /** * convert a time to a frequency * * @param {Tone.Time} time * @return {number} the time in hertz */ Tone.prototype.toFrequency = function(time, now){ if (this.isFrequency(time)){ return parseFloat(time); } else if (this.isNotation(time) || this.isTransportTime(time)) { return this.secondsToFrequency(this.toSeconds(time, now)); } else { return time; } }; /** * convert Tone.Time into seconds. * * unlike the method which it overrides, this takes into account * transporttime and musical notation * * @override * @param {Tone.Time} time * @param {number=} now if passed in, this number will be * used for all 'now' relative timings * @return {number} */ Tone.prototype.toSeconds = function(time, now){ now = this.defaultArg(now, this.now()); if (typeof time === "number"){ return time; //assuming that it's seconds } else if (typeof time === "string"){ var plusTime = 0; if(time.charAt(0) === "+") { plusTime = now; time = time.slice(1); } if (this.isNotation(time)){ time = this.notationToSeconds(time); } else if (this.isTransportTime(time)){ time = this.transportTimeToSeconds(time); } else if (this.isFrequency(time)){ time = this.frequencyToSeconds(time); } else { time = parseFloat(time); } return time + plusTime; } else { return now; } }; //a single transport object Tone.Transport = new Tone.Transport(); return Tone.Transport; }); define('Tone/source/Source',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Transport"], function(Tone){ /** * base class for sources * * sources have start/stop/pause * * they also have the ability to be synced to the * start/stop/pause of Tone.Transport * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Source = function(){ /** * unlike most ToneNodes, Sources only have an output and no input * * @type {GainNode} */ this.output = this.context.createGain(); /** * @type {Tone.Source.State} */ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; }; Tone.extend(Tone.Source); /** * @abstract * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Source.prototype.start = function(){}; /** * @abstract * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Source.prototype.stop = function(){}; /** * @abstract * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Source.prototype.pause = function(time){ //if there is no pause, just stop it this.stop(time); }; /** * sync the source to the Transport */ Tone.Source.prototype.sync = function(){ if (this.state !== Tone.Source.State.SYNCED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.SYNCED; Tone.Transport.sync(this); } }; /** * unsync the source to the Transport */ Tone.Source.prototype.unsync = function(){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.SYNCED){ Tone.Transport.unsync(this); } }; /** * @param {number} value * @param {Tone.Time=} fadeTime (optional) time it takes to reach the value */ Tone.Source.prototype.setVolume = function(value, fadeTime){ var now = this.now(); if (fadeTime){ var currentVolume = this.output.gain.value; this.output.gain.cancelScheduledValues(now); this.output.gain.setValueAtTime(currentVolume, now); this.output.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(value, now + this.toSeconds(time)); } else { this.output.gain.setValueAtTime(value, now); } }; /** * @enum {string} */ Tone.Source.State = { STARTED : "started", PAUSED : "paused", STOPPED : "stopped", SYNCED : "synced" }; return Tone.Source; }); define('Tone/source/Oscillator',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Transport", "Tone/signal/Signal", "Tone/source/Source"], function(Tone){ /** * Oscillator * * Oscilator with start, pause, stop and sync to Transport * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Source} * @param {number|string=} freq starting frequency * @param {string=} type type of oscillator (sine|square|triangle|sawtooth) */ Tone.Oscillator = function(freq, type){ Tone.Source.call(this); /** * the main oscillator * @type {OscillatorNode} */ this.oscillator = this.context.createOscillator(); /** * the frequency control signal * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.frequency = new Tone.Signal(this.defaultArg(this.toFrequency(freq), 440)); /** * @type {function()} */ this.onended = function(){}; //connections this.oscillator.connect(this.output); //setup this.oscillator.type = this.defaultArg(type, "sine"); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Oscillator, Tone.Source); /** * start the oscillator * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.start = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STOPPED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STARTED; //get previous values var type = this.oscillator.type; var detune = this.oscillator.detune.value; //new oscillator with previous values this.oscillator = this.context.createOscillator(); this.oscillator.type = type; this.oscillator.detune.value = detune; //connect the control signal to the oscillator frequency this.oscillator.connect(this.output); this.frequency.connect(this.oscillator.frequency); this.oscillator.frequency.value = 0; //start the oscillator this.oscillator.start(this.toSeconds(time)); this.oscillator.onended = this._onended.bind(this); } }; /** * stop the oscillator * @param {Tone.Time=} time (optional) timing parameter */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.stop = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STARTED){ if (!time){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; } this.oscillator.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); } }; /** * Sync the oscillator to the transport * * the current ratio between the oscillator and the Transport BPM * is fixed and any change to the Transport BPM will change this * oscillator in that same ratio * * Transport start/pause/stop will also start/pause/stop the oscillator */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.sync = function(){ if (this.state !== Tone.Source.State.SYNCED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.SYNCED; Tone.Transport.sync(this); Tone.Transport.syncSignal(this.frequency); } }; /** * unsync the oscillator from the Transport */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.unsync = function(){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.SYNCED){ Tone.Transport.unsync(this); this.frequency.unsync(); } }; /** * exponentially ramp the frequency of the oscillator over the rampTime * * @param {Tone.Time} val * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime when the oscillator will arrive at the frequency */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.setFrequency = function(val, rampTime){ if (rampTime){ this.frequency.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(this.toFrequency(val), this.toSeconds(rampTime)); } else { this.frequency.setValue(this.toFrequency(val)); } }; /** * set the oscillator type * * @param {string} type (sine|square|triangle|sawtooth) */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.setType = function(type){ this.oscillator.type = type; }; /** * internal on end call * @private */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype._onended = function(){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; this.onended(); }; /** * dispose and disconnect */ Tone.Oscillator.prototype.dispose = function(){ if (this.oscillator !== null){ this.oscillator.disconnect(); this.oscillator = null; } this.frequency.dispose(); this.frequency = null; this.output.disconnect(); this.output = null; }; return Tone.Oscillator; }); define('Tone/component/LFO',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/source/Oscillator", "Tone/signal/Scale"], function(Tone){ /** * Low Frequency Oscillator * * LFO produces an output signal which can be attached to an AudioParam * for constant control over that parameter * the LFO can also be synced to the transport * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number} rate * @param {number=} outputMin * @param {number=} outputMax */ Tone.LFO = function(rate, outputMin, outputMax){ /** @type {GainNode} */ this.input = this.context.createGain(); /** @type {Tone.Oscillator} */ this.oscillator = new Tone.Oscillator(this.defaultArg(rate, 1), "sine"); /** @type {Tone.Scale} @private */ this._scaler = new Tone.Scale(this.defaultArg(outputMin, 0), this.defaultArg(outputMax, 1)); /** alias for the output */ this.output = this._scaler; //connect it up this.chain(this.oscillator, this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.LFO); /** * start the LFO * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.LFO.prototype.start = function(time){ this.oscillator.start(time); }; /** * stop the LFO * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.LFO.prototype.stop = function(time){ this.oscillator.stop(time); }; /** * Sync the start/stop/pause to the transport * and the frequency to the bpm of the transport */ Tone.LFO.prototype.sync = function(){ this.oscillator.sync(); }; /** * unsync the LFO from transport control */ Tone.LFO.prototype.unsync = function(){ this.oscillator.unsync(); }; /** * set the frequency * @param {number} rate */ Tone.LFO.prototype.setFrequency = function(rate){ this.oscillator.setFrequency(rate); }; /** * set the minimum output of the LFO * @param {number} min */ Tone.LFO.prototype.setMin = function(min){ this._scaler.setOutputMin(min); }; /** * set the maximum output of the LFO * @param {number} min */ Tone.LFO.prototype.setMax = function(max){ this._scaler.setOuputMax(max); }; /** * set the waveform of the LFO * @param {string} type */ Tone.LFO.prototype.setType = function(type){ this.oscillator.setType(type); }; /** * pointer to the parent's connect method * @private */ Tone.LFO.prototype._connect = Tone.prototype.connect; /** * override the connect method so that it 0's out the value * if attached to an AudioParam * * @borrows Tone.Signal.connect as Tone.LFO.connect */ Tone.LFO.prototype.connect = Tone.Signal.prototype.connect; /** * disconnect and dispose */ Tone.LFO.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.oscillator.dispose(); this.output.disconnect(); this._scaler.dispose(); this.oscillator = null; this.output = null; this._scaler = null; }; return Tone.LFO; }); define('Tone/component/Meter',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Master"], function(Tone){ /** * get the rms of the input signal with some averaging * can also just get the value of the signal * or the value in dB * * inspired by https://github.com/cwilso/volume-meter/blob/master/volume-meter.js * The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Chris Wilson * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number=} channels (optional) number of channels being metered * @param {number=} smoothing (optional) amount of smoothing applied to the volume * @param {number=} clipMemory (optional) number in ms that a "clip" should be remembered */ Tone.Meter = function(channels, smoothing, clipMemory){ //extends Unit Tone.call(this); /** @type {number} */ this.channels = this.defaultArg(channels, 1); /** @type {number} */ this.smoothing = this.defaultArg(smoothing, 0.8); /** @type {number} */ this.clipMemory = this.defaultArg(clipMemory, 500); /** * the rms for each of the channels * @private * @type {Array<number>} */ this._volume = new Array(this.channels); /** * the raw values for each of the channels * @private * @type {Array<number>} */ this._values = new Array(this.channels); //zero out the volume array for (var i = 0; i < this.channels; i++){ this._volume[i] = 0; this._values[i] = 0; } /** * last time the values clipped * @private * @type {number} */ this._lastClip = 0; /** * @private * @type {ScriptProcessorNode} */ this._jsNode = this.context.createScriptProcessor(this.bufferSize, this.channels, 1); this._jsNode.onaudioprocess = this._onprocess.bind(this); //so it doesn't get garbage collected this._jsNode.noGC(); //signal just passes this.input.connect(this.output); this.input.connect(this._jsNode); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Meter); /** * called on each processing frame * @private * @param {AudioProcessingEvent} event */ Tone.Meter.prototype._onprocess = function(event){ var bufferSize = this._jsNode.bufferSize; var smoothing = this.smoothing; for (var channel = 0; channel < this.channels; channel++){ var input = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(channel); var sum = 0; var total = 0; var x; var clipped = false; for (var i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++){ x = input[i]; if (!clipped && x > 0.95){ clipped = true; this._lastClip = Date.now(); } total += x; sum += x * x; } var average = total / bufferSize; var rms = Math.sqrt(sum / bufferSize); this._volume[channel] = Math.max(rms, this._volume[channel] * smoothing); this._values[channel] = average; } }; /** * get the rms of the signal * * @param {number=} channel which channel * @return {number} the value */ Tone.Meter.prototype.getLevel = function(channel){ channel = this.defaultArg(channel, 0); var vol = this._volume[channel]; if (vol < 0.00001){ return 0; } else { return vol; } }; /** * get the value of the signal * @param {number=} channel * @return {number} */ Tone.Meter.prototype.getValue = function(channel){ channel = this.defaultArg(channel, 0); return this._values[channel]; }; /** * get the volume of the signal in dB * @param {number=} channel * @return {number} */ Tone.Meter.prototype.getDb = function(channel){ return this.gainToDb(this.getLevel(channel)); }; // @returns {boolean} if the audio has clipped in the last 500ms Tone.Meter.prototype.isClipped = function(){ return Date.now() - this._lastClip < this.clipMemory; }; /** * @override */ Tone.Meter.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._jsNode.disconnect(); this._jsNode.onaudioprocess = null; this._volume = null; this._values = null; this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); }; return Tone.Meter; }); define('Tone/signal/Merge',["Tone/core/Tone"], function(Tone){ /** * merge a left and a right channel into a single stereo channel * * instead of connecting to the input, connect to either the left, or right input * * default input for connect is left input * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Merge = function(){ Tone.call(this); /** * the left input channel * also an alias for the input * @type {GainNode} */ this.left = this.input; /** * the right input channel * @type {GainNode} */ this.right = this.context.createGain(); /** * the merger node for the two channels * @type {ChannelMergerNode} */ this.merger = this.context.createChannelMerger(2); //connections this.left.connect(this.merger, 0, 0); this.right.connect(this.merger, 0, 1); this.merger.connect(this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Merge); /** * clean up */ Tone.Merge.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.input.disconnect(); this.right.disconnect(); this.merger.disconnect(); this.input = null; this.right = null; this.merger = null; }; return Tone.Merge; }); define('Tone/signal/Split',["Tone/core/Tone"], function(Tone){ /** * split the incoming signal into left and right channels * * the left channel is the default output * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} */ Tone.Split = function(){ Tone.call(this); /** * @type {ChannelSplitterNode} */ this.splitter = this.context.createChannelSplitter(2); /** * left channel output * @type {GainNode} */ this.left = this.output; /** * the right channel output * @type {GainNode} */ this.right = this.context.createGain(); //connections this.input.connect(this.splitter); this.splitter.connect(this.left, 0, 0); this.splitter.connect(this.right, 1, 0); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Split); /** * dispose method */ Tone.Split.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.splitter.disconnect(); this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); this.splitter = null; this.input = null; this.output = null; }; return Tone.Split; }); define('Tone/component/Panner',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/component/DryWet", "Tone/signal/Merge", "Tone/signal/Split"], function(Tone){ /** * Panner. * * Equal Power Gain L/R Panner. Not 3D * * a panner uses a dry/wet knob internally * * 0 = 100% Left * 1 = 100% Right * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number=} initialPan the initail panner value (defaults to 0.5 = center) */ Tone.Panner = function(initialPan){ Tone.call(this); /** * the dry/wet knob * @type {Tone.DryWet} * @private */ this._dryWet = new Tone.DryWet(); /** * @type {Tone.Merge} * @private */ this._merger = new Tone.Merge(); /** * @type {Tone.Split} * @private */ this._splitter = new Tone.Split(); /** * the pan control * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.pan = this._dryWet.wetness; //CONNECTIONS: this.input.connect(this._splitter.left); this.input.connect(this._splitter.right); //left channel is dry, right channel is wet this._splitter.left.connect(this._dryWet.dry); this._splitter.right.connect(this._dryWet.wet); //merge it back together this._dryWet.dry.connect(this._merger.left); this._dryWet.wet.connect(this._merger.right); this._merger.connect(this.output); //initial value this.setPan(this.defaultArg(initialPan, 0.5)); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Panner); /** * set the l/r pan. * * 0 = 100% left. * 1 = 100% right. * * @param {number} pan 0-1 * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime (optionally) ramp to the pan position */ Tone.Panner.prototype.setPan = function(pan, rampTime){ this._dryWet.setWet(pan, rampTime); }; /** * clean up */ Tone.Panner.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._dryWet.dispose(); this._splitter.dispose(); this._merger.dispose(); this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); this._dryWet = null; this._splitter = null; this._merger = null; this.input = null; this.output = null; }; return Tone.Panner; }); define('Tone/component/Recorder',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/core/Master"], function(Tone){ /** * Record an input into an array or AudioBuffer * * it is limited in that the recording length needs to be known beforehand * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number} channels */ Tone.Recorder = function(channels){ Tone.call(this); /** * the number of channels in the recording * @type {number} */ this.channels = this.defaultArg(channels, 1); /** * @private * @type {ScriptProcessorNode} */ this._jsNode = this.context.createScriptProcessor(this.bufferSize, this.channels, 1); this._jsNode.onaudioprocess = this._audioprocess.bind(this); /** * Float32Array for each channel * @private * @type {Array<Float32Array>} */ this._recordBuffers = new Array(this.channels); /** * @type {number} * @private */ this._recordStartSample = 0; /** * @type {number} * @private */ this._recordEndSample = 0; /** * @type {number} * @private */ this._recordDuration = 0; /** * @type {RecordState} */ this.state = RecordState.STOPPED; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._recordBufferOffset = 0; /** * callback invoked when the recording is over * @private * @type {function(Float32Array)} */ this._callback = function(){}; //connect it up this.input.connect(this._jsNode); //pass thru audio this.input.connect(this.output); //so it doesn't get garbage collected this._jsNode.noGC(); //clear it to start this.clear(); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Recorder); /** * internal method called on audio process * * @private * @param {AudioProcessorEvent} event */ Tone.Recorder.prototype._audioprocess = function(event){ if (this.state === RecordState.STOPPED){ return; } else if (this.state === RecordState.RECORDING){ //check if it's time yet var now = this.defaultArg(event.playbackTime, this.now()); var processPeriodStart = this.toSamples(now); var bufferSize = this._jsNode.bufferSize; var processPeriodEnd = processPeriodStart + bufferSize; var bufferOffset, len; if (processPeriodStart > this._recordEndSample){ this.state = RecordState.STOPPED; this._callback(this._recordBuffers); } else if (processPeriodStart > this._recordStartSample) { bufferOffset = 0; len = Math.min(this._recordEndSample - processPeriodStart, bufferSize); this._recordChannels(event.inputBuffer, bufferOffset, len, bufferSize); } else if (processPeriodEnd > this._recordStartSample) { len = processPeriodEnd - this._recordStartSample; bufferOffset = bufferSize - len; this._recordChannels(event.inputBuffer, bufferOffset, len, bufferSize); } } }; /** * record an input channel * @param {AudioBuffer} inputBuffer * @param {number} from * @param {number} to * @private */ Tone.Recorder.prototype._recordChannels = function(inputBuffer, from, to, bufferSize){ var offset = this._recordBufferOffset; var buffers = this._recordBuffers; for (var channelNum = 0; channelNum < inputBuffer.numberOfChannels; channelNum++){ var channel = inputBuffer.getChannelData(channelNum); if ((from === 0) && (to === bufferSize)){ //set the whole thing this._recordBuffers[channelNum].set(channel, offset); } else { for (var i = from; i < from + to; i++){ var zeroed = i - from; buffers[channelNum][zeroed + offset] = channel[i]; } } } this._recordBufferOffset += to; }; /** * Record for a certain period of time * * will clear the internal buffer before starting * * @param {Tone.Time} duration * @param {Tone.Time} wait the wait time before recording * @param {function(Float32Array)} callback the callback to be invoked when the buffer is done recording */ Tone.Recorder.prototype.record = function(duration, startTime, callback){ if (this.state === RecordState.STOPPED){ this.clear(); this._recordBufferOffset = 0; startTime = this.defaultArg(startTime, 0); this._recordDuration = this.toSamples(duration); this._recordStartSample = this.toSamples("+"+startTime); this._recordEndSample = this._recordStartSample + this._recordDuration; for (var i = 0; i < this.channels; i++){ this._recordBuffers[i] = new Float32Array(this._recordDuration); } this.state = RecordState.RECORDING; this._callback = this.defaultArg(callback, function(){}); } }; /** * clears the recording buffer */ Tone.Recorder.prototype.clear = function(){ for (var i = 0; i < this.channels; i++){ this._recordBuffers[i] = null; } this._recordBufferOffset = 0; }; /** * true if there is nothing in the buffers * @return {boolean} */ Tone.Recorder.prototype.isEmpty = function(){ return this._recordBuffers[0] === null; }; /** * @return {Array<Float32Array>} */ Tone.Recorder.prototype.getFloat32Array = function(){ if (this.isEmpty()){ return null; } else { return this._recordBuffers; } }; /** * @return {AudioBuffer} */ Tone.Recorder.prototype.getAudioBuffer = function(){ if (this.isEmpty()){ return null; } else { var audioBuffer = this.context.createBuffer(this.channels, this._recordBuffers[0].length, this.context.sampleRate); for (var channelNum = 0; channelNum < audioBuffer.numberOfChannels; channelNum++){ var channel = audioBuffer.getChannelData(channelNum); channel.set(this._recordBuffers[channelNum]); } return audioBuffer; } }; /** * clean up */ Tone.Recorder.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.output.disconnect(); this.input.disconnect(); this._jsNode.disconnect(); this._jsNode.onaudioprocess = undefined; this.output = null; this.input = null; this._jsNode = null; this._recordBuffers = null; }; /** * @enum {string} */ var RecordState = { STOPPED : "stopped", SCHEDULED : "scheduled", RECORDING : "recording" }; return Tone.Recorder; }); define('Tone/core/Bus',["Tone/core/Tone"], function(Tone){ /** * buses are another way of routing audio * * augments Tone.prototype to include send and recieve */ /** * All of the routes * * @type {Object} */ var Buses = {}; /** * send signal to a channel name * * @param {string} channelName * @param {number} amount * @return {GainNode} */ Tone.prototype.send = function(channelName, amount){ if (!Buses.hasOwnProperty(channelName)){ Buses[channelName] = this.context.createGain(); } var sendKnob = this.context.createGain(); sendKnob.gain.value = this.defaultArg(amount, 1); this.chain(this.output, sendKnob, Buses[channelName]); return sendKnob; }; /** * recieve the input from the desired channelName to the input gain of 'this' node. * * @param {string} channelName */ Tone.prototype.receive = function(channelName){ if (!Buses.hasOwnProperty(channelName)){ Buses[channelName] = this.context.createGain(); } Buses[channelName].connect(this.input); }; Tone.Buses = Buses; return Buses; }); define('Tone/effect/Effect',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/component/DryWet"], function(Tone){ /** * Effect is the base class for effects. connect the effect between * the effectSend and effectReturn GainNodes. then control the amount of * effect which goes to the output using the dry/wet control. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number=} initalDry the starting dry value * defaults to 0.5 (50% dry / 50% wet) */ Tone.Effect = function(initialDry){ Tone.call(this); /** * the drywet knob to control the amount of effect * * @type {Tone.DryWet} */ this.dryWet = new Tone.DryWet(); /** * connect the effectSend to the input of hte effect * * @type {GainNode} */ this.effectSend = this.context.createGain(); /** * connect the output of the effect to the effectReturn * * @type {GainNode} */ this.effectReturn = this.context.createGain(); //connections this.input.connect(this.dryWet.dry); this.input.connect(this.effectSend); this.effectReturn.connect(this.dryWet.wet); this.dryWet.connect(this.output); //setup this.setDry(this.defaultArg(initialDry, 0.5)); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Effect); /** * setDry adjusts the dry / wet balance * dryness is 0 (100% wet) to 1 (100% dry) * * @param {number} dryness * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime */ Tone.Effect.prototype.setDry = function(dryness, rampTime){ this.dryWet.setDry(dryness, rampTime); }; /** * setWet also adjusts the dry / wet balance * wetVal is 0 (100% dry) to 1 (100% wet) * * @param {number} wetness * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime */ Tone.Effect.prototype.setWet = function(wetVal, rampTime){ this.dryWet.setWet(wetVal, rampTime); }; /** * bypass the effect */ Tone.Effect.prototype.bypass = function(){ this.setDry(1); }; /** * chains the effect in between the effectSend and effectReturn * @param {Tone} effect */ Tone.Effect.prototype.connectEffect = function(effect){ this.chain(this.effectSend, effect, this.effectReturn); }; /** * tear down */ Tone.Effect.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.dryWet.dispose(); this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); this.effectSend.disconnect(); this.effectReturn.disconnect(); this.dryWet = null; this.input = null; this.output = null; this.effectSend = null; this.effectReturn = null; }; return Tone.Effect; }); define('Tone/effect/AutoPanner',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/effect/Effect", "Tone/component/LFO", "Tone/component/Panner"], function(Tone){ /** * AutoPanner is a Tone.Panner with an LFO connected to the pan amount * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Effect} * @param { number= } rate (optional) rate in HZ of the left-right pan * @param { number= } amount (optional) of the pan (0 - 1) */ Tone.AutoPanner = function(rate, amount){ Tone.Effect.call(this); /** * the lfo which drives the panning * @type {Tone.LFO} */ this.lfo = new Tone.LFO(rate, 0, 1); /** * the panner node which does the panning * @type {Tone.Panner} */ this.panner = new Tone.Panner(); //connections this.connectEffect(this.panner); this.lfo.connect(this.panner.pan); //default dry value this.setDry(this.defaultArg(amount, 1)); }; //extend Effect Tone.extend(Tone.AutoPanner, Tone.Effect); /** * Start the panner * * @param {Tone.Time=} Time the panner begins. */ Tone.AutoPanner.prototype.start = function(time){ this.lfo.start(time); }; /** * Stop the panner * * @param {Tone.Time=} time the panner stops. */ Tone.AutoPanner.prototype.stop = function(time){ this.lfo.stop(time); }; /** * Set the type of oscillator attached to the AutoPanner. * * @param {string} type of oscillator the panner is attached to (sine|sawtooth|triangle|square) */ Tone.AutoPanner.prototype.setType = function(type){ this.lfo.setType(type); }; /** * Set frequency of the oscillator attached to the AutoPanner. * * @param {number|string} rate in HZ of the oscillator's frequency. */ Tone.AutoPanner.prototype.setFrequency = function(rate){ this.lfo.setFrequency(rate); }; /** * pointer to the parent's dipose method */ Tone.AutoPanner.prototype._effectDispose = Tone.Effect.prototype.dispose; /** * clean up */ Tone.AutoPanner.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._effectDispose(); this.lfo.dispose(); this.panner.dispose(); this.lfo = null; this.panner = null; }; return Tone.AutoPanner; }); define('Tone/effect/FeedbackEffect',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/effect/Effect", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ /** * Feedback Effect (a sound loop between an audio source and its own output) * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Effect} * @param {number=} initialFeedback the initial feedback value (defaults to 0.25) */ Tone.FeedbackEffect = function(initialFeedback){ Tone.Effect.call(this); /** * controls the amount of feedback * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.feedback = new Tone.Signal(this.defaultArg(initialFeedback, 0.25)); /** * the gain which controls the feedback * @type {GainNode} * @private */ this._feedbackGain = this.context.createGain(); //the feedback loop this.chain(this.effectReturn, this._feedbackGain, this.effectSend); this.feedback.connect(this._feedbackGain.gain); }; Tone.extend(Tone.FeedbackEffect, Tone.Effect); /** * set the feedback amount * * @param {number} value the amount of feedback * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime (optionally) set the ramp time it takes * to reach the new feedback value */ Tone.FeedbackEffect.prototype.setFeedback = function(value, rampTime){ if (rampTime){ this.feedback.linearRampToValueNow(value, rampTime); } else { this.feedback.setValue(value); } }; /** * the parents dispose method * @private * @borrows Tone.Effect.dispose as Tone.FeedbackEffect._effectDispose */ Tone.FeedbackEffect.prototype._effectDispose = Tone.Effect.prototype.dispose; /** * clean up */ Tone.FeedbackEffect.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._effectDispose(); this.feedback.dispose(); this._feedbackGain.disconnect(); this.feedback = null; this._feedbackGain = null; }; return Tone.FeedbackEffect; }); define('Tone/effect/FeedbackDelay',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/effect/FeedbackEffect", "Tone/signal/Signal"], function(Tone){ /** * A feedback delay * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.FeedbackEffect} * @param {Tone.Time=} delayTime */ Tone.FeedbackDelay = function(delayTime){ Tone.FeedbackEffect.call(this); /** * Tone.Signal to control the delay amount * @type {Tone.Signal} */ this.delay = new Tone.Signal(); /** * the delay node * @type {DelayNode} * @private */ this._delayNode = this.context.createDelay(4); // connect it up this.connectEffect(this._delayNode); this.delay.connect(this._delayNode.delayTime); //set the initial delay this.setDelayTime(this.defaultArg(delayTime, 0.25)); }; Tone.extend(Tone.FeedbackDelay, Tone.FeedbackEffect); /** * Sets the delay time * * @param {Tone.Time} delayTime * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime time it takes to reach the desired delayTime */ Tone.FeedbackDelay.prototype.setDelayTime = function(delayTime, rampTime){ if (rampTime){ this.delay.linearRampToValueNow(this.toSeconds(delayTime), rampTime); } else { this.delay.setValue(this.toSeconds(delayTime)); } }; /** * pointer to the feedback effects dispose method * @borrows Tone.FeedbackDelay._feedbackEffectDispose as Tone.FeedbackEffect.dispose; */ Tone.FeedbackDelay.prototype._feedbackEffectDispose = Tone.FeedbackEffect.prototype.dispose; /** * clean up */ Tone.FeedbackDelay.prototype.dispose = function(){ this._feedbackEffectDispose(); this.delay.dispose(); this._delayNode.disconnect(); this._delayNode = null; this.delay = null; }; return Tone.FeedbackDelay; }); define('Tone/effect/PingPongDelay',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/effect/FeedbackDelay", "Tone/signal/Split", "Tone/signal/Merge"], function(Tone){ /** * PingPongDelay is a dual delay effect where the echo is heard first in one channel and next in the opposite channel * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Effect} * @param {Tone.Time=} delayTime is the interval between consecutive echos */ Tone.PingPongDelay = function(delayTime){ Tone.call(this); /** * merge the delayed signal */ this._merger = new Tone.Merge(); /** * each channel (left/right) gets a feedback delay * @type {Tone.FeedbackDelay} */ this.leftDelay = new Tone.FeedbackDelay(delayTime); /** * @type {Tone.FeedbackDelay} */ this.rightDelay = new Tone.FeedbackDelay(delayTime); //connect it up this.input.connect(this.leftDelay); this.input.connect(this.rightDelay); //disconnect the feedback lines to connect them to the other delay // http://jvzaudio.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/delay-f43.gif this.leftDelay._feedbackGain.disconnect(); this.rightDelay._feedbackGain.disconnect(); this.leftDelay._feedbackGain.connect(this.rightDelay.effectSend); this.rightDelay._feedbackGain.connect(this.leftDelay.effectSend); this.leftDelay.connect(this._merger.left); this.rightDelay.connect(this._merger.right); this._merger.connect(this.output); //initial vals; this.setDelayTime(this.defaultArg(delayTime, 0.25)); }; Tone.extend(Tone.PingPongDelay); /** * setDelayTime * * @param {Tone.Time} delayTime */ Tone.PingPongDelay.prototype.setDelayTime = function(delayTime){ this.leftDelay.setDelayTime(delayTime); this.rightDelay.setDelayTime(delayTime * 2); }; /** * setFeedback * * @param {number} feedback (0 - 1) */ Tone.PingPongDelay.prototype.setFeedback = function(feedback){ this.leftDelay.setFeedback(feedback); this.rightDelay.setFeedback(feedback); }; /** * setWet * * @param {number} wet (0 - 1) */ Tone.PingPongDelay.prototype.setWet = function(wet){ this.leftDelay.setWet(wet); this.rightDelay.setWet(wet); }; /** * setDry * * @param {number} dry (0 - 1) */ Tone.PingPongDelay.prototype.setDry = function(dry){ this.leftDelay.setDry(dry); this.rightDelay.setDry(dry); }; return Tone.PingPongDelay; }); define('Tone/signal/BitCrusher',["Tone/core/Tone"], function(Tone){ /** * downsample incoming signal * inspiration from https://github.com/jaz303/bitcrusher/blob/master/index.js * * @constructor * @extends {Tone} * @param {number=} bits * @param {number=} frequency */ Tone.BitCrusher = function(bits, frequency){ Tone.call(this); /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._bits = this.defaultArg(bits, 8); /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._frequency = this.defaultArg(frequency, 0.5); /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._step = 2 * Math.pow(0.5, this._bits); /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._invStep = 1/this._step; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._phasor = 0; /** * @private * @type {number} */ this._last = 0; /** * @private * @type {ScriptProcessorNode} */ this._crusher = this.context.createScriptProcessor(this.bufferSize, 1, 1); this._crusher.onaudioprocess = this._audioprocess.bind(this); //connect it up this.chain(this.input, this._crusher, this.output); }; Tone.extend(Tone.BitCrusher); /** * @private * @param {AudioProcessingEvent} event */ Tone.BitCrusher.prototype._audioprocess = function(event){ //cache the values used in the loop var phasor = this._phasor; var freq = this._frequency; var invStep = this._invStep; var last = this._last; var step = this._step; var input = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0); var output = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); for (var i = 0, len = output.length; i < len; i++) { phasor += freq; if (phasor >= 1) { phasor -= 1; last = step * ((input[i] * invStep) | 0 + 0.5); } output[i] = last; } //set the values for the next loop this._phasor = phasor; this._last = last; }; /** * set the bit rate * * @param {number} bits */ Tone.BitCrusher.prototype.setBits = function(bits){ this._bits = bits; this._step = 2 * Math.pow(0.5, this._bits); this._invStep = 1/this._step; }; /** * set the frequency * @param {number} freq */ Tone.BitCrusher.prototype.setFrequency = function(freq){ this._frequency = freq; }; /** * clean up */ Tone.BitCrusher.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); this._crusher.disconnect(); this.input = null; this.output = null; this._crusher = null; }; return Tone.BitCrusher; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WEB RTC MICROPHONE // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define('Tone/source/Microphone',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/source/Source"], function(Tone){ /** * WebRTC Microphone * * CHROME ONLY (for now) because of the * use of the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Source} * @param {number=} inputNum */ Tone.Microphone = function(inputNum){ Tone.Source.call(this); /** * @type {MediaStreamAudioSourceNode} * @private */ this._mediaStream = null; /** * @type {LocalMediaStream} * @private */ this._stream = null; /** * @type {Object} * @private */ this.constraints = {"audio" : true}; //get the option var self = this; MediaStreamTrack.getSources(function (media_sources) { if (inputNum < media_sources.length){ self.constraints.audio = { optional : [{ sourceId: media_sources[inputNum].id}] }; } }); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Microphone, Tone.Source); /** * start the stream. */ Tone.Microphone.prototype.start = function(){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STOPPED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STARTED; navigator.getUserMedia(this.constraints, this._onStream.bind(this), this._onStreamError.bind(this)); } }; /** * stop the stream. */ Tone.Microphone.prototype.stop = function(){ if (this._stream && this.state === Tone.Source.State.STARTED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; this._stream.stop(); } }; /** * called when the stream is successfully setup * @param {LocalMediaStream} stream * @private */ Tone.Microphone.prototype._onStream = function(stream) { this._stream = stream; // Wrap a MediaStreamSourceNode around the live input stream. this._mediaStream = this.context.createMediaStreamSource(stream); this._mediaStream.connect(this.output); }; /** * called on error * @param {Error} e * @private */ Tone.Microphone.prototype._onStreamError = function(e) { console.error(e); }; /** * clean up */ Tone.Microphone.prototype.dispose = function(e) { this.input.disconnect(); this.output.disconnect(); this._stream.disconnect(); this._mediaStream.disconnect(); this.input = null; this.output = null; this._stream = null; this._mediaStream = null; }; //polyfill navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia; return Tone.Microphone; }); define('Tone/source/Noise',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/source/Source"], function(Tone){ var sampleRate = Tone.context.sampleRate; //two seconds per buffer var bufferLength = sampleRate * 4; /** * Noise generator. * * uses looped noise buffers to save on performance. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Source} * @param {string} type the noise type (white|pink|brown) */ Tone.Noise = function(type){ Tone.Source.call(this); /** * @private * @type {AudioBufferSourceNode} */ this._source = null; /** * the buffer * @private * @type {AudioBuffer} */ this._buffer = null; /** * set a callback function to invoke when the sample is over * * @type {function} */ this.onended = function(){}; this.setType(this.defaultArg(type, "white")); }; Tone.extend(Tone.Noise, Tone.Source); /** * set the noise type * * @param {string} type the noise type (white|pink|brown) * @param {Tone.Time} time (optional) time that the set will occur */ Tone.Noise.prototype.setType = function(type, time){ switch (type){ case "white" : this._buffer = _whiteNoise; break; case "pink" : this._buffer = _pinkNoise; break; case "brown" : this._buffer = _brownNoise; break; default : this._buffer = _whiteNoise; } //if it's playing, stop and restart it if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STARTED){ time = this.toSeconds(time); //remove the listener this._source.onended = undefined; this._stop(time); this._start(time); } }; /** * internal start method * * @param {Tone.Time} time * @private */ Tone.Noise.prototype._start = function(time){ this._source = this.context.createBufferSource(); this._source.buffer = this._buffer; this._source.loop = true; this._source.start(this.toSeconds(time)); this.chain(this._source, this.output); this._source.onended = this._onended.bind(this); }; /** * start the noise at a specific time * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Noise.prototype.start = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STOPPED){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STARTED; //make the source this._start(time); } }; /** * internal stop method * * @param {Tone.Time} time * @private */ Tone.Noise.prototype._stop = function(time){ this._source.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); }; /** * stop the noise at a specific time * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Noise.prototype.stop = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STARTED) { if (this._buffer && this._source){ if (!time){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; } this._stop(time); } } }; /** * internal call when the buffer is done playing * * @private */ Tone.Noise.prototype._onended = function(){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; this.onended(); }; /** * dispose all the components */ Tone.Noise.prototype.dispose = function(){ if (this._source !== null){ this._source.disconnect(); this._source = null; } this._buffer = null; this.output.disconnect(); this.output = null; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THE BUFFERS // borred heavily from http://noisehack.com/generate-noise-web-audio-api/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * static brown noise buffer * * @static * @private * @type {AudioBuffer} */ var _pinkNoise = (function() { var buffer = Tone.context.createBuffer(2, bufferLength, sampleRate); for (var channelNum = 0; channelNum < buffer.numberOfChannels; channelNum++){ var channel = buffer.getChannelData(channelNum); var b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6; b0 = b1 = b2 = b3 = b4 = b5 = b6 = 0.0; for (var i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++) { var white = Math.random() * 2 - 1; b0 = 0.99886 * b0 + white * 0.0555179; b1 = 0.99332 * b1 + white * 0.0750759; b2 = 0.96900 * b2 + white * 0.1538520; b3 = 0.86650 * b3 + white * 0.3104856; b4 = 0.55000 * b4 + white * 0.5329522; b5 = -0.7616 * b5 - white * 0.0168980; channel[i] = b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5 + b6 + white * 0.5362; channel[i] *= 0.11; // (roughly) compensate for gain b6 = white * 0.115926; } } return buffer; }()); /** * static brown noise buffer * * @static * @private * @type {AudioBuffer} */ var _brownNoise = (function() { var buffer = Tone.context.createBuffer(2, bufferLength, sampleRate); for (var channelNum = 0; channelNum < buffer.numberOfChannels; channelNum++){ var channel = buffer.getChannelData(channelNum); var lastOut = 0.0; for (var i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++) { var white = Math.random() * 2 - 1; channel[i] = (lastOut + (0.02 * white)) / 1.02; lastOut = channel[i]; channel[i] *= 3.5; // (roughly) compensate for gain } } return buffer; })(); /** * static white noise buffer * * @static * @private * @type {AudioBuffer} */ var _whiteNoise = (function(){ var buffer = Tone.context.createBuffer(2, bufferLength, sampleRate); for (var channelNum = 0; channelNum < buffer.numberOfChannels; channelNum++){ var channel = buffer.getChannelData(channelNum); for (var i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++){ channel[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1; } } return buffer; }()); return Tone.Noise; }); define('Tone/source/Player',["Tone/core/Tone", "Tone/source/Source"], function(Tone){ /** * Audio Player * * Audio file player with start, loop, stop. * * @constructor * @extends {Tone.Source} * @param {string=} url if a url is passed in, it will be loaded * and invoke the callback if it also passed * in. * @param {function(Tone.Player)=} onload callback to be invoked * once the url is loaded */ Tone.Player = function(url, onload){ Tone.Source.call(this); /** * @private * @type {AudioBufferSourceNode} */ this._source = null; /** * the buffer * @private * @type {AudioBuffer} */ this._buffer = null; /** * the duration of the buffer once it's been loaded * @type {number} */ this.duration = 0; /** * the playback rate * @private * @type {number} */ this._playbackRate = 1; /** * enabling retrigger will allow a player to be restarted * before the it's is done playing * * @type {boolean} */ this.retrigger = false; /** * set a callback function to invoke when the sample is over * * @type {function} */ this.onended = function(){}; //if there is a url, load it. if (url){ this.load(url, onload); } }; Tone.extend(Tone.Player, Tone.Source); /** * makes an xhr reqest for the selected url * Load the audio file as an audio buffer. * Decodes the audio asynchronously and invokes * the callback once the audio buffer loads. * * @param {string} url the url of the buffer to load. * filetype support depends on the * browser. * @param {function(Tone.Player)=} callback */ Tone.Player.prototype.load = function(url, callback){ if (!this._buffer){ var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", url, true); request.responseType = "arraybuffer"; // decode asynchronously var self = this; request.onload = function() { self.context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buff) { self.setBuffer(buff); if (callback){ callback(self); } }); }; //send the request request.send(); } else { if (callback){ callback(this); } } }; /** * set the buffer * * @param {AudioBuffer} buffer the buffer which the player will play. * note: if you switch the buffer after * the player is already started, it will not * take effect until the next time the player * is started. */ Tone.Player.prototype.setBuffer = function(buffer){ this._buffer = buffer; this.duration = buffer.duration; }; /** * play the buffer between the desired positions * * @param {Tone.Time=} startTime * @param {Tone.Time=} offset * @param {Tone.Time=} duration */ Tone.Player.prototype.start = function(startTime, offset, duration){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STOPPED || this.retrigger){ if (this._buffer){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STARTED; //default args offset = this.defaultArg(offset, 0); duration = this.defaultArg(duration, this._buffer.duration - offset); //make the source this._source = this.context.createBufferSource(); this._source.buffer = this._buffer; this._source.loop = false; this._source.playbackRate.value = this._playbackRate; this._source.start(this.toSeconds(startTime), this.toSeconds(offset), this.toSeconds(duration)); this._source.onended = this._onended.bind(this); this.chain(this._source, this.output); } } }; /** * Loop the buffer from start to finish at a time * * @param {Tone.Time=} startTime * @param {Tone.Time=} loopStart * @param {Tone.Time=} loopEnd * @param {Tone.Time=} offset * @param {Tone.Time=} duration */ Tone.Player.prototype.loop = function(startTime, loopStart, loopEnd, offset, duration){ if (this._buffer){ //default args loopStart = this.defaultArg(loopStart, 0); loopEnd = this.defaultArg(loopEnd, this._buffer.duration); offset = this.defaultArg(offset, loopStart); duration = this.defaultArg(duration, this._buffer.duration - offset); //make/play the source this.start(startTime, offset, duration); this._source.loop = true; this._source.loopStart = this.toSeconds(loopStart); this._source.loopEnd = this.toSeconds(loopEnd); } }; /** * Stop playback. * * @param {Tone.Time} time */ Tone.Player.prototype.stop = function(time){ if (this.state === Tone.Source.State.STARTED) { if (this._buffer && this._source){ if (!time){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; } this._source.stop(this.toSeconds(time)); } } }; /** * set the rate at which the file plays * * @param {number} rate * @param {Tone.Time=} rampTime (optional) the amount of time it takes to * reach the rate */ Tone.Player.prototype.setPlaybackRate = function(rate, rampTime){ this._playbackRate = rate; if (this._source) { if (rampTime){ this._source.playbackRate.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(rate, this.toSeconds(rampTime)); } else { this._source.playbackRate.value = rampTime; } } }; /** * internal call when the buffer is done playing * * @private */ Tone.Player.prototype._onended = function(){ this.state = Tone.Source.State.STOPPED; this.onended(); }; /** * dispose and disconnect */ Tone.Player.prototype.dispose = function(){ if (this._source !== null){ this._source.disconnect(); this._source = null; } this._buffer = null; this.output.disconnect(); this.output = null; }; return Tone.Player; });