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AniList Builders

You can find anime using the features of (AniList).

No configuration is required for these builders.

Attribute Description Works with Movies Works with Shows Works with Playlists and Custom Sort
anilist_top_rated Finds every anime in AniList's Top Rated Anime list
anilist_popular Finds every anime in AniList's Popular Anime list
anilist_trending Finds every anime in AniList's Trending Anime list
anilist_relations Finds the anime specified by the AniList ID and every relation in its relation tree except Character and Other relations
anilist_studio Finds all anime specified by the AniList Studio ID
anilist_id Finds the anime specified by the AniList ID
anilist_userlist Finds the anime in AniList User's Anime list the options are detailed below
anilist_search Finds the anime specified by the AniList search parameters provided

AniList Top Rated

Finds every anime in AniList's Top Rated Anime list.

The expected input is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top Rated Anime:
    anilist_top_rated: 30
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

Finds every anime in AniList's Popular Anime list.

The expected input is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Popular Anime:
    anilist_popular: 10
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

Finds every anime in AniList's Trending Anime list.

The expected input is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Trending Anime:
    anilist_trending: 10
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

AniList Relations

Finds the anime specified by the AniList ID and every relation in its relation tree except Character and Other relations.

The expected input is an AniList ID. Multiple values are supported as either a list or a comma-separated string.

  One Piece:
    anilist_relations: 21

AniList Studio

Finds all anime specified by the AniList Studio ID.

The expected input is an AniList ID. Multiple values are supported as either a list or a comma-separated string.

  Studio Ghibli:
    anilist_studio: 21

AniList ID

Finds the anime specified by the AniList ID.

The expected input is an AniList ID. Multiple values are supported as either a list or a comma-separated string.

  Cowboy Bebop:
    anilist_id: 23, 219

AniList UserList

Gets anime in AniList User's Anime list. The different sub-attributes are detailed below.

Both username and list_name are required.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

Attribute Description
username Description: A user's AniList Username
list_name Description: A user's AniList List Name
score.gt1 Description: Only return items that have a score greater than the given number.
Values: 0.0-10.0
score.gte1 Description: Only return items that have a score greater than or equal to the given number.
Values: 0.0-10.0
score.lt1 Description: Only return items that have a score less then the given number.
Values: 0.0-10.0
score.lte1 Description: Only return items that have a score less then or equal to the given number.
Values: 0.0-10.0
sort_by Description: Sort Order to return
Default: score
scoreSort by User Score
popularitySort by Popularity
statusSort by Status
progressSort by Progress
last_updatedSort by Last Updated
last_addedSort by Last Added
start_dateSort by Start Date
completed_dateSort by Completed Date

1 You can use multiple score filters but the number will have to match every filter. All unrated items are considered to have a 0 rating.

  Currently Watching Anime:
      username: Username
      list_name: Watching
      sort_by: score
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

Finds the anime specified by the AniList Search the options are detailed below.

There are three fields per search option when using AniList's Search just like Plex's Advanced Filters in the Web UI. The first is the Attribute (what attribute you wish to search), the second is the Modifier (which modifier to use), and the third is the Term (actual term to search).

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

Special Attributes

Special attributes do not support any modifiers.

Special Attribute Description & Values
sort_by Description: How to sort the Anime
Default: score
scoreSort by Average Score
popularSort by Popularity
trendingSort by Trending
limit Description: Number of Anime to query
Values: Number greater or equal to 0 (use 0 or don't use it at all for all anime)
Default: 0
search Description: Text to search
Values: Any Text
season Description: Season to search for
Default: current
winterFor winter season December, January, February
springFor spring season March, April, May
summerFor summer season June, July, August
fallFor fall season September, October, November
currentFor current Season
year Description: Season year to search for
Default: Current Year
Values: Number between 1917 and next year or leave blank for the current year
min_tag_percent Description: Minimum tag percentage for the Anime
Values: Number between 0-100
adult Description: Search for or not for Adult Anime
Values: true or false
country Description: Search for anime from a specific country
Values: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
source Description: Uses the anime's source to match
Values: original, manga, light_novel, visual_novel, video_game, other, novel, doujinshi, or anime

Tag Attributes

Tag attributes can be used with either no modifier or with .not.

String attributes can take multiple values as a list or a comma-separated string.

Tag Modifiers

Tag Modifier Description
No Modifier Matches every item where the attribute matches the given string
.not Matches every item where the attribute does not match the given string

Tag Attributes

Tag Attribute Description & Values
format Description: Uses the anime's format to match
Values: tv, short, movie, special, ova, ona, music
status Description: Uses the anime's status to match
Values: finished, airing, not_yet_aired, cancelled, hiatus
genre Description: Uses the anime's genre to match
Values: Any Genre in the Genre Dropdown box on the AniList Search Page
tag Description: Uses the anime's tag to match
Values: Any Tag in the Genre Dropdown box on the AniList Search Page
tag_category Description: Uses the anime's tag category to match
Values: Any Tag Category in the Advanced Genres & Tag Filters Menu on the AniList Search Page

Date Attributes

Date attributes can be used with either .before, or .after.

No date attribute can take multiple values.

Date Modifiers

Date Modifier Description
.before Matches every item where the date attribute is before the given date
Format: MM/DD/YYYY e.g. 01/01/2000
.after Matches every item where the date attribute is after the given date
Format: MM/DD/YYYY e.g. 01/01/2000

Date Attributes

Date Attributes Description
start Uses the anime start date attribute to match
end Uses the anime end date attribute to match

Number Searches

Number attributes must use .gt, .gte, .lt, or .lte as a modifier.

No number attribute can take multiple values.

Number Modifiers

Number Modifier Description
.gt Matches every item where the number attribute is greater than the given number
Format: number
Example: 30, 1995, or 7.5
.gte Matches every item where the number attribute is greater than or equal to the given number
Format: number
Example: 30, 1995, or 7.5
.lt Matches every item where the number attribute is less than the given number
Format: number
Example: 30, 1995, or 7.5
.lte Matches every item where the number attribute is less than or equal to the given number
Format: number
Example: 30, 1995, or 7.5

Number Attributes

Number Attribute Description
duration Description: Uses the duration attribute to match using minutes
Restrictions: minimum: 1
episodes Description: Uses the number of episodes attribute to match
Restrictions: minimum: 1
score Description: Uses the score attribute to match
Restrictions: minimum: 1
popularity Description: Uses the popularity attribute to match
Restrictions: minimum: 1

AniList Search Examples

  Current Anime Season:
      sort_by: popular
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync
  Fall 2020 Anime:
      season: fall
      year: 2020
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync
  Pirates Anime:
      tag: Pirates
      sort_by: popular
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync
  Top Sports Anime:
      genre: Sports
      limit: 20
      sort_by: popular
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync