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There are a variety of Library Operations that can be utilized in a library.

Within each library, operations can be defined by using the operations attribute, as demonstrated below.

      - git: PMM/chart/imdb
      mass_critic_rating_update: tmdb
      split_duplicates: true

The available attributes for the operations attribute are as follows

Attribute Description
assets_for_all Search in assets for images for every item in your library.
Values: true or false
delete_collections_with_less Deletes every collection with less than the given number of items.
Values: number greater than 0
delete_unmanaged_collections Deletes every unmanaged collection
Values: true or false
mass_genre_update Updates every item's genres in the library to the chosen site's genres
tmdbUse TMDb for Genres
tvdbUse TVDb for Genres
imdbUse IMDb for Genres
omdbUse IMDb through OMDb for Genres
anidbUse AniDB Tags for Genres
lockLock Genre Field
unlockUnlock Genre Field
removeRemove all Genres and Lock Field
resetRemove all Genres and Unlock Field
mass_content_rating_update Updates every item's content rating in the library to the chosen site's content rating
mdbUse MdbList for Content Ratings
mdb_commonsenseUse Commonsense Rating through MDbList for Content Ratings
omdbUse IMDb through OMDb for Content Ratings
lockLock Rating Field
unlockUnlock Rating Field
removeRemove Rating and Lock Field
resetRemove Rating and Unlock Field
mass_original_title_update Updates every item's original title in the library to the chosen site's content rating
anidbUse AniDB Main Title for Original Titles
anidb_officialUse AniDB Official Title based on the language attribute in the config file for Original Titles
lockLock Original Title Field
unlockUnlock Original Title Field
removeRemove Original Title and Lock Field
resetRemove Original Title and Unlock Field
mass_originally_available_update Updates every item's originally available date in the library to the chosen site's date
tmdbUse TMDb Release Date
tvdbUse TVDb Release Date
omdbUse IMDb Release Date through OMDb
mdbUse MdbList Release Date
anidbUse AniDB Release Date
lockLock Originally Available Field
unlockUnlock Originally Available Field
removeRemove Originally Available and Lock Field
resetRemove Originally Available and Unlock Field
Updates every item's audience/critic/user rating in the library to the chosen site's rating
tmdbUse TMDb Rating
imdbUse IMDb Rating
trakt_userUse Trakt User's Personal Rating
omdbUse IMDbRating through OMDb
mdbUse MdbList Score
mdb_imdbUse IMDb Rating through MDbList
mdb_metacriticUse Metacritic Rating through MDbList
mdb_metacriticuserUse Metacritic User Rating through MDbList
mdb_traktUse Trakt Rating through MDbList
mdb_tomatoesUse Rotten Tomatoes Rating through MDbList
mdb_tomatoesaudienceUse Rotten Tomatoes Audience Rating through MDbList
mdb_tmdbUse TMDb Rating through MDbList
mdb_letterboxdUse Letterboxd Rating through MDbList
mdb_myanimelistUse MyAnimeList Rating through MDbList
anidb_ratingUse AniDB Rating
anidb_averageUse AniDB Average
lockLock Rating Field
unlockUnlock Rating Field
removeRemove Rating and Lock Field
resetRemove Rating and Unlock Field
Updates every item's episode's audience/critic/user rating in the library to the chosen site's rating
tmdbUse TMDb Rating
imdbUse IMDb Rating
lockLock Rating Field
unlockUnlock Rating Field
removeRemove Rating and Lock Field
resetRemove Rating and Unlock Field
mass_imdb_parental_labels Updates every item's labels in the library to match the IMDb Parental Guide
Values with_none or without_none
mass_collection_mode Updates every Collection in your library to the specified Collection Mode
Values: default: Library default
hide: Hide Collection
hide_items: Hide Items in this Collection
show_items: Show this Collection and its Items
defaultLibrary default
hideHide Collection
hide_itemsHide Items in this Collection
show_itemsShow this Collection and its Items
update_blank_track_titles Search though every track in a music library and replace any blank track titles with the tracks sort title
Values: true or false
remove_title_parentheses Search through every title and remove all ending parentheses in an items title if the title isn not locked.
Values: true or false
split_duplicates Splits all duplicate movies/shows found in this library
Values: true or false
radarr_add_all Adds every item in the library to Radarr. The existing paths in plex will be used as the root folder of each item, if the paths in Plex are not the same as your Radarr paths you can use the plex_path and radarr_path Radarr details to convert the paths.
Values: true or false
radarr_remove_by_tag Removes every item from Radarr with the Tags given
Values: List or comma separated string of tags
sonarr_add_all Adds every item in the library to Sonarr. The existing paths in plex will be used as the root folder of each item, if the paths in Plex are not the same as your Sonarr paths you can use the plex_path and sonarr_path Sonarr details to convert the paths.
Values: true or false
sonarr_remove_by_tag Removes every item from Sonarr with the Tags given
Values: List or comma separated string of tags
genre_mapper Allows genres to be changed to other genres or be removed from every item in your library.
Values: see below for usage
content_rating_mapper Allows content ratings to be changed to other content ratings or be removed from every item in your library.
Values: see below for usage
metadata_backup Creates/Maintains a PMM Metadata File with a full metadata mapping based on the library's items locked attributes.
Values: see below for usage

Genre Mapper

You can use the genre_mapper operation to map genres in your library.

Each attribute under genre_mapper is a separate mapping and has two parts.

  • The key (Action/Adventure, Action & Adventure in the example below) is what genres you want mapped to the value.
  • The value (Action in the example below) is what the genres will end up as.

So this example will change go through every item in your library and change the genre Action/Adventure or Action & Adventure to Action and Romantic Comedy to Comedy.

        "Action/Adventure": Action 
        "Action & Adventure": Action
        Romantic Comedy: Comedy

To just Remove a Genre without replacing it just set the Genre to nothing like this.

        "Action/Adventure": Action 
        "Action & Adventure": Action
        Romantic Comedy:

This example will change go through every item in your library and change the genre Action/Adventure or Action & Adventure to Action and remove every instance of the Genre Romantic Comedy.

Content Rating Mapper

You can use the content_rating_mapper operation to map content ratings in your library.

Each attribute under content_rating_mapper is a separate mapping and has two parts.

  • The key (PG, PG-13 in the example below) is what content ratings you want mapped to the value.
  • The value (Y-10 in the example below) is what the content ratings will end up as.

So this example will change go through every item in your library and change the content rating PG or PG-13 to Y-10 and R to Y-17.

        PG: Y-10 
        "PG-13": Y-10
        R: Y-17

To just Remove a content rating without replacing it just set the content rating to nothing like this.

        PG: Y-10 
        "PG-13": Y-10

This example will change go through every item in your library and change the content rating PG or PG-13 to Y-10 and remove every instance of the content rating R.

Metadata Backup

Creates/Maintains a Plex Meta Manager Metadata File with a full metadata mapping based on the library's items locked attributes.

If you point to an existing Metadata File then PMM will Sync the changes to the file, so you won't lose non plex changes in the file.

There are a few different options to determine how the metadata_backup works.

Attribute Description
path Path to where the metadata will be saved/maintained
Default: <<library_name>>_Metadata_Backup.yml in your config folder
Values: Path to Metadata File
exclude Exclude all listed attributes from being saved in the metadata file
Values: Comma-separated string or list of attributes
sync_tags All Tag Attributes will have the .sync option and blank attribute will be added to sync to as well
Default: false
Values: true or false
add_blank_entries Will add a line for entries that have no metadata changes
Default: true
Values: true or false