2023-01-31 15:43:45 +00:00

29 KiB

Overlay Files

Overlay files are used to create and maintain overlays within the Plex libraries on the server.

Overlays and templates are defined within one or more Overlay files, which are linked to libraries in the Libraries Attribute within the Configuration File.

All overlay coordinates assume 1000 x 1500 for Posters and 1920 x 1080 for Backgrounds and Title Cards.

To remove all overlays add remove_overlays: true to the overlay_path Libraries Attribute.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON OVERLAYS: Once you have applied overlays to your posters in PLex, it is highly recommennded that you never change artwork on a thing directly in Plex again. PMM uses labels on the items in Plex to decide if an overlays has been applied, so if you change artwork behind PMM's back things can become confused and items can end up with double-overlaid posters. It's recommended to set new artwork using the asset directory, which will ensure that this doesn't happen.

To change a single overlay original image either remove the Overlay shared label and update the Image in Plex or replace the image in the assets folder and then PMM will overlay the new image

These are the attributes which can be used within the Overlay File:

Attribute Description
templates contains definitions of templates that can be leveraged by multiple overlays
external_templates contains path types that point to external templates that can be leveraged by multiple overlays
queues contains the positional attributes of queues
overlays contains definitions of overlays you wish to add

Overlays Attributes

Each overlay definition requires its own section within the overlays attribute.

  IMDb Top 250:
    # ... builders, details, and filters for this overlay
    # ... builders, details, and filters for this overlay
    # ... builders, details, and filters for this overlay

There are multiple types of attributes that can be utilized within an overlay:


Each overlay definition needs to specify what overlay to use. This can happen in 3 ways.

  1. If there is no overlay attribute PMM will look in your config/overlays folder for a .png file named the same as the mapping name of the overlay definition. This example below would look for IMDb Top 250.png.

      IMDb Top 250:
        imdb_chart: top_movies
  2. If the overlay attribute is given a string PMM will look in your config/overlays folder for a .png file named the same as the string given. This example below would look for IMDbTop.png.

      overlay: IMDbTop
      IMDb Top 250:
        imdb_chart: top_movies
  3. Using a dictionary for more overlay location options.

  IMDb Top 250:
      name: IMDb Top 250
    imdb_chart: top_movies

There are many attributes available when using overlays to edit how they work.

Attribute Description Required
name Name of the overlay.
file Local location of the Overlay Image.
url URL of Overlay Image Online.
git Location in the Configs Repo of the Overlay Image.
repo Location in the Custom Repo of the Overlay Image.
group Name of the Grouping for this overlay. Only one overlay with the highest weight per group will be applied.
weight is required when using group
Values: group name
queue Name of the Queue for this overlay. Define queue positions using the queues attribute at the top level of an Overlay File. Overlay with the highest weight is applied to the first position and so on.
weight is required when using queue
Values: queue name
weight Weight of this overlay in its group or queue.
group or queue is required when using weight
Values: Integer 0 or greater
horizontal_offset Horizontal Offset of this overlay. Can be a %.
vertical_offset is required when using horizontal_offset
Value: Integer 0 or greater or 0%-100%
horizontal_align Horizontal Alignment of the overlay.
Values: left, center, right
vertical_offset Vertical Offset of this overlay. Can be a %.
horizontal_offset is required when using vertical_offset
Value: Integer 0 or greater or 0%-100%
vertical_align Vertical Alignment of the overlay.
Values: top, center, bottom
font System Font Filename or path to font file for the Text Overlay.
Value: System Font Filename or path to font file
font_style Font style for Variable Fonts. Only needed when using a Variable Font.
Value: Variable Font Style
font_size Font Size for the Text Overlay.
Value: Integer greater than 0
font_color Font Color for the Text Overlay.
Value: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.
stroke_width Font Stroke Width for the Text Overlay.
Value: Integer greater than 0
stroke_color Font Stroke Color for the Text Overlay.
Value: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.
back_color Backdrop Color for the Text Overlay.
Value: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.
back_width Backdrop Width for the Text Overlay. If back_width is not specified the Backdrop Sizes to the text
back_height is required when using back_width
Value: Integer greater than 0
back_height Backdrop Height for the Text Overlay. If back_height is not specified the Backdrop Sizes to the text
back_width is required when using back_height
Value: Integer greater than 0
back_align Alignment for the Text Overlay inside the backdrop. If back_align is not specified the Backdrop Centers the text
back_width and back_height are required when using back_align
Values: left, right, center, top, bottom
back_padding Backdrop Padding for the Text Overlay.
Value: Integer greater than 0
back_radius Backdrop Radius for the Text Overlay.
Value: Integer greater than 0
back_line_color Backdrop Line Color for the Text Overlay.
Value: Color Hex Code in format #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.
back_line_width Backdrop Line Width for the Text Overlay.
Value: Integer greater than 0
addon_offset Text Addon Image Offset from the text.
addon_offset Only works with text overlays
Value: Integer 0 or greater
addon_position Text Addon Image Alignment in relation to the text.
addon_position Only works with text overlays
Values: left, right, top, bottom
  • If url, git, and repo are all not defined then PMM will look in your config/overlays folder for a .png file named the same as the name attribute.

Non-Positional Image Overlay

Non-Positional overlays are images that are either 1000 x 1500 for Posters or 1920 x 1080 for Backgrounds and Title Cards.

These Overlays should be mostly transparent and will just be completely merged with the base image.

Positional Image Overlay

Positional overlays can be of any size and use horizontal_offset, horizontal_align, vertical_offset, and vertical_align to position the overlay on the image.

    imdb_chart: top_movies
      name: IMDB-Top-250
      pmm: images/IMDB-Top-250
      horizontal_offset: 0
      horizontal_align: right
      vertical_offset: 0
      vertical_align: bottom

Blurring Overlay

There is a special overlay named blur that when given as the overlay name will instead of finding the image will just blur the image instead.

You can control the level of the blur by providing a number with the attribute like so blur(##).

      name: blur(50)
    builder_level: episode
        resolution: 4K

Backdrop Overlay

There is a special overlay named backdrop that when given as the overlay name will instead of finding the image will just apply the background instead.

You can set the size of the backdrop with back_width and back_height. By Default, they will extend the length of the Image.

      name: backdrop
      back_color: "#00000099"
    builder_level: episode
    plex_all: true

Text Overlay

You can add text as an overlay using the special text() overlay name. Anything inside the parentheses will be added as an overlay onto the image. Ex text(4K) adds 4K to the image.

You can control the font, font size and font color using the font, font_size, and font_color overlay attributes.

You can control the backdrop of the text using the various back_* attributes.

The horizontal_offset and vertical_offset overlay attributes are required when using Text Overlays.

PMM includes multiple fonts in the fonts folder which can be called using fonts/fontname.ttf

      name: text(Direct Play)
      horizontal_offset: 0
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 150
      vertical_align: bottom
      font: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
      font_size: 63
      font_color: "#FFFFFF"
      back_color: "#00000099"
      back_radius: 30

Special Text Variables

You can use the item's metadata to determine the text by adding Special Text Variables to your text Overlay.

There are multiple Special Text Variables that can be used when formatting the text. The variables are defined like so <<name>> and some can have modifiers like so <<name$>> where $ is the modifier. The available options are:

Special Text Variables & Mods Movies Shows Seasons Episodes
<<audience_rating>>: audience rating (8.7, 9.0)
<<audience_rating%>>: audience rating out of 100 (87, 90)
<<audience_rating#>>: audience rating removing .0 as needed (8.7, 9)
<<audience_rating/>>: audience rating on a 5 point scale (8.6 shows as 4.3)
<<critic_rating>>: critic rating (8.7, 9.0)
<<critic_rating%>>: critic rating out of 100 (87, 90)
<<critic_rating#>>: critic rating removing .0 as needed (8.7, 9)
<<critic_rating/>>: critic rating on a 5 point scale (8.6 shows as 4.3)
<<user_rating>>: user rating (8.7, 9.0)
<<user_rating%>>: user rating out of 100 (87, 90)
<<user_rating#>>: user rating removing .0 as needed (8.7, 9)
<<user_rating/>>: user rating on a 5 point scale (8.6 shows as 4.3)
<<title>>: Title of the Item
<<titleU>>: Uppercase Title of the Item
<<titleL>>Lowercase Title of the Item
<<titleP>>Proper Title of the Item
<<show_title>>: Title of the Item's Show
<<show_itleU>>: Uppercase Title of the Item's Show
<<show_titleL>>Lowercase Title of the Item's Show
<<show_titleP>>Proper Title of the Item's Show
<<season_title>>: Title of the Item's Season
<<season_titleU>>: Uppercase Title of the Item's Season
<<season_titleL>>Lowercase title of the Item's Season
<<season_titleP>>Proper title of the Item's Season
<<original_title>>: Original Title of the Item
<<original_titleU>>: Original Title of the Item
<<original_titleL>>Lowercase Original Title of the Item
<<original_titleP>>Proper Original Title of the Item
<<edition>>: Edition of the Item
<<editionU>>: Edition of the Item
<<editionL>>Lowercase Edition of the Item
<<editionP>>Proper Edition of the Item
<<content_rating>>: Content Rating of the Item
<<content_ratingU>>: Uppercase Content Rating of the Item
<<content_ratingL>>Lowercase Content Rating of the Item
<<content_ratingP>>Proper Content Rating of the Item
<<episode_count>>: Number of Episodes (1)
<<episode_countW>>: Number of Episodes As Words (One)
<<episode_count0>>: Number of Episodes With 10s Padding (01)
<<episode_count00>>: Number of Episodes With 100s Padding (001)
<<season_number>>: Season Number (1)
<<season_numberW>>: Season Number As Words (One)
<<season_number0>>: Season Number With 10s Padding (01)
<<season_number00>>: Season Number With 100s Padding (001)
<<episode_number>>: Episode Number (1)
<<episode_numberW>>: Episode Number As Words (One)
<<episode_number0>>: Episode Number With 10s Padding (01)
<<episode_number00>>: Episode Number With 100s Padding (001)
<<versions>>: Number of Versions of the Item (1)
<<versionsW>>: Number of Versions of the Item As Words (One)
<<versions0>>: Number of Versions of the Item With 10s Padding (01)
<<versions00>>: Number of Versions of the Item With 100s Padding (001)
<<runtime>>: Complete Runtime of the Item in minutes (150)
<<runtimeH>>: Hours in runtime of the Item (2)
<<runtimeM>>: Minutes remaining in the hour in the runtime of the Item (30)
<<bitrate>>: Bitrate of the first media file for an item.
<<bitrateH>>: Bitrate of the media file with the highest bitrate
<<bitrateL>>: Bitrate of the media file with the lowest bitrate
<<originally_available>>: Original Available Date of the Item
<<originally_available[FORMAT]>>: Original Available Date of the Item in the given format. Format Options

Note: You can use the mass_audience_rating_update or mass_critic_rating_update Library Operation to update your plex ratings to various services like tmdb, imdb, mdb, metacritic, letterboxd and many more.


I want to have the audience_rating display with a % out of 100 vs 0.0-10.0.

      name: text(<<audience_rating%>>%)
      horizontal_offset: 225
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 15
      vertical_align: top
      font: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
      font_size: 63
      font_color: "#FFFFFF"
      back_color: "#00000099"
      back_radius: 30
      back_width: 300
      back_height: 105

I want to add S##E## to all my episode images.

    builder_level: episode
      name: text(S<<season_number0>>E<<episode_number0>>)
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 15
      vertical_align: top
      font: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
      font_size: 63
      font_color: "#FFFFFF"
      back_color: "#00000099"
      back_radius: 30
      back_width: 300
      back_height: 105
    plex_all: true
Common Special Text Uses

These are some commonly-used examples of Special Text overlays:

Special Text Example Output
name: text(S<<season_number0>>E<<episode_number0>>) S01E01
name: text(Season <<season_number>> Episode <<episode_number>>) Season 1 Episode 1
name: text(Season <<season_number>>) Season 1
name: text(Episode <<episode_number>>) Episode 1
name: "text(Runtime: <<runtime>>m)" Runtime: 90m
name: "text(Runtime: <<runtimeH>>h <<runtimeM>>m)" Runtime: 1h 30m

Text Addon Images

You can add an image to accompany the text by specifying the image location using file, url, git, or repo.

Use addon_offset to control the space between the text and the image.

Use addon_position to control which side of the text the image will be located on.

      name: text(audience_rating)
      horizontal_offset: 225
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 15
      vertical_align: top
      font: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
      font_size: 63
      font_color: "#FFFFFF"
      back_color: "#00000099"
      back_radius: 30
      back_width: 300
      back_height: 105
      pmm: images/raw/IMDB_Rating
      addon_position: left
      addon_offset: 25

Overlay Groups

Overlay groups are defined by the name given to the group attribute. Only one overlay with the highest weight per group will be applied.

This is an example where the Multi-Audio overlay will be applied over the Dual-Audio overlay for every item found by both.

      name: Dual-Audio
      pmm: images/Dual-Audio
      group: audio_language
      weight: 10
      horizontal_offset: 0
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 15
      vertical_align: bottom
    plex_all: true
      audio_language.count_gt: 1
      name: Multi-Audio
      pmm: images/Multi-Audio
      group: audio_language
      weight: 20
      horizontal_offset: 0
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 15
      vertical_align: bottom
    plex_all: true
      audio_language.count_gt: 2

Overlay Queues

Overlay queues are defined by the name given to the queue attribute. The overlay with the highest weight is put into the first queue position, then the second highest is placed in the second queue position and so on.

You can define the queue positions by using the queues attribute at the top level of an Overlay File. You can define as many positions as you want.

    - horizontal_offset: 300        # This is the first position
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 1375
      vertical_align: top
    - horizontal_offset: 300        # This is the second position
      horizontal_align: center
      vertical_offset: 1250
      vertical_align: top
    imdb_chart: popular_movies
      name: text(IMDb Popular)
      queue: custom_queue_name
      weight: 20
      font: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
      font_size: 65
      font_color: "#FFFFFF"
      back_color: "#00000099"
      back_radius: 30
      back_width: 380
      back_height: 105
    tmdb_popular: 100
      name: text(TMDb Popular)
      queue: custom_queue_name
      weight: 10
      font: fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf
      font_size: 65
      font_color: "#FFFFFF"
      back_color: "#00000099"
      back_radius: 30
      back_width: 400
      back_height: 105

Suppress Overlays

You can add suppress_overlays to an overlay definition and give it a list or comma separated string of overlay names you want suppressed from this item if this overlay is attached to the item.

So in this example if the 4K-HDR overlay matches an item then the 4K and HDR overlays will also match. The suppress_overlays attribute on 4K-HDR will stop the overlays specified (4K and HDR) from also being applied.

        resolution: 4K
        hdr: true
      - 4K
      - HDR
        resolution: 4K
        hdr: true


Example Overlay File

      name: 4K    # This will look for a local overlays/4K.png in your config folder
        resolution: 4K
      name: HDR
      pmm: HDR
        hdr: true
      name: Dolby
    plex_all: true
      has_dolby_vision: true

Example Folder Structure

├── config.yml
├── Movies.yml
├── TV Shows.yml
├── Overlays.yml
├── overlays
│   ├── 4K.png
│   ├── Dolby.png
│   ├── HDR.png