2022-11-16 09:30:04 -05:00

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MyAnimeList Attributes

Configuring MyAnimeList is optional but is required for MyAnimeList based collections and operations to function.

A mal mapping is in the root of the config file.

Below is a mal mapping example and the full set of attributes:

  client_id: ################################
  client_secret: ################################################################
Attribute Allowed Values Required
client_id MyAnimeList Application Client ID
client_secret MyAnimeList Application Client Secret
localhost_url MyAnimeList Authorization URL
  • All other attributes will be filled in by the script.

  • To connect to you must create a MyAnimeList application and supply the script the client id and client secret provided, please do the following:

  1. Click here to create a MyAnimeList API application.
  2. Enter an App Name for the application. Ex. Plex Meta Manager
  3. Select web for App Type.
  4. Enter an App Description for the application Ex. Plex Meta Manager manages metadata and collections
  5. Enter http://localhost/ for App Redirect URL.
  6. Enter for Homepage URL.
  7. Select non-commercial for Commercial / Non-Commercial.
  8. Enter any name under Name / Company Name.
  9. Select hobbyist for Purpose of Use.
  10. Agree to the API License and Developer Agreement and hit the Submit button
  11. You should see Successfully registered. followed by a link that says Return to list click this link.
  12. On this page Click the Edit button next to the application you just created.
  13. Record the Client ID and Client Secret found on the application page.
  14. Go to this URL but replace CLIENT_ID with your Client ID
  15. You should see a page that looks like this MAL Details Click "Allow"
  16. You will be taken to a page that will not load. That's fine and expected. Localhost Failure
  17. Copy the URL, which will be localhost/?code=BLAH and paste in your config file next to localhost_url. NOTE: If you do not see an error as above but instead get taken to some seemingly random website, you probably have a webserver running on your local computer, probably from some sort of tutorial if you don't recall having set one up. For example, some Docker tutorials have you start up local web servers. You will need to stop that web server while you're doing this in order to grab that localhost URL.
  18. Run PMM and the auth will be completed.

Alternative Way Letting PMM make the URL

You can record just your client_id and client_secret and pmm will create the url for you described below.

  • On the first run, the script will walk the user through the OAuth flow by producing a MyAnimeList URL for the user to follow. After following the URL login to and authorize the application by clicking the Allow button which will redirect the user to http://localhost/. Copy the entire URL and paste it into the script and if the URL is correct then the script will populate the authorization sub-attributes to use in subsequent runs.

On first run:

| Connecting to My Anime List...                                                                     |
|                                                                                                    |
| Navigate to: |
|                                                                                                    |
| Login and click the Allow option. You will then be redirected to a localhost                       |
| url that most likely won't load, which is fine. Copy the URL and paste it below                    |
| URL:

Click on that URL to open your browser to MyAnimeList; you'll be looking at a page like this:

MAL Details

Click "Allow", and you will be taken to a page that will not load. That's fine and expected.

Localhost Failure

Copy the URL, which will be localhost/?code=BLAH and paste it at the prompt.

NOTE: If you do not see an error as above but instead get taken to some seemingly random website, you probably have a webserver running on your local computer, probably from some sort of tutorial if you don't recall having set one up. For example, some Docker tutorials have you start up local web servers.

You will need to stop that web server while you're doing this in order to grab that localhost URL.

| URL: http://localhost/?code=BOING
| Saving authorization information to /path/to/Plex-Meta-Manager/config/config.yml |
| My Anime List Connection Successful                                                                |

OAuth Flow using Docker

To authenticate MyAnimeList the first time, you need run the container with the -it flags in order to walk through the OAuth flow mentioned above. Once you have the MyAnimeList authentication data saved into the YAML, you'll be able to run the container normally.

OAuth Flow using unRAID Docker

Directions on how to authenticate MyAnimeList on unRAID can be found on the unRAID Walkthrough page.

Online Authorization Script

Plex Meta Manager requires interactive mode to be able to enter the Client ID and Client Secret. Some systems (namely NAS) make this difficult to accomplish. Chazlarson has developed an online script that can be run to generate the MAL and Trakt authentication outside of Plex Meta Manager and then paste the end-result directly into the configuration file.

The Online Auth tool can be found here.

Simply press the play button, wait a little bit, and then follow the on-screen prompts.