2023-12-31 11:45:00 -05:00

22 KiB

The below shared template variables are available for this file.

Variable Description & Values
language Description: Set the language of Collection Names and Summaries
Default: default
Values: default (English), fr (French), or de (German)
use_<<key>>1 Description: Turns off individual Collections in a Defaults file.
Values: false to turn off the collection
name_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the name of the specified key's collection.
Values: New Collection Name
summary_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the summary of the specified key's collection.
Values: New Collection Summary
collection_section Description: Changes the sort order of the collection sections against other default collection sections. (Use quotes to not lose leading zeros "05")
Values: Any number
sort_prefix Description: Changes the prefix of the sort title.
Default: !
Values: Any String
sort_title Description: Changes the sort title of all collections.
Default: <<sort_prefix>><<collection_section>><<pre>><<order_<<key>>>><<title>>
Values: Any String
name_mapping Description: Changes the name_mapping of all collections.
Default: <<title>>
Values: Any String with <<key_name>> in it.
order_<<key>>1 Description: Controls the sort order of the collections in their collection section.
Values: Any number
collection_mode Description: Controls the collection mode of all collections in a Defaults file.
defaultLibrary default
hideHide Collection
hide_itemsHide Items in this Collection
show_itemsShow this Collection and its Items
ignore_ids Description: Set a list or comma-separated string of TMDb/TVDb IDs to ignore in all collections.
Values: List or comma-separated string of TMDb/TVDb IDs
ignore_imdb_ids Description: Set a list or comma-separated string of IMDb IDs to ignore in all collections.
Values: List or comma-separated string of IMDb IDs
minimum_items Description: Set the number of minimum items for a collection to be created for all collections.
Values: Any number greater than 0
minimum_items_<<key>>1 Description: Set the number of minimum items for a collection to be created for the specified key's collection.
Values: Any number greater than 0
delete_collections_named Description: Used to delete any collections in your plex named one of the given collections.
Values: List of Collection Names to delete
url_poster Description: Changes the poster url for all collections.
Values: URL directly to the Image
url_poster_<<key>>1 Description: Changes the poster url of the specified key's collection.
Values: URL directly to the Image
file_poster Description: Sets the poster filepath for all collections.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
file_poster_<<key>>1 Description: Sets the poster filepath of the specified key's collection.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
url_background Description: Sets the background url for all collections.
Values: URL directly to the Image
url_background__<<key>>1 Description: Sets the background url of the specified key's collection.
Values: URL directly to the Image
file_background Description: Sets the background filepath for all collections.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
file_background__<<key>>1 Description: Sets the background filepath of the specified key's collection.
Values: Filepath directly to the Image
visible_library Description: Controls visible on Library Recommended Tab for all collections in a Defaults file. (Only works with Plex Pass)
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_library_<<key>>1 Description: Controls visible on Library Recommended Tab of the specified key's collection. (Only works with Plex Pass)
Default: visible_library
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_home Description: Controls visible on Home Tab for all collections in a Defaults file. (Only works with Plex Pass)
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_home_<<key>>1 Description: Controls visible on Home Tab of the specified key's collection. (Only works with Plex Pass)
Default: visible_home
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_shared Description: Controls visible on Shared Users' Home Tab for all collections in a Defaults file. (Only works with Plex Pass)
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
visible_shared_<<key>>1 Description: Controls visible on Shared Users' Home Tab of the specified key's collection. (Only works with Plex Pass)
Default: visible_shared
falseNot Visible
Any schedule OptionVisible When Scheduled
radarr_add_missing Description: Override Radarr add_missing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
radarr_add_missing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr add_missing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_add_missing
Values: true or false
radarr_folder Description: Override Radarr root_folder_path attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: Folder Path
radarr_folder_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr root_folder_path attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_folder
Values: Folder Path
radarr_search Description: Override Radarr search attribute or all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
radarr_search_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr search attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_search
Values: true or false
radarr_tag Description: Override Radarr tag attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
radarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Override Radarr tag attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: radarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_radarr_tag Description: Used to append a tag in Radarr for every movie found by the builders that's in Radarr for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_radarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Used to append a tag in Radarr for every movie found by the builders that's in Radarr of the specified key's collection.
Default: item_radarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
sonarr_add_missing Description: Override Sonarr add_missing attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
sonarr_add_missing_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr add_missing attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_add_missing
Values: true or false
sonarr_folder Description: Override Sonarr root_folder_path attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: Folder Path
sonarr_folder_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr root_folder_path attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_folder
Values: Folder Path
sonarr_search Description: Override Sonarr search attribute or all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: true or false
sonarr_search_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr search attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_search
Values: true or false
sonarr_tag Description: Override Sonarr tag attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
sonarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Override Sonarr tag attribute of the specified key's collection.
Default: sonarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_sonarr_tag Description: Used to append a tag in Sonarr for every series found by the builders that's in Sonarr for all collections in a Defaults file.
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
item_sonarr_tag_<<key>>1 Description: Used to append a tag in Sonarr for every series found by the builders that's in Sonarr of the specified key's collection.
Default: item_sonarr_tag
Values: List or comma-separated string of tags
  1. Each default collection has a key that when calling to effect a specific collection you must replace <<key>> with when calling.