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synced 2025-03-06 16:17:12 +00:00
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347 lines
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using SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.Vehicles;
using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items;
using SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Items.Placements;
using SanAndreasUnity.Utilities;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
//using Facepunch.Networking;
namespace SanAndreasUnity.Behaviours.World
public class Cell : MonoBehaviour
private Stopwatch _timer;
private List<Division> _leaves;
private Dictionary<Instance, StaticGeometry> m_insts;
private MapObject[] m_cars;
private List<EntranceExitMapObject> m_enexes;
public Division RootDivision { get; private set; }
public List<int> CellIds = new List<int> { 0, 13 };
public bool HasExterior => this.CellIds.Contains(0);
public Camera PreviewCamera;
public List<Transform> focusPoints = new List<Transform> ();
public Water Water;
public static Cell Instance { get ; private set; }
// Statistics
private int totalNumObjects = 0;
private int numLeavesLoadedThisFrame = 0;
private int numObjectsLoadedThisFrame = 0;
private float[] measuredTimes = new float[3];
private int numDivisionsUpdatedLoadOrder = 0;
private int numMapObjectsUpdatedLoadOrder = 0;
private Division containingDivision = null;
// variable used by Division class
public float divisionLoadOrderDistanceFactor = 16;
// variable used by Division class
public float divisionRefreshDistanceDelta = 20;
[Range(0.1f, 3f)]
public float divisionsUpdateInterval = 0.3f;
// variable used by MapObject class
public float maxDrawDistance = 500;
public bool loadParkedVehicles = true;
public GameObject enexPrefab;
private void Awake()
if (null == Instance)
Instance = this;
this.CellIds = Enumerable.Range(0, 19).ToList();
private void Start()
//InvokeRepeating("UpdateDivisions", 0f, 0.1f);
StartCoroutine( this.UpdateDivisionsCoroutine () );
internal void CreateStaticGeometry ()
if (RootDivision == null)
RootDivision = Division.Create(transform);
new Vector2(-3000f, -3000f),
new Vector2(+3000f, +3000f));
var placements = Item.GetPlacements<Instance>(CellIds.ToArray());
m_insts = new Dictionary<Instance,StaticGeometry> (48 * 1024);
foreach (var plcm in placements) {
m_insts.Add (plcm, StaticGeometry.Create ());
//m_insts = placements.ToDictionary(x => x, x => StaticGeometry.Create());
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Num static geometries " + m_insts.Count);
totalNumObjects = m_insts.Count;
internal void InitStaticGeometry ()
foreach (var inst in m_insts)
inst.Value.Initialize(inst.Key, m_insts);
internal void LoadParkedVehicles ()
if (loadParkedVehicles)
var parkedVehicles = Item.GetPlacements<ParkedVehicle> (CellIds.ToArray ());
m_cars = parkedVehicles.Select (x => VehicleSpawner.Create (x))
.Cast<MapObject> ()
.ToArray ();
UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Num parked vehicles " + m_cars.Length);
internal void CreateEnexes()
m_enexes = new List<EntranceExitMapObject>(256);
foreach(var enex in Item.Enexes.Where(enex => this.CellIds.Contains(enex.TargetInterior)))
internal void AddMapObjectsToDivisions ()
var enumerable = m_insts.Values.Cast<MapObject> ();
if (m_cars != null)
enumerable = enumerable.Concat (m_cars);
enumerable = enumerable.Concat(m_enexes);
RootDivision.AddRange (enumerable);
internal void LoadWater ()
if (Water != null)
Water.Initialize(new WaterFile(Importing.Archive.ArchiveManager.PathToCaseSensitivePath(Config.GetPath("water_path"))));
internal void FinalizeLoad ()
// set layer recursively for all game objects
// this.gameObject.SetLayerRecursive( this.gameObject.layer );
_timer = new Stopwatch();
_leaves = RootDivision.ToList();
public IEnumerable<EntranceExit> GetEnexesFromLoadedInteriors()
int[] loadedInteriors = this.CellIds.Where(id => id != 0 && id != 13).ToArray();
foreach(var enex in Importing.Items.Item.Enexes.Where(enex => loadedInteriors.Contains(enex.TargetInterior)))
yield return enex;
public static TransformDataStruct GetEnexExitTransform(EntranceExit enex)
return new TransformDataStruct(enex.ExitPos + Vector3.up * 0.2f, Quaternion.Euler(0f, enex.ExitAngle, 0f));
private void Update()
if (!Loader.HasLoaded)
//this.Setup ();
if (null == _leaves)
numLeavesLoadedThisFrame = 0;
numObjectsLoadedThisFrame = 0;
if (this.focusPoints.Count > 0)
// only update divisions loading if there are focus points - because otherwise,
// load order of divisions is not updated
measuredTimes[2] = (float)_timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
void UpdateDivisionsLoading()
foreach (var div in _leaves)
if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(div.LoadOrder))
numObjectsLoadedThisFrame += div.LoadWhile(() => _timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 1d / 60d);
if (_timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= 1d / 60d)
// break;
System.Collections.IEnumerator UpdateDivisionsCoroutine ()
while (true)
// wait 100 ms
float timePassed = 0;
while (timePassed < this.divisionsUpdateInterval)
yield return null;
timePassed += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
F.RunExceptionSafe (() => this.UpdateDivisions ());
private void UpdateDivisions()
if (!Loader.HasLoaded)
if (_leaves == null) return;
this.focusPoints.RemoveAll (t => null == t);
if (this.focusPoints.Count < 1)
numDivisionsUpdatedLoadOrder = 0;
numMapObjectsUpdatedLoadOrder = 0;
containingDivision = null;
List<Vector3> positions = this.focusPoints.Select (f => f.position).ToList ();
bool toLoad = false; // _leaves.Aggregate(false, (current, leaf) => current | leaf.RefreshLoadOrder(pos));
UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample ("Update divisions", this);
foreach (Division leaf in _leaves)
Vector3 pos = leaf.GetClosestPosition (positions);
int count = 0;
toLoad |= leaf.RefreshLoadOrder(pos, out count);
if (count > 0)
numMapObjectsUpdatedLoadOrder += count;
if (null == containingDivision && leaf.Contains(pos))
containingDivision = leaf;
UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample ();
measuredTimes[0] = (float)_timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
if (!toLoad) return;
UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample ("Sort leaves", this);
UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample ();
measuredTimes[1] = (float)_timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
private static Rect windowRect = new Rect(10, 10, 250, 330);
private const int windowID = 0;
private void OnGUI()
if (!Loader.HasLoaded)
if (!PlayerController._showMenu)
windowRect = GUILayout.Window(windowID, windowRect, showWindow, "World statistics");
public void showWindow(int windowID)
GUILayout.Label("draw distance " + this.maxDrawDistance);
GUILayout.Label("num focus points " + this.focusPoints.Count);
GUILayout.Label("total num divisions " + (null == _leaves ? 0 : _leaves.Count));
GUILayout.Label("total num objects " + totalNumObjects);
GUILayout.Label("geometry parts loaded " + SanAndreasUnity.Importing.Conversion.Geometry.NumGeometryPartsLoaded);
GUILayout.Label("num objects in current division " + (containingDivision != null ? containingDivision.NumObjects : 0));
GUILayout.Label("num divisions updated " + numDivisionsUpdatedLoadOrder);
GUILayout.Label("num objects updated " + numMapObjectsUpdatedLoadOrder);
GUILayout.Label("num divisions loading this frame " + numLeavesLoadedThisFrame);
GUILayout.Label("num objects loading this frame " + numObjectsLoadedThisFrame);
string[] timeNames = new string[] { "refresh load order ", "sort ", "load / update display " };
int i = 0;
foreach (float time in measuredTimes)
GUILayout.Label(timeNames[i] + Mathf.RoundToInt(time));
} |