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synced 2025-02-17 05:48:44 +00:00
638 lines
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638 lines
26 KiB
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace PKHeX.Core
// Base Class for Save Files
public abstract class SaveFile
public static bool SetUpdateDex = true;
public static bool SetUpdatePKM = true;
// General Object Properties
public byte[] Data;
public bool Edited;
public string FileName, FilePath;
public abstract string BAKName { get; }
public byte[] BAK { get; protected set; }
public bool Exportable { get; protected set; }
public abstract SaveFile Clone();
public abstract string Filter { get; }
public byte[] Footer { protected get; set; } = new byte[0]; // .dsv
public byte[] Header { protected get; set; } = new byte[0]; // .gci
public bool Japanese { get; set; }
public string PlayTimeString => $"{PlayedHours}ː{PlayedMinutes:00}ː{PlayedSeconds:00}"; // not :
public virtual bool IndeterminateGame => false;
public virtual bool IndeterminateLanguage => false;
public virtual bool IndeterminateSubVersion => false;
public abstract string Extension { get; }
public virtual string[] PKMExtensions => PKM.Extensions.Where(f =>
int gen = f.Last() - 0x30;
return 3 <= gen && gen <= Generation;
public virtual bool IsMemoryCardSave => false;
// General PKM Properties
public abstract Type PKMType { get; }
public abstract PKM getPKM(byte[] data);
public abstract PKM BlankPKM { get; }
public abstract byte[] decryptPKM(byte[] data);
public abstract int SIZE_STORED { get; }
public abstract int SIZE_PARTY { get; }
public abstract int MaxEV { get; }
public virtual int MaxIV => 31;
public ushort[] HeldItems { get; protected set; }
// General SAV Properties
public virtual byte[] Write(bool DSV, bool GCI)
return Write(DSV);
public virtual byte[] Write(bool DSV)
if (Footer.Length > 0 && DSV)
return Data.Concat(Footer).ToArray();
if (Header.Length > 0)
return Header.Concat(Data).ToArray();
return Data;
public virtual string MiscSaveChecks() { return ""; }
public virtual string MiscSaveInfo() { return ""; }
public virtual GameVersion Version { get; protected set; }
public abstract bool ChecksumsValid { get; }
public abstract string ChecksumInfo { get; }
public abstract int Generation { get; }
public PersonalTable Personal { get; set; }
public bool SM => Data.Length == SaveUtil.SIZE_G7SM;
public bool ORASDEMO => Data.Length == SaveUtil.SIZE_G6ORASDEMO;
public bool ORAS => Data.Length == SaveUtil.SIZE_G6ORAS;
public bool XY => Data.Length == SaveUtil.SIZE_G6XY;
public bool B2W2 => Version == GameVersion.B2W2;
public bool BW => Version == GameVersion.BW;
public bool HGSS => Version == GameVersion.HGSS;
public bool Pt => Version == GameVersion.Pt;
public bool DP => Version == GameVersion.DP;
public bool E => Version == GameVersion.E;
public bool FRLG => Version == GameVersion.FRLG;
public bool RS => Version == GameVersion.RS;
public bool GSC => Version == GameVersion.GS || Version == GameVersion.C;
public bool RBY => Version == GameVersion.RBY;
public bool GameCube => new[] { GameVersion.COLO, GameVersion.XD, GameVersion.RSBOX }.Contains(Version);
public virtual int MaxMoveID => int.MaxValue;
public virtual int MaxSpeciesID => int.MaxValue;
public virtual int MaxAbilityID => int.MaxValue;
public virtual int MaxItemID => int.MaxValue;
public virtual int MaxBallID => int.MaxValue;
public virtual int MaxGameID => int.MaxValue;
// Flags
public bool HasWondercards => WondercardData > -1;
public bool HasSuperTrain => SuperTrain > -1;
public bool HasBerryField => BerryField > -1;
public bool HasHoF => HoF > -1;
public bool HasSecretBase => SecretBase > -1;
public bool HasPuff => Puff > -1;
public bool HasPSS => PSS > -1;
public bool HasOPower => OPower > -1;
public bool HasJPEG => JPEGData != null;
public bool HasBox => Box > -1;
public virtual bool HasParty => Party > -1;
public bool HasBattleBox => BattleBox > -1;
public bool HasFused => Fused > -1;
public bool HasGTS => GTS > -1;
public bool HasDaycare => Daycare > -1;
public virtual bool HasPokeDex => PokeDex > -1;
public virtual bool HasBoxWallpapers => getBoxWallpaperOffset(0) > -1;
public virtual bool HasSUBE => SUBE > -1 && !ORAS;
public virtual bool HasGeolocation => false;
public bool HasPokeBlock => ORAS && !ORASDEMO;
public bool HasEvents => EventFlags != null;
public bool HasLink => ORAS && !ORASDEMO || XY;
// Counts
protected virtual int GiftCountMax { get; } = int.MinValue;
protected virtual int GiftFlagMax { get; } = 0x800;
protected virtual int EventFlagMax { get; } = int.MinValue;
protected virtual int EventConstMax { get; } = int.MinValue;
public virtual int DaycareSeedSize { get; } = 0;
public abstract int OTLength { get; }
public abstract int NickLength { get; }
public virtual int MaxMoney => 9999999;
public virtual int MaxCoins => 9999;
public virtual int MaxShadowID => 0;
// Offsets
protected virtual int Box { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int Party { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int Trainer1 { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int Daycare { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int WondercardData { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int PCLayout { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int EventFlag { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int EventConst { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
public int GTS { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int BattleBox { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int Fused { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int SUBE { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int PokeDex { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int SuperTrain { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int SecretBase { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int Puff { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int PSS { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int BerryField { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int OPower { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
public int HoF { get; protected set; } = int.MinValue;
// SAV Properties
public PKM[] BoxData
PKM[] data = new PKM[BoxCount*BoxSlotCount];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
data[i] = getStoredSlot(getBoxOffset(i/BoxSlotCount) + SIZE_STORED*(i%BoxSlotCount));
data[i].Identifier = $"{getBoxName(i/BoxSlotCount)}:{i%BoxSlotCount + 1:00}";
data[i].Box = i/BoxSlotCount + 1;
data[i].Slot = i%BoxSlotCount + 1;
data[i].Locked = getIsSlotLocked(data[i].Box, data[i].Slot);
return data;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (value.Length != BoxCount*BoxSlotCount)
throw new ArgumentException($"Expected {BoxCount*BoxSlotCount}, got {value.Length}");
if (value.Any(pk => PKMType != pk.GetType()))
throw new ArgumentException($"Not {PKMType} array.");
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
setStoredSlot(value[i], getBoxOffset(i/BoxSlotCount) + SIZE_STORED*(i%BoxSlotCount));
public PKM[] PartyData
PKM[] data = new PKM[PartyCount];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
data[i] = getPartySlot(getPartyOffset(i));
return data;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (value.Length == 0 || value.Length > 6)
throw new ArgumentException("Expected 1-6, got " + value.Length);
if (value.Any(pk => PKMType != pk.GetType()))
throw new ArgumentException($"Not {PKMType} array.");
if (value[0].Species == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Can't have an empty first slot." + value.Length);
PKM[] newParty = value.Where(pk => pk.Species != 0).ToArray();
PartyCount = newParty.Length;
Array.Resize(ref newParty, 6);
for (int i = PartyCount; i < newParty.Length; i++)
newParty[i] = BlankPKM;
for (int i = 0; i < newParty.Length; i++)
setPartySlot(newParty[i], getPartyOffset(i));
public PKM[] BattleBoxData
if (!HasBattleBox)
return new PKM[0];
PKM[] data = new PKM[6];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
data[i] = getStoredSlot(BattleBox + SIZE_STORED * i);
data[i].Locked = BattleBoxLocked;
if (data[i].Species == 0)
return data.Take(i).ToArray();
return data;
public bool[] EventFlags
if (EventFlagMax < 0)
return null;
bool[] Flags = new bool[EventFlagMax];
for (int i = 0; i < Flags.Length; i++)
Flags[i] = (Data[EventFlag + i / 8] >> i % 8 & 0x1) == 1;
return Flags;
if (EventFlagMax < 0)
if (value.Length != EventFlagMax)
byte[] data = new byte[value.Length / 8];
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
if (value[i])
data[i >> 3] |= (byte)(1 << (i & 7));
data.CopyTo(Data, EventFlag);
public ushort[] EventConsts
if (EventConstMax < 0)
return null;
ushort[] Constants = new ushort[EventConstMax];
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.Length; i++)
Constants[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, EventConst + i * 2);
return Constants;
if (EventConstMax < 0)
if (value.Length != EventConstMax)
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
BitConverter.GetBytes(value[i]).CopyTo(Data, EventConst + i * 2);
// Inventory
public virtual InventoryPouch[] Inventory { get; set; }
protected int OFS_PouchHeldItem { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_PouchKeyItem { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_PouchMedicine { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_PouchTMHM { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_PouchBerry { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_PouchBalls { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_BattleItems { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_MailItems { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_PCItem { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
protected int OFS_PouchZCrystals { get; set; } = int.MinValue;
// Mystery Gift
protected virtual bool[] MysteryGiftReceivedFlags { get => null; set { } }
protected virtual MysteryGift[] MysteryGiftCards { get => null; set { } }
public virtual MysteryGiftAlbum GiftAlbum
get => new MysteryGiftAlbum
Flags = MysteryGiftReceivedFlags,
Gifts = MysteryGiftCards
MysteryGiftReceivedFlags = value.Flags;
MysteryGiftCards = value.Gifts;
public virtual bool BattleBoxLocked { get => false; set { } }
public virtual string JPEGTitle => null;
public virtual byte[] JPEGData => null;
public virtual int Country { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int ConsoleRegion { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int SubRegion { get => -1; set { } }
// Trainer Info
public virtual int Gender { get; set; }
public virtual int Language { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual int Game { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual ushort TID { get; set; }
public virtual ushort SID { get; set; }
public int TrainerID7 => (int)((uint)(TID | (SID << 16)) % 1000000);
public virtual string OT { get; set; }
public virtual int PlayedHours { get; set; }
public virtual int PlayedMinutes { get; set; }
public virtual int PlayedSeconds { get; set; }
public virtual int SecondsToStart { get; set; }
public virtual int SecondsToFame { get; set; }
public virtual uint Money { get; set; }
public abstract int BoxCount { get; }
public virtual int PartyCount { get; protected set; }
public virtual int MultiplayerSpriteID { get => 0; set { } }
// Varied Methods
protected abstract void setChecksums();
public abstract int getBoxOffset(int box);
public abstract int getPartyOffset(int slot);
public abstract string getBoxName(int box);
public abstract void setBoxName(int box, string val);
public virtual int GameSyncIDSize { get; } = 8;
public virtual string GameSyncID { get => null; set { } }
public virtual ulong? Secure1 { get => null; set { } }
public virtual ulong? Secure2 { get => null; set { } }
// Daycare
public int DaycareIndex = 0;
public virtual bool HasTwoDaycares => false;
public virtual int getDaycareSlotOffset(int loc, int slot) { return -1; }
public virtual uint? getDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot) { return null; }
public virtual string getDaycareRNGSeed(int loc) { return null; }
public virtual bool? getDaycareHasEgg(int loc) { return null; }
public virtual bool? getDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot) { return null; }
public virtual void setDaycareEXP(int loc, int slot, uint EXP) { }
public virtual void setDaycareRNGSeed(int loc, string seed) { }
public virtual void setDaycareHasEgg(int loc, bool hasEgg) { }
public virtual void setDaycareOccupied(int loc, int slot, bool occupied) { }
// Storage
public virtual int BoxSlotCount => 30;
public virtual int BoxesUnlocked { get => -1; set { } }
public virtual byte[] BoxFlags { get => null; set { } }
public virtual int CurrentBox { get => 0; set { } }
protected int[] LockedSlots = new int[0];
protected int[] TeamSlots = new int[0];
public bool MoveBox(int box, int insertBeforeBox)
if (box == insertBeforeBox) // no movement required
return true;
if (box >= BoxCount || insertBeforeBox >= BoxCount) // invalid box positions
return false;
int pos1 = BoxSlotCount*box;
int pos2 = BoxSlotCount*insertBeforeBox;
int min = Math.Min(pos1, pos2);
int max = Math.Max(pos1, pos2);
if (LockedSlots.Any(slot => min <= slot && slot < max)) // slots locked within operation range
return false;
int len = BoxSlotCount*SIZE_STORED;
byte[] boxdata = getData(getBoxOffset(0), len*BoxCount); // get all boxes
string[] boxNames = new int[BoxCount].Select((x, i) => getBoxName(i)).ToArray();
int[] boxWallpapers = new int[BoxCount].Select((x, i) => getBoxWallpaper(i)).ToArray();
min /= BoxSlotCount;
max /= BoxSlotCount;
// move all boxes within range to final spot
for (int i = min, ctr = min; i < max; i++)
int b = insertBeforeBox; // if box is the moved box, move to insertion point, else move to unused box.
if (i != box)
if (insertBeforeBox == ctr)
b = ctr++;
Array.Copy(boxdata, len*i, Data, getBoxOffset(b), len);
setBoxName(b, boxNames[i]);
setBoxWallpaper(b, boxWallpapers[i]);
return true;
public bool SwapBox(int box1, int box2)
if (box1 == box2) // no movement required
return true;
if (box1 >= BoxCount || box2 >= BoxCount) // invalid box positions
return false;
int min = BoxSlotCount * box1;
int max = BoxSlotCount * box1 + BoxSlotCount;
if (LockedSlots.Any(slot => min <= slot && slot < max)) // locked slot within box
return false;
if (TeamSlots.Any(slot => min <= slot && slot < max)) // team slot within box
return false;
min = BoxSlotCount * box2;
max = BoxSlotCount * box2 + BoxSlotCount;
if (LockedSlots.Any(slot => min <= slot && slot < max)) // locked slot within box
return false;
if (TeamSlots.Any(slot => min <= slot && slot < max)) // team slot within box
return false;
// Data
int b1o = getBoxOffset(box1);
int b2o = getBoxOffset(box2);
int len = BoxSlotCount*SIZE_STORED;
byte[] b1 = new byte[len];
Array.Copy(Data, b1o, b1, 0, len);
Array.Copy(Data, b2o, Data, b1o, len);
Array.Copy(b1, 0, Data, b2o, len);
// Name
string b1n = getBoxName(box1);
setBoxName(box1, getBoxName(box2));
setBoxName(box2, b1n);
// Wallpaper
int b1w = getBoxWallpaper(box1);
setBoxWallpaper(box1, getBoxWallpaper(box2));
setBoxWallpaper(box2, b1w);
return true;
protected virtual int getBoxWallpaperOffset(int box) { return -1; }
public int getBoxWallpaper(int box)
int offset = getBoxWallpaperOffset(box);
if (offset < 0 || box > BoxCount)
return box;
return Data[offset];
public virtual void setBoxWallpaper(int box, int val)
int offset = getBoxWallpaperOffset(box);
if (offset < 0 || box > BoxCount)
Data[offset] = (byte)val;
public virtual PKM getPartySlot(int offset)
return getPKM(decryptPKM(getData(offset, SIZE_PARTY)));
public virtual PKM getStoredSlot(int offset)
return getPKM(decryptPKM(getData(offset, SIZE_STORED)));
public void setPartySlot(PKM pkm, int offset, bool? trade = null, bool? dex = null)
if (pkm == null) return;
if (pkm.GetType() != PKMType)
throw new ArgumentException($"PKM Format needs to be {PKMType} when setting to this Save File.");
if (trade ?? SetUpdatePKM)
if (dex ?? SetUpdateDex)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (getPartyOffset(i) == offset)
if (PartyCount <= i)
PartyCount = i + 1;
setData(pkm.EncryptedPartyData, offset);
Edited = true;
public virtual void setStoredSlot(PKM pkm, int offset, bool? trade = null, bool? dex = null)
if (pkm == null) return;
if (pkm.GetType() != PKMType)
throw new ArgumentException($"PKM Format needs to be {PKMType} when setting to this Save File.");
if (trade ?? SetUpdatePKM)
if (dex ?? SetUpdateDex)
setData(pkm.EncryptedBoxData, offset);
Edited = true;
public void deletePartySlot(int slot)
if (PartyCount <= slot) // beyond party range (or empty data already present)
// Move all party slots down one
for (int i = slot + 1; i < 6; i++) // Slide slots down
int slotTo = getPartyOffset(i - 1);
int slotFrom = getPartyOffset(i);
setData(getData(slotFrom, SIZE_PARTY), slotTo);
setStoredSlot(BlankPKM, getPartyOffset(5), false, false);
PartyCount -= 1;
public virtual bool getIsSlotLocked(int box, int slot) { return false; }
public bool getBoxHasLockedSlot(int BoxStart, int BoxEnd)
return LockedSlots.Any(slot => BoxStart*BoxSlotCount <= slot && slot < (BoxEnd + 1)*BoxSlotCount);
public virtual bool getIsTeamSet(int box, int slot) { return false; }
public void sortBoxes(int BoxStart = 0, int BoxEnd = -1)
PKM[] BD = BoxData;
var Section = BD.Skip(BoxStart*BoxSlotCount);
if (BoxEnd > BoxStart)
Section = Section.Take(BoxSlotCount*(BoxEnd - BoxStart));
var Sorted = Section
.OrderBy(p => p.Species == 0) // empty slots at end
.ThenBy(p => p.IsEgg) // eggs to the end
.ThenBy(p => p.Species) // species sorted
.ThenBy(p => p.AltForm) // altforms sorted
.ThenBy(p => p.IsNicknamed).ToArray();
Array.Copy(Sorted, 0, BD, BoxStart*BoxSlotCount, Sorted.Length);
BoxData = BD;
public void resetBoxes(int BoxStart = 0, int BoxEnd = -1)
if (BoxEnd < 0)
BoxEnd = BoxCount;
var blank = BlankPKM.EncryptedBoxData;
if (this is SAV3RSBox)
Array.Resize(ref blank, blank.Length + 4); // 00000 TID/SID at end
for (int i = BoxStart; i < BoxEnd; i++)
int offset = getBoxOffset(i);
for (int p = 0; p < BoxSlotCount; p++)
setData(blank, offset + SIZE_STORED * p);
public byte[] getPCBin() { return BoxData.SelectMany(pk => pk.EncryptedBoxData).ToArray(); }
public byte[] getBoxBin(int box) { return BoxData.Skip(box*BoxSlotCount).Take(BoxSlotCount).SelectMany(pk => pk.EncryptedBoxData).ToArray(); }
public bool setPCBin(byte[] data)
if (LockedSlots.Any())
return false;
if (data.Length != getPCBin().Length)
return false;
int len = BlankPKM.EncryptedBoxData.Length;
// split up data to individual pkm
byte[][] pkdata = new byte[data.Length/len][];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += len)
pkdata[i/len] = new byte[len];
Array.Copy(data, i, pkdata[i/len], 0, len);
PKM[] pkms = BoxData;
for (int i = 0; i < pkms.Length; i++)
pkms[i] = getPKM(decryptPKM(pkdata[i]));
BoxData = pkms;
return true;
public bool setBoxBin(byte[] data, int box)
if (LockedSlots.Any(slot => box * BoxSlotCount <= slot && slot < (box + 1) * BoxSlotCount))
return false;
if (data.Length != getBoxBin(box).Length)
return false;
int len = BlankPKM.EncryptedBoxData.Length;
// split up data to individual pkm
byte[][] pkdata = new byte[data.Length/len][];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += len)
pkdata[i/len] = new byte[len];
Array.Copy(data, i, pkdata[i/len], 0, len);
PKM[] pkms = BoxData;
for (int i = 0; i < BoxSlotCount; i++)
pkms[box*BoxSlotCount + i] = getPKM(decryptPKM(pkdata[i]));
BoxData = pkms;
return true;
protected virtual void setPKM(PKM pkm) { }
protected virtual void setDex(PKM pkm) { }
public virtual bool getSeen(int species) => false;
public virtual void setSeen(int species, bool seen) { }
public virtual bool getCaught(int species) => false;
public virtual void setCaught(int species, bool caught) { }
public int SeenCount => HasPokeDex ? new bool[MaxSpeciesID].Where((b, i) => getSeen(i+1)).Count() : 0;
public int CaughtCount => HasPokeDex ? new bool[MaxSpeciesID].Where((b, i) => getCaught(i+1)).Count() : 0;
public byte[] getData(int Offset, int Length)
if (Offset + Length > Data.Length)
return null;
byte[] data = new byte[Length];
Array.Copy(Data, Offset, data, 0, Length);
return data;
public void setData(byte[] input, int Offset)
input.CopyTo(Data, Offset);
Edited = true;
public abstract string getString(int Offset, int Length);
public abstract byte[] setString(string value, int maxLength, int PadToSize = 0, ushort PadWith = 0);
public virtual bool RequiresMemeCrypto => false;
public virtual string eBerryName => string.Empty;
public virtual bool eBerryIsEnigma => true;