
15 KiB

Sundance Film Festival Awards Collections

The sundance Default Metadata File is used to create collections based on the Sundance Film Festival Awards.

Requirements & Recommendations

Supported Library Types: Movie

Requirements: Trakt Authentication

Collections Section 130

Collection Key Description
Sundance Grand Jury Winners grand Collection of Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Award Winners.
Sundance Film Festival <<year>>
Example: Sundance Film Festival 2022
Example: 2022
Collection of Sundance Film Festival Award Winners for the given year.


The below YAML in your config.yml will create the collections:

      - pmm: sundance

Template Variables

Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.

Note that the template_variables: section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified is its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.

All Shared Collection Variables are available as well as the additional Variables below which can be used to customize the file.

Variable Description & Values
use_year_collections Description: Turn the individual year collections off.
Values: false to turn of the collections
year_collection_section Description: Change the collection section for year collections only. (Use quotes to not lose leading zeros "05")
Values: Any number
sync_mode Description: Changes the Sync Mode for all collections in a Defaults file.
Default: sync
syncAdd and Remove Items based on Builders
appendOnly Add Items based on Builders
sync_mode_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the Sync Mode of the specified key's collection.
Default: sync_mode
syncAdd and Remove Items based on Builders
appendOnly Add Items based on Builders
collection_order Description: Changes the Collection Order for all collections in a Defaults file.
Default: custom
releaseOrder Collection by Release Dates
alphaOrder Collection Alphabetically
customOrder Collection Via the Builder Order
Any plex_search Sort OptionOrder Collection by any plex_search Sort Option
collection_order_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the Collection Order of the specified key's collection.
Default: collection_order
releaseOrder Collection by Release Dates
alphaOrder Collection Alphabetically
customOrder Collection Via the Builder Order
Any plex_search Sort OptionOrder Collection by any plex_search Sort Option
data Description: Replaces the data dynamic collection value.
AttributeDescription & Values
startingControls the starting year for collections
Default: current_year-5
Values: Number greater than 0
endingControls the ending year for collections
Default: current_year
Values: Number greater than 1
incrementControls the increment (i.e. every 5th year)
Default: 1
Values: Number greater than 0
  • starting and ending can also have the value current_year
  • You can also use a value relative to the current_year by doing current_year-5
exclude Description: Exclude these Years from creating a Dynamic Collection.
Values: List of Years
name_format Description: Changes the title format of the Dynamic Collections.
Default: Sundance Film Festival <<key_name>>
Values: Any string with <<key_name>> in it.
summary_format Description: Changes the summary format of the Dynamic Collections.
Default: Sundance Film Festival of <<key_name>>.
Values: Any string with <<key_name>> in it.
  1. Each default collection has a key that when calling to effect a specific collection you must replace <<key>> with when calling.

Example Template Variable Amendments

The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.

???+ tip

Anywhere you see this icon:

> :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus:

That's a tooltip, you can press them to get more information.
      - pmm: sundance
          collection_mode: show_items #(1)!
          collection_order: alpha #(2)!
          radarr_add_missing: true #(3)!
          name_format: Sundance Film Festival <<key_name>> Winners #(4)!
            starting: current_year-10 #(5)!
            increment: 2 #(6)!
            ending: current_year #(7)!
  1. Shows the collection and all of its items within the Library tab in Plex
  2. Sorts the collection items alphabetically
  3. Adds items from the source list which are not in Plex to Radarr
  4. Change the name of the collections to "Sundance Film Festival yearhere Winners"
  5. If today is 2024, then create collections for Sundance Film Festival 2014 onwards
  6. If starting year is 2014, then create collections for 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, etc.
  7. If today is 2024, then the final collection is Sundance Film Festival 2024