2014-08-01 10:33:12 -07:00

476 lines
20 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace PKHeX
public partial class frmReport : Form
private byte[] SaveData;
private const int PIDOFFSET = 0x18;
private const int TIDOFFSET = 0x0C;
private const int SIDOFFSET = 0x0E;
static Form1 m_parent;
public frmReport(Form1 frm1)
m_parent = frm1;
private static uint LCRNG(uint seed)
uint a = 0x41C64E6D;
uint c = 0x00006073;
seed = (seed * a + c) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
return seed;
public byte[] shuffleArray(byte[] pkx, uint sv)
byte[] ekx = new Byte[260];
Array.Copy(pkx, ekx, 8);
// Now to shuffle the blocks
// Define Shuffle Order Structure
var aloc = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 };
var bloc = new byte[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2 };
var cloc = new byte[] { 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1 };
var dloc = new byte[] { 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// Get Shuffle Order
var shlog = new byte[] { aloc[sv], bloc[sv], cloc[sv], dloc[sv] };
// UnShuffle Away!
for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++)
Array.Copy(pkx, 8 + 56 * shlog[b], ekx, 8 + 56 * b, 56);
// Fill the Battle Stats back
if (pkx.Length > 232)
Array.Copy(pkx, 232, ekx, 232, 28);
return ekx;
public byte[] decryptArray(byte[] ekx)
byte[] pkx = ekx;
uint pv = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkx, 0);
uint sv = (((pv & 0x3E000) >> 0xD) % 24);
uint seed = pv;
// Decrypt Blocks with RNG Seed
for (int i = 8; i < 232; i += 2)
int pre = pkx[i] + ((pkx[i + 1]) << 8);
seed = LCRNG(seed);
int seedxor = (int)((seed) >> 16);
int post = (pre ^ seedxor);
pkx[i] = (byte)((post) & 0xFF);
pkx[i + 1] = (byte)(((post) >> 8) & 0xFF);
// Deshuffle
pkx = shuffleArray(pkx, sv);
// Decrypt the Party Stats
seed = pv;
for (int i = 232; i < 260; i += 2)
int pre = pkx[i] + ((pkx[i + 1]) << 8);
seed = LCRNG(seed);
int seedxor = (int)((seed) >> 16);
int post = (pre ^ seedxor);
pkx[i] = (byte)((post) & 0xFF);
pkx[i + 1] = (byte)(((post) >> 8) & 0xFF);
return pkx;
private UInt16 getTSV(UInt32 PID, UInt16 TID, UInt16 SID)
UInt16 tsv = Convert.ToUInt16((TID ^ SID) >> 4);
return Convert.ToUInt16(((PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 0xFFFF)) >> 4);
private int detectSAVIndex(byte[] data)
int savindex = 0;
SHA256 mySHA256 = SHA256Managed.Create();
byte[] difihash1 = new Byte[0x12C];
byte[] difihash2 = new Byte[0x12C];
Array.Copy(data, 0x330, difihash1, 0, 0x12C);
Array.Copy(data, 0x200, difihash2, 0, 0x12C);
byte[] hashValue1 = mySHA256.ComputeHash(difihash1);
byte[] hashValue2 = mySHA256.ComputeHash(difihash2);
byte[] actualhash = new Byte[0x20];
Array.Copy(data, 0x16C, actualhash, 0, 0x20);
if (hashValue1.SequenceEqual(actualhash))
savindex = 0;
else if (hashValue2.SequenceEqual(actualhash))
savindex = 1;
savindex = 2;
if ((data[0x168] ^ 1) != savindex && savindex != 2)
savindex = 2;
return savindex;
public void PopulateData(byte[] InputData)
//IList<PKX> PL = new List<PKX>();
SaveData = new byte[InputData.Length];
Array.Copy(InputData, SaveData, InputData.Length);
PokemonList PL = new PokemonList();
SaveGames.SaveStruct SaveGame = new SaveGames.SaveStruct("XY");
int savindex = detectSAVIndex(SaveData);
if (savindex > 1) savindex = 0;
for (int BoxNum = 0; BoxNum < 31; BoxNum++)
int boxoffset = 0x27A00 + 0x7F000 * savindex + BoxNum * (0xE8 * 30);
for (int SlotNum = 0; SlotNum < 30; SlotNum++)
int offset = boxoffset + 0xE8 * SlotNum;
byte[] slotdata = new Byte[0xE8];
Array.Copy(SaveData, offset, slotdata, 0, 0xE8);
byte[] dslotdata = decryptArray(slotdata);
PKX pkm = new PKX(dslotdata);
if ((pkm.EC == "00000000") && (pkm.Species == "---")) continue;
dgData.DataSource = PL;
dgData.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
public static string TrimFromZero(string input)
int index = input.IndexOf('\0');
if (index < 0)
return input;
return input.Substring(0, index);
public class PKX
#region Define
private Image pksprite;
private uint mEC, mPID, mIV32,
mcnt_cool, mcnt_beauty, mcnt_cute, mcnt_smart, mcnt_tough, mcnt_sheen,
mmarkings, mhptype;
private string
mnicknamestr, mgenderstring, mnotOT, mot, mSpeciesName, mNatureName, mHPName, mAbilityName,
mMove1N, mMove2N, mMove3N, mMove4N;
private int
mability, mabilitynum, mnature, mfeflag, mgenderflag, maltforms, mPKRS_Strain, mPKRS_Duration,
mmetlevel, motgender;
private bool
misegg, misnick, misshiny;
private ushort
mspecies, mhelditem, mTID, mSID, mTSV, mESV,
mmove1, mmove2, mmove3, mmove4,
mmove1_pp, mmove2_pp, mmove3_pp, mmove4_pp,
mmove1_ppu, mmove2_ppu, mmove3_ppu, mmove4_ppu,
meggmove1, meggmove2, meggmove3, meggmove4,
mOTfriendship, mOTaffection,
megg_year, megg_month, megg_day,
mmet_year, mmet_month, mmet_day,
meggloc, mmetloc,
mball, mencountertype,
mgamevers, mcountryID, mregionID, mdsregID, motlang;
public Image pkimg { get { return pksprite; } }
public string Nickname { get { return mnicknamestr; } }
public string Species { get { return mSpeciesName; } }
public string Nature { get { return mNatureName; } }
public string Gender { get { return mgenderstring; } }
public string ESV { get { return mESV.ToString("0000"); } }
public string HP_Type { get { return mHPName; } }
public string Ability { get { return mAbilityName; } }
public string Move1 { get { return mMove1N; } }
public string Move2 { get { return mMove2N; } }
public string Move3 { get { return mMove3N; } }
public string Move4 { get { return mMove4N; } }
#region Extraneous
public string EC { get { return mEC.ToString("X8"); } }
public string PID { get { return mPID.ToString("X8"); } }
public uint HP_IV { get { return mHP_IV; } }
public uint ATK_IV { get { return mATK_IV; } }
public uint DEF_IV { get { return mDEF_IV; } }
public uint SPA_IV { get { return mSPA_IV; } }
public uint SPD_IV { get { return mSPD_IV; } }
public uint SPE_IV { get { return mSPE_IV; } }
public uint EXP { get { return mexp; } }
public uint HP_EV { get { return mHP_EV; } }
public uint ATK_EV { get { return mATK_EV; } }
public uint DEF_EV { get { return mDEF_EV; } }
public uint SPA_EV { get { return mSPA_EV; } }
public uint SPD_EV { get { return mSPD_EV; } }
public uint SPE_EV { get { return mSPE_EV; } }
public uint Cool { get { return mcnt_cool; } }
public uint Beauty { get { return mcnt_beauty; } }
public uint Cute { get { return mcnt_cute; } }
public uint Smart { get { return mcnt_smart; } }
public uint Tough { get { return mcnt_tough; } }
public uint Sheen { get { return mcnt_sheen; } }
public uint Markings { get { return mmarkings; } }
public string NotOT { get { return mnotOT; } }
public string OT { get { return mot; } }
public int AbilityNum { get { return mabilitynum; } }
public int FatefulFlag { get { return mfeflag; } }
public int GenderFlag { get { return mgenderflag; } }
public int AltForms { get { return maltforms; } }
public int PKRS_Strain { get { return mPKRS_Strain; } }
public int PKRS_Days { get { return mPKRS_Duration; } }
public int MetLevel { get { return mmetlevel; } }
public int OT_Gender { get { return motgender; } }
public bool IsEgg { get { return misegg; } }
public bool IsNicknamed { get { return misnick; } }
public bool IsShiny { get { return misshiny; } }
public ushort HeldItem { get { return mhelditem; } }
public ushort TID { get { return mTID; } }
public ushort SID { get { return mSID; } }
public ushort TSV { get { return mTSV; } }
public ushort Move1_PP { get { return mmove1_pp; } }
public ushort Move2_PP { get { return mmove2_pp; } }
public ushort Move3_PP { get { return mmove3_pp; } }
public ushort Move4_PP { get { return mmove4_pp; } }
public ushort Move1_PPUp { get { return mmove1_ppu; } }
public ushort Move2_PPUp { get { return mmove2_ppu; } }
public ushort Move3_PPUp { get { return mmove3_ppu; } }
public ushort Move4_PPUp { get { return mmove4_ppu; } }
public ushort EggMove1 { get { return meggmove1; } }
public ushort EggMove2 { get { return meggmove2; } }
public ushort EggMove3 { get { return meggmove3; } }
public ushort EggMove4 { get { return meggmove4; } }
public ushort Checksum { get { return mchk; } }
public ushort Friendship { get { return mOTfriendship; } }
public ushort OT_Affection { get { return mOTaffection; } }
public ushort Egg_Year { get { return megg_year; } }
public ushort Egg_Day { get { return megg_month; } }
public ushort Egg_Month { get { return megg_day; } }
public ushort Met_Year { get { return mmet_year; } }
public ushort Met_Day { get { return mmet_month; } }
public ushort Met_Month { get { return mmet_day; } }
public ushort Egg_Location { get { return meggloc; } }
public ushort Met_Location { get { return mmetloc; } }
public ushort Ball { get { return mball; } }
public ushort Encounter { get { return mencountertype; } }
public ushort GameVersion { get { return mgamevers; } }
public ushort CountryID { get { return mcountryID; } }
public ushort RegionID { get { return mregionID; } }
public ushort DSRegionID { get { return mdsregID; } }
public ushort OTLang { get { return motlang; } }
public PKX(byte[] pkx)
mnicknamestr = "";
mnotOT = "";
mot = "";
mEC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkx, 0);
mchk = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 6);
mspecies = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x08);
mhelditem = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x0A);
mTID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x0C);
mSID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x0E);
mexp = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkx, 0x10);
mability = pkx[0x14];
mabilitynum = pkx[0x15];
// 0x16, 0x17 - unknown
mPID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkx, 0x18);
mnature = pkx[0x1C];
mfeflag = pkx[0x1D] % 2;
mgenderflag = (pkx[0x1D] >> 1) & 0x3;
maltforms = (pkx[0x1D] >> 3);
mHP_EV = pkx[0x1E];
mATK_EV = pkx[0x1F];
mDEF_EV = pkx[0x20];
mSPA_EV = pkx[0x22];
mSPD_EV = pkx[0x23];
mSPE_EV = pkx[0x21];
mcnt_cool = pkx[0x24];
mcnt_beauty = pkx[0x25];
mcnt_cute = pkx[0x26];
mcnt_smart = pkx[0x27];
mcnt_tough = pkx[0x28];
mcnt_sheen = pkx[0x29];
mmarkings = pkx[0x2A];
mPKRS_Strain = pkx[0x2B] >> 4;
mPKRS_Duration = pkx[0x2B] % 0x10;
// Block B
mnicknamestr = TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(pkx, 0x40, 24));
// 0x58, 0x59 - unused
mmove1 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x5A);
mmove2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x5C);
mmove3 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x5E);
mmove4 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x60);
mmove1_pp = pkx[0x62];
mmove2_pp = pkx[0x63];
mmove3_pp = pkx[0x64];
mmove4_pp = pkx[0x65];
mmove1_ppu = pkx[0x66];
mmove2_ppu = pkx[0x67];
mmove3_ppu = pkx[0x68];
mmove4_ppu = pkx[0x69];
meggmove1 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x6A);
meggmove2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x6C);
meggmove3 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x6E);
meggmove4 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0x70);
// 0x72 - Super Training Flag - Passed with pkx to new form
// 0x73 - unused/unknown
mIV32 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkx, 0x74);
mHP_IV = mIV32 & 0x1F;
mATK_IV = (mIV32 >> 5) & 0x1F;
mDEF_IV = (mIV32 >> 10) & 0x1F;
mSPE_IV = (mIV32 >> 15) & 0x1F;
mSPA_IV = (mIV32 >> 20) & 0x1F;
mSPD_IV = (mIV32 >> 25) & 0x1F;
misegg = Convert.ToBoolean((mIV32 >> 30) & 1);
misnick = Convert.ToBoolean((mIV32 >> 31));
// Block C
mnotOT = TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(pkx, 0x78, 24));
bool notOTG = Convert.ToBoolean(pkx[0x92]);
// Memory Editor edits everything else with pkx in a new form
// Block D
mot = TrimFromZero(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(pkx, 0xB0, 24));
// 0xC8, 0xC9 - unused
mOTfriendship = pkx[0xCA];
mOTaffection = pkx[0xCB]; // Handled by Memory Editor
// 0xCC, 0xCD, 0xCE, 0xCF, 0xD0
megg_year = pkx[0xD1];
megg_month = pkx[0xD2];
megg_day = pkx[0xD3];
mmet_year = pkx[0xD4];
mmet_month = pkx[0xD5];
mmet_day = pkx[0xD6];
// 0xD7 - unused
meggloc = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0xD8);
mmetloc = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pkx, 0xDA);
mball = pkx[0xDC];
mmetlevel = pkx[0xDD] & 0x7F;
motgender = (pkx[0xDD]) >> 7;
mencountertype = pkx[0xDE];
mgamevers = pkx[0xDF];
mcountryID = pkx[0xE0];
mregionID = pkx[0xE1];
mdsregID = pkx[0xE2];
motlang = pkx[0xE3];
if (mgenderflag == 0)
mgenderstring = "♂";
else if (mgenderflag == 1)
mgenderstring = "♀";
else mgenderstring = "-";
mhptype = (15 * ((mHP_IV & 1) + 2 * (mATK_IV & 1) + 4 * (mDEF_IV & 1) + 8 * (mSPE_IV & 1) + 16 * (mSPA_IV & 1) + 32 * (mSPD_IV & 1))) / 63 + 1;
mTSV = (ushort)((mTID ^ mSID) >> 4);
mESV = (ushort)(((mPID >> 16) ^ (mPID & 0xFFFF)) >> 4);
misshiny = (mTSV == mESV);
// Nidoran Gender Fixing Text
if (!Convert.ToBoolean(misnick))
if (mnicknamestr.Contains((char)0xE08F))
mnicknamestr = Regex.Replace(mnicknamestr, "\uE08F", "\u2640");
else if (mnicknamestr.Contains((char)0xE08E))
mnicknamestr = Regex.Replace(mnicknamestr, "\uE08E", "\u2642");
int species = BitConverter.ToInt16(pkx, 0x08); // Get Species
uint isegg = (BitConverter.ToUInt32(pkx, 0x74) >> 30) & 1;
int altforms = (pkx[0x1D] >> 3);
int gender = (pkx[0x1D] >> 1) & 0x3;
string file;
if (isegg == 1)
{ file = "egg"; }
file = "_" + species.ToString();
if (altforms > 0) // Alt Form Handling
file = file + "_" + altforms.ToString();
else if ((species == 521) && (gender == 1)) // Unfezant
file = file = "_" + species.ToString() + "f";
if (species == 0)
file = "_0";
pksprite = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(file);
mSpeciesName = m_parent.specieslist[mspecies];
mNatureName = m_parent.natures[mnature];
mHPName = m_parent.types[mhptype];
mAbilityName = m_parent.abilitylist[mability];
mMove1N = m_parent.movelist[mmove1];
mMove2N = m_parent.movelist[mmove2];
mMove3N = m_parent.movelist[mmove3];
mMove4N = m_parent.movelist[mmove4];
catch { return; }
public class PokemonList : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<PKX> { }
public static class ExtensionMethods // Speed up scrolling
public static void DoubleBuffered(this DataGridView dgv, bool setting)
Type dgvType = dgv.GetType();
PropertyInfo pi = dgvType.GetProperty("DoubleBuffered", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
pi.SetValue(dgv, setting, null);