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synced 2024-12-19 09:23:12 +00:00
- Starting to make all texture classes use STGenericTexture. This will make all functions usable between each one and converting through other classes much easier. - Many bug fixes to the texture importer like duped texture importing, dds opening the window, index out of range issues, etc. - Start on titlebar information. - Start on ASTC texture format support. - Support TGA images. - Support FTEX importing and saving properly. - Export models properly along with textures (with generic classes). Todo, support rigs and bones.
406 lines
17 KiB
406 lines
17 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres;
using System.IO;
using Bfres.Structs;
namespace FirstPlugin
public class FMAT2XML
public static void Read(FMAT mat, string FileName, bool OnlyMatParams = false)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
foreach (XmlNode node in doc.ChildNodes)
foreach (XmlNode n in node.ChildNodes)
if (n.Name == "MaterialParameters")
ReadShaderParams(doc, n, mat);
public static void ReadShaderParams(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parentNode, FMAT mat)
foreach (XmlNode node in parentNode.ChildNodes)
string Value = node.Attributes[0].Value;
BfresShaderParam param = new BfresShaderParam();
param.Name = node.Name;
foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
if (att.Name == "Format")
string Format = att.Value;
ShaderParamType type;
if (Enum.TryParse(Format, out type))
param.Type = type;
switch (type)
case ShaderParamType.Bool:
case ShaderParamType.Bool2:
case ShaderParamType.Bool3:
case ShaderParamType.Bool4:
param.ValueBool = Array.ConvertAll(Value.Split(','), bool.Parse);
case ShaderParamType.Float:
case ShaderParamType.Float2:
case ShaderParamType.Float3:
case ShaderParamType.Float4:
case ShaderParamType.Float2x2:
case ShaderParamType.Float2x3:
case ShaderParamType.Float2x4:
case ShaderParamType.Float3x2:
case ShaderParamType.Float3x3:
case ShaderParamType.Float3x4:
case ShaderParamType.Float4x2:
case ShaderParamType.Float4x3:
case ShaderParamType.Float4x4:
param.ValueFloat = Array.ConvertAll(Value.Split(','), float.Parse);
case ShaderParamType.Int:
case ShaderParamType.Int2:
case ShaderParamType.Int3:
case ShaderParamType.Int4:
param.ValueInt = Array.ConvertAll(Value.Split(','), int.Parse);
case ShaderParamType.Reserved2:
case ShaderParamType.Reserved3:
case ShaderParamType.Reserved4:
param.ValueReserved = Array.ConvertAll(Value.Split(','), byte.Parse);
case ShaderParamType.Srt2D:
param.ValueSrt2D = SetSrt2D(node);
case ShaderParamType.Srt3D:
param.ValueSrt3D = SetSrt3D(node);
case ShaderParamType.TexSrt:
param.ValueTexSrt = SetTexSRT(node);
case ShaderParamType.TexSrtEx:
param.ValueTexSrtEx = SetTexSRTEx(node);
case ShaderParamType.UInt:
case ShaderParamType.UInt2:
case ShaderParamType.UInt3:
case ShaderParamType.UInt4:
param.ValueUint = Array.ConvertAll(Value.Split(','), uint.Parse);
mat.matparam.Add(param.Name, param);
static float X, Y, Z;
public static Srt2D SetSrt2D(XmlNode node)
Srt2D srt2D = new Srt2D();
foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
if (att.Name == "Scaling")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
srt2D.Scaling = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(X, Y);
if (att.Name == "Rotation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
srt2D.Rotation = X;
if (att.Name == "Translation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
srt2D.Translation = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(X, Y);
return srt2D;
public static Srt3D SetSrt3D(XmlNode node)
Srt3D srt3D = new Srt3D();
foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
if (att.Name == "Scaling")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
float.TryParse(values[2], out Z);
srt3D.Scaling = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(X, Y, Z);
if (att.Name == "Rotation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
float.TryParse(values[2], out Z);
srt3D.Rotation = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(X, Y, Z);
if (att.Name == "Translation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
float.TryParse(values[2], out Z);
srt3D.Translation = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(X, Y, Z);
return srt3D;
public static TexSrt SetTexSRT(XmlNode node)
TexSrt texSrt = new TexSrt();
foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
if (att.Name == "Mode")
TexSrtMode Mode;
Enum.TryParse(att.Value, out Mode);
texSrt.Mode = Mode;
if (att.Name == "Scaling")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
texSrt.Scaling = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(X, Y);
if (att.Name == "Rotation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
texSrt.Rotation = X;
if (att.Name == "Translation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
texSrt.Translation = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(X, Y);
return texSrt;
public static string[] GetSrtValues(string str)
string[] charsToRemove = new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z", "W", "{", "}", "=" };
foreach (var c in charsToRemove)
str = str.Replace(c, string.Empty);
return str.Split(',');
public static TexSrtEx SetTexSRTEx(XmlNode node)
TexSrtEx texSrtEx = new TexSrtEx();
foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
if (att.Name == "Mode")
TexSrtMode Mode;
Enum.TryParse(att.Value, out Mode);
texSrtEx.Mode = Mode;
if (att.Name == "Scaling")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
texSrtEx.Scaling = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(X, Y);
if (att.Name == "Rotation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
texSrtEx.Rotation = X;
if (att.Name == "Translation")
string[] values = GetSrtValues(att.Value);
float.TryParse(values[0], out X);
float.TryParse(values[1], out Y);
texSrtEx.Translation = new Syroot.Maths.Vector2F(X, Y);
if (att.Name == "MatrixPointer")
uint ptr;
uint.TryParse(att.Value, out ptr);
texSrtEx.MatrixPointer = ptr;
return texSrtEx;
public static void Save(FMAT mat, string FileName, bool OnlyMaterialParams = false)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode mainNode = doc.CreateElement("FMAT");
AddAttribute(doc, "Name", mat.Text, mainNode);
if (OnlyMaterialParams)
AppendMaterialParams(mat, doc, mainNode);
AppendMaterialParams(mat, doc, mainNode);
private static void AppendMaterialParams(FMAT mat, XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parentNode)
XmlNode matParamsNode = doc.CreateElement("MaterialParameters");
bool IsSrt = false;
foreach (var param in mat.matparam)
string Value = "";
switch (param.Value.Type)
case ShaderParamType.Bool:
case ShaderParamType.Bool2:
case ShaderParamType.Bool3:
case ShaderParamType.Bool4:
Value = string.Join(",", param.Value.ValueBool);
case ShaderParamType.Float:
case ShaderParamType.Float2:
case ShaderParamType.Float3:
case ShaderParamType.Float4:
case ShaderParamType.Float2x2:
case ShaderParamType.Float2x3:
case ShaderParamType.Float2x4:
case ShaderParamType.Float3x2:
case ShaderParamType.Float3x3:
case ShaderParamType.Float3x4:
case ShaderParamType.Float4x2:
case ShaderParamType.Float4x3:
case ShaderParamType.Float4x4:
Value = string.Join(",", param.Value.ValueFloat);
case ShaderParamType.Int:
case ShaderParamType.Int2:
case ShaderParamType.Int3:
case ShaderParamType.Int4:
Value = string.Join(",", param.Value.ValueInt);
case ShaderParamType.Reserved2:
case ShaderParamType.Reserved3:
case ShaderParamType.Reserved4:
Value = string.Join(",", param.Value.ValueReserved);
case ShaderParamType.Srt2D:
WriteSrt2DParamNode(doc, param.Value.ValueSrt2D, param.Key, matParamsNode);
IsSrt = true;
case ShaderParamType.Srt3D:
WriteSrt3DParamNode(doc, param.Value.ValueSrt3D, param.Key, matParamsNode);
IsSrt = true;
case ShaderParamType.TexSrt:
WriteTexSrtParamNode(doc, param.Value.ValueTexSrt, param.Key, matParamsNode);
IsSrt = true;
case ShaderParamType.TexSrtEx:
WriteTexSrtExParamNode(doc, param.Value.ValueTexSrtEx, param.Key, matParamsNode);
IsSrt = true;
case ShaderParamType.UInt:
case ShaderParamType.UInt2:
case ShaderParamType.UInt3:
case ShaderParamType.UInt4:
Value = string.Join(",", param.Value.ValueUint);
if (!IsSrt)
XmlNode ParamNode = doc.CreateElement(param.Key);
AddAttribute(doc, "Value", Value, ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Format", param.Value.Type.ToString(), ParamNode);
private static void WriteSrt2DParamNode(XmlDocument doc, Srt2D srt2D, string Name, XmlNode node)
XmlNode ParamNode = doc.CreateElement(Name);
AddAttribute(doc, "Scaling", srt2D.Scaling.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Rotation", srt2D.Rotation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Translation", srt2D.Translation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Format", ShaderParamType.Srt2D.ToString(), ParamNode);
private static void WriteSrt3DParamNode(XmlDocument doc, Srt3D srt3D, string Name, XmlNode node)
XmlNode ParamNode = doc.CreateElement(Name);
AddAttribute(doc, "Scaling", srt3D.Scaling.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Rotation", srt3D.Rotation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Translation", srt3D.Translation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Format", ShaderParamType.Srt3D.ToString(), ParamNode);
private static void WriteTexSrtParamNode(XmlDocument doc, TexSrt texSrt, string Name, XmlNode node)
XmlNode ParamNode = doc.CreateElement(Name);
AddAttribute(doc, "Mode", texSrt.Mode.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Scaling", texSrt.Scaling.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Rotation", texSrt.Rotation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Translation", texSrt.Translation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Format", ShaderParamType.TexSrt.ToString(), ParamNode);
private static void WriteTexSrtExParamNode(XmlDocument doc, TexSrtEx texSrtEx, string Name, XmlNode node)
XmlNode ParamNode = doc.CreateElement(Name);
AddAttribute(doc, "Mode", texSrtEx.Mode.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Scaling", texSrtEx.Scaling.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Rotation", texSrtEx.Rotation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Translation", texSrtEx.Translation.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "MatrixPointer", texSrtEx.MatrixPointer.ToString(), ParamNode);
AddAttribute(doc, "Format", ShaderParamType.TexSrtEx.ToString(), ParamNode);
private static void AddAttribute(XmlDocument doc, string name, string value, XmlNode node)
XmlAttribute att = doc.CreateAttribute(name);
att.Value = value;