2024-05-28 16:22:51 -04:00

33 KiB




The settings: attribute and subsequent settings can be used to command various aspects of the functionality of Kometa.

Examples of these settings include the ability to:

  • Cache each Plex GUID and IDs to increase performance
  • Create asset folders for collections so that custom posters can be stored for upload.
  • Use a custom repository as the base for all git Metadata files.

The settings attribute and attributes can be specified individually per library, or can be inherited from the global value if it has been set. If an attribute is specified at both the library and global level, then the library level attribute will take priority.

There are some attributes which can be specified at the collection level using Settings.

Attributes set at the collection level will take priority over any library or global-level attribute.


The available setting attributes which can be set at each level are outlined below:

??? blank "cache - Used to control Kometa's cache database."

<div id="cache" />Allow Kometa to create and maintain a local cache database for faster subsequent processing. The 
cache file is created in the same directory as the configuration file.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `cache`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      cache: true

??? blank "cache_expiration - Used to control how long data is cached for."

<div id="cache-expiration" />Set the number of days before each cache mapping expires and has to be re-cached.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `cache_expiration`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global

**Accepted Values:** Integer greater than 0

**Default Value:** `60`

???+ example "Example"
      cache_expiration: 30

??? blank "asset_directory - Used to define where local assets are located."

<div id="asset-directory" />Specify the directories where assets (posters, backgrounds, etc) are located.

???+ tip 

    Assets can be stored anywhere on the host system that Kometa has visibility of (i.e. if using docker, the 
    directory must be mounted/visible to the docker container).

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `asset_directory`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** Any Directory or List of Directories

**Default Value:** `[Directory containing YAML config]/assets`

???+ example "Example"
      asset_directory: config/movies

        - config/assets/movies
        - config/assets/collections

??? blank "asset_folders - Used to control the asset directory folder structure."

<div id="asset-folders" />While `true`, Kometa will search the `asset_directory` for a dedicated folder per item vs 
while false will look for an image. 

i.e. When `true` the example path would be `<asset_directory_path>/Star Wars/poster.png` instead of 
`<asset_directory_path>/Star Wars.png`.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `asset_folders`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      asset_folders: true

??? blank "asset_depth - Used to control the depth of search in the asset directory."

<div id="asset-depth" />Specify how many folder levels to scan for an item within the asset directory.

At each asset level, Kometa will look for either `medianame.ext` [such as Star Wars.png] or a dedicated folder 
containing `poster.ext`.

i.e. `<path_to_assets>/Star Wars/poster.png` and `<path_to_assets>/Star Wars.png` are both asset depth 0, whilst 
`<path_to_assets>/Movies/Star Wars/poster.png` and `<path_to_assets>/Movies/Star Wars.png` are both asset level 1.

???+ tip

    `asset_folders` must be set to `true` for this to take effect.

    increasing the amount of levels to scan will reduce performance

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `asset_depth`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** Any Integer 0 or greater

**Default Value:** `0`

???+ example "Example"
      asset_depth: 2

??? blank "create_asset_folders - Used to automatically create asset folders when none exist.<a class="headerlink" href="#create-asset-folders title="Permanent link">¶"

<div id="create-asset-folders" />Whilst searching for assets, if an asset folder cannot be found within the 
`asset_directory` one will be created.

Asset Searches can happen in a number of ways.

* Any Collection specified under the `collections` header in a Collection File.

* Any Item specified under the `metadata` header in a Collection File.

* Any Playlist specified under the `playlists` header in a Playlist File.

* Any Item in a library that is running the `assets_for_all` Library Operation.

* Any Item that has an Overlay applied to it.

* Any Item found by a Builder while the definition also has `item_assets: true` specified. 

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `create_asset_folders`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      create_asset_folders: true

??? blank "prioritize_assets - Used to prioritize asset_directory images over all other images types."

<div id="prioritize-assets" />When determining which image to use on an item prioritize the `asset_directory` over 
all other images types.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `prioritize_assets`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      prioritize_assets: true

??? blank "dimensional_asset_rename - Used to automatically rename asset files based on their dimensions."

<div id="dimensional-asset-rename" />Whilst searching for assets, scan the folders within the `asset_directory` and 
if an asset poster (i.e. `/ASSET_NAME/poster.ext`) was not found, rename the first image found that has a height 
greater than or equal to its width to `poster.ext`. If an asset background (i.e. `/ASSET_NAME/background.ext`), 
rename the first image found that has a width greater than its height to `background.ext`.

???+ tip

    `asset_folders` must be set to `true` for this to take effect.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `dimensional_asset_rename`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      dimensional_asset_rename: true

??? blank "download_url_assets - Used to download url images into the asset directory."

<div id="download-url-assets" />Whilst searching for assets, download images set within Collection/Metadata/Playlist 
files( i.e. images set by `url_poster` or `url_background`) into the asset folder if none are already present.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `download_url_assets`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      download_url_assets: true

??? blank "show_missing_season_assets - Used to show any missing season assets."

<div id="show-missing-season-assets" />Whilst searching for assets, when scanning for assets for a TV Show, if 
Season posters are found (i.e. `/ASSET_NAME/Season##.ext`), notify the user of any seasons which do not have an 
asset image.

???+ tip "Shows/Hides messages like these for seasons/albums"

  "Asset Warning: No poster found for '{item_title}' in the assets folder '{directory}'"

  "Asset Warning: No poster '{name}' found in the assets folders"

  "Missing Season {season_number} Poster"

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_missing_season_assets`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      show_missing_season_assets: true

??? blank "show_missing_episode_assets - Used to show any missing episode assets."

<div id="show-missing-episode-assets" />Whilst searching for assets, when scanning for assets for a TV Show, if an 
Episode Title Card is found (i.e. `/ASSET_NAME/S##E##.ext`), notify the user of any episodes which do not have an 
asset image.

???+ tip "Shows/Hides messages like these for episodes"

  "Asset Warning: No poster found for '{item_title}' in the assets folder '{directory}'"

  "Asset Warning: No poster '{name}' found in the assets folders"

  "\nMissing S##E## Title Card"

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_missing_episode_assets`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      show_missing_episode_assets: true

??? blank "show_asset_not_needed - Used to show/hide the update not needed messages."

<div id="show-asset-not-needed" />Whilst searching for assets, show or hide the `update not needed` messages.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_asset_not_needed`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      show_asset_not_needed: true

??? blank "sync_mode - Used to set the sync_mode for collections and playlists."

<div id="sync-mode" />Sets the `sync_mode` for collections and playlists. Setting the `sync_mode` directly in a 
collection or playlist definition will override the `sync_mode` for that definition.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `sync_mode`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:**

<table class="clearTable">
  <tr><td>`sync`</td><td>Will add and remove any items that are added/removed from the source builder.</td></tr>
  <tr><td>`append`</td><td>Will only add items that are added from the source builder, but will not remove anything even if it is removed from the source builder.</td></tr>

**Default Value:** `append`

???+ example "Example"
      sync_mode: sync

??? blank "default_collection_order - Used to set the collection_order for every collection run."

<div id="default-collection-order" />Set the `collection_order` for every collection run by Kometa unless the 
collection has a specific `collection_order`.

???+ tip

    `custom` cannot be used if more than one builder is being used for the collection (such as `imdb_list` and 
    `trakt_list` within the same collection).

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `default_collection_order`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:**

<table class="clearTable">
  <tr><td>`release`</td><td>Order Collection by Release Dates</td></tr>
  <tr><td>`alpha`</td><td>Order Collection Alphabetically</td></tr>
  <tr><td>`custom`</td><td>Order Collection Via the Builder Order</td></tr>
  <tr><td colspan="2">[Any `plex_search` sort option](../files/builders/</td></tr>

**Default Value:** `None`

???+ example "Example"
      default_collection_order: release

??? blank "minimum_items - Used to control minimum items requires to build a collection/playlist."

<div id="minimum-items" />Set the minimum number of items that must be found in order to build or update a 

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `minimum_items`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** Integer greater than 0

**Default Value:** `1`

???+ example "Example"
      minimum_items: 5

??? blank "delete_below_minimum - Used to delete collections below minimum_items"

<div id="delete-below-minimum" />When a collection is run, delete the collection if it is below the minimum number 
specified by `minimum_items`.

???+ tip

    Relies on `minimum_items` being set to the desired integer.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `delete_below_minimum`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `false`

???+ example "Example"
      delete_below_minimum: true

??? blank "delete_not_scheduled - Used to delete collections not scheduled."

<div id="delete-not-scheduled" />If a collection is skipped due to it not being scheduled, delete the collection.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `delete_not_scheduled`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `false`

???+ example "Example"
      delete_not_scheduled: true

??? blank "run_again_delay - Used to control the number of minutes to delay running run_again collections."

<div id="run-again-delay" />Set the number of minutes to delay running `run_again` collections after daily run is 

For example, if a collection adds items to Sonarr/Radarr, the library can automatically re-run "X" amount of time 
later so that any downloaded items are processed.

???+ tip

    A collection is a `run_again` collection if it has the `run_again` [Setting](../files/ attribute set 
    to true.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `run_again_delay`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global

**Accepted Values:** Any Integer 0 or greater

**Default Value:** `0`

???+ example "Example"
      run_again_delay: 5

??? blank "missing_only_released - Used to filter unreleased items from missing lists."

<div id="missing-only-released" />Whilst running a collection or playlist, when Kometa handles missing items to 
either report it to the user, report it to a file, or send it to Radarr/Sonarr all unreleased items will be 
filtered out.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `missing_only_released`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `false`

???+ example "Example"
      missing_only_released: true

??? blank "show_unmanaged - Used to show collections not managed by Kometa."

<div id="show-unmanaged" />List all collections not managed by Kometa at the end of each run.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_unmanaged`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      show_unmanaged: false

??? blank "show_unconfigured - Used to show collections not in the current run."

<div id="show-unconfigured" />List all collections not configured in the current Kometa run at the end of each run.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_unconfigured`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      show_unconfigured: false

??? blank "show_filtered - Used to show filtered items."

<div id="show-filtered" />List all items which have been filtered out of a collection or playlist (i.e. if it 
doesn't meet the filter criteria)

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_filtered`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `false`

???+ example "Example"
      show_filtered: true

??? blank "show_options - Used to show attribute options from plex."

<div id="show-options" />While `show_options` is true the available options for an attribute when using 
`plex_search`, `smart_filter` or `filters` will be shown.

i.e. a `smart_filter` on the `genre` attribute will return all of the attributes within the specified library.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_options`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `false`

???+ example "Example"
      show_options: true

??? blank "show_missing - Used to show missing items from collections or playlists."

<div id="show-missing" />While `show_missing` is true items missing from collections or playlists will be displayed.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_missing`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      show_missing: false

??? blank "only_filter_missing - Used to have the filter only apply to missing items."

<div id="only-filter-missing" />Only items missing from a collection will be filtered. **Only specific filters can 
filter missing. See [Filters](../files/ for more information.**

???+ note

    This can be used to filter which missing media items get sent to Sonarr/Radarr.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `only_filter_missing`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `false`

???+ example "Example"
      only_filter_missing: true

??? blank "show_missing_assets - Used to print a message when assets are missing."

<div id="show-missing-assets" />Display missing asset warnings for items, collections, and playlists.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `show_missing_assets`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      show_missing_assets: false

??? blank "save_report - Used to save a report YAML file."

<div id="save-report" />Save a report of the items added, removed, filtered, or missing from collections to a YAML 
file in the same directory as the file run.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `save_report`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `true`

???+ example "Example"
      save_report: false

??? blank "report_path - Used to specify the location of save_report."

<div id="report-path" />Specify the location where `save_report` is saved.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `report_path`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Library

**Accepted Values:** YAML file path location

**Default Value:** `[Directory containing YAML config]/[Library Mapping Name]_report.yml`

???+ example "Example"
      report_path: config/TV_missing_report.yml

??? blank "tvdb_language - Specify the language to query TVDb in."

<div id="tvdb-language" />Specify the language to query TVDb in.

???+ note

    If no language is specified or the specified language is not found then the original language is used.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `tvdb_language`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global

**Accepted Values:** [Any ISO 639-2 Language Code](

**Default Value:** `None`

???+ example "Example"
      tvdb_language: en

??? blank "ignore_ids - List of TMDb/TVDb IDs to ignore."

<div id="ignore-ids" />Set a list or comma-separated string of TMDb/TVDb IDs to ignore in all collections.

???+ note

    This does not apply to `smart_filter` Collections.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `ignore_ids`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** List or comma-separated string of TMDb/TVDb IDs

**Default Value:** `None`

???+ example "Example"
      ignore_ids: 572802,695721

??? blank "ignore_imdb_ids - List of IMDb IDs to ignore."

<div id="ignore-imdb-ids" />Set a list or comma-separated string of IMDb IDs to ignore in all collections.

???+ note

    Rhis does not apply to `smart_filter` Collections.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `ignore_imdb_ids`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** List or comma-separated string of IMDb IDs

**Default Value:** `None`

???+ example "Example"
      ignore_imdb_ids: tt6710474,tt1630029

??? blank "item_refresh_delay - Time to wait between each item_refresh."

<div id="item-refresh-delay" />Specify the number of seconds to wait between each `item_refresh` of every movie/show in a collection/playlist.

???+ note

    Useful if your Plex Media Server is having issues with high request levels.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `item_refresh_delay`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** Any Integer 0 or greater (value is in seconds)

**Default Value:** `0`

???+ example "Example"
      item_refresh_delay: 5

??? blank "playlist_sync_to_users - Set the default playlist sync_to_users."

<div id="playlist-sync-to-users" />Set the default playlist `sync_to_users`. To Sync a playlist to only yourself 
leave `playlist_sync_to_users` blank.

???+ note

    sharing playlists with other users will not share any posters associated with the playlist, this is a Plex 

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `playlist_sync_to_users`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** `all`, list of users, or comma-separated string of users

**Default Value:** `all`

???+ example "Example"
        - user1
        - user2

??? blank "playlist_exclude_users - Set the default playlist exclude_users."

<div id="playlist-exclude-users" />Set the default playlist `exclude_users`.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `playlist_exclude_users`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Playlist

**Accepted Values:** list of users or comma-separated string of users

**Default Value:** `None`

???+ example "Example"
        - user1
        - user2

??? blank "playlist_report - Used to print out a playlist report."

<div id="playlist-report" />Set `playlist_report` to true to print out a playlist report at the end of the log.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `playlist_report`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global

**Accepted Values:** `true` or `false`

**Default Value:** `false`

???+ example "Example"
      playlist_report: true

??? blank "run_order - Used to specify the run order of the library components."

<div id="run-order" />Specify the run order of the library components [Library Operations, Collection Files and 
Overlay Files]

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `run_order`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** List or comma-separated string which must include `operations`, `metadata` and `overlays` in 
any order

**Default Value:** `operations,metadata,collections,overlays`

???+ example "Example"
      - collections
      - overlays
      - operations
      - metadata

??? blank "custom_repo - Used to set up the custom repo file block type."

<div id="custom-repo" />Specify where the `repo` attribute's base is when defining `collection_files`, `metadata_files`, `playlist_file` and `overlay_files`.

???+ note

    Ensure you are using the raw GitHub link (i.e.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `custom_repo`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global

**Accepted Values:** Link to repository base

**Default Value:** `None`

???+ example "Example"

??? blank "overlay_artwork_filetype - Used to control the filetype used with overlay images."

<div id="overlay-filetype" />Used to control the filetype used with overlay images.  This setting will only be applied to images generated after the value is added to your config.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `overlay_artwork_filetype`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:**

<table class="clearTable">
  <tr><td>`jpg`</td><td>Use JPG files for saving Overlays</td></tr>
  <tr><td>`png`</td><td>Use PNG files for saving Overlays</td></tr>
  <tr><td>`webp_lossy`</td><td>Use Lossy WEBP files for saving Overlays</td></tr>
  <tr><td>`webp_lossless`</td><td>Use Lossless WEBP files for saving Overlays</td></tr>

**Default Value:** `jpg`

???+ example "Example"
      overlay_artwork_filetype: png

??? blank "overlay_artwork_quality - Used to control the JPG or Lossy WEBP quality used with overlay images."

<div id="overlay-quality" />Used to control the JPG or Lossy WEBP quality used with overlay images. This setting 
will only be applied to images generated after the value is added to your config.

<hr style="margin: 0px;">

**Attribute:** `overlay_artwork_quality`

**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library

**Accepted Values:** Any Integer 1-100 [Values over 95 are not recommended and may result in excessive image size, 
perhaps too large to be uploaded to Plex.

**Default Value:** `None` [when no value is provided the standard 75 is used]

???+ example "Example"
      overlay_artwork_quality: 95

Default Values

The below in an extract of the config.yml.template and is the initial values that are set if you follow any of the installation guides.

???+ tip

We suggest users review each of these settings and amend as necessary, these are just default values to get you 
settings: {%    
  include-markdown "../../config/config.yml.template" 

Example Library-Level Settings

The below showcases how to set a library-level setting, assuming that the attribute is listed as a library-level compatible attribute in the above table.

If no library-level attribute is set, then the global attribute is used.

???+ tip

Press the :fontawesome-solid-circle-plus: icon to learn more
    run_order: #(1)!
    - collections
    - metadata
    - operations
    - overlays
    minimum_items: 3 #(2)!
      # stuff here
      # stuff here
      # stuff here
  TV Shows:
      # stuff here
      # stuff here
      # stuff here
  run_order: #(3)!
  - operations
  - overlays
  - collections
  - metadata
  minimum_items: 1 #(4)!
  1. Sets the run_order specifically for the Movies library
  2. Sets the minimum_items attribute specifically for the Movies library
  3. Sets the global run_order which will apply to all libraries unless a library-level run_order is found, as showcased in the above example
  4. Sets the global minimum_items which will apply to all libraries unless a library-level minimum_items is found, as showcased in the above example