2022-10-11 17:02:49 -04:00

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Decade Collections

The decade Default Metadata File is used to dynamically create collections based on the decades available in your library, sorted by critic rating to create a "best of "

This file works with Movie Libraries, but has a TV Library Counterpart.

Collections Section 12

Collection Key Description
Decade Collections separator Separator Collection to denote the Section of Collections.
Best of <<Decade>>
Example: Best of 2020s
Example: 2020
Collection of Movies released in this Decade.


The below YAML in your config.yml will create the collections:

      - pmm: decade

Template Variables

Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.

Note that the templates_variables: section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified is its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.

All Shared Variables are available as well as the additional Variables below which can be used to customize the file.

Variable Description & Values
use_separator Description: Turn the separator collection off.
Values: false to turn of the collection
sep_style Description: Separator Style.
Default: orig
Values: orig, red, blue, green, gray, purple, or stb
limit Description: Changes the Builder Limit for all collections in a Defaults file.
Default: 100
Values: Number Greater then 0
limit_<<key>> Description: Changes the Builder Limit of the specified key's collection.
Default: limit
Values: Number Greater then 0
sort_by Description: Changes the Smart Filter Sort for all collections in a Defaults file.
Default: critic_rating.desc
Values: Any smart_filter Sort Option
sort_by_<<key>> Description: Changes the Smart Filter Sort of the specified key's collection.
Default: sort_by
Values: Any smart_filter Sort Option
exclude Description: Exclude these Decades from creating a Dynamic Collection.
Values: List of Decades found in your library
decade_name Description: Changes the title format of the Dynamic Collections.
Default: Best of <<key_name>>
Values: Any string with <<key_name>> in it.
decade_summary Description: Changes the summary format of the Dynamic Collections.
Default: Top <<limit>> <<library_translation>>s of the <<key_name>>.
Values: Any string.

The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.

      - pmm: decade
          use_other: false
          use_separator: false
          sep_style: purple
          sort_by: title.asc