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Metadata Files

Metadata files are used to create and maintain collections and metadata within the Plex libraries on the server.

If utilized to their fullest, these files can be used to maintain the entire server's collections and metadata, and can be used as a backup for these in the event of a restore requirement.

Collections, templates, metadata, and dynamic collections are defined within one or more Metadata files, which are linked to libraries in the Libraries Attribute within the Configuration File.

These are the attributes which can be used within the Metadata File:

Attribute Description
templates contains definitions of templates that can be leveraged by multiple collections
external_templates contains path types that point to external templates that can be leveraged by multiple collections
collections contains definitions of collections you wish to add to one or more libraries
dynamic_collections contains definitions of dynamic collections you wish to create
metadata contains definitions of metadata changes to movie, show, or music library's items [movie titles, episode descriptions, etc.]
  • One of metadata, collections or dynamic_collections must be present for the Metadata File to execute.
  • Example Metadata Files can be found in the Plex Meta Manager Configs Repository


This example is a Metadata file with a basic collection which is saved in a file called MyCollections.yml within the location mapped as config in my setup.

???+ example "Example "MyCollections.yml"""

Click the :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus: icon to learn more

collections: #(1)!
   Top 50 Grossing Films of All Time (Worldwide):
    tmdb_list: 10 #(2)!
    collection_order: custom #(3)!
    sync_mode: sync #(4)!

1.  This must appear once and **only once** in any Metadata file
2.  This creates a collection based on tmdb list ID 10, would also be accepted
3.  This will sort the items in the Plex collection to be the same as the order in the list
4.  Syncs the collection to the list, so that if an item is added/removed from the list, the same is done to the collection. Set this to `append` if you only want it to add things and not remove them.

???+ example "config.yml Example Metadata Path Addition"

Click the :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus: icon to learn more

  Movies: #(1)!
      - file: config/MyCollections.yml #(2)!

1.  This must match the name of a library in your Plex server
2.  `config` refers to the location that you mapped to `config` when following the PMM Installation Guides.

Collection Attributes

Plex Meta Manager can run a number of different operations within collections and such as:

  • Automatically build and update collections and playlists
  • Sync the collection with the source list if one is used
  • Send missing media to Sonarr/Radarr (Lidarr not supported at this time)
  • Show and Hide collections at set intervals (i.e. show Christmas collections in December only)

Each collection requires its own section within the collections attribute and unlike playlists, collections can be built using as many Builders as needed.

  Trending Movies:
    # ... builders, details, and filters for this collection
  Popular Movies:
    # ... builders, details, and filters for this collection
    # ... builders, details, and filters for this collection

There are multiple types of attributes that can be utilized within a collection:


    trakt_trending: 10
    tmdb_trending_daily: 10
    tmdb_trending_weekly: 10
    sort_title: +1_Trending
    sync_mode: sync
    smart_label: random
    summary: Movies Trending across the internet
    tmdb_popular: 40
      limit: 40
    sort_title: +2_Popular
    sync_mode: sync
    smart_label: random
    summary: Popular Movies across the internet

Dynamic Collection Attributes

Plex Meta Manager can dynamically create collections based on a verity of different criteria, such as

  • Collections for the top X popular people on TMDb (Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks etc.)
  • Collections for each decade represented in the library (Best of 1990s, Best of 2000s etc.)
  • Collections for each of the moods/styles within a Music library (A Cappella, Pop Rock etc.)
  • Collections for each of a Trakt Users Lists.

Below is an example dynamic collection which will create a collection for each of the decades represented within the library:

    type: decade

Metadata Attributes

Plex Meta Manager can automatically update items in Plex Movie, Show, and Music Libraries based on what's defined within the metadata attribute.

Each metadata requires its own section within the metadata attribute.

Each item is defined by the mapping name. Rules for how to match are on the Respective Library Metadata Pages.