2020-05-31 19:09:46 +02:00

747 B

Weapons/damage TODO


  • play separate anim for tec9 ?

  • implement reloading

  • when lerping upper arm transform toward ped forward vector, arm is going on the opposite side - it seems that it depends on world rotation of ped

  • anim for minigun and flame thrower can't be loaded

Damage system

  • particles on place of hit

  • display inflicted damage as on-screen message

  • die animation - detach ped model before destroying ped ; send rpc to players to do the same create ped model only (not ped), and play anim ;

  • we need to raycast against ped mesh, not capsule collider ; also need to detect which part of body was hit

  • adapt vehicles to damage system - need explosion and smoke effects first

  • decals